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10th March 2020, 12:23 PM
Alex Jones Arrested For DWI In Texas (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/alex-jones-arrested-dwi-texas)

by Tyler Durden (https://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Tue, 03/10/2020 - 15:12

InfoWars founder and America's leading conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was reportedly arrested for a DWI in Travis County, Texas, where he's lived for decades in the state's capital city of Austin.

Jones was booked by State Police in the early morning hours of Tuesday. The Austin Statesman (https://www.statesman.com/news/20200310/conspiracy-theorist-alex-jones-charged-with-dwi-in-travis-co-authorities-say) reported that he was booked at 12:37 am.

The driving while intoxicated charge is a Class B Misdemeanor, and the 46-year-old Jones was released shortly after 4 am when he made the $3,000 bail. So long as he doesn't have a long history of DWIs, he likely will receive community service, probation, alcohol abuse classes or a fine in exchange for the charges being dropped.

Jones became a household name four-plus years ago when President Trump praised him for his loyal coverage excellent reputation, a comment that seemed to enrage Trump's political opponents. For Jones, a spate of personal and professional problems emerged, culminating with last year's ruling against Jones in a lawsuit filed by the parents of children killed during the Sandy Hook shooting, which Jones once decried as a hoax.

Over the years, he and his company Infowars have been de-platformed by every major social media company (FB, Twitter etc) as well a YouTube and even the Apple App Store.

Nearly 40,000 Americans are killed in car accidents every year, many of them involving at least one driver who was over the state legal limit. Hopefully, if this is a bigger problem than just a momentary, idiotic lapse, Jones can get the help he needs.

10th March 2020, 01:51 PM
AJ needs a BAID system for his blow horn.

10th March 2020, 01:57 PM
Arabs control the media.

11th March 2020, 08:31 PM
"jones was slurring his yiddish, and had an open bottle of manischewitz "

15th March 2020, 07:58 AM
I figured I'd post on probable 'CIA Mocking-bird media asset' Alex getting slapped for all the fear and panic mongering of this years flu, but then the 'CIA Mocking-bird media establishment' and captured (pharmaceuticalized) government agency just can't help but irrationally demonize any alternative to the pharmaceutical drug racket, it makes Alex the sympathetic figure by the end of the article.

NewsWeek 3/13/20: NEW YORK AG ORDERS ALEX JONES TO STOP SELLING FAKE CORONAVIRUS CURES, SAYS THEY ARE 'INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS' (http://www.newsweek.com/alex-jones-coronavirus-toothpaste-inforwars-1492146)