View Full Version : Who Is Really Behind The “Nazi Flag Incident” In Australia?

16th January 2020, 04:31 PM
Of course this is the standard over-the-top rhetoric that can be expected from someone in the great Jewish war against anti-semitism. And, this flag-flying incident conveniently gives the Jews the ammunition they need to pass even further restrictions on Australian’s freedom of speech. But there is more.

16th January 2020, 05:52 PM
Very good information first hand.

17th January 2020, 05:50 AM
From the comments following that article. :)

"Dont ever be dissuaded by International
Jew propaganda (((fucking endless))):Those 12 years of National Socialism
Were amongst the purest most glorious
Years the White Man ever spent on this
Foul, jew-deceased planet…,.88 to the