View Full Version : USMC Holocausts The Confederacy !

27th February 2020, 03:02 PM
It's time Goyim !

The push to erase US civil war history from all walks of American life has reached the military, with the Marine Corps ordering that all materials relating to the Confederacy be removed from its bases around the world.

The order was issued by the head of the Marines, Commandant General David Berger, in a memo to top staff that included a list of initiatives that he is “prioritizing for immediate execution,” Military.com reports.

Berger wrote in a series of tweets that the Corps must “revise the current parental leave policy to include parental leave for adoptive parents, to include same-sex couples.”

He also wrote that the Marines must “determine feasibility of identifying and recruiting for return-to-active-duty selected female Marines currently in the SMCR and IRR, with a focus on previously gender-restricted units and job specialties.”

Berger did not explain how feminist hiring mandates or catering to gay couples would actually make the Military a stronger or more formidable fighting force, but those goals are clearly now secondary in the age of political correctness.

midnight rambler
27th February 2020, 03:06 PM
If we remove all trace of it then it didn't happen! lol

"He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present, controls the past."

27th February 2020, 05:24 PM
This is what the Canadians did with their Avro Arrow in the 50s...removed all trace.

28th February 2020, 04:57 PM
This is what the Canadians did with their Avro Arrow in the 50s...removed all trace.

Yeah, that was supposed to be an awesome plane.

29th February 2020, 04:59 AM
Does the Marine Corp bases display the Title IV U.S. flag with the proper dimensions prescribed by Eisenhower in his executive order? Not that they are required to. The EO is for Civilian display purposes rather than military.