View Full Version : Let’s Cut The Crap On ‘Diversity’

10th February 2020, 03:43 PM
“Diversity is our strength.”

So they say.

Here’s reality: No it isn’t. It’s just diversity.

Now if you start with a homogeneous pool of below-average talent and ability, and add “diversity” on a normal distribution your performance as a whole will improve. That’s not due to diversity, it’s due to improving the mean and median capability set.

But what happens if you start with the cultural and work ethic that has produced running water, electricity in virtually every home, sanitary sewers and septic systems, antibiotics, vaccines, nuclear power, personal transportation that can take you halfway across the country for under $100, electric lights, furnaces to keep you warm in winter and air conditioners to keep you cool in summer, the Internet so you can communicate with people in real time, the telephone and telegraph before that, ships that can transport you across oceans, airplanes that can transport you anywhere in hours and more?

What if all the “diversity” you bring in has a lower amount of firepower — intellectually and culturally?

What happens to your mean and median?

This is math, not politics or race. It has exactly nothing to do with anything except mathematics.

Math, by definition, cannot be “racist.” It just is what it is. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it, disagree, hate it, love it or anything else.

It just is.

Are you adding “diversity” while at the same time making sure that your diversity additions also are superior in comparison to the mean and median that is already here? Or do you just not give a wet crap about the mean and median capacity of those here to produce?

What is your actual goal?

Is it to improve America and what we’re capable of?

Then show that your proposals and policies will lift the mean and median IQ along with a work ethic and view toward productivity that improves what is already here.

If you’re proposing anything else then you’re actively working to destroy this nation, not lift it up, and it is you who should be destroyed.


10th February 2020, 03:53 PM
Denninger is a little edgy there.

10th February 2020, 04:01 PM
Diversity is 'Their' Strength!

10th February 2020, 04:32 PM
Math, by definition, cannot be “racist.” It just is what it is. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it, disagree, hate it, love it or anything else. It just is.

Just a side note here, but apparently the Iowa Democrat Party (IDP) now says that math is a matter of opinion--I KID YOU NOT!!!

Sanders To Seek 'Partial Recanvass' Of Iowa Precincts - Yet IDP Says Bad Math Can't Be Fixed


"The IDP's role is to facilitate the caucus and tabulate the results. Any judgement of math miscalculations would insert personal opinion into the process by individuals not at the caucus and could change the agreed upon results. That action would be interfering with the caucus' expression of their preferences."

So, you aren't allowed to accuse them of math mistakes b/c it's just your opinion (apparently, one of the issues has to do with rounding up or down, so for Bernie a 3.8 would be rounded down to 3, while a 2.1 for the homo guy would be rounded up to 3).

11th February 2020, 05:18 AM
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

11th February 2020, 03:23 PM
Fecking millenial race traitor cuck faggots!

11th February 2020, 03:51 PM
I listened to an excellent Andrew Carrington Hitchcock show today where

ACH (1187) Paul English – With Apologies To Wee Jimmy Krankie…
by achitchcock was the guest

https://cldup.com/m5MKu4S5JH.mp3 download audio

This was about the error in thinking about diversity and multi-culturism and the error in the we-all-just-need-to-get-along philosophy.

Paul English mentioned his written response to someone somewhere who had posted a story about a young woman in England who became a "fan" of the ideas of a young man who was of Islamic immigrant to England background. She took him into her home and he decided that he did not like her anymore so he chopped her head off. Here is that written response.


also in
https://gab.com/groups/2666 which is Paul E’s radio gab group

Paul English@PaulEnglish
Posted in Radio GAB
Extract from a recent email I sent:
Your comment "The next 25 years will determine the truth whether people from different cultures can find harmony in living together - and I bet they can." is both delusional and dangerous. It is not a matter of placing a bet but of being aware of, awake to and conscious of what occurs in actuality as opposed to some unexamined fantasy.
“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”
― George Orwell
Tens of thousands of young british girls have been raped by muslim rape gangs in this country. It's going on right now. Were muslims not here those girls would not have been raped. Your "bet" is vile and grotesque. By logical deduction you are condoning and supporting this so that you can be "right" about your massively uninformed view that the races can all get along. The price will not be paid by you but is to be paid by our young people by way of destroyed lives and innocence. This marks you as against your own people, the very people who, in spite of all the many mistakes they may have made have also made an immense contribution to your life.
This childish idea that the races can "get on" is both irrelevant and redundant, a totally pointless goal unless global enslavement is your thing. It brings no peace or benefits to any people, whatever their race may be. There will always be conflict of interests but separation of races removes the possibility of racial genocide - on either side.
As for repatriation ... it is an idea currently lurking and growing in the hearts of all good englishmen and women who love their kith and kin and seek a return to a re-moralised nation, not the de-moralised nation it has been turned into. As for different cultures finding harmony ... again the attempt to do this is a mask for the destruction of all natural cultures and to have them subsumed into a massive blob of lowest common denominator sameness ie the prime goal of the new world order globalists.
Culture is overwhelmingly a result of race. A homogenous race of people produce culture. We live not in a multi-cultural society but in a lie held together by the trigger words and bailing wire of the msm; clever autobots who have never, ever examined the one world toxic nonsense they spew out to earn their crust and do their masters bidding.
Each individual's own race is rightfully supreme to them or ought to be. Mix two or more on the same piece of real estate and at some point hell will arrive. It is already here for many young girls in our nation. This is what globalists want - them atop a funeral pyre in a godless, raceless hell. This is what you are supporting. It brings with it the exact opposite of what you say you want.
Feb 09, 2020, 09:03"


I thought this was an intelligent reflection though I tend to put religious beliefs before skin color in regards to what most determines a person's behavior.