View Full Version : I might be joining MR's "I Hate America" club soon...

17th March 2020, 02:01 AM
We've been had again. Threaten our president (if you are a Democrat) and there's no consequence. Threaten a scumbag (if you're a Republican) and you go to jail.
All hope for our country is lost. The US is the most corrupt country in the world, nothing the government says, or does, can ever be trusted again.
Barr and Durham are in the take down of our country.

John Durham Charges Man with Threatening to Assault and Murder Adam Schiff
Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila March 16, 2020 266 Comments

US Attorney General Bill Barr appointed US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham almost one year ago to investigate the origins of Spygate and he still has not indicted any of the Deep State coup plotters.

Durham is reportedly set to end his probe this summer but he has yet to interview Jim Comey, Carter Page or John Brennan.

But he announced Monday that he charged a man who threatened to assault and murder impeachment ringleader Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

Via the DOJ:

John H. Durham, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, and David Sundberg, Special Agent in Charge of the New Haven Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, today announced that ROBERT M. PHELPS, 62, of Torrington, has been charged by federal criminal complaint with threatening to murder U.S. Representative Adam Schiff of California.

Phelps was arrested on March 13. Following his arrest, he appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge William I. Garfinkel in Bridgeport and was released on a $25,000 bond.

As alleged in court documents and statements made in court, on November 12, 2019, the office of U.S. Representative Adam Schiff received a threatening communication through a Meeting Request entry form on Congressman Schiff’s official website. The meeting request included the statement “…I want to kill you with my bare hands and smash your…face in.” In addition, in response to the preferred days of the week for the meeting request, Phelps wrote “Measure your Coffin day.”

It is further alleged that, on December 4, 2019, investigators interviewed Phelps at his Torrington residence and confirmed that Phelps sent the threatening communication.

According to the complaint, investigators went to Phelps’ home in December to question him about the threatening message he sent to Adam Schiff in November via his “schedule-a-meeting” website.

“You little c*cksucker I want to come and see you so I can spit in your face and I want to kill you with my bare hands and smash your sick little round fat lying face in,” the message said. “You had better hope I never meet up with you motherf*cker.”

The message was signed by “Robert M. Phelps Republican.”

The email also included all of Phelps’ information such as his full legal name, his home address, phone number and email address.

He listed the name of his organization as “Lyingc*cksuckerclub.shittyshiffy” and added other names such as, “NANCY PIGLOSI DUMOCRATIC RETARDS.”

When asked what day of the week he preferred to meet Schiff, he stated: “Measure your Coffin day.”

Phelps admitted to investigators that he was the one who sent Schiff the emails but added he didn’t believe the messages were threatening.

Phelps was released on a $25,000 bond and faces up to 15 years in prison if found guilty on all charges.


17th March 2020, 02:30 AM
Do not conflate a lack of gullibility and a hatred of the sickness that has descended upon this country as a hatred for this country. It kind of pisses me off that you would even start a thread claiming MR hates this country in the title. You need to rename this thread as it is not an honorable attempt at educating this forum.

Perhaps your eyes are finally starting to open up however, and that is good. Stop being gullible. It is only through our gullibility that the controllers are able to use us as weapons against ourselves.

This country is it's land and people. It's government long ago abdicated it's legitimate role of limited governance and has become a tyrannical vehicle for the schemes of the elite.

17th March 2020, 03:31 AM
Do not conflate a lack of gullibility and a hatred of the sickness that has descended upon this country as a hatred for this country. It kind of pisses me off that you would even start a thread claiming MR hates this country in the title. You need to rename this thread as it is not an honorable attempt at educating this forum.

Perhaps your eyes are finally starting to open up however, and that is good. Stop being gullible. It is only through our gullibility that the controllers are able to use us as weapons against ourselves.

This country is it's land and people. It's government long ago abdicated it's legitimate role of limited governance and has become a tyrannical vehicle for the schemes of the elite.

I take it, when you want to see our president dead and gone, the only president that has stood up for our country in my lifetime, who lost billions of his own money to do so...the same as wanting our country to fall. I see it as hatred for our country.

Perhaps this extreme hatred of our president is out of frustration for all the things wrong in government?

Trump didn't need to do this and in my opinion, he is the only man in our country that's been able to do the things he's accomplished. I take it personal when people, instead of trying to support his effort against all odds, choose to spread more hatred that furthers the Democrats plan to completely destroy our country forever.

If the Democrats ever get control again, you can bet your life, the only way to take our country back will be by massive bloodshed.

You say "This country is it's land and people", are you talking about people under Democrat rule, that will flood our borders from 3rd world countries unabated? Are those our people? That's not my country and it shouldn't be yours either.

Every time you and MR spread hatred of Trump, you are telling me and millions of supporters, you wish to see the demise of America. You and MR should join the Democrat party, you'll have plenty of company of America/Trump haters there.

One thing Trump has done, that you guys might be opposed to, Trump has brought out and rallied the patriots in this country, like no president has done before. It truly is a movement of people that stand for America and all the good things we have been blessed with.

One thing I find appalling, you guys calling Trump a complete moron, you are calling the millions and millions of patriots that support him, idiots/morons too. But you are the smart one's! You are better then the millions.

It should be becoming obvious to everyone on this site, you guys have not been supporting our country in any positive way.

I don't consider you my brothers.

17th March 2020, 05:10 AM
We've been had again. Threaten our president (if you are a Democrat) and there's no consequence. Threaten a scumbag (if you're a Republican) and you go to jail.
All hope for our country is lost. The US is the most corrupt country in the world, nothing the government says, or does, can ever be trusted again.
Barr and Durham are in the the take down of our country.


Barr is a dirty CIA, deep state swamp rat. As I have posted here countless times, this guy spent his entire career covering for the intelligence agencies. Barr's loyalty lies with the deep state.
CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair


Barr, however, is a particularly spectacular and sordid case. As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors (https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1994/eirv21n42-19941021/eirv21n42-19941021_029-william_barr_the_bush_clique_and.pdf) (And then it goes on to list all over his cover-ups, including protecting BOTH BUSH and CLINTON. Not listed is that Barr was also involved in the cover-up of Lockerbie--planted evidence to blame Libya, when it was really a CIA vs CIA plot)

And on Durham, well yeah, at first I fell for the BS from the talking heads telling me he was a "straight-shooter," but then I did some research on my own and found that he did some kind of white-wash/coverup of the CIA torture program, and then I IMMEDIATELY knew WE HAD BEEN HAD AGAIN!!--So the two guys, who are supposed to be going after the deep state coup plotters, both happen to have a history of covering for the deep state/intell agencies!?!?! Dirty and corrupt as the day is long. They have been slow-walking this whole thing, telling us to wait for the IG report (as though we all didn't already know what happened--Greg Jarrett wrote a whole book on the Russia hoax, we didn't need another investigation, we needed ARRESTS!!!) and telling us to let Durham finish.

17th March 2020, 05:54 AM
Trump didn't need to do this and in my opinion, he is the only man in our country that's been able to do the things he's accomplished. I take it personal when people, instead of trying to support his effort against all odds, choose to spread more hatred that furthers the Democrats plan to completely destroy our country forever.

This young lady on Twitter in a very few words tells it like it is. https://twitter.com/notatsclassy/
Grand Duchess**Betrayed & Angry

I voted for a wall (not a fence), America First, deportations, & Hillary for prison. I voted for a lot of things, & I got diddly squat. Thanks, Trump. NO DMs

Retweets are not endorsements
Joined November 2015

29.8K Following (https://mobile.twitter.com/NoTatsClassy/following)
50.9K Followers (https://mobile.twitter.com/NoTatsClassy/followers)


At this point, a vote for @realDonaldTrump is a vote for unlimited immigration, weak borders, amnesty, outsourcing American jobs to India, outsourcing US manufacturing to China, early prison release, & snide remarks about Mini Mike in useless tweets. It's all so tiresome.

17th March 2020, 06:24 AM
I take it, when you want to see our president dead and gone, the only president that has stood up for our country in my lifetime, who lost billions of his own money to do so...the same as wanting our country to fall. I see it as hatred for our country.

Perhaps this extreme hatred of our president is out of frustration for all the things wrong in government?

Trump didn't need to do this and in my opinion, he is the only man in our country that's been able to do the things he's accomplished. I take it personal when people, instead of trying to support his effort against all odds, choose to spread more hatred that furthers the Democrats plan to completely destroy our country forever.

If the Democrats ever get control again, you can bet your life, the only way to take our country back will be by massive bloodshed.

You say "This country is it's land and people", are you talking about people under Democrat rule, that will flood our borders from 3rd world countries unabated? Are those our people? That's not my country and it shouldn't be yours either.

Every time you and MR spread hatred of Trump, you are telling me and millions of supporters, you wish to see the demise of America. You and MR should join the Democrat party, you'll have plenty of company of America/Trump haters there.

One thing Trump has done, that you guys might be opposed to, Trump has brought out and rallied the patriots in this country, like no president has done before. It truly is a movement of people that stand for America and all the good things we have been blessed with.

One thing I find appalling, you guys calling Trump a complete moron, you are calling the millions and millions of patriots that support him, idiots/morons too. But you are the smart one's! You are better then the millions.

It should be becoming obvious to everyone on this site, you guys have not been supporting our country in any positive way.

I don't consider you my brothers.
I did not read your post EE. I believe you are simply bloviating. Starting a thread with a title that paints a fellow member in a bad light, is very poor sport. Delete it.

17th March 2020, 12:38 PM
Yes, the FIX is most definitely IN!!!

Durham just another deep state snake!! No freaking surprise there, since he was nominated by CIA Barr.


39 secs:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=72&v=P2ajKSQjScA&feature=emb_t itle

This is not good.
Lou Dobbs reported the latest on the John Durham investigation.
John Durham is investigating potential FBI and Justice Department misconduct (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/john-durham-investigation-fbi-misconduct-criminal-probe) in the run-up to the 2016 election. In October of 2019 the investigation transitioned into a full-fledged criminal investigation.
On Monday Lou Dobbs reported the Durham investigation is going to wind down sometime in the June to September timeline.
And, Durham has yet to interview Jim Comey or John Brennan.(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This is starting to look like the IG Horowitz investigation.

17th March 2020, 01:16 PM
The political plane is chaotic, uncontrolled and uncontrollable. America is that fictional political plane.

I prefer to appoint my agents rather than vote for them. At one time I maintained a residence in the District but the cost to maintain it grew out of any bound set to limit the decay so I abandoned the structure. If you would like to take a stab at renovating it I wish you well.