View Full Version : "I know nothing about WikiLeaks"

25th February 2020, 01:01 AM
Our Deep State Victim In Chief has done a one-eighty from campaign trail "I love WikiLeaks" to
now essentially telling U S

"I hate the First Amendment and I love the fake media and the Deep State owns me."



5 minute video

First published at 02:17 UTC on February 25th, 2020.

Headlines With A Voice

175 Years for Assange – 0 Years for The Swamp

video also here...


25th February 2020, 04:07 PM
Thanks for this--good comments over at the bitchute vid.

Yes, definitely a 180 on this issue, and many others....On the campaign trail he was against TPP, yet 57% of TPP was inserted into USMCA. He also used to trash talk NATO, but now he wants to expand it. His foreign policy is now in lockstep with the establishment. Mike Whitney does a good job here https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/tit-for-tat-why-did-mueller-let-trump-off-the-hook/ of showing how Trump's foreign policy gradually shifted --maybe all the deep state pressure made him cave.

25th February 2020, 05:22 PM
Thanks for this--good comments over at the bitchute vid.

Yes, definitely a 180 on this issue, and many others....On the campaign trail he was against TPP, yet 57% of TPP was inserted into USMCA. He also used to trash talk NATO, but now he wants to expand it. His foreign policy is now in lockstep with the establishment. Mike Whitney does a good job here of showing how Trump's foreign policy gradually shifted --maybe all the deep state pressure made him cave.
The deepstate pressure didn't make him cave. Trump is the deep state. The whole thing has been a programmed illusion. There has been no real attempt by Trumpstein to implement any of the things he promised. "As the Jew strikes you, he cries out in pain." The whole of his presidency has been choreographed including the impeachment travesty.

25th February 2020, 05:27 PM
The deepstate pressure didn't make him cave. Trump is the deep state. The whole thing has been a programmed illusion. There has been no real attempt by Trumpstein to implement any of the things he promised. "As the Jew strikes you, he cries out in pain." The whole of his presidency has been choreographed including the impeachment travesty.

I probably do not see this as clearly as you do, but I am beginning to see it, and it is so hard to deal with psychologically I mean.

Our whole country has been on the road to hell for many many years. We all seemed to have been under the "of the people, by the people, for the people" delusion for so long. It may even be that all of the founders were deep state entities themselves, certainly all wealthy oligarchs all.

26th February 2020, 05:14 AM
It may even be that all of the founders were deep state entities themselves, certainly all wealthy oligarchs all.


26th February 2020, 06:44 AM
True this. However, they were Masons at a time that Freemasonry was undergoing a transformation. If I remember correctly, it was around the time or just after the American Revolution that the illuminatti (Weishaupt) and his ilk were starting to use Freemasonry as a means of occulting their society. In this manner they created a secret society within a secret society; kind of like putting a fence around a fence. The Jews were beginning to take over Freemasonry at it's top levels. I just don't know if it was always co-opted by another entity. ? I believe it was almost from it's beginning.

So the founding fathers may have been upstanding dudes, or merely unknowing fools promoting someone else's agenda. One way to look at it: "The truth is rarely pure and never simple."----Wilde

26th February 2020, 07:01 AM



26th February 2020, 08:04 AM

Of course Masonry is a Jewtool. We here understand this. You cannot speak of the Jewish agenda without alluding to Freemasonry, for they are one and the same. It is a system of control. A matrix if you will.....a machine dedicated to the propagation of a system of world wide domination and slavery.

Just as Jewish supremacism and Zionism are joined at the hip, so Freemasonry makes the third leg of the Triad. It has more than three legs though. It is a many legged beast. I think the octopus analogy nails it. Let's see how many legs I can name off-hand. Banking, government, Freemasonry, Zionism, Communism, media, education, pornography. OK, there's eight tentacles and some blend together and there are many sub-tentacles that fall under any combination of the above. Warfare would be one example. I could go on and on but I don't have time. I have shit to do.