View Full Version : Trump did it again!
14th March 2020, 08:32 AM
I know this will come as a shock to our resident Democrat/Democrats that mourned Qassem Soleimani's lost another hero.
Funeral services will be held by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck them for more info.
HE DID IT AGAIN! Trump Takes Out Top Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Commander in Iraq – General Siamand Mashhadani Killed in US Strike
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft March 14, 2020 204 Comments
Earlier this week Iranian backed militia killed two US soldiers and a female UK soldier at Taji military base in Iraq.
Last night the US responded killing at least 18 militia members in Iraq including Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander General Siamand Mashhadani.
The US launched strikes in Iraq against Iranian-backed militias after the militia’s attack earlier in the week killed two US and one UK soldier in Iraq.
According to Kurdistan News 24 US jets bombed the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization (hashd al-shaabi)in Jurf al-Sakhr (الصخر ), located about 60 kilometers southwest of #Baghdad. At least 18 Iranian-backed militia members were killed.
General Siamand Mashhadani, one of the top commanders in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was killed in the attack.
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 08:36 AM
Do you consider yourself a Christian??
14th March 2020, 08:40 AM
Do you consider yourself a Christian??
Funny it was you that replied to this post, hmmm?
To answer your question, no, I do not consider myself a Christian, I am a conservative with Christian values.
14th March 2020, 08:45 AM
Yup, Trumpstein did it again alright. A highly illegal, immoral strike for his masters in Israel. You seriously celebrate this kind of act EE? If we are to condone extra judicial murder, just where will you draw the line?
14th March 2020, 08:47 AM
Yup, Trumpstein did it again alright. A highly illegal, immoral strike for his masters in Israel. You seriously celebrate this kind of act EE? If we are to condone extra judicial murder, just where will you draw the line?
Iranian backed militia killed two US soldiers and a female UK soldier at Taji military base in Iraq
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 09:06 AM
To answer your question, no, I do not consider myself a Christian, I am a conservative with Christian values.
Ok, so you're a christian Zionist. Got it. Thanks for letting us know.
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 09:10 AM
Iranian backed militia killed two US soldiers and a female UK soldier at Taji military base in Iraq
Invaders routinely use deadly force against BP on our southern border...where's the payback for that shit?? ??? And WTF are we still doing in Iraq after seventeen fucking years??*
*rhetorical question, Uncle Satan (aka Uncle Sugar for Israhell) is there to secure Greater Israhell for the Zionists, if Uncle Satan wasn't in Iraq de-stabilizing Iraq for the past SEVENTEEN FUCKING YEARS then it's highly unlikely Iran would be inside Iraq involved as they are
14th March 2020, 09:11 AM
Ok, so you're a christian Zionist. Got it. Thanks for letting us know.
I don't give a crap about Israel, right now I am standing with Trump to save America from you evil Satan worshiping Democrats.
One battle at a time.
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 09:15 AM
If you think anyone on this forum is a dimorat you are truly lost.
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 09:40 AM
EE_, you're going to be really disappointed when reality sets in. If you're this insufferable now I cannot begin to visualize the meltdown.
14th March 2020, 10:03 AM
I don't give a crap about Israel, right now I am standing with Trump to save America from you evil Satan worshiping Democrats.
One battle at a time.
Just curious EE; what on Earth does killing an Iranian general in Iraq have to do with saving America from Satan worshipping Democrats?
Zionism has destroyed and is in the process of destroying everything that we as Americans should hold sacred. It has been the propellant force behind almost all of the evils perpetrated in this world for the last century at least. Zionism and Jewish supremacism are inseparable and can be considered one and the same. The Democrats and the Republicans are both vehicles for furthering the aims of Zionism. There is no way out of this by using either party. Curse the Democrats, that's fine, but curse the Republicans too, for they are being led by the biggest Zionist on Earth. His name is Trump and he has come right out and stated this fact. He has not been shy about it.
Zionism is the force behind the destruction of Europe and of the white race. It has been the propellant behind both world wars, the cold war, any and all color revolutions, deposings of leaders, assassations of elected leaders all around the globe. You cannot name an evil in this world that is not either in bed with or an appendage of Zionism. It is the reason for Communism and the excesses of (supposed) capitalism. It has killed hundreds of millions of innocent people who wanted nothing more than to be left alone to pursue their lives in peace.
There is a poisonous current running through the river that we call the affairs of man. It has polluted every backwater and every lagoon, all tributaries and tidewaters, the oceans are rife with it and the very air we breath has it's poisonous influence. It is a choking miasma that has invaded everything. The corona virus is nothing compared to this.
So tell me EE, are you a Zionist?
14th March 2020, 10:52 AM
Just curious EE; what on Earth does killing an Iranian general in Iraq have to do with saving America from Satan worshipping Democrats?
Zionism has destroyed and is in the process of destroying everything that we as Americans should hold sacred. It has been the propellant force behind almost all of the evils perpetrated in this world for the last century at least. Zionism and Jewish supremacism are inseparable and can be considered one and the same. The Democrats and the Republicans are both vehicles for furthering the aims of Zionism. There is no way out of this by using either party. Curse the Democrats, that's fine, but curse the Republicans too, for they are being led by the biggest Zionist on Earth. His name is Trump and he has come right out and stated this fact. He has not been shy about it.
Zionism is the force behind the destruction of Europe and of the white race. It has been the propellant behind both world wars, the cold war, any and all color revolutions, deposings of leaders, assassations of elected leaders all around the globe. You cannot name an evil in this world that is not either in bed with or an appendage of Zionism. It is the reason for Communism and the excesses of (supposed) capitalism. It has killed hundreds of millions of innocent people who wanted nothing more than to be left alone to pursue their lives in peace.
There is a poisonous current running through the river that we call the affairs of man. It has polluted every backwater and every lagoon, all tributaries and tidewaters, the oceans are rife with it and the very air we breath has it's poisonous influence. It is a choking miasma that has invaded everything. The corona virus is nothing compared to this.
So tell me EE, are you a Zionist?
Woodman above patiently took the time to explain REALITY to insufferable EE.
14th March 2020, 12:14 PM
Just curious EE; what on Earth does killing an Iranian general in Iraq have to do with saving America from Satan worshipping Democrats?
Zionism has destroyed and is in the process of destroying everything that we as Americans should hold sacred. It has been the propellant force behind almost all of the evils perpetrated in this world for the last century at least. Zionism and Jewish supremacism are inseparable and can be considered one and the same. The Democrats and the Republicans are both vehicles for furthering the aims of Zionism. There is no way out of this by using either party. Curse the Democrats, that's fine, but curse the Republicans too, for they are being led by the biggest Zionist on Earth. His name is Trump and he has come right out and stated this fact. He has not been shy about it.
Zionism is the force behind the destruction of Europe and of the white race. It has been the propellant behind both world wars, the cold war, any and all color revolutions, deposings of leaders, assassations of elected leaders all around the globe. You cannot name an evil in this world that is not either in bed with or an appendage of Zionism. It is the reason for Communism and the excesses of (supposed) capitalism. It has killed hundreds of millions of innocent people who wanted nothing more than to be left alone to pursue their lives in peace.
There is a poisonous current running through the river that we call the affairs of man. It has polluted every backwater and every lagoon, all tributaries and tidewaters, the oceans are rife with it and the very air we breath has it's poisonous influence. It is a choking miasma that has invaded everything. The corona virus is nothing compared to this.
So tell me EE, are you a Zionist?
I am not a Zionist, I'm a realist and you are not going to take down Israel at this time. I'm well aware what the Zionist plan is, the question is, what are you going to do about it?
Give me your solutions, not just your's and MR's constant complaining. I get tired of complainers with no solutions.
14th March 2020, 12:21 PM
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 12:43 PM
I get tired of complainers with no solutions.
The solution is...don't put your faith in a complete moron! Pretty easy actually.
14th March 2020, 03:31 PM
I am not a Zionist, I'm a realist and you are not going to take down Israel at this time. I'm well aware what the Zionist plan is, the question is, what are you going to do about it?
Give me your solutions, not just your's and MR's constant complaining. I get tired of complainers with no solutions.
What beef do you have with Iran? My solution is to leave other people the fuck alone. I don't poke hornet's nests and I don't wilfully or maliciously kick sleeping dogs.
14th March 2020, 03:49 PM
Yup, Trumpstein did it again alright. A highly illegal, immoral strike for his masters in Israel. You seriously celebrate this kind of act EE? If we are to condone extra judicial murder, just where will you draw the line?
So if a Native American killed one of your kids, you would just sit there and do nothing?
You're on their land.
What do you think your ancestors did when the indians scalped a rancher out on the frontier? They went and burned down one of their villages. How do you justify that?
14th March 2020, 04:15 PM
So if a Native American killed one of your kids, you would just sit there and do nothing?
You're on their land.
What do you think your ancestors did when the indians scalped a rancher out on the frontier? They went and burned down one of their villages. How do you justify that?
What kind of logic is this? I am almost considering not replying but your logic is so childish that I must. If anyone hurt my child, I would tear their arms off and beat them to death with them. What would you do? As far as me taking over the Indians land, what a fucking laugh. The Indians are still here and making mucho dinero from Whitey. Ask any Indian if they would rather go back to living in a teepee and eating dog shit and freezing to death in the winter. They were not noble savages, they were constantly waging war upon one another and taking the women and children for sex slaves. The continent was settled by whites when the Indians came here. Read their oral histories, clueless one. They welcomed the whites in many cases because of their oral histories.
All this has nothing to do with anything I posted.
You are an idiot. You are a Zionist.
14th March 2020, 04:22 PM
If anyone hurt my child, I would tear their arms off and beat them to death with them. What would you do?
I agree. If anyone hurts our kids, we should blow them the fuck up.
They were not noble savages, they were constantly waging war upon one another and taking the women and children for sex slaves.
I agree. This is what all the tribes in the middle east do to each other. They kill each other perpetually, take kids as sex slaves (especially boys), etc. Why do people care when we put them in their place?
I think we are actually both in complete agreement. I did not disagree with anything you said.
Also, I agree with you that we shouldn't be in the middle east at all. But as long as we are, we can't just let them kill our kids.
14th March 2020, 04:44 PM
What beef do you have with Iran? My solution is to leave other people the fuck alone. I don't poke hornet's nests and I don't wilfully or maliciously kick sleeping dogs.
The world is a pretty messed up place, I don't agree with these foreign interventions, but I can't concern myself with the deaths of a few terrorists that have killed Americans. If they were such good people and want to be left alone, why don't they try to form a truce with the rest of the world?
I believe our country is in decline like most of you people do. Saving what is left of our society is my priority. If that means not caring what goes on in the rest of the world and not falling victim to the latest lies by the evil people that wish to take us down, that's what I have to do.
Right now I feel our fight for survival is to stop the Democrats from getting power.
The number one reason I voted for Trump is to stop the illegal invasion the Democrats want so badly.
You guys always point your fingers at the Jews, why can't you see the Jews are the Democrats. Their party, the Democrat congress, is littered with Jews that hate our country. See for yourself, maybe you will see why I support Trump so strongly. If Trump is such a lover of Jews, why don't all these Democrat Jews love him? Why don't the Hollywood Jews love him? Why don't the MSM Jews love him, Why don't the NY Jews love him?
Jews in congress
(18 Democrats, 1 Republican)
David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Alan Grayson (D-FL)
Steve Israel (D-NY)
Sander Levin (D-MI)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Jared Polis (D-CO)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)*
(9 Democrats, 1 Independent)
Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Al Franken (D-MN)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 04:50 PM
we can't just let them kill our kids.
Yes, "we" can. Those kids volunteered, most likely with mommy and daddy's support (to get them out of the nest), to become cannon fodder. They were not compelled to do so against their will. The very definite possibility of getting killed when occupying a country is always there for a USGI, so if you don't want the possibility of dying don't become cannon fodder. When you're cannon fodder the possibility of dying comes with the territory. Bear in mind that Uncle Satan has been occupying Iraq for 17 years.
14th March 2020, 04:54 PM
Yes, "we" can. Those kids volunteered, most likely with mommy and daddy's support (to get them out of the nest), to become cannon fodder. They were not compelled to do so against their will. The very definite possibility of getting killed when occupying a country is always there for a USGI, so if you don't want the possibility of dying don't become cannon fodder. When you're cannon fodder the possibility of dying comes with the territory. Bear in mind that Uncle Satan has been occupying Iraq for 17 years.
You are wrong! These people in the Middle East are no one's friends. Look what they do to all the countries they migrate to, they are murderous animals!
I wouldn't have any qualms to turn the whole Middle East into a giant sheet of green glass.
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 05:03 PM
Uncle Satan is deeply involved in the ME (for no less than 17 years) solely for the furtherance of Greater Israhell and for no other reason. If the TRILLIONS that Uncle Satan has 'invested' in the interests of Greater Israhell had been used in the furtherance of the interests of the American people think how much better off we'd all be right now. For one thing there would be no opportunity for the rise of the Bolsheviks like Burnee.
14th March 2020, 05:17 PM
Uncle Satan is deeply involved in the ME (for no less than 17 years) solely for the furtherance of Greater Israhell and for no other reason. If the TRILLIONS that Uncle Satan has 'invested' in the interests of Greater Israhell had been used in the furtherance of the interests of the American people think how much better off we'd all be right now. For one thing there would be no opportunity for the rise of the Bolsheviks like Burnee.
If your grandfather had a vagina, he'd be your grandmother.
'If" we weren't there tamping down the Muzzies, maybe their population would be 3 times the size they are today? No thank you. I'm hated enough for being white.
midnight rambler
14th March 2020, 05:40 PM
ALL of our 'problems' with the goatfuckers is totally the result the agenda and actions of the tribe and their errand boys, like Trumpstein.
14th March 2020, 07:55 PM
I don't give a crap about Israel, right now I am standing with Trump to save America from you evil Satan worshiping Democrats.
One battle at a time.
Eye for an eye and or more American I's, until you're the last nigger listening?
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