View Full Version : Fifteen Years Before Kennedy, Zionists Murdered Forrestal
27th January 2020, 10:26 AM
Too long to bring over, but worth the read IMO:
Fifteen Years Before Kennedy, Zionists Murdered Forrestal
In his book ( and in his web articles ( complementing it, David Martin makes a compelling case that Forrestal was murdered, and that his murder was ordered by the Zionists, most probably with the knowledge and approval of Truman, who was then completely hostage to the Zionists. The motive? Forrestal was planning to write a book and to launch a national magazine: he had the money and the connections for it, and he had three thousand pages of personal diary to back his revelations on the corruption of American leadership and the sell-out of American foreign policy to communism under Roosevelt, and to Zionism under Truman.
I will here summarize the evidence accumulated by David Martin, and highlight the significance of this case for our understanding of Israel’s takeover of the heart, soul, and body of the United States. Unless specified otherwise, all information is from Martin’s book or articles.
27th January 2020, 07:23 PM
rabbi robert todd "lincoln" ( springstein) was present at THREE presidential assassinations! cohencidence?
28th January 2020, 08:08 AM
I was "kicked off" of D C Dave's HeresyCentral blog for my negative critical comments of a guest writer's article there on D C Dave's blog in July-ish 2019. I had only briefly participated there for a few months in 2019. I refused to spend time explaining what was wrong with the thesis of the article, the thesis being that Muslims invading countries is a good thing and that Muslims are on their best behavior because they want to gain citizenship or permanent residency in host country and that Muslim invasion actually makes crime rate go down, some such nonsense as I recall.
So much for First Amendment on D C Dave's blog.
We are continually presented with the ultimatum - either Israelis, Zionists, Jews are all good or the Islamists, Muslims are all good and we must choose. If we are supposed to hold the position of being against the "Zionists" then we cannot point out the negative aspects of the Muslims and facts regarding their history. We must also acquiesce to the demands for explaining one's criticisms in detail so as to engage in further polemics with the author of the article.
D C Dave has done some fine work in pointing out the true history of the main protagonists in world history but he fails my test of being a truly objective and fair reporter on some aspects of his main theme. In other words D C Dave is not First Amendment when it comes to those not bending the knee to ideas that he supports.
I have been away from the entire Spingola / D C Dave stuff so long I probably am not recalling correctly, but I think those two support Sandy Hook official narrative as reported to we the people. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Also they seem generally in the expose-false-flag-events-LIGHT camp.
Another aspect of Spingola's and D C Dave's work regarding the Jews is that they seem to push the idea that eugenics-on-steroids Hitler was a nice benevolent guy. Not! That is just another tool of their "you are either with me or you're against me" stance.
There is only One Person Who may issue us that ultimatum.
Mathew 12:30
He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.
28th January 2020, 04:07 PM
amanda, theres a mirror of this thread over on GLp. fwiw
30th January 2020, 08:55 AM
Dachsie- Interesting info on DC Dave--I don't know much about him, other than that he spent a lot of time researching what happened with James Forrestal and Vince Foster.
JD -- GLp= godlikeproductions forum?? Just went over there and couldn't find it, only found an older one on Forrestal. But I did find unrelated one: (people over there are saying USMCA is the start of the North American Union???
30th January 2020, 09:17 AM
Dachsie- Interesting info on DC Dave--I don't know much about him, other than that he spent a lot of time researching what happened with James Forrestal and Vince Foster.
JD -- GLp= godlikeproductions forum?? Just went over there and couldn't find it, only found an older one on Forrestal. But I did find unrelated one: (people over there are saying USMCA is the start of the North American Union???
Yes, David Martin, aka DC Dave, has written a book on Forrestal and has produced some high quality work over the years. I remember from late 1990s listening to and his many guests who spoke on the subject of Forrestal, but without proper revealing of the Jewish connections to Forrestal's death, as Dr. Stan was a "Christian Zionist", at least religion-wise but not intellectually-wise. Dr. Stan always entertained all perspectives of an issue to come to the truth.
USMCA is absolute hell on USA and is the culmination of Agenda 21 subversion. Agenda 21 was one of the issues I spent a lot of time on years ago, even street activism locally. Agenda 21 is communism for USA pure and simple.
31st January 2020, 07:01 AM
dont forget rabbi arthur bremer who shot geo wallace, arguably the best pres candidate in 100 years. Oh, and the fecker is walkkng free today...
31st January 2020, 07:03 AM
Dachsie- Interesting info on DC Dave--I don't know much about him, other than that he spent a lot of time researching what happened with James Forrestal and Vince Foster.
JD -- GLp= godlikeproductions forum?? Just went over there and couldn't find it, only found an older one on Forrestal. But I did find unrelated one: (people over there are saying USMCA is the start of the North American Union???
Amanda, they are notorious at erasing threads of dire importance. btw you can post there w/o registering.
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