View Full Version : Kirk Douglas faux patriot dead

midnight rambler
5th February 2020, 03:49 PM
Good riddance you commie loving, gun-grabbing* POS.

*Douglas championed the Gun Control Act of 1968 which included that POS testifying in favor of GCA '68 before Congress...note that POS also "rebelled against the McCarthy Era" so IOW he was a commie lover 'cause Tail Gunner Joe was right. Additionally, when he said his famous quote, "From my dead hands!" Douglas held up a muzzle loader (which was probably merely a prop and not an actual functioning black powder rifle, or it could have even been a fake musket) NOT a modern sporting rifle because that commie loving POS knew no one is coming for the smoke poles.


6th February 2020, 09:21 AM
Wasn't he a jew?

midnight rambler
6th February 2020, 12:15 PM
Wasn't he a jew?

You're right! I was not aware of that. That would explain his bullshit regarding RKBA.


6th February 2020, 05:03 PM
Are you confusing Douglas with Charlton Heston?

midnight rambler
6th February 2020, 05:48 PM
Are you confusing Douglas with Charlton Heston?

Why yes, you're right. However all those Hollyweird assholes suck schlong...especially that gun-grabbing POS Charlton Heston.

7th February 2020, 02:37 PM
www.isjewish.com (http://www.isjewish.com/kirk_douglas/)Well, to make a long story short, Kirk Douglas was Jewish! Since Kirk Douglas's mother was Jewish, and in Judaism one's religion is based on one's mother's religion, then that makes him also Jewish. His father was Jewish too. Kirk Douglas (who's full birth name was Issur Danielovitch) was born on December 9, 1916 in Amsterdam, New York.