View Full Version : South Dakota RepubliCucks Shoot Down Bill Opposing Child Sex Changes ......
11th February 2020, 05:06 PM
Protecting Israel from boycotts in direct violation of the First Amendment is non-negotiable but protecting children from permanent genital mutilation and irreversible hormonal changes is not the role of government!
These are True Conservative™ values, folks!
11th February 2020, 06:44 PM
People in South Dakota are really ignorant about queers and all the stuff that goes along with that. Not protecting children from this kind of stuff I believe comes from ignorance of what this is all about and where it comes from. It comes from all the perversion put out by jews on tv and in advertising.
The governor signing the bill against boycotting Israel is par for the course because people are so ignorant about jews, who they are and what they've done through the centuries. As far as I know everyone in the state thinks the jews are the chosen people of God instead of the children of Satan. As far as I know there's only one anti-semite in the whole state too.
12th February 2020, 05:07 AM
Christi Noem has whored herself out to Israel just like Trump and others. The Whore of Babylon is the white christian race who have whored themselves out to jews and they are the children of the devil. Collectively jews are Satan.
People keep looking for an Anti-Christ to appear, some think it's the current pope or Trump or maybe someone else but the anti-christs are many and they've been among us since the time of Christ. Mystery Babylon is the New World Order created, run and controlled by jews.
White christians are the bride of Christ spoken of in the Bible that have turned away from him and are now a whore to jews who collectively represent Satan here on earth. We are being punished for this and rightly so.
Both of these pieces of legislation posted above sicken me but I don't think there's a damned thing I can do about it.
South Dakota became the 28th state to enact a measure to combat boycotts of Israel as Republican Gov. Kristi Noem signed an executive order on Tuesday prohibiting state offices from doing business with companies that boycott Israel.
“Israel is one of our nation’s closest allies, and their success is critical to American national security,” said Noem. “Today, we reaffirm that South Dakota stands with Israel and will only contract with businesses who agree to fairly compete. Our state will not stand for any discrimination based on race or religion.”
1 John 4:3 " but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus, is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."
midnight rambler
12th February 2020, 05:25 AM
“Israel is one of our nation’s closest allies..."
With 'allies' like that no need for enemies!
They are NOT our 'friends'!
12th February 2020, 06:09 AM
With 'allies' like that no need for enemies!
They are NOT our 'friends'! (
"9-11/Israel did it" - Wikispooks (
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 911, and the War on Terror Hoax, By Zander C Fuerza (
9/11 Missing Links (Israel did 9/11, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty)
12th February 2020, 06:25 AM
With 'allies' like that no need for enemies!
They are NOT our 'friends'! (
Tru-News interview of survivors of the attack on the USS LIberty
Part 1
Part 2.
12th February 2020, 04:35 PM
"9-11/Israel did it" - Wikispooks
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 911, and the War on Terror Hoax, By Zander C Fuerza
9/11 Missing Links (Israel did 9/11, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty)
The missing links video is good and there's a free MPEG4 download for it at this link below.
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