View Full Version : Bucket of copper and brass... and crushed gravel

5th March 2020, 03:40 PM
About 50 lbs or so, couldn't just leave it at the dump feeling all lonely so I grabbed it.


Looks like there must be a method for cleaning this. Somehow everything was torn up and crushed and put in this bucket.

Tried initial strain with 1/4 inch wire screen, lots of little pieces went through so I stopped that. Tried a little strainer and got a lot better but still crushed together rock with the copper / brass, almost like cement. Tried panning but the crushed gravel stayed on the bottom too. Shaking it in a closed container and then poured through the little strainer seems to work the best but not great at all.

I'm missing something I think but not sure how to proceed. Any ideas will be entertained.

I will link this in the minting, mining panning forum but figured this would be a more common sense thread.

6th March 2020, 05:39 AM