View Full Version : Kalifornia on Lockdown

19th March 2020, 07:56 PM


19th March 2020, 08:16 PM
Yup, lockdown. Hey Midnight Rambler, you called this one. I may not have posted much on this forum recently, but sure glad I've been reading it, particularly you. You called it from the beginning.

I'm in CA and prepared, somewhat. Better than most. Each day is a blessing, and with each day things change here.

19th March 2020, 09:41 PM

19th March 2020, 09:51 PM
saw that some of florida is shutting down the beaches

clown world

20th March 2020, 03:51 AM
From the Chinafornia rulers

Now that we've established this new precedent, in the event of any uprising by the armed population against the ruling class, you will be told to obey orders and return to your homes, or the ruling class will enforce these orders by any, or violent means. Any one in violation of these orders will result in the mass arrest of violators and they will be taken to reeducation camps.These new orders are for your own and the common good.

Thank you for your participation!
The Chinafornia Ruling Class

The proletariates are passing the test with flying colors!

Martial Law France: Citizens Forced To Fill Out Form Every Time They Leave Home
by Tyler Durden
Fri, 03/20/2020 - 06:10
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

The coronavirus lockdown in France literally forces citizens to ‘show their papers’; They have to fill out a form explaining why they are outside and present it to police.

A translation of the form posted online shows how citizens have to provide their name, date of birth, address and declare their reason for leaving quarantine.

Travel to a workplace is allowed, but only if the individual can prove they don’t have the capacity to work from home.

Other reasons include purchasing “essential necessities in authorized establishments” (how this can be proven is unknown), visiting family for “compelling reasons,” assisting vulnerable people and traveling for medical reasons.

There also appears to be an exemption for exercise so long as it takes place locally and not with groups of people.

Videos posted online show people being stopped by police and asked to explain their reason for being outside. Those without paperwork have to fill it in on the spot and face fines of up to $148 if caught lying about their activities.

100,000 extra police have been deployed to patrol streets and enforce the lockdown.

Police in Spain have been using drones to check the streets for anyone ignoring Spanish orders to stay home during the coronavirus outbreak
On Saturday, the country's 47 million citizens were ordered to stay indoors except for necessary tripshttp://bbc.in/2QjUZDr


20th March 2020, 04:37 AM
From the Chinafornia rulers

Now that we've established this new precedent, in the event of any uprising by the armed population against the ruling class, you will be told to obey orders and return to your homes, or the ruling class will enforce these orders by any, or violent means. Any one in violation of these orders will result in the mass arrest of violators and they will be taken to reeducation camps.These new orders are for your own and the common good.

Thank you for your participation!
The Chinafornia Ruling Class

The proletariates are passing the test with flying colors!

Martial Law France: Citizens Forced To Fill Out Form Every Time They Leave Home
by Tyler Durden
Fri, 03/20/2020 - 06:10
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

The coronavirus lockdown in France literally forces citizens to ‘show their papers’; They have to fill out a form explaining why they are outside and present it to police.

A translation of the form posted online shows how citizens have to provide their name, date of birth, address and declare their reason for leaving quarantine.

Travel to a workplace is allowed, but only if the individual can prove they don’t have the capacity to work from home.

Other reasons include purchasing “essential necessities in authorized establishments” (how this can be proven is unknown), visiting family for “compelling reasons,” assisting vulnerable people and traveling for medical reasons.

There also appears to be an exemption for exercise so long as it takes place locally and not with groups of people.

Videos posted online show people being stopped by police and asked to explain their reason for being outside. Those without paperwork have to fill it in on the spot and face fines of up to $148 if caught lying about their activities.

100,000 extra police have been deployed to patrol streets and enforce the lockdown.

Police in Spain have been using drones to check the streets for anyone ignoring Spanish orders to stay home during the coronavirus outbreak
On Saturday, the country's 47 million citizens were ordered to stay indoors except for necessary tripshttp://bbc.in/2QjUZDr


It should be obvious to most why the 2nd amendment declares “A well regulated Militia being NECESSARY to the security of a free State,.

The Article II §2 Clause 1 Militia of the several States, unconstitutionally disestablished by Congress in 1903 is the People’s means to enforce the Constitution.

20th March 2020, 08:23 AM
It should be obvious to most why the 2nd amendment declares “A well regulated Militia being NECESSARY to the security of a free State,.

The Article II §2 Clause 1 Militia of the several States, unconstitutionally disestablished by Congress in 1903 is the People’s means to enforce the Constitution.


The #2A has been warning "the people" #2A for a long time that "the security of a free State" #2A is ultimately their own responsibility—but they must be organized in the governmental institutions "necessary" #2A for that purpose—"well regulated Militia" #2A

20th March 2020, 09:41 AM
This escalated quickly.

In an unarmed society there would be little left for Bolshevik or our Western Governments to do now but go door to door confiscating the food (and toilet paper) from the rural 'hoarders.'

20th March 2020, 09:52 AM
This escalated quickly.

In an unarmed society there would be little left for Bolshevik or our Western Governments to do now but go door to door confiscating the food (and toilet paper) from the rural 'hoarders.'

There is not a critical shortage of food in my area in CA. Shelves are fairly bare of canned goods, but you can get some. No TP or paper towels. People are not working and don't have the money to buy unnecessary things. Plus, the trucks are still coming in to restock the grocery stores.

I am more concerned about crime, than lack of food for the masses. When people can't afford food, and run out, they may get desperate.

20th March 2020, 10:11 AM
There is not a critical shortage of food in my area in CA. Shelves are fairly bare of canned goods, but you can get some. No TP or paper towels. People are not working and don't have the money to buy unnecessary things. Plus, the trucks are still coming in to restock the grocery stores.

I am more concerned about crime, than lack of food for the masses. When people can't afford food, and run out, they may get desperate.

What will the human toll be when so many of the working class are broken and destitute? How many will be damaged by criminal thugs desperate and wanting what you have? What will the general health be in a society that has broken down? What will suicide rates do?
IMO, the cure will outweigh the damage of the virus.

20th March 2020, 10:15 AM
There is not a critical shortage of food in my area in CA. Shelves are fairly bare of canned goods, but you can get some. No TP or paper towels. People are not working and don't have the money to buy unnecessary things. Plus, the trucks are still coming in to restock the grocery stores.

I am more concerned about crime, than lack of food for the masses. When people can't afford food, and run out, they may get desperate.
Are you still living on you boat Hitch? How will this lock-down affect you, will you be able to weigh anchor and go fishing or head out to new horizons?

20th March 2020, 11:19 AM
Not very "locked down" where I live. Many businesses are closed, but many "non-essentials" are very much open, and there are a hell of a lot of people out and about. No one seems to be stressing too badly. Of course, this area isn't terribly sympathetic to left-leaning "solutions".

20th March 2020, 12:10 PM
The peoples republic of ILL is closing down

Gov. J.B. Pritzker to issue order requiring residents ‘shelter in place’ starting Saturday, sources say (https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-coronavirus-illinois-shelter-in-place-lockdown-order-20200320-teedakbfw5gvdgmnaxlel54hau-story.html)

20th March 2020, 12:14 PM
The peoples republic of ILL is closing down

Gov. J.B. Pritzker to issue order requiring residents ‘shelter in place’ starting Saturday, sources say (https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-coronavirus-illinois-shelter-in-place-lockdown-order-20200320-teedakbfw5gvdgmnaxlel54hau-story.html)

That's 3 sanctuary states locked down so far.

20th March 2020, 12:40 PM
Are you still living on you boat Hitch? How will this lock-down affect you, will you be able to weigh anchor and go fishing or head out to new horizons?

I am still living on the boat, and I'm in a good spot. I am well stocked, and have good neighbors here. The harbor master crew even has security at night patrolling the parking lot. I am conceal carrying while on the boat, and my brother is even urging me to break our CA laws and conceal while out in the parking lot, or around our small town.

The biggest way this lockdown is affecting me is my job. Been a dedicated employee for almost 13 years now, and the company is hit hard by this. While still operating as an essential service, from what I can tell, there's little to no work. The local lockdowns were said to be 3 weeks, but now this statewide one is "until further notice." Who knows how long that will be.

20th March 2020, 01:20 PM
I am still living on the boat, and I'm in a good spot. I am well stocked, and have good neighbors here. The harbor master crew even has security at night patrolling the parking lot. I am conceal carrying while on the boat, and my brother is even urging me to break our CA laws and conceal while out in the parking lot, or around our small town.

The biggest way this lockdown is affecting me is my job. Been a dedicated employee for almost 13 years now, and the company is hit hard by this. While still operating as an essential service, from what I can tell, there's little to no work. The local lockdowns were said to be 3 weeks, but now this statewide one is "until further notice." Who knows how long that will be.

I'm very much afraid the "until further notice" will be months, not weeks. We all need to be prepared for that possibility.

20th March 2020, 02:55 PM
Been a dedicated employee for almost 13 years now, and the company is hit hard by this.

Previously you mentioned that you are a LABOR UNION employee.


20th March 2020, 05:31 PM
Not very "locked down" where I live. Many businesses are closed, but many "non-essentials" are very much open, and there are a hell of a lot of people out and about. No one seems to be stressing too badly. Of course, this area isn't terribly sympathetic to left-leaning "solutions".

I went into town to get some stuff from a hardware store for a project I'm working on. Lot's of people out, and not very locked down either. The hardware store even had paper towels. I didn't buy any, got plenty, but made a mental note of that.

The only downside is if people aren't taking this seriously, they might start more draconian measures to convince the public.

20th March 2020, 06:25 PM
I went into town to get some stuff from a hardware store for a project I'm working on. Lot's of people out, and not very locked down either. The hardware store even had paper towels. I didn't buy any, got plenty, but made a mental note of that.

The only downside is if people aren't taking this seriously, they might start more draconian measures to convince the public.

I would absolutely count on that.

20th March 2020, 07:18 PM
I went into town to get some stuff from a hardware store for a project I'm working on. Lot's of people out, and not very locked down either. The hardware store even had paper towels. I didn't buy any, got plenty, but made a mental note of that.

The only downside is if people aren't taking this seriously, they might start more draconian measures to convince the public.

I would absolutely count on that.

Illinois' guv said there really isn't much inforcement.
Just talke to a guy that was in on a local city planning meeting. Asst Police chief chimed in and said there was no enforcement of the stay at home per Illinois State Police.

Looking at Illinois' exempstion list... The only people affected are .gov workers (fed, state, and local) and stand alone stores (liquor, tobacco, computer) and .gov workers are getting guaranteed paid.

Small business liquor and tobacco stores will be swamped tomorrow.

21st March 2020, 05:06 AM
Another thing that is probably locked down...

All of the small mom and pop gun shops.
I will have to do some digging to see who might shut down or throws up the middle finger to the state.

Edit to add my digging.


Liquor stores, weed dispensaries and gun stores all are deemed “essential” and will be able to sell their products to the public.

This is incrementalism we are seeing now. To recap ILLs progression.

3-11 Limit your gatherings to under 250

3-12 closed all schools for two weeks (most universities were at this point already)

3-13 closed all bars and restaurants for sit in dining/drinking

3-18 closed all state parks

3-20 "stay at home" thru April 7th issued. It's an order that really doesn't change much from the above.
This must be a stepping stone to something else.

21st March 2020, 06:37 AM
Another thing that is probably locked down...

All of the small mom and pop gun shops.
I will have to do some digging to see who might shut down or throws up the middle finger to the state.

Edit to add my digging.


This is incrementalism we are seeing now. To recap ILLs progression.

3-11 Limit your gatherings to under 250

3-12 closed all schools for two weeks (most universities were at this point already)

3-13 closed all bars and restaurants for sit in dining/drinking

3-18 closed all state parks

3-20 "stay at home" thru April 7th issued. It's an order that really doesn't change much from the above.
This must be a stepping stone to something else.

What is happening now with the overreach of government is the result of the ‘dumbing down’ of the population.

The Constitution grants the government no such authority. Article I Section 8 Clauses 15 & 16 are the only powers Congress has regarding firearm legislation. Congress jurisdiction is limited to Washington D.C., a Territory, Insular Possessions, The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the enclaves owned by the United States within the Union States. Article I Section 8 Clause 17.

All the federal firearms acts Constitutionally are null and void anywhere except as noted above.


Executive Orders by Presidents and Governors carry no force in law, they are orders to their administrative staff and departments.

A governors power to close anything does not extend beyond closing anything not in the public sector.

21st March 2020, 07:50 AM
fwiw, in Mannarino chat

my state Despite coronavirus outbreak, Tennessee governor won't mandate business closures

So, at least one state is NOT going along with the insanity

21st March 2020, 07:57 AM
What is happening now with the overreach of government is the result of the ‘dumbing down’ of the population.

The Constitution grants the government no such authority. Article I Section 8 Clauses 15 & 16 are the only powers Congress has regarding firearm legislation. Congress jurisdiction is limited to Washington D.C., a Territory, Insular Possessions, The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the enclaves owned by the United States within the Union States. Article I Section 8 Clause 17.

All the federal firearms acts Constitutionally are null and void anywhere except as noted above.


Executive Orders by Presidents and Governors carry no force in law, they are orders to their administrative staff and departments.

A governors power to close anything does not extend beyond closing anything not in the public sector.

Stare Decisis, judicial precedent, does not modify or override the Constitution nor do Supreme Court decisions.

Websites with Constitutional information/courses


https://tenthamendmentcenter.com (https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/)

https://constitutionalmilitia.org/ ~ 2nd amendment, militia of the several states and U.S. monetary law

https://www.hillsdale.edu/ free online courses on the Constitution


22nd March 2020, 04:11 AM
This is Illinois' "Can't stay open list". Everything else is essential.

CAN’T STAY OPEN (https://www.news-gazette.com/coronavirus/updated-governor-s-order-detailed-list-of-what-can-stay/article_41349ad4-6af1-11ea-850c-53e83def4697.html)

— Schools. The statewide shutdown was extended to April 7 on Friday.

However, schools and other entities that typically provide food services to students or members of the public may continue to do so on the condition that the food is provided to students or members of the public on a pick-up and takeaway basis only.

— All places of public amusement, whether indoors or outdoors, including locations with amusement rides, carnivals, amusement parks, water parks, aquariums, zoos, museums, arcades, fairs, children’s play centers, playgrounds, funplexes, theme parks, bowling alleys, movie and other theaters, concert and music halls, and country clubs or social clubs.
— Fitness and exercise gyms and spas.
The governor's order notes: "Outdoor exercise like running or taking a walk is perfectly acceptable; however, exercise gyms, fitness centers and associated facilities will be closed to reduce the spread of coronavirus. While exercising outside, you should still practice social distancing by running or walking at least six feet away from other people."
— Salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors and similar facilities.

22nd March 2020, 04:14 AM
Jersey is going on lockdown.

These states are ordering residents to stay home or shelter in place. What does that mean? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/03/21/coronavirus-lockdown-orders-shelter-place-stay-home-state-list/2891193001/)

California shelter-in-place orderCalifornia Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a statewide shelter-in-place order (https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/nation/california/2020/03/19/newsom-tells-trump-25-5-million-californians-could-get-coronavirus/2880679001/) Thursday evening.
Newsom identified 16 critical infrastructure sectors — including those providing food, health care and energy — that will remain open. When asked how long the shelter-in-place order may last, Newsom said it depended on people's behaviors and how well the state is able to contain the virus.
"This is a dynamic situation," Newsom said. "I don't expect this to be many, many months, but for the time being, we are recognizing the next eight weeks" as especially important.
Reader Q&A:Is it safe to get groceries during senior shopping hour? Is it OK to get carry-out food? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/03/19/coronavirus-reader-questions-death-age-flu-symptoms-food-timeline/2863776001/)
New York 'PAUSE' planGov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday announced that all New York residents must stay home (https://www.lohud.com/story/news/politics/2020/03/20/coronavirus-ny-all-non-essential-travel-gatherings-and-work-banned/2883995001/) "to the maximum extent possible," effective 8 p.m. Sunday, March 22.
Cuomo called the order the "New York State on PAUSE" plan, and it bans all nonessential gatherings of individuals "of any size for any reason."
Residents can leave their homes for solitary exercise or to obtain essential services or items, including trips to the grocery stores. When in public, they must keep a 6-foot distance from others.
Mass transit will stay operational; food delivery and takeout services will stay open, as will other essential businesses, such as gas stations and grocery stores. But all workers should stay home unless they fall into the list of essential businesses.
Cuomo has repeatedly said that the term "shelter-in-place" is inappropriate to apply to the new order because most people associate the term with an active shooter situation.
Here's what you can and cannot do in New York (https://www.lohud.com/story/news/2020/03/19/coronavirus-restrictions-new-york-list-new-rules-know/2876222001/).
Illinois stay-at-home orderIllinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Friday announced a "stay-at-home" order (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/03/21/coronavirus-updates-us-states-under-stay-home-orders-stocks-drop/2888166001/) that will begin Saturday and last until at least April 7.
All nonessential businesses must close, and all people who can work from home must do so, Pritzker said. All Illinois schools will stay closed until at least April 8.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the order "is not a lockdown or martial law." Pharmacies, grocery stories and clinics will not close. Airports will be open and garbage will be collected.
Connecticut stay-at-home orderIn Connecticut, Gov. Ned Lamont on Friday announced an executive order (https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Press-Releases/2020/03-2020/Governor-Lamont-Signs-Executive-Order-Asking-Connecticut-Businesses-and-Residents-Stay-Safe) directing all nonessential businesses and not-for-profit entities in the state to prohibit all in-person functions if they are able to, effective 8 p.m. Monday.

The order excludes essential business, such as health care, food service, law enforcement and similar critical services, Lamont said. Further guidance for businesses would be released over the weekend, he said.
The order recommends that people maintain social distancing, limit outdoor recreational activities to noncontact and limit the use of public transportation to when absolutely necessary, among other items.

MAP:Track coronavirus outbreaks across the US and in your state (https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2020/03/10/us-coronavirus-map-tracking-united-states-outbreak/4945223002/)
Oregon stay-at-home orderOregon Gov. Kate Brown on Friday told residents to stay home, calling the directive "both an order and a public awareness campaign."
"I am directing Oregonians tonight to stay home to stay healthy. Social distancing done well and done early can save lives," Brown said in a press conference.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said on Twitter (https://twitter.com/tedwheeler/status/1241185709852995590) on Friday that he was working with the governor and Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury to draft the specifics of the order over the weekend. "This is not a lockdown," Wheeler said in the post. "This is a 'stay at home unless it’s absolutely necessary to go out' order."
Get daily COVID-19 updates in your inbox:Sign up for Coronavirus Watch (https://profile.usatoday.com/newsletters/coronavirus-watch/)
New Jersey stay-at-home orderNew Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy announced Saturday that he would be ordering residents to stay at home (https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/coronavirus/2020/03/21/coronavirus-nj-shutdown-murphy-closes-nonessential-businesses/2884153001/), effective at 9 p.m. He also canceled gatherings of any number, including parties, weddings and religious ceremonies.
"We need you to just stay at home," Murphy said. "We have to change our behaviors."
Murphy said the restrictions would not change "anytime soon" and could continue for weeks or months.
Pennsylvania closes nonessential businessesPennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf ordered all "non-life-sustaining" businesses to close Thursday night. He made the order after being granted extraordinary powers upon his "declaration of a disaster emergency, such as COVID-19."

22nd March 2020, 04:28 AM
Jersey is going on lockdown.

These states are ordering residents to stay home or shelter in place. What does that mean? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/03/21/coronavirus-lockdown-orders-shelter-place-stay-home-state-list/2891193001/)

Res is 'thing' and ident means identified. I suppose if you were processed thru the Real ID act and have a star on your driver's license you are now a 'thing identified' and you better quaranteen yourself for your own protection.

22nd March 2020, 01:24 PM


California Inches Toward Soviet System, Now Even Sneezing Can Land You a Visit from Authorities

09:31 (http://www.stationgossip.com/2020/03/california-inches-toward-soviet-system.html) - News (http://www.stationgossip.com/search/label/News)

It’s so rare for me to find common cause with a Democrat that I feel the occasion warrants repeating.
On Thursday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo — Michael Corleone to Chris Cuomo’s Fredo — went on NBC’s “Today” show to talk about the number of coronavirus cases in his state. Not only did he not scaremonger, he specifically warned against scaremongering
“We’re fighting the virus and we’re fighting fear and panic,” Cuomo said (https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-cuomo-respirator-20200319-xuimmmxatjcnpnvhvntqkp6mle-story.html). “The fear and panic is, if anything, worse than the virus.”
Meanwhile, in California, people are calling 911 on coughing and sneezing neighbors.


22nd March 2020, 01:36 PM


California Inches Toward Soviet System, Now Even Sneezing Can Land You a Visit from Authorities

09:31 (http://www.stationgossip.com/2020/03/california-inches-toward-soviet-system.html) - News (http://www.stationgossip.com/search/label/News)

It’s so rare for me to find common cause with a Democrat that I feel the occasion warrants repeating.
On Thursday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo — Michael Corleone to Chris Cuomo’s Fredo — went on NBC’s “Today” show to talk about the number of coronavirus cases in his state. Not only did he not scaremonger, he specifically warned against scaremongering
“We’re fighting the virus and we’re fighting fear and panic,” Cuomo said (https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-cuomo-respirator-20200319-xuimmmxatjcnpnvhvntqkp6mle-story.html). “The fear and panic is, if anything, worse than the virus.”
Meanwhile, in California, people are calling 911 on coughing and sneezing neighbors.


Sorry to hear that...
Don't blame the communist politicians, blame the Californians that voted for them.

22nd March 2020, 03:47 PM
Sorry to hear that...
Don't blame the communist politicians, blame the Californians that voted for them.

Seems like I knew by instinct right after this shit started to suppress coughing or sneezing in a public place, not just cough discreetly. I guess I've been living in this state too long.

22nd March 2020, 08:06 PM
Not very "locked down" where I live. Many businesses are closed, but many "non-essentials" are very much open, and there are a hell of a lot of people out and about. No one seems to be stressing too badly. Of course, this area isn't terribly sympathetic to left-leaning "solutions".

HA HA! Good for San Diego. It's been raining in SoCal for a freaking month. Seems San Diegans know how to protect themselves.

Be sure to watch the video.


EE_? Comment about "compliance"? ;-)

22nd March 2020, 08:12 PM
HA HA! Good for San Diego. It's been raining in SoCal for a freaking month. Seems San Diegans know how to protect themselves.

Be sure to watch the video.


EE_? Comment about "compliance"? ;-)

I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn you guys in the the authorities. You will submit!

22nd March 2020, 08:14 PM
I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn you guys in the the authorities. You will submit!

Sorry man... San Diego kicked me out.;)

22nd March 2020, 08:17 PM
Sorry man... San Diego kicked me out.;)

Aren't you in Temecula?

22nd March 2020, 08:23 PM
Aren't you in Temecula?

I've heard of that town...in it? No.

23rd March 2020, 02:10 AM
HA HA! Good for San Diego. It's been raining in SoCal for a freaking month. Seems San Diegans know how to protect themselves.

Be sure to watch the video.


EE_? Comment about "compliance"? ;-)

Uh ha...

Police In California Plan To Use Drones To Enforce Quarantine Lockdown
by Tyler Durden
Sun, 03/22/2020 - 22:20

In the months since the COViD-19 pandemic began, governments around the world have been utilizing a wide range of technological devices to enforce quarantines. Advanced surveillance and tracking have been made possible by cellphone data, CCTV cameras, and drones.

Surveillance drones were used during the lockdown in China to monitor neighborhoods to ensure that residents were staying indoors. Drones were also used to spray disinfectants during the outbreak as well.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged additional governments to use similar tactics to enforce quarantines. Police in Spain have been using drones to patrol the streets and order citizens to stay home during the lockdown.

Most Americans doubted that these types of measures would happen at home, but police in California have already announced a plan to use drones equipped with cameras and loudspeakers to enforce the recently imposed quarantine orders.

In Chula Vista, a town just outside of San Diego, police purchased at least two drones from the Chinese company DJI for $11,000 each.

Vern Sallee, one of the city’s police captains, told the Financial Times that the drones could be used to “disperse crowds” without the need for a human officer to be involved.

“We have not traditionally mounted speakers to our drones, but . . . if we need to cover a large area to get an announcement out, or if there were a crowd somewhere that we needed to disperse - we could do it without getting police officers involved,” Sallee said.

“The outbreak has changed my view of expanding the program as rapidly as I can,” he added.

Sallee also suggested that the drones could be used to give homeless people updates or orders about the pandemic, since many of them may not have access to the Internet and may be unaware of the current situation.

“We need to tell them we actually have resources for them—they are vulnerable right now. It might be impractical or unsafe for our officers to be put into those areas,” Sallee said.

Spencer Gore, chief executive of Impossible Aerospace, a California-based maker of high-performance drones used by first responders, admitted that the idea “seems a little Orwellian,” but insisted that it could “save lives.”

“What we saw in China, and what we’re probably going to see around the world, is using drones with cameras and loudspeakers to fly around to see if people are gathering where they shouldn’t be, and telling them to go home,” Gore said.


23rd March 2020, 09:05 AM
Uh ha...

Police In California Plan To Use Drones To Enforce Quarantine Lockdown
by Tyler Durden
Sun, 03/22/2020 - 22:20

In the months since the COViD-19 pandemic began, governments around the world have been utilizing a wide range of technological devices to enforce quarantines. Advanced surveillance and tracking have been made possible by cellphone data, CCTV cameras, and drones.

Surveillance drones were used during the lockdown in China to monitor neighborhoods to ensure that residents were staying indoors. Drones were also used to spray disinfectants during the outbreak as well.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged additional governments to use similar tactics to enforce quarantines. Police in Spain have been using drones to patrol the streets and order citizens to stay home during the lockdown.

Most Americans doubted that these types of measures would happen at home, but police in California have already announced a plan to use drones equipped with cameras and loudspeakers to enforce the recently imposed quarantine orders.

In Chula Vista, a town just outside of San Diego, police purchased at least two drones from the Chinese company DJI for $11,000 each.

Vern Sallee, one of the city’s police captains, told the Financial Times that the drones could be used to “disperse crowds” without the need for a human officer to be involved.

“We have not traditionally mounted speakers to our drones, but . . . if we need to cover a large area to get an announcement out, or if there were a crowd somewhere that we needed to disperse - we could do it without getting police officers involved,” Sallee said.

“The outbreak has changed my view of expanding the program as rapidly as I can,” he added.

Sallee also suggested that the drones could be used to give homeless people updates or orders about the pandemic, since many of them may not have access to the Internet and may be unaware of the current situation.

“We need to tell them we actually have resources for them—they are vulnerable right now. It might be impractical or unsafe for our officers to be put into those areas,” Sallee said.

Spencer Gore, chief executive of Impossible Aerospace, a California-based maker of high-performance drones used by first responders, admitted that the idea “seems a little Orwellian,” but insisted that it could “save lives.”

“What we saw in China, and what we’re probably going to see around the world, is using drones with cameras and loudspeakers to fly around to see if people are gathering where they shouldn’t be, and telling them to go home,” Gore said.

Oh don’t get me wrong... I posted on another thread that non-compliance would lead to more militant enforcement strategies. I was just ribbing you about your view that California as a whole would immediately cower if ordered to do so. We’ll see how this ratchets up, as it undoubtedly will. What will Californians do?

23rd March 2020, 09:06 AM
Wisconsin, Meatchicken, and Indiana are going on "lockdown"

23rd March 2020, 09:19 AM
Breaking news out of NJ- Goldman Sachs Whore Gov. Murphy out there saying schools will need to be closed for an extended period of time. (THEY ARE NOT LETTING THIS DIE DOWN--the fear porn will continue b/c that is the justification for the lockdowns and on going tyranny).

midnight rambler
23rd March 2020, 09:24 AM
The governor of Texas had 'shall' in his edict. Shall is a choice.

23rd March 2020, 09:34 AM
The governor of Texas had 'shall' in his edict. Shall is a choice.
My understanding is that shall is no choice. If not, what term indicates no choice?

23rd March 2020, 09:53 AM
My understanding is that shall is no choice. If not, what term indicates no choice?

Shall is future tense. If you are in the moment you cannot recognize future requirements. You have no control over the future.

23rd March 2020, 11:07 AM
Shall is future tense. If you are in the moment you cannot recognize future requirements. You have no control over the future.

Copy that!

23rd March 2020, 11:09 AM
Copy that!

Courtesy of David Wynn-Miller RIP

midnight rambler
23rd March 2020, 11:34 AM
Shall is future tense. If you are in the moment you cannot recognize future requirements. You have no control over the future.

Right, 'shall' is essentially voluntary.

23rd March 2020, 05:57 PM
If you guys are discussing the definition of "shall"....I know you are OK and well prepared for the Coronavirus. :)