10th February 2020, 03:43 PM
“Diversity is our strength.”
So they say.
Here’s reality: No it isn’t. It’s just diversity.
Now if you start with a homogeneous pool of below-average talent and ability, and add “diversity” on a normal distribution your performance as a whole will improve. That’s not due to diversity, it’s due to improving the mean and median capability set.
But what happens if you start with the cultural and work ethic that has produced running water, electricity in virtually every home, sanitary sewers and septic systems, antibiotics, vaccines, nuclear power, personal transportation that can take you halfway across the country for under $100, electric lights, furnaces to keep you warm in winter and air conditioners to keep you cool in summer, the Internet so you can communicate with people in real time, the telephone and telegraph before that, ships that can transport you across oceans, airplanes that can transport you anywhere in hours and more?
What if all the “diversity” you bring in has a lower amount of firepower — intellectually and culturally?
What happens to your mean and median?
This is math, not politics or race. It has exactly nothing to do with anything except mathematics.
Math, by definition, cannot be “racist.” It just is what it is. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it, disagree, hate it, love it or anything else.
It just is.
Are you adding “diversity” while at the same time making sure that your diversity additions also are superior in comparison to the mean and median that is already here? Or do you just not give a wet crap about the mean and median capacity of those here to produce?
What is your actual goal?
Is it to improve America and what we’re capable of?
Then show that your proposals and policies will lift the mean and median IQ along with a work ethic and view toward productivity that improves what is already here.
If you’re proposing anything else then you’re actively working to destroy this nation, not lift it up, and it is you who should be destroyed.
So they say.
Here’s reality: No it isn’t. It’s just diversity.
Now if you start with a homogeneous pool of below-average talent and ability, and add “diversity” on a normal distribution your performance as a whole will improve. That’s not due to diversity, it’s due to improving the mean and median capability set.
But what happens if you start with the cultural and work ethic that has produced running water, electricity in virtually every home, sanitary sewers and septic systems, antibiotics, vaccines, nuclear power, personal transportation that can take you halfway across the country for under $100, electric lights, furnaces to keep you warm in winter and air conditioners to keep you cool in summer, the Internet so you can communicate with people in real time, the telephone and telegraph before that, ships that can transport you across oceans, airplanes that can transport you anywhere in hours and more?
What if all the “diversity” you bring in has a lower amount of firepower — intellectually and culturally?
What happens to your mean and median?
This is math, not politics or race. It has exactly nothing to do with anything except mathematics.
Math, by definition, cannot be “racist.” It just is what it is. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it, disagree, hate it, love it or anything else.
It just is.
Are you adding “diversity” while at the same time making sure that your diversity additions also are superior in comparison to the mean and median that is already here? Or do you just not give a wet crap about the mean and median capacity of those here to produce?
What is your actual goal?
Is it to improve America and what we’re capable of?
Then show that your proposals and policies will lift the mean and median IQ along with a work ethic and view toward productivity that improves what is already here.
If you’re proposing anything else then you’re actively working to destroy this nation, not lift it up, and it is you who should be destroyed.