View Full Version : Greg Mannarino- financial stuff...

16th January 2020, 12:02 PM
I've been following this Greg Mannarino guy more regularly and will post some of his good ones here in case others are interested.

Worth also skimming some of his and others in response to the video. He thinks Trump works for the banksters



16th July 2020, 10:32 PM
Listened to this a couple of days ago.

Mannarino calling the corona HOAX a FEDERAL RESERVE PSYOP, FEDERAL RESERVE BLACK OP---kind of think that's a good way of putting it, calling out who is really behind it


Title of this one says it all--sadly, that's how I see it too. America has fallen and the citizens are too brainwashed and braindead to even know what's going on.

America Has Fallen: The Federal Reserve IS NOW IN CONTROL. Mannarinohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FBiJdzz8RE


17th July 2020, 03:58 AM
Talking heads generally find that it is easier to program people who have already proven themselves susceptible. Same sentiment holds true for politicians and other forms of criminals.

When you decide to be a victim what is totally amazing is that there is a group out there that will either send you further along the path you have chosen or send you down another rabbithole where you get to be another flavor of victim.

24th July 2020, 10:09 AM
message from Greg Mannarino (I'm on his newsletter list):

check out the Southpark cartoon

I want to share this with you. (https://email.mg2.substack.com/c/eJxdkc2umzAQhZ8m7EDmHxZetIlymzQQ3askve0GGXsSJoCNjA klT1-SdNNKM5tz5mhG83Fm4KL0RDvVG2voQRcoaOIlhISRJWgg3CRML OyLswZoGTbU6AGsbigb5Mygko-AHwZ-aFU0jniZptEcFhEXLDqfISCclGkcQRQG3HqsKdggECQHCjfQk5 JgNbQypusX_peFt57rop9XtUxKplEqpx_K3jBeO1y1s9_NjfbI pLGNsvuKabBNhb09oqnsSQ0Lf21UDXLhr2Dautw7TZ9eU2-uKsiulzFbHb3dcjuWfk7-6n5-PY75Pes3bVOJ5SbKDscwP_wc9wf-e78ckX3m93kO-bcT7g6Zm68yd4Mjcv-ET_0tvYulO_36sb6Kt-ZW4jZ1UveGXvFVftxdVrvvsTovyWr_juw718q7DR9mV-D8NahHC6lHPEJiL3CjMHQTx3WGliQ32U6EtYuAtBfvn0dYmrKa 9R3oYHZVZ5RsUIIjwTwAFfNIO0g0UwGSlQ2IFzvzgv1EYaYOqI Sxb8AY0C9xBhpHIYl9a94m1Exd0v-J_AG6W8UH)

From Greg M.

https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 9e36e53a-9a59-4bf3-bb71-66b41bdb9a89_704x389.png

World population 7.8 Billion. Total Covid-19 cases worldwide 15.5 million. That is 0.19% -Of this, there have been 622,122 reported deaths. That is 0.008% of the population. Which gives you better than a 99.9% chance of NOT dying from Covid-19... You see without the fear being pushed on you, they cannot sell vaccines and drugs, nor justify shutting down the world economy. Because if people really knew that the chances of them catching, and dying from Covid-19 were 0.01% they would start to think. what the hell is really going on?

14th August 2020, 08:56 AM

The Coming Cashless Societyhttp://falsificationofhistory.co.uk/banksters/the-coming-cashless-society/

What does having no cash actually entail?
A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean ‘mostly cashless, but don’t worry you will still be able to use a little bit of cash here and there.’ No. ‘Cashless’ means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled.
Anyone outside the ‘power elite’ who supports and promotes a cashless society cannot possibly be fully aware of what they are asking for.
A wholly cashless society means:

If you are struggling with your mortgage on any particular month, you cannot simply do an odd ‘cash in hand’ job to get you through.

Your child cannot go help the local farmer or storekeeper to earn a little summer cash.

No more cash slipped into the hands of a child from their grandparent when visiting.

No more money in birthday cards.

No more piggy banks for your child to save pocket money and to learn about the value of money.

No more ‘cash for a rainy day fund’ or for that something special you may have been putting £20 a week away for.

No more charity collections.

No more selling bits and pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a little cash in return.

No more cash gifts from relatives or loved ones.

On top of all that, how will homeless people get by without their small, daily cash collections? They will probably starve whilst banks and governments all look the other way whilst proclaiming wide-eyed innocence and/or laying the blame on others – as always.

However, what a cashless society does guarantee…
Banks and governments WILL have full control of every single penny you own.
Every transaction you make will be recorded.
All your movements and actions will be traceable.
Access to your own money can be denied at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you about any transaction they decide to investigate, no matter how small.
You will have no choice but to declare and be taxed on every pound in your possession.
The government WILL decide what you can and cannot purchase.
If your transactions are deemed in any way ‘questionable,’ by those who create those questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good.’
A cashless society would be utterly disastrous, for everyone.
And also please forget about cash being ‘dirty.’ Stop being so easily misled. Cash has been around for a very, very, very long time and it gives us total control over how we interact with the world. It gives us independence.
I recently read a story whereby a man supposedly contracted COVID because of a £20 note he had handled. There is the same chance of COVID being on a card as being on cash. If you cannot see the utter ridiculousness of this story, then there is little hope.
If you are a customer, pay with cash and if you are a business owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card rather than cash.
Cash is legal tender. It is our right to pay with cash. Banks are making it increasingly difficult to lodge cash and that has nothing to do with a ‘virus,’ nor has this ‘dirty money’ propaganda that is currently being heavily promoted. It has been the case for several years that banks (a supposed public service) are more and more frequently refusing to accept large amounts of coins being paid-in. Utterly outrageous really as that has to be one of their primary functions, surely?
Please open your eyes. Please stop believing everything you are told by the lying media and governments. Almost everything in today’s world is tainted with corruption and hidden agendas.
Please also stop telling me or others like me that we are what is wrong with the world as you hail some of the most corrupt members of society as your heroes. Politics and greed is what is really wrong with the world; not those who are trying to alert you to the reality which you refuse to see or acknowledge whilst being immobilised by your own irrational fear.
This fear is being deliberately created to keep you trusting and complacent about the future whilst ‘they’ happily pursue their own insidious agenda without fear of being held to account by ‘the people.’
So please, please continue to pay with cash and please say ‘no’ to a cashless society whilst you still have the chance.
And above all else… please pass on this message to everyone you know!!

14th August 2020, 11:23 AM
You can’t emphasize this too strongly, even using (((their))) fake cash, FRNs that passes as legal tender and (((their))) counterfeit coins presently struck by the US Mint. Cash is still legal tender even though it is not lawful money. If it were lawful money it wouldn’t be redeemable in lawful money. USC Title 12 §411

If you are a customer, pay with cash and if you are a business owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card rather than cash.

Cash is legal tender. It is our right to pay with cash. Banks are making it increasingly difficult to lodge cash and that has nothing to do with a ‘virus,’ nor has this ‘dirty money’ propaganda that is currently being heavily promoted. It has been the case for several years that banks (a supposed public service) are more and more frequently refusing to accept large amounts of coins being paid-in. Utterly outrageous really as that has to be one of their primary functions, surely?

Please open your eyes. Please stop believing everything you are told by the lying media and governments. Almost everything in today’s world is tainted with corruption and hidden agendas.

Please also stop telling me or others like me that we are what is wrong with the world as you hail some of the most corrupt members of society as your heroes. Politics and greed is what is really wrong with the world; not those who are trying to alert you to the reality which you refuse to see or acknowledge whilst being immobilised by your own irrational fear.

This fear is being deliberately created to keep you trusting and complacent about the future whilst ‘they’ happily pursue their own insidious agenda without fear of being held to account by ‘the people.’
So please, please continue to pay with cash and please say ‘no’ to a cashless society whilst you still have the chance.

And above all else… please pass on this message to everyone you know!!