View Full Version : Need help with this meme

midnight rambler
23rd January 2020, 10:04 AM
Someone texted me this meme but with a modification - the Scooby Doo guy yanks a hood off a giant dick in clothing and and bound up with rope and the Scooby Doo guy has a Star of David superimposed over him in both before and after. I don't get it, someone please explain the meaning. I can't help but think the intention is to make the Chosen look good somehow. TIA


23rd January 2020, 10:45 AM
the pic you linked doesn't have any stars of david, but it's obv circumcision related.

it's a disturbing meme, as that "unveiling" part of the scooby doo formula is always the "good part" where the truth/deception is revealed, but pairing that w the barbaric joo practice of infant male genital mutilation is just bass ackwards! :'(

hard to tell what the meme creator's 'point' is, with the foreskin dripping blood like that... it's just f'n disturbing.

midnight rambler
23rd January 2020, 10:52 AM
I couldn’t locate the actual image I described, but as I explained it’s exactly the image I posted but with a blue Star of David on both images of the blonde haired character.

24th January 2020, 12:07 PM
If the before and after both have the star of david, it's not really a reveal is it?

24th January 2020, 12:58 PM
If the before and after both have the star of david, it's not really a reveal is it?

it's just a poorly conceived meme, with or without the david star enhancement. Maybe to GSUS'ers the joo/circumcision connection is known, but not to joe/jane-6P, evidenced by them still overwhelmingly (+/- 90% ???) allowing the barbaric practice today -- paying the (couple hundred$$ ??) bill for it no less, then the foreskins being sold to biotechs/cosmetics co's.... evil!