View Full Version : China Deal- Cui Bono- Banksters!!!

15th January 2020, 12:07 PM
Cui bono? The bankers… (so I guess those warnings about Trump have Wilbur Ross as Sec of Commerce were right—everyone said he was a Rothschild agent)

Comments from Zerohedge

* So, they buy our food, and we buy their BAD DEBTS. That's quite the Art of the Deal

*Financial Services- Biggest winners. Wall Street.

China shall allow U.S. financial services suppliers to apply for asset management company licenses that would permit them to acquire non-performing loans directly from Chinese banks So, China is going to sell bad debt to US financial companies... good luck collecting in Chinese courts. You know why 2008 GFC happened? Companies selling bad debt rated as AAAAA investments. I could go on, but why bother. It's not even a trade deal. The Trump Admin has priorly stated that it does not need to be ratified in The Senate. Trump calling it a "trade deal" is like calling a "pedestrian fence" a "wall".

* It is not even about votes, since Trump knows his master are going to give him another 4 anyhow…it is about deception…our manufacturing was supposed to be brought back, instead they make a deal that does nothing to address that and gives billions to the corporations that moved their companies to China, and does nothing for the small business owner or farmer… Ah how easily the goyim are fooled…Trump was going to bring our manufacturing jobs back, right??? But instead he gives us a deal that lets China keep them there, and the goyim are cheering for it, as they get F'k once again…

* China shall allow U.S. financial services suppliers to apply for asset management company licenses that would permit them to acquire non-performing loans directly from Chinese banks, beginning with provincial licenses. When additional national licenses are granted, China shall treat U.S. financial services suppliers on a non-discriminatory basis with Chinese suppliers, including with respect to the granting of such licenses. Hahaha ... now that's fucking solid gold; Translation; the US Federal Reserve now has the ability to bail out Chinese banks; via the usual proxies.

* MIGA wins again, jooo banksters love their hero Trumpstein.

*So it always has and always will be about American financial services in China. Can't wait to bailout those banks that get Rehypothecated in China. Shocked, shocked I tells ya.

* The most significant changes are those to the banking sector. China is now going to allow western banks free reign, allow the acquisition of more debt to pump into the derivatives market, and US ratings firms will be solely responsible for rating those bonds. It's the appearance of an agreement to help the farmers but in reality it's an agreement to allow western banks more access to China.

Financial Services: Banks, insurers and credit rating companies have tried for years to gain more access to the Chinese market. (as if they needed any help blowing up their banking system. can't wait till the US taxpayer has to bail out US banks when that happens.)

* CHINA TO ALLOW U.S. INVESTORS TO BUY NON-PERFORMING LOANS" Even more access to high risk gambling for wall street. Another outlet for the Repo bailout money to drain into.

* phase 1: banks buy a bunch of bad debt from china, sell it off to investors and when you have to mark down what's left in your inventory, the US taxpayer writes you a huge check. sound familiar anyone?

* China buys our natural resources and the US buys China's manufactured goods, win win for China.

* So where's the VALUE ADDED. How will any of this result in manufacturing jobs coming home to America? Answers ... please ....

The value is going to wall street and Chinese bankers. No job's coming back to the US. US gets screwed again

* An absolute fraud. The dumb slave will suffer as they watch the nfl games and eat hot dogs. FUCK, americans are stupid.

* Let me summarize the enforcement mechanism for you: In a dispute, either party may cancel the contract. I kid you not. Wait till a lawyer reads this. (what Greg Mannarino said about unenforceable)

*I'd like to point out that after this "trade deal" with China, they'll actually be buying 8 billion dollars less in agricultural goods than they were before. It almost feels as if Trump purposefully put small farmers out in the shit-house while handing subsidy payments to the huge agriculture businesses while giving basically nothing to small farmers, forcing them to go bankrupt. But then, 2 years later, Trump comes back (after allowing huge agri-business to gobble up the small business farmer) with a trade deal that is about the same as it was before..

*I wonder how much of those agricultural purchases are for gmo crops from Monsanto... It will all go to Big Ag, you can bet on that, and Big Ag will use that extra income to continue to put the small farmer out of business,

* Hahahahahaha winning much lol. Dumb trumptards, no gains for you, no binding agreement, nothing, just bs for pre election time China will “strive”

And LOL!! on this one:

*I feel like I paid for a date with a pricey call girl and just got jerked off by a tranny in an alleyway...Now a "trade deal" between the USA and China? There's a much bigger board game a foot. My guess? Trump made a deal to spike impeachment and get reelected. Israel wins in it's territorial expansion efforts. China gets to outJew the American people when bad Chinese debt gets shoved off on the American taxpayer by the (((banks))) once the Chinese start defaulting. What about the Americans? We're already winning for Israel, so what will it matter?

22nd January 2020, 05:39 PM
Worth Noticing (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1579738560087.png)

22nd January 2020, 06:04 PM
Worth Noticing



This Is Now Obviously Serious


22nd January 2020, 06:23 PM
This Is Now Obviously Serious


