View Full Version : Zog
16th January 2020, 03:03 PM
ZOG is an acronym used by neo-Nazis to refer to the conspiracy theory that a Jewish cabal secretly controls the governments of western countries. ZOG stands for "Zionist Occupied Government." (
JQP's GSUS will not allow this thread title of display "ZOG" in all caps. I tried five times to change the auto-zio-editing title.
:rolleyes: Oy Vey
16th January 2020, 04:18 PM
It is quite possible that flaw is with vBulletin
16th January 2020, 04:32 PM
It is quite possible that flaw is with vBulletin
JQP hasn't updated GSUS software in over THREE YEARS ( Neuro and Mamboni both donated enough money to make this happen for several years...
16th January 2020, 07:59 PM
zog wiseness was front and center in the idaho/ruby ridge event
The family said their time spent at the Aryan Nations compound was “for social reasons, they were looking for people to hang out with,” Walter explained. No one from the Weaver family formally became a member of the group, he added, “even though they espoused similar belief systems.”
White supremacist ideologies espouse what they call the inferiority of nonwhite races, according to the SPLC.
Randy Weaver was known to wear shirts that said, “Just Say No to ZOG,” referencing a hate slogan for Zionist Organized Government, and his son, Samuel, reportedly wore a swastika armband.
“They had all the trappings; they just didn’t join the group,” Walter said.
While there, at some point in 1989, a confidential informant for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms struck up a relationship with Weaver and, in a move that was later dismissed as entrapment, advised and persuaded Weaver to saw off the tops of shotguns, breaking federal law.
ATF agents used the charges to approach Weaver about becoming an informant himself, but he refused.
Weaver was arrested for sawing off the shotguns in January 1991 after ATF agents pretended they were having car trouble and Weaver and his wife stopped to help. Weaver later failed to appear in court and a bench warrant was issued.
Oh look, here’s Randy Weaver wearing a “Just Say No to ZOG” t-shirt!
16th January 2020, 08:12 PM
Undercover agent calls Weaver racist
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 -- A Treasury Department undercover agent told a Senate panel Friday that Randy Weaver often expressed 'hatred' for minorities, Jews and the federal government. Speaking behind a screen with his voice distorted, the undercover agent also said he did not encourage Weaver to sell illegal firearms. It was Weaver's sale of two-sawed off shotguns to the undercoveroperative that led to the lethal siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992. But the undercover agent's testimony, dramatic as it was, was eclipsed later Friday by testimony from John Magaw director of Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Holding up in turn the two sawed-off shotguns converted and sold by Weaver to the undercover agent, Magaw said the weapons were 'designed primarily for use in violent crime to maim, to kill or to intimidate.'
While senators on the panel watched wide-eyed, Magaw tucked one of the unloaded sawed-off shotguns with pistol grips under his jacket -- 'I can tuck this underneath my arm and you will not see it,' he said -- then pulled it out and pointed it to the side, pumping its action and squeezing the trigger. 'It (this type of weapon) has been used many times as an execution weapon (by drug gangs),' Magaw said. '...We're seeing people killed with these every day all over the country.' The ATF director also defended the actions of his employees, who have come under fire in the first three days of the hearings. 'After reviewing the actions of ATF agents regarding Mr. Weaver...I am convinced that our agents' conduct was lawful and proper in every respect,' he said.
Magaw conceded that the outcome of the Ruby Ridge siege, in which a federal marshal and Weaver's wife and teenage son were killed, was tragic. 'Does this criminal case justify these consequences? Of course not,' Magaw said. '...But it was Mr. Weaver's actions that set this into play. 'The investigation of Mr. Weaver was opened only after he offered to supply illegal firearms to our informant,' he added. Magaw rejected suggestions by panel Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., that Weaver may have been entrapped into selling the illegal arms. 'If you see entrapment, where do you show it?' Magaw asked Specter. The senator said it was just the word of the undercover agent that placed Weaver as the initiator of the weapon sales. 'And who do you believe?...I do not believe Weaver,' Magaw said. Weaver was the first witness on the hearings, expected to last through the month, on Wednesday, and said the ATF pressured him to convert legal shotguns into illegal weapons, which he did only to buy groceries for his family.
But earlier Friday, the undercover agent who dealt with Weaver painted him as something less than an innocent victim. 'I would characterize Randy Weaver as a proponent of racism, of hatred toward minorities,' said Kenneth Fadeley, the undercover agent who served as a paid 'confidential informant' for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Fadeley said he believed, after many conversations with Weaver in the course of his undercover work, that 'if given the opportunity' Weaver 'would be violent toward those (minority) individuals and toward the United States of America.' While at a convention of the white hate group Aryan Nations in Hayden Lake, Idaho, the undercover agent, Weaver and another white separatist spent an entire day talking about 'how to get a 'patriot' movement to organize ourselves into a group to fight the ZOG, the Zionist Occupied Government...the United States of America...the Jew Government of the United States,' Fadeley said.
At one point, in his rented home in Naples, Idaho, before moving back to Ruby Ridge, Weaver even attacked Christians because they 'allow mongrels (in their society)...blacks, Mexicans and other non-white ethnics,' Fadeley said. Fadeley also told the senators he had no knowledge that Weaver was at one time mentioned in a letter from ATF agent Herb Byerly to an assistant U.S. attorney as a possible suspect in a Spokane, Wash., bank robbery. Fadeley said he heard Weaver speak approvingly of the robbery, but had no indication that Weaver might have been involved. 'That might be reaching (saying that Weaver was involved in the robbery), but with the things we were talking about, that certainly wasn't out of the realm,' Fadeley said. 'It was a good idea to shoot federal agents, according to Mr. Weaver, it was a good idea to blow up a house,' he said.
The undercover agent also vehemently denied Weaver's claim, made before the panel on Wednesday, that he had entrapped the white separatist into selling illegal firearms. 'I am emphatic that I did not at any time coerce, sway or bribe Mr. Weaver to do any illegal act,' Fadeley said. Also Friday, ATF John Magaw gave some of the most dramatic It was Weaver's sale of two sawed-off shotguns to the undercover agent that led to his arrest on federal firearms charges. When the sale occurred, Fadeley testified that Weaver told him 'he hoped the (guns) would go into the hands of street gangs.' Fadeley first met Weaver in July 1986 at the World Aryan Congress at Hayden Lake, Idaho. An Aryan Nations splinter group, the Order, committed a number of violent crimes, including the murder of a Jewish radio talk show host, the bombing of a synagogue, counterfeiting and bank and car robberies. A federal investigation of the Order ended up in 25 convictions in the early 1980s.
In 1986, another splinter group called the Order II was suspected of bombing a Catholic parish, an auto shop and a trucking company in Couer d'Alene, Idaho, according to federal officials. Fadeley was sent to the World Aryan Congress to investigate this second group, and was introduced to Weaver. Fadeley's supervisor, Special ATF Agent Herb Byerly, said Thursday that he met with Weaver after he sold the illegal firearms to Fadeley and tried to convince him to spy on members of the Aryan Nations. When Weaver refused, Byerly pressed forward with the prosecution and a federal grand jury indicted Weaver on the firearms charges. Weaver was arrested, but failed to show up for his trial. U.S. marshals were trying to arrest him for that failure in August 1992 when the lethal siege began. A U.S. marshal and Weaver's teenage son were killed in the initial shootout, and Weaver's wife was killed the next day by an FBI sniper. Weaver and family friend Kenneth Harris were eventually acquitted of most of the charges against them by an Idaho jury. Weaver did serve five months for failing to appear at his trial.
midnight rambler
16th January 2020, 08:26 PM
After reading that last post I'm now of the opinion there's absolutely no such thing as ZOG.
17th January 2020, 05:07 AM
Cody Snodgres was a contractor for the CIA and has exposed the corruption in our government in interviews and a book. He was offered a million dollars to blow up the Murrah building by our government but he declined. Tim McVeigh must have taken them up on the offer. A link with more links to what our ZOG government has been up to and I'm sure will be doing in the future.
17th January 2020, 04:25 PM
Randy Weaver was known to wear shirts that said, “Just Say No to ZOG,” referencing a hate slogan for Zionist Organized Government, and his son, Samuel, reportedly wore a swastika armband.The news coverage did not associate Randy Weaver to this, IIRC. This is something to ponder..... They don't want to make us look like victims?
17th January 2020, 05:53 PM
Mathews is said to be an expert on blowing things up and so was Cody Snodgres. I wonder if Mathews was offered money to blow something up and declined. Chip Tatum declined to "neutralize" Ross Perot. Cody Snodgres declined to blow up the Murrah building. Both of them suffered because of it. That makes me wonder if Mathews may have declined one of their offers and now he's going to suffer for it.
17th January 2020, 06:59 PM
Racism started in 1928. So saith etymology online. That is not to say poorly thought out behavior didn't exist before 1928 as it surely did but the concept was quantified into the word-symbol racism in 1928. Racist came on the scene in 1932. Likely Roosevelt and the Democrats had a hand in the creation.
18th January 2020, 03:11 AM
JQP hasn't updated GSUS software in over THREE YEARS ( Neuro and Mamboni both donated enough money to make this happen for several years...
I recommend you guys switch from a forum to a Mastadon instance.
Gab is a Mastadon instance now, and you can make your own instance that interacts with all the others. There's no Gold/Silver instance so I'd strongly recommend it, and you'd get a lot of new members, and be able to interact with people outside of your instance.
Here's another instance I use and would recommend outside of Gab:
There's many others, here's a mid sized one for Libertarian stuff:
Another option would be to just start a group on Gab for Gold/Silver. There isn't one currently. This would be the cheapest and easiest option.
18th January 2020, 06:14 AM
zog wiseness was front and center in the idaho/ruby ridge event
Oh look, here’s Randy Weaver wearing a “Just Say No to ZOG” t-shirt!
reading the comments under the twitter foto reveals there are a lot of mis-informed people in this country today.
18th January 2020, 06:52 AM
reading the comments under the twitter foto reveals there are a lot of mis-informed people in this country today.
The only good comment was a link to this 8chan post...example of why ZOG eventually destroyed 8chan. (
22nd January 2020, 02:17 PM
Unclear when Coulter spoke these words re CNN jooz, 1m vid:
New: Maryam Henein w EM Jones on ADL/media, 11 mins:
22nd January 2020, 03:06 PM
Unclear when Coulter spoke these words re CNN jooz, 1m vid:
I remember our own GSUS member Shami having something to do with (maybe even being the actual Creator of) these profoundly detailed "JEW MEDIA" images? (
22nd January 2020, 03:09 PM
Unclear when Coulter spoke these words re CNN jooz, 1m vid:
New: Maryam Henein w EM Jones on ADL/media, 11 mins:
Who made them the arbiter of what we can say? That's outrageous! "
EMJ has been saying that for a couple of years and while it is true, it kind of misses the mark in my analysis.
I have focused mainly on false events on US soil and I have noticed that there have been injected into the immediate aftermath activities of the questioners of the official narrative of the event Jews appearing to be seeking the truth and asking tough questions too, but these individuals are planted by Cass Sunstein types to totally muddy the waters of those who ask tough needed questions about the event early on.
Very soon after 9-11-01 I remember a character named Jared Israel who came on Alex Jones radio show several times as well as other alternative outlets. Jared threw out all kinds of specific data about take-off / landing times etc and other data about the four planes of 9-11 and Jared Israel's theory was that our military stood down, or did a stand-down and that was how the "real" "planes" were able to "really crash" into the four sites. Our government deep state perps of the event needed that plausible sounding meme inserted so that, according to Dr. James Fetzer, other real military on that day would not react to no planes actually being where the radar said they were. Someting like that. He said it was just like in the movie, War Games. I do not fully understand this reasoning, however
I do see so clearly now that this guy with his last name as Israel was clearly a plant and made to look like a really honest person seeking the whole truth about 9-11. Then after a big splash on several radio shows soon after 9-11 this crisis actor totally disappeared and was never heard from again. He was one of the earliest of modern crisis actors and was clearly meant to whitewash / exonerate any Jewish involvement as perpetrators as well as credibly reinforce the idea of real planes and real hijackers and real crases.
I have see this pattern of fake truth seekers many times over the years and EMJ does not seem to ever appreciate the sophisticated deep-state nature of the manipulation of the public and doing so all while under the guise of real and good truthseekers exercising bravely the right to free speech.
22nd January 2020, 03:34 PM
...I have noticed that there have been injected into the immediate aftermath activities of the questioners of the official narrative of the event Jews appearing to be seeking the truth and asking tough questions too, but these individuals are planted by Cass Sunstein types to totally muddy the waters of those who ask tough needed questions about the event early on....I do see so clearly now that this guy with his last name as Israel was clearly a plant and made to look like a really honest person seeking the whole truth about 9-11. Then after a big splash on several radio shows soon after 9-11 this crisis actor totally disappeared and was never heard from again. He was one of the earliest of modern crisis actors and was clearly meant to whitewash / exonerate any Jewish involvement as perpetrators.
You're almost on the two image links in this post. (
24th January 2020, 01:26 PM
I remember our own GSUS member Shami having something to do with (maybe even being the actual Creator of) these profoundly detailed "JEW MEDIA" images? (
I didn't do that one, but thanks for thinking I did.
Here's some memes I did make that have used many times.
24th January 2020, 03:02 PM
You introducing me to 4chan was the best thing that ever happened to me on the internet. My inner young Anon still visits it every day.
Your more recent focus on Females specifically being the ground zero root cause of our Troubles ( is also perfect targeting.
24th January 2020, 03:43 PM
You introducing me to 4chan was the best thing that ever happened to me on the internet. My inner young Anon still visits it every day.
Your more recent focus on Females specifically being the ground zero root cause of our Troubles ( is also perfect targeting.
There's some other boards you may enjoy:
It's finance/investing. Most people there talk about cryptocurrencies these days but they also discuss Gold/Silver.
Today's Silver discussion (Spoiler: Zoomers are buying their first PMs):
24th January 2020, 04:02 PM
There's some other boards you may enjoy:
It's finance/investing. Most people there talk about cryptocurrencies these days but they also discuss Gold/Silver.
Today's Silver discussion (Spoiler: Zoomers are buying their first PMs):
Nah. My inner younger Anon prefers this stuff ( not investments.
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