View Full Version : What is The Fourth Turning?
midnight rambler
10th February 2020, 04:02 PM
I did not know so I went to the source. No, not jootube but a video about the guy who wrote the book on The Fourth Turning on jootube.
10th February 2020, 04:29 PM
I had a cousin really sell me on that book about a decade ago... I never bought/read it, but did my usual cheat getting the cliff notes version through amzn reviews
565 reviews
I've wondered if the Gen Z Groypers might be that gen who're really forced to set things right?
There's a whole crop of high quality Millennials too...
midnight rambler
10th February 2020, 04:34 PM
I had a cousin really sell me on that book about a decade ago... I never bought/read it, but did my usual cheat getting the cliff notes version through amzn reviews
565 reviews
I've wondered if the Gen Z Groypers might be that gen who're really forced to set things right?
There's a whole crop of high quality Millennials too...
I'm seeing a whole lot more millennial fat ass slugs than those of the 'high quality' variety.
11th February 2020, 05:41 AM
I only imbibed 4 minutes of this but was interrupted by the loud sounding of my B S - O - Meter.
midnight rambler
11th February 2020, 05:43 AM
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." --Aristotle
IMO without the perspective of others life is meaningless.
Whether it's appreciated or not the fact remains that millennials are losing/have lost faith in long-standing institutions, which explains the rise of Bolshevik Burnie, Mayor Peter Puffer, and the rest of the progressive Communist clan.
11th February 2020, 05:50 AM
IMO without the perspective of others life is meaningless.
Whether it's appreciated or not the fact remains that millennials are losing/have lost faith in long-standing institutions, which explains the rise of Bolshevik Burnie, Mayor Peter Puffer, and the rest of the progressive Communist clan.
Maybe some thoughts can be fully entertained in 4 minutes.
midnight rambler
11th February 2020, 10:21 AM
Maybe some thoughts ran into a road block. lol
Ignoring something won't make it go away, no matter whether you label it The Fourth Turning or something else. Whether one agrees with their conclusions or not the fact remains that what Strauss and Howe note is observable by anyone paying attention.
11th February 2020, 10:47 AM
"Ignoring something won't make it go away, no matter whether you label it The Fourth Turning or something else. Whether one agrees with their conclusions or not the fact remains that what Strauss and Howe note is observable by anyone paying attention. "
Sounds like you are saying Dachsie is "ignoring something."
Sounds like you are saying Dachsie bases her conclusion on personal bias against Strauss and Howe.
Sounds like you are saying that unless one interprets what Strauss and Howe are saying in your same way of interpreting and observing, that Dachsie is one who is "not able" to pay attention.
I reject any such assertions you may or may not actually be making
11th February 2020, 11:03 AM
#not alls
I've read a lot on this long before (perhaps even read the book) and always saw a lot of truth in it, but taking a quick look again at the wiki summary, it seems to conflate millennials with two turnings, "in which institutional life is destroyed and rebuilt". Seems more as if the millennials are accelerating the destruction of zombie boomer society, and GenZ will be left rebuilding after the hyperinflation of the fiat currency supporting government overspending, and government approved off-shoring of productive industry destroys the dollar and boomer economic system. Perhaps then millennials will surprise us still and make a big contribution to the rebuilding, they have a lot of productive decades still in them.
Silent Generation had it easy, trusted the institutions that were actively being corrupted at the time, failed to raise following generations to adulthood.
Boomers rebelled against tradition (but not the oligarchs who wanted them to rebel against tradition, truth, beauty, etc) did what it took to remain children even if it destroyed their children
GenX many were disillusioned, seeing the inevitable mid to long term failure of the boomer path, but also many choose to sleep-walk into or sell out into the still quite rich failing system and could live like boomers (especially older GenX)
Millennials are desperate and dangerous filled with cognitive dissonance trying to find a way in boomer failing society with no easy functional way for most to sell-out into it and many wanting to destroy things
GenZ things are getting so bad now GenZ will realize the system offers little worthwhile, even to wanna-be sell-outs, and also the system will have already obviously (to all) failed (in the near future) ; the rebuilding starts
11th February 2020, 01:50 PM
I was looking over the Recommended video thumbnails provided to me by YouTube. I saw the face of someone I saw on my 4 minutes of viewing of the video that is the subject of this thread, so I open it and saw that yes, it was a match. It was Mr. Howe, a co-author of The Fourth Turning.
The runtime of this video is 37:17
I had to stop listening at 7:21 when Mr. Howe described Albert Einstein as a "highly moralistic idealistic...from that generation of elders"
11th February 2020, 07:51 PM
Also just ran across this in my Recommendeds.
Looks like Neil Howe is making the speakers circuit for sellers in the hedge fund racket. So this is how vague predictions from "experts" translates into money for Howe and Hedgeve Investing outfit.
Neil Howe: "Deep Demographic Problems Plaguing The U.S. Economy" (Hedgeye Investing Summit)
•Apr 3, 2019
24.9K subscribers
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**This excerpt is from the bi-annual "Hedgeye Investing Summit". It was originally broadcast live on on March 19, 2019.**
This is an exclusive "Hedgeye Investing Summit" interview between renowned demographer Neil Howe and Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.
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