View Full Version : Inside zombie hospital, real or fake??

midnight rambler
23rd March 2020, 03:46 AM
I just don't know. I got on the 5G bandwagon, however is this shit real or not?? ??? We know that in the past couple of years at least we can no longer trust ANY still photo, audio, or video, period.

Hospital heavily overwhelmed in itally...?


23rd March 2020, 03:50 AM
I truly do NOT trust anything they show us--I think it's all fear porn and part of the psyop.

They want us afraid of the virus, and they need to perpetuate the idea of the scary virus, b/c that is what is giving them cover to set up this banker totalitarian dictatorship with the digital enslavement grid.

They plan on having this continue for 18 months!! This is NOT going to stop.

IMO, the ONLY thing we should be fearful of is the US govt and the bankers and their plan for us.

IMO, this feels like a Hollywood production--a lot of the photos they show us seem very psyop-like and over the top. The was one (which has now since been switched to a slide show), with a guy on a motorcycle, fully clothed with a helmet, surrounded by 3 guys all geared up in hazmat suits and masks, spraying this guy---Does that sound realistic to you, or does that seem like a staged photo to push the fear?? I mean is it standard procedure for treating viruses to spray people down??? It seems like they are deliberately staging photos/images like that to create the idea that we are dealing with something like the Bubonic plague and people are just dropping dead in the streets and bodies piling up everywhere.

Another suspicious, psyop-like photo was with 3-4 guys all hazmat suited up, spraying down a freaking crosswalk!! Does that seem realistic to you, or does that sound staged to create fear in the public mind?? I mean seriously, do they think the sheeple are going to lick the sidewalk and pick up the virus??? It just seems like a Hollywood special effect.

Same for the tent testing outside--that feels like a deliberate Hollywood-like tactic to create maximum drama and photo-ops to scare the people. I mean, they wouldn't be able to push the fear and drama if people were getting tested in the doctors office.

So, IMO, we can't trust ANYTHING from the MSM or US govt. We know the agenda, we know what they are up too---they are going to continue pushing the narrative that there is a scary virus out there, which is the cover for the bankers bringing in their NWO.

23rd March 2020, 04:02 AM
I truly do NOT trust anything they show us--I think it's all fear porn and part of the psyop.

They want us afraid of the virus, and they need to perpetuate the idea of the scary virus, b/c that is what is giving them cover to set up this banker totalitarian dictatorship with the digital enslavement grid.

They plan on having this continue for 18 months!! This is NOT going to stop.

IMO, the ONLY thing we should be fearful of is the US govt and the bankers and their plan for us.

IMO, this feels like a Hollywood production--a lot of the photos they show us seem very psyop-like and over the top. The was one (which has now since been switched to a slide show), with a guy on a motorcycle, fully clothed with a helmet, surrounded by 3 guys all geared up in hazmat suits and masks, spraying this guy---Does that sound realistic to you, or does that seem like a staged photo to push the fear?? I mean is it standard procedure for treating viruses to spray people down??? It seems like they are deliberately staging photos/images like that to create the idea that we are dealing with something like the Bubonic plague and people are just dropping dead in the streets and bodies piling up everywhere.

Another suspicious, psyop-like photo was with 3-4 guys all hazmat suited up, spraying down a freaking crosswalk!! Does that seem realistic to you, or does that sound staged to create fear in the public mind?? I mean seriously, do they think the sheeple are going to lick the sidewalk and pick up the virus??? It just seems like a Hollywood special effect.

Same for the tent testing outside--that feels like a deliberate Hollywood-like tactic to create maximum drama and photo-ops to scare the people. I mean, they wouldn't be able to push the fear and drama if people were getting tested in the doctors office.

So, IMO, we can't trust ANYTHING from the MSM or US govt. We know the agenda, we know what they are up too---they are going to continue pushing the narrative that there is a scary virus out there, which is the cover for the bankers bringing in their NWO.

This level of illusion is not cheap and not maintainable long term. The NWO needs you to believe because the illusion only lasts as long as your belief in it.

In a way this is encouraging because whatever they have in mind is huge.

23rd March 2020, 04:56 AM

Dumbest thing ever. Staged 100%. Those stupid bubbles over their heads lol. Looks so dramatic.Hardly anyone there, just a few people.

23rd March 2020, 06:01 AM
I don't doubt people are sick. The question is what is making them sick.

I am thinking a bad bunch of jabs and/or a bad batch of drugs. If 99% have bad per-existing conditions, they are on drugs. 80%-95% of drug precursors or drugs are made in China.
Couple that with 5G.....

And maybe the CCP figured out how to depopulate using a mass panic as a cover.

23rd March 2020, 06:20 AM
I don't do drugs. Not even aspirin.

midnight rambler
23rd March 2020, 08:26 AM
Inside another zombie hospital??


23rd March 2020, 08:29 AM
they are pushing the fear, they need everyone to believe there is a virus out there that we need to be protected from, which is the justification for the in-your-face tyranny

23rd March 2020, 11:41 AM
I don't do drugs. Not even aspirin.

Nor do I.

23rd March 2020, 12:35 PM
I don't do drugs. Not even aspirin.
They are all poison. I take herbal supplements from time to time but herbs can be dangerous too. I must admit I occasionally take Nyquill when I feel like shit at night. It makes me feel mellow and drowsy but is certainly horrible for my health.