View Full Version : A question for all of you in denial about the wahoo flu

midnight rambler
8th March 2020, 09:16 PM
To begin with, this man-made virus is NOT the flu!!! It is NOWHERE near the flu, it is far more severe. The flu doesn't generally cause permanent organ damage. It's every bit as much the flu as Sasquatch is a primate. (a LOT of people are under the mistaken impression that Bigfoot is an ape or monkey yet Bigfoot is neither, but some people are unable to come to reasonable conclusions on their own, they must rely on others for their belief systems)

By what mechanism does the virus stop replicating?


8th March 2020, 09:18 PM
To begin with, this man-made virus is NOT the flu!!! It's every bit as much the flu as Sasquatch is a primate. (a LOT of people are under the mistaken impression that Bigfoot is an ape or monkey yet Bigfoot is neither, but some people are unable to come to reasonable conclusions on their own, they must rely on others for their belief systems)

By what mechanism does the virus stop replicating?


Bankervirus deaths in the US climbed to 21 on Sunday, 15 of those deaths of at the Life Care senior Center in Seattle.

Sick unhealthy people, get it?

8th March 2020, 09:28 PM
To begin with, this man-made virus is NOT the flu!!! It is NOWHERE near the flu, it is far more severe. The flu doesn't generally cause permanent organ damage. It's every bit as much the flu as Sasquatch is a primate. (a LOT of people are under the mistaken impression that Bigfoot is an ape or monkey yet Bigfoot is neither, but some people are unable to come to reasonable conclusions on their own, they must rely on others for their belief systems)

By what mechanism does the virus stop replicating?


I know you're doing your part to incite panic with all your liberal friends and the global elite bankers.
It took me a while to figure out, you're a LIBERAL!

If anything ever happens to Trump, all I can say is, God help us all.

8th March 2020, 09:48 PM
:rolleyes: Stop drinking your bong water EE. Here is the answer:

Read this:


Millions will die. This virus is not hype. This is not a drill. Stock up on supplies now. Quarantines and Marshal law are coming. Selenium supplementation protects against viral infection.

8th March 2020, 09:51 PM
I'm not at all worried about the so-called virus--I'm worried about what the bankers and doing and what's going to happen with the economy.

midnight rambler
8th March 2020, 09:53 PM
I'm not at all worried about the so-called virus--I'm worried about what the bankers and doing and what's going to happen with the economy.

Here y'all are talking about people being fearful and you post about being fearful yourself. Worry = fear

midnight rambler
8th March 2020, 10:00 PM
:rolleyes: Stop drinking your bong water EE. Here is the answer:

Book, the deniers are focused on the money powers (who are certainly profiting off this in some form or fashion, they were probably the ones who arranged it) rather than coming to grips with the totality of the circumstances. Anyone who asserts that the Wuhan virus "is just like the flu" (as in just some mild cases, nothing dangerous) is clinging to their cherished delusions. This is completely new paradigm.

8th March 2020, 10:06 PM
Here y'all are talking about people being fearful and you post about being fearful yourself. Worry = fear

Maybe you misunderstood my post.

I am NOT SCARED of the silly virus scam (I read Jon Rappoport's blog--I consider him an expert on such matters, and I've spent countless hours myself studying these fake virus epidemics, the medical establishment as zero credibility IMO)

I am only worried/fearful of what the bankers are up to--too bad most Americans are paying attention to the silly virus when the real danger to humanity are the central bankers and the coming crash.

If others want to be scared about the virus, that's fine by me. I don't really care.

I thought we all agreed to disagree. I'm not criticizing anyone who chooses to be scared about the virus.

midnight rambler
8th March 2020, 10:08 PM
It's not a matter of fear for me, it's a matter of vigilance...of the totality of the circumstances. This certainly includes "not letting a serious crisis go to waste." I view it all in the aggregate.

I tell ya what, if this man-made killer virus "is as harmless and benign as the flu" then explain all the body bags in this video (I count roughly 5 dozen body bags) -


9th March 2020, 03:39 AM
I am only worried/fearful of what the bankers are up to--too bad most Americans are paying attention to the silly virus when the real danger to humanity are the central bankers and the coming crash.

It's BOTH Amanda.


9th March 2020, 03:46 AM
I listened to an interview with the creators of this vid.

Interesting listen.

All 5G created. "Virus" is a ruse for 5G issues.


9th March 2020, 05:52 AM
SIR...it is a math problem involving differential equations
...S = population that is susceptible
...I=population infected
...R=population recovered

Not that the virus or disease is a math problem but the model is useful when analyzing severity.

midnight rambler
9th March 2020, 08:11 AM
It's BOTH Amanda.


The City of Austin just canceled SXSW which brings in over $350 million locally and that the promoters have already invested over >$100 million in setting up. Additionally many nightclub venues have a huge rent rate increases for the month of March when SXSW is held because the property owners want their cut. It's huge deal to cancel SXSW and they went several days lamenting over it before rational heads prevailed, not something they were wanting to cancel.

midnight rambler
9th March 2020, 08:12 AM
I listened to an interview with the creators of this vid.

Interesting listen.

All 5G created. "Virus" is a ruse for 5G issues.


What about areas where there is no 5G??

midnight rambler
9th March 2020, 09:06 AM
As the Times put it, Life Care "had seen some residents go from no symptoms to death in just a matter of a few hours." "It was surprising and shocking to us that we have seen that level of escalation from symptoms to death," said Tim Killian, a spokesperson for the nursing home. Efforts to contain the spread from Life Care aren't going well either, seeing as 70 of the center's 180 workers were out sick as of Sunday,


9th March 2020, 09:27 AM
this is a mild version. China was broke, they had nothing to lose. rather than see their economy collapse and have no
one to blame, they released a mild version to bring EVERYBODY down economically... coincidentally just in time for the elections to get their candidate installed. Phase 2 involves the high grade virus released to kill off the west and they walk in un opposed . Their generals openly declared this to be their plan in 2005.

9th March 2020, 09:47 AM
Alan Buttle, a limey with another limey guest who's self educated expert re... this sort of shit, I guess. I barely started listening; 2h 16m:

The Alan Buttle Radio Show 2020.03.09 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-alan-buttle-radio-show-20200309.html)

Episode 35 - The Coronavirus hoax and the virus myth, with special guest Northern Tracey.
Info And Links (http://www.podcasts.com/alan-buttle-radio-show-3ffaa8b26/episode/Episode-35-The-Coronavirus-hoax-and-the-virus-myth-with-special-guest-Northern-Tracey-7a1e)

Download (http://awscdn.podcasts.com/Episode-35-The-Coronavirus-hoax-and-the-virus-myth-with-special-guest-Northern-Tracey-7a1e.mp3)

In this episode i talk with my dear friend Northern Tracey about the latest "coronavirus" scare, the virus myth, vaccinations and 5g, among other many things. Please check out Tracey's work here: https://www.facebook.com/northerntracey/notes
2 min rant from Roosh, reformed PUA, he's another skeptic, questions the orchestra of pretend-incompetence coming from across USA's .gov agencies; believes it's a "Great Cull"

meanwhile, let's always keep an eye on what USA's dark overlords are up to

BNO Newsroom
(https://twitter.com/BNODesk)Israel is considering to require travelers from all countries to go into home quarantine for 14 days, a move that would effectively cut off tourism. A meeting will take place on Monday - Reuters

midnight rambler
9th March 2020, 10:30 AM
So do those of you on the 5G bandwagon have any evidence at all that 5G is now deployed worldwide including Iran and Italy??

You do realize that a 5G transmitter has EXTREMELY limited range*, right? In order to blanket an entire area with 5G there'd have to be hundreds if not thousands of transmitters. Iran and Italy have at least hundreds of 5G transmitters. Do you guys realize how tin foil hat that sounds??
*5G range is only 500 meters from transmitter -


midnight rambler
9th March 2020, 11:12 AM
So I look up where 5G is deployed and see that the development of 5G is much further along than I had thought. I'm open-minded yet remain skeptical that 5G is the major component, knocking down immunity entirely so the flu or common cold have the deadly effect. There has to be an actual man-made bio-weapon virus that causes the injury, death, and reinfection we're seeing.

midnight rambler
9th March 2020, 02:26 PM
Just to be clear, imo the engineered psy-op is driving this situation, NOT the engineered virus. The engineered virus doesn't give a fuck, it's the honey badger of viruses.

9th March 2020, 02:46 PM
Just to be clear, imo the engineered psy-op is driving this situation, NOT the engineered virus. The engineered virus doesn't give a fuck, it's the honey badger of viruses.

U made me look that shit up. But is it also some expression/metaphor in some vernacular which has escaped me?

Honey badger
The honey badger, also known as the ratel, is a mammal widely distributed in Africa, Southwest Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. Because of its wide range and occurrence in a variety of habitats, it is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_badger)

midnight rambler
9th March 2020, 02:53 PM
U made me look that shit up. But is it also some expression/metaphor in some vernacular which has escaped me?

Honey badger
The honey badger, also known as the ratel, is a mammal widely distributed in Africa, Southwest Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. Because of its wide range and occurrence in a variety of habitats, it is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_badger)

Chris Matteson dubbed it the Honey Badger virus because it doesn't give a shit, nothing can stop it, just like the Honey Badger.


9th March 2020, 03:29 PM
^ heh that metrohomo narrator was a crackup :D

9th March 2020, 04:12 PM
If you're white, under the age of 60 and do not have any pre-existing conditions, are relatively healthy this virus really isn't much to deal with. I've watched a couple of videos from people who have had it, said it wasn't bad. A little cough, chest congestion but cleared up in about a week.

It enters the cell via ACE2, which whites and blacks do not make much of while Asians make a lot. Asians are also at a disadvantage with Vitamin C utilization while other races generally do not exhibit that vulnerability.

Stock up on C, D3, and live relatively healthy and keep an open mind and an open eye. It's not what they say, it's what they do that you have to watch for.

9th March 2020, 05:16 PM
Roy Potter


10th March 2020, 06:49 AM
Falling markets will not be blamed on bad monetary policy or politicians.

and prepares us for even worse monetary policy and politicians.

10th March 2020, 07:00 AM
Falling markets will not be blamed on bad monetary policy or politicians.

and prepares us for even worse monetary policy and politicians.

Correct, this guy gets that as well.


10th March 2020, 09:30 AM
:rolleyes: Stop drinking your bong water EE. Here is the answer:

The "bong water" comment literally had me LOL.

As to Mamboni's previous post, I personally wouldn't mind living in a time where Matt Dillon was chief LEO. I thought he handled some dicey situations with restraint and good judgement.

midnight rambler
10th March 2020, 10:17 AM
The "bong water" comment literally had me LOL.

As to Mamboni's previous post, I personally wouldn't mind living in a time where Matt Dillon was chief LEO. I thought he handled some dicey situations with restraint and good judgement.

Yeah, Gunsmoke was a cool show, HOWEVER Matt Dillion was a FEDERAL MARSHALL not a Sheriff (as the head Peace Officer elected by the people of his county, there was no such thing as "law enforcement" in the 19th century)! Pure propaganda from the Communist Broadcast System.

10th March 2020, 10:46 AM
Correct, this guy gets that as well.


Two words "Credit Crisis". That's what this is all about!

The flu is a HOAX!

10th March 2020, 10:56 AM
If you're white, under the age of 60 and do not have any pre-existing conditions, are relatively healthy this virus really isn't much to deal with. I've watched a couple of videos from people who have had it, said it wasn't bad. A little cough, chest congestion but cleared up in about a week.

It enters the cell via ACE2, which whites and blacks do not make much of while Asians make a lot. Asians are also at a disadvantage with Vitamin C utilization while other races generally do not exhibit that vulnerability.

Stock up on C, D3, and live relatively healthy and keep an open mind and an open eye. It's not what they say, it's what they do that you have to watch for.

To put things in perspective. Start with the most simple facts we know for sure.

1. The government lies.
2. The government and all agencies FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc. are completely corrupt!
3. The banking system is fraudulent.
4. The dollar is a scam
5. Socialism is the only way to save the Democrat failed cities/states.
6. The global elite want a global government, NWO and a single currency.
7. Nothing you see on TV can be trusted
8. Politicians never tell you the truth
9. Democrats are Satan
10. The flu is a hoax!

add yours here

10th March 2020, 11:00 AM
The flu is a HOAX!

EE's Nightmare...lol.


10th March 2020, 11:11 AM
Looks like the elite are prepared to take this as far as they need to, to crash and recapitalize the system. They are freezing the population.
The flu is a hoax, but what the banking elite are doing, is very real.

"In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the most rigorous actions to date to combat the spread in New Rochelle, which he described as the "most significant cluster in the country" and accounts for the lion's share of the surging caseload in the tri-state area.

Those measures include deploying National Guard troops to a Health Department command post and setting up a satellite testing facility and one-mile, two-week containment area in the city. Public schools in that containment zone will be closed through March 25; National Guard troops will help clean surfaces and deliver food in that one-mile radius."


10th March 2020, 11:13 AM
EE's Nightmare...lol.


You just keep laughing chicken little, while wearing your stupid little mask.

10th March 2020, 11:21 AM
EE's Nightmare...lol.


Hang in there America haters, you just might get to kill your neighbors yet. Rooting to take down Trump is your best bet for the collapse.

midnight rambler
10th March 2020, 11:22 AM
You just keep laughing chicken little, while wearing your stupid little mask.

I'd rather be wrong than the mega failure you're setting yourself up for. I sincerely hope you're not suicidal. You strike me as just the sort of character Yuri Bezmenov described in his interviews - despite being slapped in the face with the evidence you will remain in denial to the very end.

I agree that this is an engineered crisis being driven by an engineered bio-weapon, the bio-weapon is very real. The ONLY parties who are saying the Wuhan virus is a 'hoax' is the tin-foil hat crowd, we're not seeing any reputable doctors or scientists declaring 'hoax'.

midnight rambler
10th March 2020, 11:24 AM
Hang in there America haters, you just might get to kill your neighbors yet. Rooting to take down Trump is your best bet for the collapse.

The die is cast, there's no escaping. Your hero Trumpstein is no leader, if there's any 'leadership' involved it's Trumpstein leading from behind. He's such a liar, a world-class liar.

I'll be looking for your response when the health care system gets so swamped routine patients will not be able to a bed in a hospital in a few weeks.

10th March 2020, 11:25 AM
I'd rather be wrong than the mega failure you're setting yourself up for. I sincerely hope you're not suicidal. You strike me as just the sort of character Yuri Bezmenov described in his interviews - despite being slapped in the face with the evidence you will remain in denial to the very end.

I agree that this is an engineered crisis being driven by an engineered bio-weapon, the bio-weapon is very real. The ONLY parties who are saying the Wuhan virus is a 'hoax' is the tin-foil hat crowd, we're not seeing any reputable doctors or scientists declaring 'hoax'.

Coronavirus By the Numbers – 83% of Affected Countries Have Mortality Rates of Infected Persons Less than 1%

10th March 2020, 11:28 AM
The die is cast, there's no escaping. Your hero Trumpstein is no leader, if there's any 'leadership' involved it's Trumpstein leading from behind. He's such a liar, a world-class liar.

Trump has been right about everything, he knows this is a hoax. He can't say it, because of the massive campaign being pushed 24/7 on the global public.

10th March 2020, 11:29 AM
I'd rather be wrong than the mega failure you're setting yourself up for. I sincerely hope you're not suicidal. You strike me as just the sort of character Yuri Bezmenov described in his interviews - despite being slapped in the face with the evidence you will remain in denial to the very end.

I agree that this is an engineered crisis being driven by an engineered bio-weapon, the bio-weapon is very real. The ONLY parties who are saying the Wuhan virus is a 'hoax' is the tin-foil hat crowd, we're not seeing any reputable doctors or scientists declaring 'hoax'.

You're wearing a mask right now, aren't you?

midnight rambler
10th March 2020, 11:32 AM
Coronavirus By the Numbers – 83% of Affected Countries Have Mortality Rates of Infected Persons Less than 1%

You believe the numbers we're being told when there's roughly SIXTY body bags in this one hospital?? No one lets body bags sit like that unrefrigerated for more than a day, so those sixty body bags are likely one day's worth of killer virus deaths.


midnight rambler
10th March 2020, 11:33 AM
Trump has been right about everything, he knows this is a hoax. He can't say it, because of the massive campaign being pushed 24/7 on the global public.

If he was a REAL leader then he would stand tall and call them out, amIrite?? What I very clearly see is that Trumpstein is weak and being told what to do, he has no power to exercise.

Roy Potter has it right in his recent video. If the arrests don't start happening soon then we're fucked.

Trump has been right about everything,

I have to take issue with this...the ONLY way Trumpstein can be 'right' about anything is in one's cherished delusions. CLEARLY Trumpstein lied (more than once) as to why General Soliemani was assassinated, it was ALL TOTAL BULLSHIT!

10th March 2020, 11:49 AM
You believe the numbers we're being told when there's roughly SIXTY body bags in this one hospital?? No one lets body bags sit like that unrefrigerated for more than a day, so those sixty body bags are likely one day's worth of killer virus deaths.


You're going to use Iran for a reference...really?

10th March 2020, 11:52 AM
If he was a REAL leader then he would stand tall and call them out, amIrite?? What I very clearly see is that Trumpstein is weak and being told what to do, he has no power to exercise.

Roy Potter has it right in his recent video. If the arrests don't start happening soon then we're fucked.

I have to take issue with this...the ONLY way Trumpstein can be 'right' about anything is in one's cherished delusions. CLEARLY Trumpstein lied (more than once) as to why General Soliemani was assassinated, it was ALL TOTAL BULLSHIT!

You think Trump should call them out when the whole world is in on the hoax? What do you think the Democrats would do to him if he did? You're not very smart, are you?

You care what happened to General Soliemani? Really? I don't

We do agree on one thing, if arrests don't happen before the election, we are fucked!

10th March 2020, 01:09 PM
Good comment blow a Crowder video on Bitchute:

Both Democrats and Republicans have talked out of both sides of their mouths over coronavirus now:

When coronavirus was just in China:
Right-wing: The virus is dangerous and will be the death of globalism
Left-wing: Talking about coronavirus is spreading bigotry, racism, and fear; it's not dangerous.

When coronavirus got a foothold in the USA.
Right-wing: The virus isn't dangerous and is being used to hurt Trump and the economy
Left-wing: The virus is dangerous and Trump is going to get everyone killed.

Seriously, fuck both sides for politicizing the virus ...