View Full Version : Newtown CT resident awakens to Sandy Hook False School Shooting Event Truth

25th January 2020, 04:27 AM
The Raw Deal radio show of January 24, 2020.

Guest, a third-generation, life-long resident of Newtown, CT, Rebecca Carnes discusses Sandy Hook and gun grabbing etc. (No phone calls)

Two-Hour show: No calls from listeners this time but in two weeks will return and calls will be allowed

The link where you can download the audio for free is


Articulate informant. This perspective is needed and what has been missing from body of Sandy Hook truth seeking research over the years. She was placed in handcuffs and was arrested for asking Newtown Connecticut utility department to verify that they will remove the smart meter from her house as requested. For this she was placed in handcuffs and charged with trespassing or something like that but the real reason they arrested her was that she told the police there that THEY were the ones who should be in handcuffs and let them know that she knew the truth about the Sandy Hook School Shooting event of December 14, 2012. Ms. Carnes impressed me as an honest courageous true USA patriot.

Ms. Carnes was a journalist and plans to write some articles of her experiences that will be posted on JamesFetzer.org.

The Real Deal Archives

64k CF Download

25th January 2020, 10:29 AM

The show is also posted here:

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2020.01.24

Today: Guest, a third-generation, life-long resident of Newtown, CT, Rebecca Carnes discusses Sandy Hook and gun grabbing etc. (No phone calls)


lots of comments--29 so far!

And this video:

Rebecca Carnes yells at Beto O’Rourke


25th January 2020, 10:37 AM
Don't know where you got the link to that video but thank you. I was going to look for it and try to post it here.

I remember she said on the Fetzer show yesterday that at the time she spoke up to Beto it was the day before Holloween in October 2019 and she was not really awake to Sandy Hook hoax but she was in the early stages of seeing something very wrong in her town of Newtown.

When she started talking about the historical weirdness of Newtown CT it got very interesting. Reminds me of a thread on Memory Hole Blog of Dr. James Tracy years ago with Lophat and others regarding Newtown being a "Potemkin Villiage." Most enlightening to me.

I hope a lively discussion of Sandy Hook hoax ensues in several places right now.

Maybe God sent this lady as the impetus for that to happen at this crucial turning point in USA history.

26th January 2020, 10:03 PM
Here is an article by Rebecca Carles just posted at...


Seems photos are not showing up correctly in the article posting but this is about yearbook photos of Adam Lanza and other photos were checked at library and the photos were faked.


Rebecca Carnes, Ryan Lanza, Adam Lanza and the 2007 NHS Freshman Yearbook Oddities
January 26, 2020 James Fetzerblog
Rebecca Carnes
Could Adam Lanza really be a compilation of his brother Ryan Lanza and an unidentified young man featured in the 2007 Newtown High School yearbook?

While at Newtown’s Cyrenius Booth Library recently, I located the Newtown High School yearbook from 2006 which features Ryan Lanza as a graduating senior (see below pics).

Pictures seem to show better on this Daily Mail article and in IE.


27th January 2020, 07:22 AM
Dr. Fetzer said on this Friday January 24, 2020, Raw Deal show broadcast that his shows (2 hours Wednesday, Friday and Sunday each week) are now all being recorded as VIDEOS as well as AUDIOS.

Here is the VIDEO version of this show where Rebecca Carnes was introduced to the audience.



JIM FETZER "The Raw Deal" (1-24-20) Newtown mom Rebecca Carnes journey to truth
Gus Chambers

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The Raw Deal (24 January 2020) A sensational conversation with a Newtown mom, Rebecca Carnes, who’s twins were in the 2nd grade when Sandy Hook went down and her journey and travails in learning the truth.

Category: Lenny Pozner/Sandy Hook Lies,Alleged Shooting/Mass Shooting,Sandy Hook School Shooting2012,The Raw Deal
Duration: 01:54:47
Date: 2020-01-26 13:47:45
fetzer, sandy, hook, newtown, adam, lanza, false flag, drill, hoax, gun control

Here are the comments on 153news.net on this video...

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Bwinwright 2 hours ago

Thank You, Rebecca Carnes, for having the courage to honor the truth and speak out about this horrible case of Obama authorized TREASON. Of course, the big problem Americans have today is the fact that there are no honorable leaders to be found...anywhere. For all practical purposes, JUSTICE, among men, is dead in America. Rebecca, while you are being treated horribly by the majority of the brainwashed sheeple, God is very well pleased with you. A synonym for God is Truth and Rebecca has chosen to honor the truth which really pisses off the Satanists who authorized and managed this Sandy Hook Treason. In a country ruled by truth and justice, folks like Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush would all be hanged by their necks until dead as punishment for their treasonous activities. However, The Empire totally controls everyone in a position of power and influence today, so there is no justice to be found in America today. Fortunately, we still have God living within each of us. Now is the time for each of us to turn to the God within us and allow God to handle this Satanic Tyranny. We do this most effectively by learning how to raise our monthly seed (JESUS, MOSES, KRISHNA, ETC.) on a regular basis which makes our HALO GLOW BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER. As our HALO glows brighter and brighter we are bringing an ever-increasing amount of God’s wisdom and power into our environment which acts to clean up the Tyranny most effectively. This is what it means to LET GO AND LET GOD. To understand this HALO empowering process, read a 100 year old book entitled GOD-MAN: THE WORD MADE FLESH by Dr. George W. Carey. Also, learn about the greatest crime ever committed against mankind which is the primary cause of all that ails us today by reading WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY by Dr. Alvin Boyd Kuhn in 1943. In this book, Dr. Kuhn explains why Roman Emperor Constantine’s decision, in 325 AD, to change the MYTHOLOGICAL Jesus into a HISTORICAL Jesus was the most destructive crime ever committed against mankind, and is the primary reason our world is almost totally controlled by Satanists today.
Skepticon 15 hours ago

Yes, indeed. Why are so called Sandy Hook Deniers vilified more than JFK Conspiracy Theorists? Because, the hoaxers are concerned with effect. Most JFK ConTheos still believe in the horror of the assassination. Who got the blame is not as important as the trauma inflicted. Whereas, so called SH Deniers claim no deaths - trauma defused. THEIR actions / lack of action is a tell. Personally, I deny it all. It’s television. And woe to thee who place it’s content beyond question. Media are the terrorists. There exists no line beneath this.
papashrek6 15 hours ago

I’m beginning to doubt JFK was even assassinated....or any of his family either
papashrek6 15 hours ago

Whatever happened to Debbie the sane progressive?....people like her and Rebecca always get attacked the most because the psychopaths fear women who get “woke” to these fake shootings....(they can’t call them names like they do to the guys)
papashrek6 1 hour ago

Wow, I knew Debbie would come under fierce attack....an attractive woman describing the laughable HOAX of these fake shootings is something the Pharisees will not tolerate....the satanists don’t like to be laughed at, it’s their weakness.....somehow, I must learn how to exploit it myself.....attack their weak flank, as General Patton would say
TheVoiceofReason 4 hours ago

Actually in the end she folded and ran for her life. At one point she came to me and wanted all her clips and content removed from here. Those were some videos we did remove at her request. She got scared and turned a tail at the end. She wanted to disappear and so we made that happen for her.
ravens 10 hours ago

Agreed. Debbie was awesome - courageous, smart, and passionate. After a few years of truth telling, she completely burned out on being a public figure - losing friends, receiving projections from a zillion shills, the health stress, etc. She pulled all her stuff off the web and reclaimed her life.



The free audio download of each Raw Deal show appears on Grizzom.blogspot.com (aka Mami's Shit site)
and it is posted first, most soon after LIVE audio broadcast or Revolution Radio found at FreedomSlips.com)

I do not think there will be LIVE VIDEO feeds of Raw Deal show but am not sure.

Gus Chambers is the 153news.net Channel where these VIDEOS of Raw Deal show will be posted.

Here is the Bitchute channel page for Gus Chambers bitchute channel


Bitchute may also carry video copies of Raw Deal show in the future but this Bitchute platform has not been kept up to date for some time.

28th January 2020, 04:55 AM
Dachsie-- Thanks for bringing those comments over. It was good to see some of them mention Debbie the Sane Progressive--I've been wondering what happened to her! She was absolutely amazing at exposing these shooting hoaxes. I watched a video of her on the Las Vegas "shooting" and she did a terrific job exposing it as a total hoax (she has a medical background, so it was even easier for her to call out the BS). I also recall Debbie exposing the entire "crisis industry" that developed after the 2012 NDAA repeal of Smith Mundt (or modernization of it), which basically rendered propaganda against the American people legal (though I say we've always been given propaganda, but now it's over the top with outright hoaxes). Anyway, I've been wondering about her for a while because she just disappeared and all of her excellent videos are gone too. I think she was too much of a threat because she was actually waking up those brainwashed morons on the left (since her name was "Sane Progressive" she got attention from the lefties), but she was awake to the whole left/right trick, and her focus was on the oligarchy ruling over all of us.

28th January 2020, 05:43 AM
I do not recall reading any of her posts though the name seems vaguely familiar. I missed out.

29th January 2020, 12:43 PM
Here is an article by Rebecca Carles just posted at...


Seems photos are not showing up correctly in the article posting but this is about yearbook photos of Adam Lanza and other photos were checked at library and the photos were faked.


Rebecca Carnes, Ryan Lanza, Adam Lanza and the 2007 NHS Freshman Yearbook Oddities
January 26, 2020 James Fetzerblog
Rebecca Carnes
Could Adam Lanza really be a compilation of his brother Ryan Lanza and an unidentified young man featured in the 2007 Newtown High School yearbook?

While at Newtown’s Cyrenius Booth Library recently, I located the Newtown High School yearbook from 2006 which features Ryan Lanza as a graduating senior (see below pics).

Pictures seem to show better on this Daily Mail article and in IE.





Rebecca Carnes and Dr. James Fetzer have managed to get all of the photos Rebecca found at the Newtown Library to load correctly in this latest article.


Rebecca Carnes, Ryan Lanza, Adam Lanza and the 2007 NHS Freshman Yearbook Oddities
January 26, 2020 James Fetzerblog
Rebecca Carnes
Could Adam Lanza really be a compilation of his brother Ryan Lanza and an unidentified young man featured in the 2007 Newtown High School yearbook?

While at Newtown’s Cyrenius Booth Library recently, I located the Newtown High School yearbook from 2006 which features Ryan Lanza as a graduating senior (see below pics).







Ryan Lanza is supposed to be about 4 years older than his brother Adam Lanza and Ryan was reported as being 24 years old at time of SH incident. So, a Newtown High School (NHS) graduation of 2006 would make sense for Ryan Lanza.

A Daily Mail article published on Dec. 16, 2012 stated that Adam Lanza was a member of the Newtown High School Tech Club in 2007 when he was a freshman (as shown in the below famous pic of Adam standing with his fellow Tech Club members). This information about Adam Lanza was widely circulated in the press. The Daily Mail article states:

In 2007, when he was a freshman, he was pictured along with ten of his classmates for a group photo of the ‘Tech Club,’ which ‘allowed students to explore technology and promote events’ on student TV.



The famous freshman ‘Tech Club” photo of Adam Lanza as widely publicized by the news media following the Sandy Hook event.However, the 2007 Newtown High School yearbook (pic below) that I viewed from the Cyrenius Booth Library collection, did not feature the same 2007 Tech Club photo as published in major news publications like the Daily Mail.



Cover of the 2007 Newtown High School yearbook that is contained in Newtown’s Cyrenius Booth Library NHS yearbook collection that contains editions going back to the 1970s.


Tech Club photo as featured in a 2007 Newtown High School (NHS) yearbook housed at the Cyrenius Booth Library in Newtown, Conn. The 2007 school year would have been Adam Lanza’s freshman year at Newtown High School, the only year he reportedly attended Newtown High School before being switched to home schooling for the remainder of his high school education in Newtown.



The actual 2007 NHS yearbook does not feature the well-publicized, alleged picture of Adam Lanza as a ‘freshman’ Tech Club member.

Ryan Lanza is indeed listed and pictured as a junior in this 2005 NHS yearbook that I viewed at the Cyrenius Booth Library in Newtown. However, the Newtown Library did not have the NHS 2004 yearbook in its collection which would have shown or listed Ryan Lanza as a sophomore. The Newtown Library did have a 2003 NHS yearbook in its collection, but the 2003 yearbook did not have Ryan Lanza pictured or listed in the ‘Camera Shy’ section as a freshman at Newtown High School in 2003.


The 2005 NHS yearbook has Ryan Lanza pictured as a junior.



Ryan Lanza pictured as a junior in the 2005 NHS yearbook.

Interestingly, the Tech Club picture from this same 2005 NHS yearbook appears to show Ryan Lanza standing towards the back (see below photo with red arrow).



A close-up of this 2005 Tech Club photo (below) appears to feature Ryan Lanza – as exemplified by his characteristic sideways smile that can also be seen in his close-up photo above.



A Tech Club photo from the 2005 NHS yearbook appears to show Ryan Lanza with his signature sideways smile.The 2005 yearbook Tech Club photo also states that Mr. Rich Novia heads the Tech Club at Newtown High School. And Richard Novia (also the former head of security for Newtown schools) is mentioned and quoted in that same Daily Mail article:

Richard Novia, the school district’s head of security until 2008, who also served as adviser for the school technology club, said Lanza clearly ‘had some disabilities.

‘If that boy would’ve burned himself, he would not have known it or felt it physically,” Novia told The Associated Press in a phone interview. “It was my job to pay close attention to that.’

Mr Novia described Lanza as ‘a very scared young boy, who was very nervous around people he could trust or he refused to speak with,’ Novia said.

‘Somewhere along in the last four years, there were significant changes that led to what has happened,’ Novia said. ‘I could never have foreseen him doing that.’

The 2007 NHS yearbook also does not show Adam Lanza listed as a freshman and he is also not listed in the Class of 2010 ‘Camera Shy’ students who missed photo day for the 2007 yearbook.
Adam Lanza is not pictured or listed in the 2007 NHS yearbook as part of the freshman class of 2010. Adam Lanza was reported to have attended Newtown High School as a freshman in 2007 before switching to home school status for the remainder of his high school education in Newtown. He was also reported by the press to have been a ‘freshman’ participant in the Tech Club. If Adam Lanza graduated from Newtown High School in 2010 as widely reported in the media, he would have been a freshman in 2007.



Adam Lanza is also not listed in the 2007 NHS yearbook among the ‘Camera Shy’ freshman who missed picture day.



This is the freshman class of 2010 page as featured in the 2007 NHS yearbook in the Cyrenius Booth Library collection in Newtown, Conn.Another freshman class of 2010 page as featured in the 2007 NHS yearbook when Adam Lanza was reported to have been a freshman at the school before switching to home schooling the following school year. He reportedly never returned to NHS after his 2007 freshman year.



The Daily Mail article mentions two former classmates of Adam Lanza who said he “hung out with the freaks” and roamed the hallways carrying a briefcase (apparently during his freshman year since that is the only year he attended NHS):

Former classmate Olivia DeVivo said she remembered Lanza talking about ‘blowing things up’, but added: ‘I put that down to the usual talk of boys. I think he went so unnoticed people didn’t stop to think, “There’s something going on here – maybe he needs some kind of help?”

‘No one is surprised. He always seemed like he was someone who was capable of that because he didn’t really connect with our high school, with our town.’

Another former school friend, Jamie Crespo, 19, said: ‘He used to hang with the freaks, guys who dressed in trench coats.’

Other students remember him walking through school dressed in black, carrying a black briefcase.

That same article also strangely quotes 2010 NHS class president Ben Federman as saying he barely remembered Adam Lanza and neither did any of his classmates he spoke with while home in Newtown for Chirstmas break in 2012. But then he goes on to say that he remembered a specific detail about Adam Lanza – that he always carried around a briefcase instead of a backback (even though he was just quoted as saying he barely remembered his classmate at all).

Newtown High School’s 2010 class president Ben Federman is like the rest of his classmates – he can barely remember Adam Lanza.

Mr Federman, who was home from attending college at Vanderbilt University, told MailOnline that he had heard from many graduates from the class of 2010 and none of them can think of a single friend Lanza had.

‘The only time I ever saw him was in the hallway and he never seemed to engage anyone. He was just focused on walking from one class to another,’ Mr Federman said.

His only memory of the 20–year-old Lanza was the bizarre way he dressed – always in button-down shirts that were too big for him. He also usually had pens in his shirt pocket and usually carried a black leather briefcase.

‘You noticed that because it was different. He carried a briefcase and not a backpack,’ Mr Federman said.

Strangely, even though the Newtown Library has an extensive collection of Newtown High School yearbooks dating back to the 1970s, the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 (which would have been Adam Lanza’s yearbook dates for his sophomore, junior and senior year, respectively) – are all missing from the Cyrenius Booth Library collection in Newtown. I do not know if home schooled students are included in photos or “Camera Shy” lists for NHS yearbooks.

As a side note – I did notice a picture of an odd-looking, unidentified young man featured in the “Clubs” section of the 2007 NHS yearbook with a similar hairdo and facial features as the pictures of Adam Lanza widely circulated in the media. Again, the 2007 NHS yearbook would have been Adam Lanza’s freshman year at Newtown High School.



This unidentified young man is featured in the “Clubs” section of the 2007 NHS yearbook and has similar facial features and hair as the widely circulated photos of Adam Lanza in the media following the Sandy Hook event.



“Clubs” page in the 2007 NHS yearbook, which was reportedly Adam Lanza’s freshman year before he switched to being home schooled in 2008.

This photo collage (below) shows the similarity in facial features of the unidentified young man featured in the 2007 NHS yearbook “Clubs” page with the pictures of Adam Lanza circulated in the press.


Rebecca Carnes is a third-generation resident of Newtown whose two children were second graders within the Newtown Public School system during the 12/14 (Sandy Hook) event. She also is the creator and writer of a local blog covering issues relevant to Newtown, Connecticut: https://www.newtownroosterct.com/

Email Rebecca at dandelion1972@protonmail.com. To help Rebecca continue her research and writing, please consider making a donation to support her efforts. paypal.me/NewtownRooster

Correspondence may also be sent to Rebecca at the following address:

P.O. Box 3671

Newtown, CT 06470
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views: 952

29th January 2020, 12:53 PM
Just as a little insurance I took the time to post this entire article just published at JamesFetzer.org

I hope every future revelation of Ms. Carnes will be as nicely documented as this article is.

What is the likelihood that Leonard Pozner and his CIA handlers know nothing about Ms. Canles work and articles on Dr. Fetzer's venues?
I would say 'zero'.

Sandy Hook false event was many years in the planning, as many as seven years I think Dr. Fetzer mentioned.

The yearbooks for the most important years are curiously missing from the local public library. Maybe if there are some honest people in the Newtown community some will find a way to supply the missing yearbooks to supply even stronger support for the anomalies.

Dachsie opines that it is not out the question that Leonard Pozner's action of a few days ago whereby Wolfgang Halbig was arrested was executed at a strategic time to distract from or detract from the revelations of Ms. Carnes. Pozner is in the employe of the Deep State with unlimited money backing up his nefarious actions. The matter Wolfgang was arrested for has been covered in the press for I think well over two years but Team Pozner has chosen this point in time to arrest Wolfgang.

This is all a very sophisticated game of manipulation and deception and everything is carefully calculated.


29th January 2020, 03:18 PM
Here is my submitted but not yet accepted comment on JamesFetzer.org original posting of the article that now is amended to have photographs appear properly.


1. Dachsie says:
January 29, 2020 at 5:09 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.

My comments today, Jan. 29, 2020, are based on this amended article that now contains all of the photographs on which Rebecca Carnes investigations are based.
I would wager Richard Novia, Olivia DeVivo, Ben Federman, who were either students or staff at Adam Lanza’s school and who shared vague personal memories of Adam are absolutely nowhere to be found or contacted today, though their history at Adam’s school may be real.
My opinion is that these three people were a version of what we call “crisis actors.” In other words, they lied to support the false narrative and were probably given some form of consideration.
The very recent arrest of about Jan 27, 2020, of Wolfgang Halbig may well have been strategically timed to distract, detract or deflect from the new bombshell information Rebecca Carnes is sharing today.

The arrest of Wolfgang Halbig, approximately January 27, 2020, for Leonard Pozner’s misdemeanor charge of
“unlawful possession of personal identification of another person”
appears to be the exact same matter that Pozner attempted another legal action against Wolfgang Halbig back in 2017.

Pozner’s legal complaint back in the 2017 case was based on “correspondence between Lenny and the Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi, which contained Lenny’s address and other personal information.”“

It is a very sophisticated timed strategy to arrest Wolfgang today over this over two year old matter that fizzled legally back in 2017. I have to believe this strategy is based on some new information coming out against Leonard Pozner and the Sandy Hook false event.