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29th March 2020, 02:21 PM
Heroic Citizens Going to Local Hospitals and Fact-Checking the LYING MSM

Nothing is going on, quiet, no ambulances racing in, empty, nothing happening…It’s all BS!!!! The MSM is giving the impression that hospitals are war zone, bodies are piling up, we are in the medical crisis of our lives, yet when these people visit their local hospitals, NOTHING is happening, they are ghost towns!! Tons of ambulances just sitting their parked, EMTs hanging out and playing with their phones, etc,

Jason Goodman- NYC Man Searches NYC Hospital for CV-19 Patients, Can't Find Any??
“It’s odd that in a city as big as NYC, in the midst of a pandemic, a key hospital looks quiet and employees haven’t seen any victims”

Emanuel hospital with empty quarantine tents

I Went To Various Hospitals, Urgent Care Centers and Emergency Rooms In My Area *MIRRORED

Corona Virus : Peter Dickman is Calling Hospitals to find Corona Patients
Man in Amsterdam calls hospitals for CV-19 patients, comes up empty

Pandemic Hunting! Hospital or Ghost Town?
Guy goes through a Canadian corolla virus hospital, best hospital vid yet, it's a ghost town. Where all the people dying??

Vorona Cirus EMPTY Hospital Check ups EXPOSE the LIE. (it says "verona" and not "corona" b/c of the censors)
Empty Hospitals are visited in Arizona, UK, Brooklyn NY, New Jersey, and Canada. JOIN zoomtruth.com and get involved. PLEASE Take video of YOUR Local EMPTY Hospital and email it to me at david@zoomtruth.com We MUST WAKE the ZOMBIES.
Now, this video is a collection of videos taking by other youtubers. This video also includes some dancing nurses---do you remember after one of the shooting hoaxes, they had cops (or somebody dancing)?? Also shows a woman going to those outside tents set up b/c "the hospitals were overflowing with people who wanted to be tested" and she looks inside and the tents are empty (which is what I suspected--outside tents as Hollywood touch, to push the fear and good photo ops to create the illusion of a medical crisis)

Looks like an excuse for martial Law.“The #mainstreammedia and @DNC want you to believe our NYC hospitals are war zones. Well - this is my local brooklyn hospital

CORONA HOAX LIES PROVED. Mainstream Media Lying about 'overwhelmed emergency centres'.
See for yourself, from Ireland to NY Brooklyn - hospital emergencies dead quiet and empty:

Gemma O'Doherty@gemmaod1 (https://twitter.com/gemmaod1)#Coronavirus (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Coronavirus?src=hashtag_click) is having an incredible impact on Emergency Depts in Dublin which seem suspiciously quiet. Another video emerges showing an empty St Vincent’s and an employee who seems uncomfortable discussing #Coronavirus (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Coronavirus?src=hashtag_click). Why?

This is the empty emergency room of St Vincent hospital in Dublin, Ireland. The nation is shut down because it is apparently overwhelmed with the CV.

Brooklyn, NYC
ER doctors are claiming ER rooms are a disaster with triage patients lining up outside exposed to the elements waiting for hours... Outside the war zone hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Where is the overflowing crisis justifying the destruction of freedom and millions of jobs and small businesses?

29th March 2020, 02:32 PM
Here’s Jason Goodman fact-checking the lying NYT:

He's following up NYT story, where Dr. Colleen Smith claimed "apocalyptic conditions" at Elmhurst hospital, bodies in refrigerator trucks and that hospital ran out of respirators, yet Head of NYC public hospitals said Elmhurst has never come close to running out of respirators. (*** also, this LYING NYT article w/Dr. Colleen Smith making stuff up, was picked up by news outlets around the world)

Most important info:

***Dr. Colleen Smith is a self-proclaimed medical simulation specialist (does that mean doing simulations and fakery??)

Ghost Town NYC – Are New York Times Lies Fueling Pandemic Panic with #FakeNews?

I took notes posted here https://www.sott.net/article/431305-12-Experts-Question-The-Need-For-a-Global-Coronavirus-Lockdown#comment300136

***Key take away, they are claiming medical crisis, yet nothing is going on, lots of ambulance parked doing nothing, no sirens, no ambulances racing in, etc.

Dr. Colleen Smith took video tape of ICU and ER (isn't that illegal, HIPAA violation? should she lose her license for that, other doctors shocked by that). (That’s been my question all along: how is the MSM getting all of these videos and photos of alleged corona patients? Isn’t that a violation of their privacy and HIPAA? If you were really sick, would you want to be filmed for the world?)
Apparently, Dr. Colleen Smith is a SELF-PROCLAIMED MEDICAL SIMULATIONS SPECIALIST (medical fakery???), so Jason asks was she doing a medical simulation? was she acting when she said Elmhurst was running out of ventilators, which was contradicted by Head of NYC public Hospitals.

*** Also, FWIW, Jason noticed that the NYT took Dr. Colleen Smith's photo outside the hospital, he says they could have taken it anywhere, but they chose to have her on a certain street corner outside the hospital, with "New Taste" Chinese food restaurant sign over her shoulder, and with New Taste being on Corona Street (that's the kind of crap the MSM likes to do)

Comments on y/t:

viclloyd1- I was just in the ER of a large hospital in Orlando when my son's baby was being born. We arrived in the night time when regular Dr offices would be closed and there was NO ONE in the ER. It was dead. No emergency vehicles arriving no one waiting to be tested , no one with a and advanced respiratory flu. No one.

The Minas Parable -44,000 patients in NY and Jason can't get a single confirmation

Vacation Profits- I've scoped out my local hospital and they are dead, practically empty parking lots/parking garage, no emergencies ie. Ambulances. In normal times, these places are always busy.

OneHourShower -I work at a hospital and it’s completely empty. They are cutting our hours and won’t let us even go near our own coworkers.

Harmony Island -6 minutes in - PLENTY of ventilators ready for use in NYC hospital! Tons of empty parking spaces. NO ONE at the main entrance or ER entrance... WHERE is the pandemic crowd of patients? What is going on? Could it be.... FAKE NEWS??!! Hmm…..

And check out another Jason Goodman video at 20:29 here and see the disconnect between what the LYING WHORE on the MSM are saying and what’s really happening on the ground (Jason’s y/t shows a bunch of ambulances parked and doing NOTHING!!!)

29th March 2020, 02:40 PM
More citizen reports...

Update from SolosGirl posted here https://www.zerohedge.com/health/watch-no-lines-no-protective-gear-local-pennsylvania-hospital-drive-thru-testing-center

ta daaaaa! toldya. I work in an ER and ICU. and I know many many nurses and doctors over this country. i was a travel nurse for many years. i have two MDs in my direct family.





Look to WHY something as drastic as instituting a global police state is necessary in the minds of people who thought up things like waterboarding, the Patriot Act, 9/11, Afghanistan for 27 years, Iraq and mushroom clouds, Banker Bailouts.


More comments https://www.zerohedge.com/health/watch-no-lines-no-protective-gear-local-pennsylvania-hospital-drive-thru-testing-center :

Fiscal Reality – News from Manatee County, FL drive through facility yesterday. No lines. No panic. No interest. Government “official” SHOCKED at the lack of response and desire for drive through testing. Couldn’t understand why. The BS narrative is collapsing.

Kbo hip- Here in Colorado I know a guy who’s a nurse at the local hospital. He had his hours cut back this week by three days. Take that REAL info for whatever it’s worth but it seems the local hospital here at least isn’t exactly swimming in coronavirus victims.

Time to get Huge- 2 sources I’ve heard said hospitals are empty…..

Comments about Local Hospitals


BreeZ Place - 3 hours ago Our hospitals are NOT Overrun here in Spokane WA. In fact, the only issue is mask shortage but that’s it. This is the biggest Psy-op in history.

Anthony Leydens - 2 hours ago Same thing in iowa. Hospitals look like ghost towns. Its 70% less full than it was before this whole deal.

Goodnews Bear- 2 hours ago It's the same here in southern Illinois hospitals. My family in northern California says the same thing. I've been telling my family and friends it's just to install fear in people. Most don't listen, one said "why would they lie?". Why indeed!

Carry The Torch -49 minutes ago I'm by Olympia. Not really anything going on here. I saw a few military rigs and some DHS by the base, but that's it. Fear based mind control is the goal. Pretty obvious.

Scorpio -I was talking with a buddy of mine in Philly yesterday, he said that he talked to an ER nurse the other day and she said that the hospitals are empty. He drove by one of the major hospitals - ghost town!


From https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/spain-reports-deadliest-day-record-japans-abe-promises-unprecedented-stimulus-package

ActionJacksonbrownie- A doctor on a chainsaws forum (yes, some doctors use chainsaws at home) stated this week that he and his local association of doctors were responsible for over 1000 hospital beds. They had not seen a single "virus" patient to date. (((who))) owns the msm?????? What is (((their))) agenda??????

From https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/spain-reports-deadliest-day-record-japans-abe-promises-unprecedented-stimulus-package

Warmblood- I think if everyone asks all their friends, family, co-workers, business contacts, etc., if they know anyone with Coronavirus, you'll get a pretty accurate feel for the real data. I live in NC but I come from NY and my family has many relatives, friends and business contacts in NYC, Queens, Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk, and none of them know anyone with the virus.

Below is what I’ve been thinking they have been doing to increase the numbers of deaths from corona (claiming that elderly who died of old age died of corona) (Yes, I'm saying they are LYING)

From https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hubei-residents-riot-after-quarantine-lifted-police-beaten-their-own-shield-cop-cars

Geocentrist- Was speaking with a guy yesterday. He was telling me his wife knew two people who each had one of their grandparents pass away recently. Both had been “on the edge” and infirmed for quite a while. Covid-19 was automatically listed as their cause of death, in fact, he said the family of one of them actually called them out on listing it as the cause of death, since they had basically no contact with anyone, apparently it caused a bit of furor. Sounds like they are creating numbers.

29th March 2020, 02:47 PM
Fakery and lying here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JLoeVAe6raUW/ Check out Camelot Daily here exposing the media and this female CEO of Urgent Care in a Hawaii facility lying about long lines of people getting test for the CV. He shows up and there is nobody in line at all, empty parking lot, and he calls her out and she assaults him while the police are present.

Jason Goodman, Again Fact-Checking the LYING NYT

This Jason Goodman y/t is on the tails of the NY Post and Zio-Hedge running fear porn stories about a make shift morgue outside of Belview Hospital. This guy Jason did some real journalism, walked around looking for the make shift morgue, talked to some EMT guys (even one had a duping delight smile!!!), pretty much nothing going on, lots of ambulances parked, guys all relaxed, hanging out, no activity going on at all. I did not hear any sirens of ambulances:

Ghost Town NYC – Pop Up Morgue at Bellevue Hospital on New York City's East Side?


At 25 min, he's by the hospital says there's almost nobody here, and he says the cops don't want cameras near the hospital, sees Emergency entrance, but NO ambulances rushing in with patients, at 26 min doesn’t see the morgue tents the NY post is talking about, 35 min, some kind of open white tent with nothing going on, 37 min, talks to some guy by an ambulance, “why did they wait to call you back, this is the biggest story in the world, according to the Governor, everybody is dying of a pandemic, you guys witness that? You look like you are hanging out texting (LOL!!!), are there hundreds of people dying in the hospital, they say one person dying every hour, so that would be 24 a day, I see 6, 7, 8 ambulances right here, don’t you think there should be a lot of people running around here (completely quiet there, nothing happening, definitely no sense of medical urgency).”

A new EMT guy approaches, Jason asks you seen a lot of corona patients? Probably (slight duping delight smile!!!), you’re standing a few feet away from me, not wearing a mask, not wearing rubber gloves, then “Oh when we get patients we do” (yet all those ambulances lined up there, nothing happening). At 39 min, where is this makeshift morgue outside of Bellview that NY post was talking about? Have you heard about a make shift morgue? Guys shake their heads “no,” don’t you think EMTs should know about a makeshift morgue? Sees a new guy, asks what do you know about a make shift morgue, 40 min guy admits there’s no morgue over there, then EMT guy says they are getting many more calls than usual (yet all those ambulances are parked there doing nothing), 45 still looking for the outside morgue tent...(I got bored and didn’t listen further)

Comment in chat w/video:

IamClaytonium Corbizer My sons a nurse in California no patience confirm with corona hoax

They Live You Sleep Acute respiratory illness = chest cold. Medical worker here....Not seeing any unusual increase in 4 city hospitals

Jeff Taylor Been working at a old folks home with thousands of residents...0 cases...talked to a nurse who does home rounds for the elderly...0 cases

29th March 2020, 02:59 PM
But...the supply of Soylent Green brand cookies has never been better.

29th March 2020, 03:51 PM
More tricks and deception...

From https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-live-white-house-task-force-holds-sunday-press-briefing-confirmed-cases-boom

Adr- I have an update. The husband of one of my mom's friends who died of heart failure on Wednesday, he was 75 and already dying, didn't actually die of Covid-19. They had given him a test that had returned a positive result. Even though he was already dying of heart failure, they marked his cause of death as Covid-19 and added him to the state total. Since none of his close contacts tested positive, they retested his body for Covid. The test came back negative. Cause of death is now listed as heart failure. The state has not reduced the Covid death stat by one as of right now. That wouldn't look good. Nor would a story of doctors being so very wrong. I wonder how many deaths have followed that same pattern?

29th March 2020, 10:49 PM
Okay, so, I just found a comment on a Jeremiah Babe video saying to do a youtube search for "empty hospitals" and click "most recent" (it did not give me that option, so I chose this week) and I got this:


I haven't had to go through them yet....looks like some people are catching on!!

29th March 2020, 10:57 PM
From https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/03/after-being-over-target-on-covid-19-black-swan-prediction-its-time-to-consider-whats-next/
Johnny Walker Read - My daughter-in-law is a night shift charge nurse at a local hospital E.R. here in Albuquerque. She told me it has been eerily quiet for the past couple of weeks, almost to the point of what the heck is going on. We are being lied to.

29th March 2020, 11:05 PM
talks a lot at first, then to the hospital, see outdoor tents for testing, nobody getting tested, empty...

Even More Empty Hospitals...Where Are All The Sick Corona Patients???https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQsVXkj6-CU

The Real News Online (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjATJeR25RuZ6RLl6as4nHw)
3.3K subscribers

3-27-2020 Where Are All The Sick?? We have been exposing this HOAX since day one and here is yet MORE people filming at hospitals which are virtually empty and turning people away.

29th March 2020, 11:26 PM
Coronavirus pandemic is a hoax. Of that I am now certain. Therefore, we are undergoing a coup promulgated by the elite class and their slaves our own government. If we cannot wake up enough people soon, these bastards will succeed and all of us are truly doomed. First we face financial ruin and dependence on the state. Then hunger and desperation will make us compliant to accept their forced vaccinations. These vaccinations will kill many. The survivors will be so beaten down mentally and physically that the next phase of the takeover will begin: gun confiscations, seizures of individuals from their homes, and their shipment to concentration camps where they will be executed. Frankly, I feel only our Lord and Saviour Jesus can save us.

30th March 2020, 01:32 AM
Frankly, I feel only our Lord and Saviour Jesus can save us.

Don Fox and William Finck discuss the end times and what's to come for us as the prophecys in the Bible tell us. We are in the end times and only our savior Jesus Christ can straighten this mess out.

You can download their podcast for free and part four is really good on what's happening now and what's coming for us and the jew bastards.


30th March 2020, 02:59 AM
CBS News Caught Using Footage from an Italian Hospital to Describe Conditions in New York City (VIDEO)
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft March 29, 2020 325 Comments

Emergency Room Footage on CBS Matches Footage from Italian Hospital!

This is footage from SKY News on March 22 from Italy.

And here is footage from CBS News during their New York City report on March 25.

CBS News painted a dire picture from New York City this week in their coronavirus coverage.

On Wednesday morning CBS aired this footage from a New York hospital.


The footage matches SKY News video from inside an Italian hospital from Sunday March 22.


30th March 2020, 03:19 AM
Here's the Obama turd Fauci stating the obvious like it's something new, to keep the hoax going...

Fauci says US could have 'millions' of coronavirus cases and over 100,000 deaths
BY JUSTIN WISE - 03/29/20 10:43 AM EDT 18,087

Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the faces of the Trump administration's coronavirus task force, on Sunday warned that the novel coronavirus could infect millions of people in the United States and account for more than 100,000 deaths.

Speaking on CNN's "State of the Union," Fauci said that, based on what he's seeing, the U.S. could experience between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths from COVID-19.

"We're going to have millions of cases," Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, noting that projections are subject to change, given that the disease's outbreak is "such a moving target."

The novel coronavirus, which first appeared in China in December, has infected more than 124,000 people in the U.S. and accounted for more than 2,000 deaths, according to a Johns Hopkins University database. The U.S. has reported the most confirmed cases of the virus worldwide.

The outbreak has upended everyday life, resulting in a mass closure of businesses and schools as federal and state officials enforce measures designed to slow the spread of the disease. The New York metropolitan area has been hit particularly hard, leading to concerns about a surge in patients overwhelming its health care system.

Fauci has repeatedly called for social distancing requirements to remain in place for an extended period of time. He said Sunday that lifting those restrictions would depend on the availability of testing kits that will be able to confirm a diagnosis within about 15 minutes.

"It’s going to be a matter of weeks. It’s not going to be tomorrow, and it’s certainly not going to be next week," he said.

Fauci added that he wanted to to see a substantial flattening of the curve in terms of cases before curbing social distancing restrictions.

"As I have said before, it's true the virus itself determines that timetable. You can try and influence that timetable by mitigating against the virus, but, ultimately, it's what the virus does," he said.


And here is reality...

The Flu: Facts, Statistics, and You

The flu has resulted in 9.3 million to 49 million illnesses each year in the United States since 2010. Each year, on average, five to 20 percent of the United States population gets the flu.

It is estimated that the flu results in 31.4 million outpatient visits and more than 200,000 hospitalizations each year.

During the severe 2017-2018 flu season, one of the longest in recent years, estimates indicate that more than 900,000 people were hospitalized and more than 80,000 people died from flu.

Additionally, as of late October 2018, 185 pediatric deaths had been reported to CDC during the 2017-2018 season. Approximately 80 percent of these deaths occurred in children who had not received a flu vaccination.

Last season took the greatest toll on adults age 65 years and older. About 58 percent of the estimated hospitalizations occurred in that age group.


30th March 2020, 05:17 AM
When you own all the world's mass media, it's easy to pull numbers out of your a$$.

30th March 2020, 06:04 AM
Coronavirus pandemic is a hoax. Of that I am now certain. Therefore, we are undergoing a coup promulgated by the elite class and their slaves our own government. If we cannot wake up enough people soon, these bastards will succeed and all of us are truly doomed. First we face financial ruin and dependence on the state. Then hunger and desperation will make us compliant to accept their forced vaccinations. These vaccinations will kill many. The survivors will be so beaten down mentally and physically that the next phase of the takeover will begin: gun confiscations, seizures of individuals from their homes, and their shipment to concentration camps where they will be executed. Frankly, I feel only our Lord and Saviour Jesus can save us.

Yes, that's how I see it--they plan on unleashing maximum suffering on the population to get us to submit to their new digital slave grid and Agenda ID2020. I honestly don't know what to do other that what I'm doing. I'm posting comments all over the MSM (linking back to my original posts on this thread, so people can see all the vids/comments fact checking the MSM). And with all of my comments, I'm telling people to go to their local hospitals and check it out, and to "copy, share, email it out and wake up the sheep".

I'm also putting info out on email --I have the original posts ^ exposing the hoax (all the videos/comments fact checking the MSM- about empty hospitals, no emergency) in a giant email. I don't know lots of people, but I send it out, hoping others would do the same. If any of you here want to send it out, I have a protonmail account and I could send it to you.

I'm honestly shocked by how fast things are moving. I knew this was the agenda, but never thought they would do it with a fake pandemic. I saw a recent y/t by Mike Maloney "the Race to Debase the World's currencies"--so I think that's what they are doing, destroying all the worlds currencies at once, so then they can usher in the new digital slave grid.

And it seems like they are really going to do it--they have all sold us out. On a recent truthstreammedia (?) y/t "living 12 monkeys", I only watched a few seconds, but it showed that Kansas had already decide to close schools for the rest of the years--so it looks like they are really going for it.

30th March 2020, 06:11 AM
Here's the Obama turd Fauci stating the obvious like it's something new, to keep the hoax going...

yes, they are going to continue screwing with the numbers, probably tell us some famous guy died of coronoa, trot out more Hollywood types saying they have the corona...

I think they are just claiming deaths from old age/being elderly, and deaths from multiple health conditions are from the scary virus

they are just going to keep up the fear porn...

30th March 2020, 06:15 AM
When you own all the world's mass media, it's easy to pull numbers out of your a$$.

From the Alan Parsons project "The sun in your eyes made some of the lies worth believing.".

Admitting some lies doesn't set the bar very high. Once you admit one lie you show yourself able if not willing to admit all lies.

30th March 2020, 06:22 AM
From https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/spains-covid-19-case-total-passes-chinas-south-korea-reports-rash-new-cases-live

Hospital by me in suburban nyc is still empty (crickets). A friend reports one in Manhattan is empty too. Hospital is less than 1 block from my apartment. Noticed that the ambulance driver(s) here have changed procedure from selectively using siren to (despite there now being no traffic) using it 100% of the time. They made one run yesterday morning and one run this morning at 8am. Seems like a joyride drive to ensure the equipment still works. I mean it is quiet here...crickets.

30th March 2020, 06:30 AM
First we face financial ruin and dependence on the state. Then hunger and desperation will make us compliant...The survivors will be so beaten down mentally and physically that the next phase of the takeover will begin: gun confiscations, seizures of individuals from their homes, and their shipment to concentration camps where they will be executed.

Oy Vey! You just described what the jews do to their open air prison GAZA. Same perps now doing it to us other goyim.


30th March 2020, 06:37 AM
From https://www.davidicke.com/article/566782/billy-six-deckt-corona-schauspiel-auf

New source for banned YouTube video: German journalist goes to hospital 'teeming with coronavirus patients' - how can doctors cope? - and finds NO ONE THERE

found it here (maybe just some of it)


From https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/spains-covid-19-case-total-passes-chinas-south-korea-reports-rash-new-cases-live
jjtech- It's all a huge scam my friend, and people are waking up to this very quick. Terrrrrrible rebound of covid (common flu) in South Korea.... what did they do? Test more healthy people and found this faux virus? And then killed them off with hiv medicine? Or Riba-fucking-virin? It's all a good joke from the globalists. Once it's all said and done, these shlomo-corona deaths will balance with the normal flue season casualties. By the way, hospitals in my country (Eastern Europe) are EMPTY. The only difference is people who really need help are turned back. They will be the true corona virus victims. Along with the elderly killed with their toxic medicine. The people who perpetrated this scam should hang on trees.

I will get back to (((virus hedge))) once it's all done and dusted to do my victory lap. As of now, me and a bunch of my friends are going for a good beer in the park. ...Nearly all hospitals and testing stations are EMPTY. Nothing is going on there! I'm glad I called this hoax in late January/Early Feb - straight away. Once you lived through so many of their hoaxes and scams and you keep your eyes open you see red flags straight away.

30th March 2020, 07:13 AM
guy tours phoenix hospitals -- no corona found. hospital staffers dont know anyone with the virus


30th March 2020, 07:17 AM

Okay, this writing looks greek (???) but in the beginning, the guy says "barcalonay"-- So Barcelona???
in the vid, writing on sign looks Spanish

Коронавирус, репортаж из испанского госпиталя. Вячеслав Осиевский.


30th March 2020, 07:33 AM
Yes, that's how I see it--they plan on unleashing maximum suffering on the population to get us to submit to their new digital slave grid and Agenda ID2020. I honestly don't know what to do other that what I'm doing. I'm posting comments all over the MSM (linking back to my original posts on this thread, so people can see all the vids/comments fact checking the MSM). And with all of my comments, I'm telling people to go to their local hospitals and check it out, and to "copy, share, email it out and wake up the sheep".

I'm also putting info out on email --I have the original posts ^ exposing the hoax (all the videos/comments fact checking the MSM- about empty hospitals, no emergency) in a giant email. I don't know lots of people, but I send it out, hoping others would do the same. If any of you here want to send it out, I have a protonmail account and I could send it to you.

I'm honestly shocked by how fast things are moving. I knew this was the agenda, but never thought they would do it with a fake pandemic. I saw a recent y/t by Mike Maloney "the Race to Debase the World's currencies"--so I think that's what they are doing, destroying all the worlds currencies at once, so then they can usher in the new digital slave grid.

And it seems like they are really going to do it--they have all sold us out. On a recent truthstreammedia (?) y/t "living 12 monkeys", I only watched a few seconds, but it showed that Kansas had already decide to close schools for the rest of the years--so it looks like they are really going for it.

They have learned how easily the can get Mr. & Mrs. America to fall in line like good little soldiers. The next step will be some psyop where they convince the people to willingly turn in their guns.

30th March 2020, 07:39 AM

Okay, this writing looks greek (???) but in the beginning, the guy says "barcalonay"-- So Barcelona???
in the vid, writing on sign looks Spanish

Коронавирус, репортаж из испанского госпиталя. Вячеслав Осиевский.


Russian, the title reads, Coronavirus, a report from the Spanish hospital. Vyacheslav Osievsky.

30th March 2020, 09:25 AM
From Brian Stavely--I think he's in NYC somewhere...looks like it includes clips from other y/t vids in other locations:

Even More Empty Hospitals...Where Are All The Sick Corona Patients???

30th March 2020, 09:34 AM
They have triage tents outside the hospital I pass everyday that made the front page of the paper last week....I haven't seen one person near or around the tents when I pass.

Hospital parking lot has many empty spaces as well.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
30th March 2020, 09:54 AM
Here in southeast MI the hospitals are said to be packed with covid-19 patients. I don't know this firsthand but it's what is being reported in the local news and on social media. An ER nurse from one of the hospitals recently went viral saying they have even run out of tylenol and are having to make decisions on who lives and who dies based on respirator availability.


30th March 2020, 11:08 AM
Bitchute with the German guy posted in a y/t

Mediziner gegen Medien: "Es gibt keine gefährliche Corona-Pandemie" - ( D., ENG. )

30th March 2020, 11:21 AM
From Peekay--they are mocking us, dancing nurses (I think they did this after Parkland--dancing cops)

Hospitals in Crisis - Staff Stressed to Max from Covid-19 Overcrowding (title not true--dancing nurses)

30th March 2020, 11:23 AM
I dunno, this would be too big to cover-up. I can see it happening in countries formally known as "the West" -- but in Asia too? Why would the Chinese MSM be compliant too?

30th March 2020, 11:29 AM
I dunno, this would be too big to cover-up. I can see it happening in countries formally known as "the West" -- but in Asia too? Why would the Chinese MSM be compliant too?

What makes you think Chinese people own their own mass media?

Pattern recognition.

30th March 2020, 12:50 PM
BUSTED! CBS Caught Using Italy Footage to Make New York Conditions Look Worse

30th March 2020, 01:09 PM
Video: Empty Waiting Rooms, No Lines, Where Is The Pandemic Being Broadcast By MSM136,611 views
Mar 29, 2020


Collection of videos from the last three days from Corona virus hotspots showing empty waiting rooms, no lines EMS sitting in their cars. The lone video showing patients is from Jamaica hospital.

30th March 2020, 01:21 PM
"Allegedly, 2 men in hazmat suits turned up to a block of flats putting notices through people's doors that someone had died from coronavirus, but, that's not true according to some of the residents who live in the block of flats, this girl claims that the man was taken away by the police and the man is very much alive But, 10/15 minutes later, they're putting notices through residents doors claiming that the man died"

(https://twitter.com/DeAnna4Congress/status/1244342772783394822)BUSTED!!! THIS CV19 VIDEO IS GOING VIRAL. Their SCAM is being EXPOSED

30th March 2020, 02:45 PM
comment from https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/spains-covid-19-case-total-passes-chinas-south-korea-reports-rash-new-cases-live

Phillyla - More math, here in PA there are 42,817 total licensed beds and 1,880 total operating rooms.

156 were general acute hospitals

Corona - 386 hospital cases since 3/6 so approximately 2 / hospital. Do two patients overwhelm a hospital?

30th March 2020, 04:57 PM
More screwing with the numbers, calling everything the scary virus...

Comment from https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/spains-covid-19-case-total-passes-chinas-south-korea-reports-rash-new-cases-live

adr- So the morbidly obese spouse of someone my wife works with has been home from the hospital for four days now. She was on a telepresence call for the school district.

She went to the hospital early this month for breathing problems and they couldn't find anything wrong with her. After they couldn't diagnose her, they decided to diagnose her with Covid-19. This was because she had direct contact with someone who was at the Biogen conference in Boston. She was put in isolation at the hospital.
So people have spent the past three weeks thinking she had Covid. On the call this afternoon, she said that when she was actually tested for Covid, the test came back negative, but she is glad to be recovering and back at home. So she was basically in the hospital for complications of just being morbidly obese. Another Covid story bites the dust.

30th March 2020, 05:08 PM
I and other people from all over the world are finding empty hospitals could this be one big hoax?

30th March 2020, 05:39 PM
First hospital, Norton East, Louisville, KY, testing tent- nobody in there, 2 nurses at desk, empty, only one patient in E.R: second Baptist East, Louisville, KY, nobody in there; Third, University of Louisville Hospital, nurse chatting on her phone, no sick people, why is country shutting down with no sick people


30th March 2020, 05:43 PM
Queens Medical Center University hospital in Nottingham, there’s nobody here, lots of ambulances, are we being lied to?


30th March 2020, 05:46 PM
Covid 19 Drive through ghost town Seattle Seattle at valley medical hospital drive thru for covid. There is no one there!! Hoax


30th March 2020, 05:48 PM
Empty Hospitals In Los Angeles || Media Hoax

I decided to stop by some of the hospitals that our media has told us are overflowing and crippled due to the he outbreak. And to my surprise they were almost completely empty with zero people being tested or infected. This is all a hoax. A complete sham. Wake up. Turn off the television.


30th March 2020, 05:54 PM
Coronavirus EMPTY HOSPITAL IN BOLOGNA ITALY! MEDIA LIESA video of women walking through the hospital in Bologna Italy. Media says that hospital is full house, people dying while waiting to be seen? What are your thoughts on this? Anyone else have more information?


30th March 2020, 06:17 PM
**** Please watch this one!!! It talks about fake virus deaths, with family members saying it was NOT the virus and that it was other health issues!!!
REALIST NEWS - More empty testing facilities and fake deathsOkay, this one is worth going through, empty testing center, *** at 2 min, news article about dead 69- yr old retired Milwaukee police office, with family member saying the media and govt are LYING and that his/her father had other health issues and did NOT die of the virus. At 2:47, a family member saying grandmother did NOT die of the virus, and that it was Alzheimers, a case of aspiration pneumonia that worsened. At 3:26 Gene Della Salla surprised FL announced he’s dead from virus when still alive!!! “reports of my death have been exaggerated.” At 4:03, Miranda Matilda saying dead family member was on hospice at nursing home and already dying (it was NOT the virus)


30th March 2020, 10:03 PM
5 thousand views on this thread :|~

30th March 2020, 10:18 PM
I've been dropping links to this thread all over the place--telling everyone I have a collection of empty hospital videos here.

31st March 2020, 02:36 AM
This is long but well worth the watch. I feel hopeful again that in the goodness of time justice will be served and the guilty held accountable:


31st March 2020, 02:59 AM
Take heart my fellow patriots. Skip the fake news MSM article and read the comments. People are waking up to this fraud and hoax of a pandemic. Some say Trump is playing along and letting the perps hang themselves in broad day light. I pray to God that this is true.


31st March 2020, 05:49 AM
Dancing nurses reminds me of "the Dancing Israelis" of 9-11 hoax fame, which dancers I have always maintained were an inserted diversionary distraction from the main theme of the 9-11 Big Lie that people were quickly waking up to so the insertion was needed in the script to keep people distracted and confused. THEY actually use the Js did it meme to distract from the reality that the Js did it.

31st March 2020, 06:04 AM
If you can, please share the link back to this thread:

Heroic Citizens Going to Local Hospitals and Fact-Checking the LYING MSM


Nothing is going on, quiet, no ambulances racing in, empty, nothing happening…It’s all BS!!!! The MSM is giving the impression that hospitals are war zone, bodies are piling up, we are in the medical crisis of our lives, yet when these people visit their local hospitals, NOTHING is happening, they are ghost towns!! Tons of ambulances just sitting their parked, EMTs hanging out and playing with their phones, etc,

Also, I'm going to continue updating this thread from here (youtube search "empty hospitals" filter- this week) :


31st March 2020, 06:08 AM
"***Dr. Colleen Smith is a self-proclaimed medical simulation specialist (does that mean doing simulations and fakery??)"

Remember how Phillip Zelikow of 911 hoax infamy?

Dual Israeli American citizen Phillip Zelikow. Wikipedia says "Prof. Zelikow's area of academic expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, “public myths.”

Here is an old post I think I made somewhere years ago regarding Zelikow who now resides in Israel.

"Dual Israeli American citizen Phillip Zelikow. Wikipedia says "Prof. Zelikow's area of academic expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, “public myths.” Z commandeered the 9-11 Commission Report and a public myth is exactly what that report pawned off on blind Americans. 9-11 took years of sophisticated planning using the top Israeli-influenced evildoers in the U.S. government and the most sophisticated multi-layered PsyOps manipulations and deceptions. One facet of 9-11 planning was the entire so-called "9-11 truth movement". Zelikow’s plan was for the "movement" to be taken over and totally and deceptively controlled by the Dr. Steven Jones and his nanothermite theory and his many spin-off groups such as Mr. Richard Gage and the Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth. Observing the actions of these people and groups of the public myth of 9-11 shows their purpose was to distract, deflect, delay, and impress with their fake science gullible truth seekers. "

31st March 2020, 06:49 AM
A drill isn't a hoax. It is a chance to get prepared for the 'real thing'. Sometimes (frequently) drills are so realistic that the actors actually believe they are real.

If it is a drill .... you can be thankful it is not real.

Remember. An illusion is false information but a delusion is an action based upon an illusion.

31st March 2020, 07:41 AM
I see Jason Goodman pub'd this yest; haven't listened yet but looking forward to it coz I've been a fan of Ole Dammegard for years, intrepid FF/hoax/psyop buster. Plus, recall Cody Snodgres was mil black ops guy, who declined to take part in the OKC bombing plot & instead blew the whiste.

1h 44m:
USS Comfort Arrives In NYC As Covid-19 Panic Rages with special guests Ole Dammegard & Cody Snodgres
Streamed live 22 hours ago


31st March 2020, 08:57 AM
I see Jason Goodman pub'd this yest; haven't listened yet but looking forward to it coz I've been a fan of Ole Dammegard for years, intrepid FF/hoax/psyop buster. Plus, recall Cody Snodgres was mil black ops guy, who declined to take part in the OKC bombing plot & instead blew the whiste.

1h 44m:
USS Comfort Arrives In NYC As Covid-19 Panic Rages with special guests Ole Dammegard & Cody Snodgres

I've watched nearly half of this, got it paused now. It's sort of chaotic, Jason livestreaming as he walks around NYC, while Ole & Cody are on the line... too often with technical problems rendering them inaudible.

But @ 54m, all 3 parties agree, they're utterly confused by what the bottom line is re this plandemic, thanks to the flood of mis/dis-info -- that's pretty remarkable coming from these guys!

And I think us GSUS sleuths can agree, if we're honest!

31st March 2020, 10:23 AM
PROOF Empty Hospitals DURING COVID-19/Corona Virus Pandemic?

Fill in the gaps. Empty Hospitals all over the world raise concerns on where the rising number is coming from. People all over the world Tweet videos and pictures as evidence of the speculation on their location.

comment: The world is a stage... as we the people are being setup..as we are in our homes like good little boys and girls... the demonic enemy is getting setup to bring in the NWO

31st March 2020, 05:36 PM
#Film (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23Film) Your Hospital - Citizen Journalists Worldwide Expose The FraudCollection of clips, hospital in Netherlands; Berlin, Germany; Brooklyn NYC, AJ-infowars talking about it (CA to Texas), Jamaica Hospital NYC, Advocate Lutheran hospital, Park Ridge IL, San Diego, Rhode Island hospital, and on and on...


31st March 2020, 05:42 PM
Where is the mobilization at McCormick Place? looks empty (Illinois)


McCormick Place set to be converted into Illinois’ first field hospital for 3,000 coronavirus patients by April 24 McCormick Place will be converted into Illinois’ first field hospital to handle 3,000 coronavirus patients as the state braces for a possible surge in cases in the coming weeks, officials said. “We’re not waiting for the worst. We’re preparing ourselves for the worst,” Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Saturday at his daily briefingThe governor’s remarks came a day after Army Corps of Engineers Commanding General Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite said he hoped to complete the work by April 24. The Chicago Department of Public Health said 500 beds are expected to be ready there in the coming week.

31st March 2020, 06:44 PM
I remember this Jeff C from back in the early hoax days (Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing, etc)

WHY ARE ALL THESE HOSPITALS EMPTY?? JEFF C LIVE! #FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)


Comments on y/t:

tsuki yuki (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcjHssmVbunZYPN1-S5S6dQ) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKVgAlnE7uY&lc=UgxWyfqfLiHhjsQiKqp4AaABAg)


Tracey&Jamey ABERNATHY (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8OZhEpqhh8juB43htrMlug) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKVgAlnE7uY&lc=Ugz7iqsCgsAa2vzIBU94AaABAg)

Still don't know anyone who has covid 19 in north Carolina and I'm a truck driver going to all 48 states, talk to ppl in all 48 states and not one person has said my family members or friends or anyone that they know have it

Marilyn Mantis (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7WUxu4o5-3a5-HrMB8Xdbg) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKVgAlnE7uY&lc=UgwgfdZo4nNOeNLXtw54AaABAg)

I work with medical records from a documentation end that spans over multiple states. I've not seen one shred of evidence of this being real, no diagnosis of this and not even a person being quarantined even after stating that he had two children who had been on quarantine for 14 days, and I seem to be shadow banned by YouTube. If anyone sees this, please respond.

Veera Fager (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE6J9-SEVUGEaErv6y1ITrQ) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKVgAlnE7uY&lc=UgzRPwQheucSzETKpjx4AaABAg)
23.3. they published an article in Finland, that they are preparing to call the reserves,

Man Living Naturally (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkG_SAdrMVQ1Bmo-dyZXd9g) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKVgAlnE7uY&lc=Ugz0KPJvWAwjQIvtL2Z4AaABAg)

Main hospital in Marion, SC ZERO patients for the virus... Normal activity going on.

Sha. deus (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKWnGV6PA2i83ZvtVYG5u3A) 1 day ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKVgAlnE7uY&lc=Ugz3SELbE124r6bgcpV4AaABAg)

Great work Jeff! This is sums it very well, quote of the day!!! "What do you mean pandemic? Right...? We just shut down the entire world, we put millions people of out of work, we've given the government the power for martial law, we've destroyed our economy and our way of lives and now we're getting a full on police state and where is the evidence? WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE ??? "

31st March 2020, 07:27 PM
I remember this Jeff C from back in the early hoax days (Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing, etc)

WHY ARE ALL THESE HOSPITALS EMPTY?? JEFF C LIVE! #FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)

yeah I remember him too - loooong arse monologues & roundtables, like 3-6 hrs! I had mixed feels about him; he's a good talker but anyone wears you down with that sort of duration!

anywho this one's live atm:

WHAT THE HELL IS REALLY GOING ON?? JEFF C LIVE! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfB_VYfBlfU)

Jeff Censored! (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAI2PPsCuPRM6KDbwJvSU9A)
843 watching

31st March 2020, 08:04 PM
yeah I remember him too - loooong arse monologues & roundtables, like 3-6 hrs! I had mixed feels about him; he's a good talker but anyone wears you down with that sort of duration!

anywho this one's live atm:

WHAT THE HELL IS REALLY GOING ON?? JEFF C LIVE! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfB_VYfBlfU)

Jeff Censored! (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAI2PPsCuPRM6KDbwJvSU9A)
843 watching

Yes, I give him credit for working so hard at these hoaxes--but I don't have the time or patience for such long shows....

Anyway, on a hopeful note (I still try to have hope), if we can expose this, this has the potential to bring down the corporate whore MSM and the US govt--I think if Americans could wake up to the fact that the MSM and US govt are lying about this virus, and using the virus as cover to wage economic warfare on us and deliberately destroy the economy, maybe there would be a revolution...

31st March 2020, 08:33 PM
^ I "hoped" all that about 911, & all the hoaxed gun grab psyops, & pizza/pedogate, & the current joo plandemic... "KEEP HOPE ALIVE!":D I guess... what's the alternative?! :(?? :'(

31st March 2020, 08:37 PM
^ I "hoped" all that about 911, & all the hoaxed gun grab psyops, & pizza/pedogate, & the current joo plandemic... "KEEP HOPE ALIVE!":D I guess... what's the alternative?! :(?? :'(
I also thought 911 would wake up the masses. Sadly it did not.

31st March 2020, 08:44 PM
Yes, I hear you, I'm actually scared to death of what's to come, which is why I'm constantly working at this.

The only thing I see different this time, is that they are directly waging war on us (psychological and economic warfare), with the psyop virus as the cover story, and people across the country are being directly affected by this--they are depriving people of their right to work and earn a living and support themselves and their families, they are causing people to lose their jobs and businesses.....So, although the criminal govt has done countless crimes like 9/11, shooting hoaxes, etc, those didn't destroy the economy, or people's jobs and businesses--this one is having a much more direct affect on the lives of the citizens....If only we could wake the people up...This thread has about 9,500 views, so I only need about 200,000,000 more!!! And then we could probably have a revolution.

31st March 2020, 08:59 PM
I also thought 911 would wake up the masses. Sadly it did not.

what's also problematic about all the fake figures is, assessing how the "average J6P" views things. We don't get credible "polls", & some ppl on the road to wokeness are prone to lying re truthy/"inflamatory" opinions they hold, to keep scrutiny off themselves.

Fact is, it's surely a higher % woke, or at least properly skeptical, than our gaslighted imaginations expect! And we "self-censor" based on our deceived imaginations!

but, when in RL I toss out a mild/suggestive little red pill hot air balloon to check which way the wind is blowing; I'm usu pleasantly surprised as they often light up & say YUP!! :D

you'd have to be a freak in this world today, to be buying JSM's corona plandemic fear porn hook/line/sinker -- but it's another component of the "evil genius" behind this psyop that they've [tried to] minimize our normal/historical daily interaction levels with strangers! Except on the interwebs, which have surely seen an uptick during this lockdown.

31st March 2020, 09:22 PM
I hope all you guys stay well this month, I will lock myself in the closet and check back in here on May Day.

31st March 2020, 09:26 PM
What makes you think Chinese people own their own mass media?

Pattern recognition.

OK, is there someone here in GSUS in one of the highest infection rate areas? [if you think it's a hoax.... there shouldn't be any danger to you.]

One thing to post someone else's video, how about going to an actual hospital in the area...

1st April 2020, 12:28 AM
Don Fox and William Finck discuss the end times and what's to come for us as the prophecys in the Bible tell us. We are in the end times and only our savior Jesus Christ can straighten this mess out.

You can download their podcast for free and part four is really good on what's happening now and what's coming for us and the jew bastards.

A long and most eye opening listen - well worth the time investment. Thanks!

1st April 2020, 12:41 AM
OK, is there someone here in GSUS in one of the highest infection rate areas? [if you think it's a hoax.... there shouldn't be any danger to you.]

One thing to post someone else's video, how about going to an actual hospital in the area...

I've been working in a "hot zone" of the virus, quarantine area, for several weeks now. All I can tell you is it's real. I haven't been infected, nor anyone I work with (thankfully) so far.

What I think: It's not as contagious as the media may suggest. I could be wrong, but if I was wrong...I'd have it now. I do know it's not a hoax. Is the media creating drama and hyping up the numbers and fear-based propaganda? I'd say yes.

But, we've got folks on this forum that love drama and hype that up. So, ask yourself, is it really any different in real life outside of forums? No, it isn't.

1st April 2020, 02:25 AM
I've been working in a "hot zone" of the virus, quarantine area, for several weeks now. All I can tell you is it's real. I haven't been infected, nor anyone I work with (thankfully) so far.

What I think: It's not as contagious as the media may suggest. I could be wrong, but if I was wrong...I'd have it now. I do know it's not a hoax. Is the media creating drama and hyping up the numbers and fear-based propaganda? I'd say yes.

But, we've got folks on this forum that love drama and hype that up. So, ask yourself, is it really any different in real life outside of forums? No, it isn't.

1st April 2020, 06:48 AM
I have not seen any real evidence of Pandemic here yet, thankfully.

What I heard just before pandemic news was Russia threatening opec and china not complying in trade talks.

1st April 2020, 02:14 PM
I haven't watched all of this one, but at 9:13 testing center in my neck of the woods, and it's COMPLETELY EMPTY!! (as all of them are). No doubt, I'll probably hear on the news how they are swamped. The guy filming this also talks with a UPS guy driving by the fake testing center and tells him it's a hoax (I think this guy's approach is pretty good--just matter of fact, not too much detail). This guy, I think his name is David w/zoom tv, is going to have a "Farewell to Freedom" party over the weekend--maybe another way to try to wake people up.

Empty Testing Centers & Hospitals while Pandemic Virus Victims Bodies Pile High? Lock Down Alert


1st April 2020, 02:18 PM
Strained Resources? Citizen Sleuths Investigate the CronyVirus Pandemic (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/04/strained-resources-citizen-sleuths-investigate-the-cronyvirus-pandemic/)

April 1, 2020 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/04/)
Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/russ-winter/)

1st April 2020, 02:39 PM
Looks like fromthetrenches picked up this thread!!!!


1st April 2020, 02:52 PM

Good point, but coronavirus is catching up. It's only been here a few months as well.


It only took a month for coronavirus to become the third leading cause of death in the United States, according to a San Diego doctor and data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

COVID-19 is now killing 748 people per day in the U.S., Dr. Maria Danilychev said, citing data from Worldometers.info. Only heart disease (1,774 deaths per day) and cancer (1,641 deaths per day) are killing more people daily than coronavirus, CDC data shows.

Read more here: https://www.sacbee.com/news/coronavirus/article241677891.html#storylink=cpy

1st April 2020, 03:07 PM
From Could Corona Virus Be Just Another Scam? I’ll Provide Some Links…You Decide. https://somethinghappeninghere.wordpress.com/2020/04/01/could-corona-virus-be-just-another-scam-ill-provide-some-links-you-decide/

Here I am, in far west Texas where (except for El Paso, a city of 750,000 people and the surrounding area in El Paso County) there are NO CORONA VIRUS CASES, not even from Spring Break tourists from Dallas or Houston or wherever, and yet the counties or small towns out here are all in “shelter-in-place” mode just because…

1st April 2020, 05:10 PM


1st April 2020, 05:38 PM
Okay, thought this one was a good one--collection of lots of other videos, different places, sometimes juxtaposes MSM footage w/citizen video ...1:21 CBS using Italy footage as NYC, 2:18 Elmhurst Hospital NYC (Jason Goodman has covered this one too), showing what MSM says, then what citizens find in reality, 3:15 Bellview Hospital NYC, 3:28 Brooklyn Hospital Center, MSM says "pandemic epicenter" and "war zone" citizen goes there, nothing happening, no mass chaos, contrary to MSM claims, 4:38 Manhattan NYC "crisis epicenter" (not), 4:48 MSM talks about surges in ambulance calls, yet citizen sees lots and lots of ambulances parked doing nothing, 6:13 Hawaii Urgent care testing center lady, on TV claiming testing center "overwhelmed" yet camelotdaily guy goes and sees nothing going on, 7:13 Kentucky hospital footage, empty, nothing going on, ER not overwhelmed, 9:37 Kings County NYC, same, 9:59 Cedar Sinai, LA, nothing, 10:20 Eisenhower Health, Rancho Mirage CA 3/27/20 nothing going on, Lake Elsinore, CA testing site" quiet, nothing going on, 11:44 German guy, going through hospital in Berlin, talked with hospital staff, "hospital workers are confused," "they don't understand what is claimed by the media," "staff critical of media, they say all is exaggerated"

More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won't!


Margriet Brandsma (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfaMI16wVOqzRwVkj861ZnA) 6 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgzuV_O_l0T6ioHEOzp4AaABAg)
Same here in the Netherlands. I live close to the "epicenter" in Breda. Visited the hospital, very very quiet, never seen it this empty. Will keep a look out for an article to show the contradiction

alex cepile (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIvJlEqgX5IwatmtaaoG1lw) 10 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=Ugzgc0xdm0gSTI_QZA54AaABAg)
here in brussels, belgium there is nobody at the hospitals as well and no ambulances going back and forth either.

Remaining anonymous (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLhT-Qr7NXaTGITREZwV_RQ) 6 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgyFjWpmGRYJu75jhhN4AaABAg)
I'm in the UK and attended a hospital appointment last week and things really did not seem that bad. I actually had a conversation with a nurse who said they're just waiting now to see if they get any patients!? I was like rightttt! Very interesting!

Curious Cat (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEocEVoNOlb2_tQ7dACoWZw) 10 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=Ugyjd-QNjPmiUtbQwZB4AaABAg)
My brother-in-law is a nurse at a Tulsa, OK hospital and has been assigned to the COVID-19 floor. He has 4 patients assigned to him. Haven't yet heard how many total patients on the floor. I do know he is being allowed to take his usual three days off - W, TH, F - so the floor is obviously not overwhelmed.

Carol Gaylor (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsnsE-H1i1iwWEkULgG8I6w) 4 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgwCTwoCF-dc6p-PQVx4AaABAg)
I went to my local hospital in Connecticut. Quarantine tents empty. Yup that’s right. Supposedly there’s been one known case in Windham ? and they were sent home to recover. Then our senator went on MSNBC yesterday and said Trump impeachment still going ����what ??? Proof this is an agenda but so sad they are willing to hurt people and our country for this agenda

MaxSAgent86 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7Jjdx1mpsiFUe_KKjHvMw) 3 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgzAUTXS2FJyA1EqXl94AaABAg)
The lady I have a relationship with, works as a supervisor in her department in a major hospital. She told me there are only two CV-19 patients there, and they are in isolation. She told me it's like a ghost town.

alias (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAW5ANy9692-WD_fHcKTN8A) 4 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=Ugyr_R0Rt4XA6C8ywMx4AaABAg)
I went to 2 Vancouver hospitals, a friend of mine went to a 3rd, they were empty. Unfortunately didnt film it.

Sandy Torres (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUV3d-Sy8TVr8AHeqwiNkIQ) 9 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgzZhSE9urOjo-NTNdl4AaABAg)
I’m a medical courier in SC. I go to hospital to hospital and the emergency rooms are empty. I thought it was strange. No lines, no one in tents. I did deliver a COVID to a lab and a nurse from the emergency room had to deliver 2 to the lab a few days ago. I’m just confused.

Lucy Lu (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ19g2K3n6Ywj7o-mW3j7NQ) 10 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgzmVFSkkExCEdAbomZ4AaABAg)
I'm in NYC and Dana I don't know anyone with this virus. I go to the supermarket,deli I ask while shopping in conversation they do not know anyone either. The media is BS.

edward starling (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVFBqqXq4buClhDqodXX71g) 13 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=Ugw7dc6joiIZAGxYmmN4AaABAg)
Phoenix didnt have many patients in there but did have a wall of security with rubber gloves blocking the entrances.

Rose Paiva (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbgfJuJc6tr-FUPyVxwpSwg) 17 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgxuWLtTsWTuQnnp1A94AaABAg)
I am from Brazil. Here is happening the same...

Jamie Gast (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoEdZc_TDIoIV6Xyivu485Q) 9 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgxnMdoaP1DEadflmOx4AaABAg)
I was in L.B. Memorial for 3 days last weekend. I seen the same thing it was empty. The nurses and Dr.’s I talked to said the media was blowing it out of proportion. They’re shoveling fear down the people’s throat’s. God bless!! ����☝��

L I (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFo8sbe40ahAo-27hLwcf2w) 3 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgwjFr4SfrEj84LocDR4AaABAg)
I got tested because I work in health care, in Ontario. And I can also testify the hospital was DEAD.

Preston (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6Kw02ojyyoHNI5EaeGXw) 19 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgyD6ZsQShZUkDrqjiJ4AaABAg)
Same going on here in Charleston sc my wife works at the hospital here and they are sending them home laying them off

Ying nobodY (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOYvj0O4YD5536328k5TTtA) 14 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4&lc=UgzGvhihzg1gDkjG36l4AaABAg)
Same in Italy, as shown in this article below (and many others). The popular image of coffins in Bergamo for cvirus deaths is from a 2013 shipwreck in Lampedusa. https://www.maurizioblondet.it/bergamo-quanti-dei-morti-hanno-avuto-il-vaccino-anti-influenza/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?stzid=UgzGvhihzg1gDkjG36l4AaABAg&event=comments&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.maurizioblondet.it%2Fbergamo-quanti-dei-morti-hanno-avuto-il-vaccino-anti-influenza%2F&redir_token=xL7KkXYG4ag4VMFyGMk8WEW-sjR8MTU4NTg3NTEzMUAxNTg1Nzg4NzMx) Article also talks about vaccines and comorbidity of cvirus deaths.

1st April 2020, 07:10 PM
Thought this was another good one--this woman is a medical courier, so she goes to about 7 hospitals per week, she has to walk through ER to drop/pick up and walk through other parts of the hospital, ERs are empty, ghost towns, she goes on other floors, same thing, not a lot of people, she talks with nurses and doctors who think something else is going on (b/c media stories not match what they are seeing), she does not see hospitals as overwhelmed, also mentions problems with tests, recommends article "12 experts speak out"on corona, talks about how they are claiming deaths from other causes are actually corona. (apparently this is a mirror of her video, and her channel is TrutherTalk)

Okay, just found this video also posted at her channel TrutherTalk:

Yeah Let’s Talk About Why The Hospitals Are Empty #EMPTYHOSPITALS (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23EMPTYHOSPITALS) #FILMYOURHOSPITAL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=Jyk1coqEzkM&feature=emb_logo (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FILMYOURHOSPITAL)
(she has some good informative links posted)

Medical Courier says Hospitals empty (Doctors afraid to talk)


Karen Mills (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv4laphmMq8zv8bsy-ub0iw) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=UgyLYxZP01NA59PgVq14AaABAg) I'm an ER nurse- we have been super slow so far.

IAN BREWSTER (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiYGHVW0h0ICAWy2Ric4kxA) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=UgxJnOc0hQTWWhwt0Qp4AaABAg) a friend works in a UK hospital and the "isolation ward " of 22 beds is (you guessed) empty

Roger Baxter (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3rax9jTJfpHZbXqkgnR_4Q) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=UgzfkvlZXwbF_Y5eaMN4AaABAg) I’m in Evansville Indiana, same here numbers are on the news but no one knows anyone sick. Have been told by nursing home workers hospice patients with respiratory issues get COVID 19 on death certificates.

Catharina Zentralsonne Dol (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoGS3YKzyHD_W5RQp6Pz1-w) 13 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=UgyL49w6f3-qdEZR1iF4AaABAg) The same in Germany. I just saw a video about a hospital in Munich but youtube didn't like it.... it's gone now

shamula22 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuqpwWnlGY17p677Uge-2Qg) 22 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=UgymOTAo_aXBx8DuGJp4AaABAg) I drove by 3 main hospitals in Brooklyn tonight Brookdale, Kings County and Downstate hospital i went around all 3....dead as ever, it's usually a 7hr wait at Kings County but a pandemic and it's empty? Yea okay

joe bloggs (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD-URV_8I9qOCLJz58vhr9Q) 12 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=UgwWJGJpLW_eepfx0al4AaABAg) My friend a nurse in Ipswich seems to think there’s not much happening there....

giam 108 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKMAHLkvmLBKmrehFjx643Q) 18 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=Ugwm123vGDfseODKn_J4AaABAg) Same in Germany. if it ´s trumpetted out of ALL channels, all the time, everywhere, even all over the world... IT S FAKE.

Sabina Fiaccador (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpqAdyEygu4r6f25wKnH5CA)r (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wElEJqAWiMg&lc=Ugx_emMD-FhBMDi5Ozd4AaABAg) Its the same in Sweden . Totaly EMPTY. But in news they say allso the same thing as all over . That there is HORDS of people in long lines outside the hospitals

1st April 2020, 11:09 PM
My sister is an in Hospital GP, the only thing she has noticed is that more than 1/2 of her clientele vanished.

2nd April 2020, 06:25 AM
i personally know 2 people who have the virus. they were both tested and came up positive. its for real. i guess we are waiting for the show to begin.

2nd April 2020, 07:40 AM
i personally know 2 people who have the virus. they were both tested and came up positive. its for real. i guess we are waiting for the show to begin.

NIH Report ~ 80% False Positive !!!! Covid 19 Test Results..SPREAD THIS WIDE AND FAR


Here’s what the CDC says about the test for the Coronavirus by Jon Rappoport

Here is a CDC paragraph about results. I suggest you read it several times.

“Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”


Dr. Fauci Concedes the Coronavirus Mortality Rate May Be Much Closer to a Very Bad Flu


As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK. " https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid#status-of-covid-19

Israeli virologist urges world leaders to calm public, slams ‘unnecessary panic’

(https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-virologist-urges-world-leaders-to-calm-public-slams-unnecessary-panic/)‘People think this virus is going to attack them all, and then they’re all going to die,’ says Prof. Jihad Bishara. ‘Not at all. In fact, most of those infected won’t even know it’


sh*t they put billions of folks on lockdown for a total scam read and weep

worldwide # of deaths from fake corona Jan 2020 thru March 25, 2002 as compared to # of deaths from other causes Jan 2020 thru March 25, 2020


The SCAM is Unraveling: Empty Hosptials Reveal The BIG LIE


Okay, above is mirror of Jeff C's video posted here:


2nd April 2020, 07:55 AM
i personally know 2 people who have the virus. they were both tested and came up positive. its for real. i guess we are waiting for the show to begin.
Trust. That is what it comes down to. Do you trust the lab tech to not miscategorize the virus? Do you even know the lab tech? Do you know the nurse who came up with the samples? Where is the chain of custody?

Frodo is said to have gotten it and recovered. That is not a recommendation either.

2nd April 2020, 08:31 AM
“Hospitals Overwhelmed” is Yet Another Hysterical Hoaxhttps://dailystormer.su/hospitals-overwhelmed-is-yet-another-hysterical-hoax/

2nd April 2020, 06:14 PM
found this one over at Russ Winter's site https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/04/strained-resources-citizen-sleuths-investigate-the-cronyvirus-pandemic/

Royal Colombian, New Westminster, Canada: Dude goes to 2nd floor, empty Covid unit in nearly deserted hospital. (start 9:07)

Pandemic Hunting! Hospital or Ghost Town?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=547&v=UFZkpU55ejU&feature=emb_ logo

katscully -A bit eerie how silent it is & no announcements/calls over the hospital intercom at all. I drove by a hospital in Qns, NY & LI. Very quiet. ER's are either empty or look like a slow to normal day here & they're starting to put security guards outside the ER's.

MRRoger - So if so many of these hospitals which are claimed to be "overrun with Coronavirus patients" are actually empty, and WE, the people are obviously starting to find out that this is mostly all a hoax, then what was the point of this "hoax"?? I mean, what happens when everybody realizes they've been lied to? Are the official hoaxers who pushed this whole psyop thinking we're going to just let it go and forgive them for this outrage? People are going to be PISSED. This whole thing is so surreal.

franco monno - That is royal Colombian hospital. I was there the other day to drop off something for a family member who is in the hospital. There was no one around at all. I got stopped at the front I even asked it's quite in here for a pandemic she smirked. It's all bullshit

FWIW- I checked out this guy's channel and found this below--I don't have time to listen, but I give these guys credit for getting people together and talking about what's going on...
Anti- CovIDIOT Vancouver Meet up


2nd April 2020, 07:51 PM
Looks like #FilmYourHospital has a website now:


3/11 was your new 9/11. They declared a Pandemic as a pretext for Global Control. Covid19 is the new ubiquitous terrorist.

"...real, unmediated reporting by a nation of media-savvy autohoaxers..."

2nd April 2020, 07:53 PM
YouTube DELETED for Revealing Empty COVID-19 Test Center!!!

YouTube took down this video by Terry Lawton (tbirdlauderdale) channel showing an empty COVID-19 testing center in Wexford, Ireland. The censorship of videos revealing vacant hospitals and testing centers is occurring worldwide - Share and Film if you are able to get out: https://www.filmyourhospital.com

2nd April 2020, 08:10 PM
Testing center popped up near my place in Riverside County back on March 22... they closed all the roads to it and cops are manning the entrances. From the website:


Long wait times (on the phone)? I shop regularly near there and pass by the street that leads to the test facility... have never seen a line to get in or even a car traveling up the road. Of course, I'm not exactly staking the place out, but that's what I've seen so far. One would think it would appear busier if they are fielding as many calls as they imply they are.

2nd April 2020, 08:17 PM
Great job by Daniel at Logic Before Authority putting together a video of all the footage he could find from the all over the country of the #filmyourhospital movement on the Net. Same story at every hospital! One commenter on this video indicated that he has a neighbor who is a nurse and has many friends who are nurses and I guess many of these hospitals are scheduling extra staff preparing each day for the onslaught of CV patients that the media keeps telling them is coming and that they are eventually sending them home because they don't need them and it is causing a lot of them to question the validity of the phony narrative.

Also, in comments, someone from Maine said something about how if they go out of the house to work or something they need "papers" from their employer (something like that). Daniel narrating said same thing about needing "papers" in his state (not sure where he is)

"NEW" Empty Hospital Videos From All Over The US. AND... "The Tape Runs Out"


Lighthouse Sunshine - OR nurses are being furloughed in my area because they canceled elective surgeries. Nurses being furloughed during a pandemic is a little backward don’t you think?

Anonymous Vapes - The lack of sirens in your area should tell us everything. No ambulances etc

QueueAnon - I live in Ohio, my neighbor is a nurse who does insurance billing for hospice from home. Many of her friends are nurses, and she reported to me today that there are SO many nurses just waiting around they're sending them home. Everyone is just at a loss to what is going on and what it is we're so over-prepared for, because clearly it isn't this virus.

Anna Osentoski - I have son in NAVY, he says the govt has gone insane, they are liars to and fro. WAKE UP PPL

peety 63 - What gets me is when the cold or flu would go around, It seems like everyone I talk to has it or has had it. Absolutely NO ONE I know has been sick with covid lie teen. Stay vigilant folks.

Terri Heaven - My friend lives in Buffalo NY where they said they have sent NYC patients with the virus. He shot two videos of the main hospitala there and there was Noone. EMPTY

NEWS NOW TV - both hospitals in my town are empty. even at night you cannot see any lights or tv's glowing from the hospital rooms as you drive by

mobsta 145 - I’m in Maine and at midnight tonight I guess it’s full lockdown me and my wife have a friend who works at wall greens and she has a note to work and leave her house without note she cannot, me and my wife are prepared and willing to fight god help us I also have recent pics of bucket trucks everywhere couple days ago down town like everywhere and two recent 5g towers put up

MOODY BUGG-20 - I was at our ER for last 3 days with mother. NOTHING! Empty in central Ga. had a guy withdrawal symptoms, that's all I seen

Viewfromabove Howaboutyou - 5g everywhere... I mean everywhere in Connecticut and the rollout continues and everyone stays home ignoring reality... sad world we are in.

Rore Shakc - Empty here in Erie, PA. I have ben there 5 times in the past 2 weeks and everytime i ask how many victims& as Always... None!

2nd April 2020, 08:30 PM
Trust. That is what it comes down to. Do you trust the lab tech to not miscategorize the virus? Do you even know the lab tech? Do you know the nurse who came up with the samples? Where is the chain of custody?

Ziero, you don't need to ask this many questions on this one....samples, chain of custody, none of that matters.

This virus is for real and doesn't care about any of that. Like kiffertom, wait until you know someone who has it. Then, IT hits you for real. My sister in law has been battling the virus for 2 weeks. She is finally starting to feel better.

2nd April 2020, 10:16 PM
NIH Report ~ 80% False Positive !!!! Covid 19 Test Results..SPREAD THIS WIDE AND FAR

That along with a percentage of tests already contaminated with COV-19 does not bode well for any real numbers.

Probably why 95% of cases are in the less than or equal to mild then even imaginary category.

Coronavirus testing effort hampered by kits contaminated with Covid-19

3rd April 2020, 09:25 PM
Corona Virus Media Hoax Los Angeles Hospitals Empty
Has the fear factor of the corona virus been exaggerated by mainstream media? If the hospitals are supposed to be overwhelmed with covid19 patients, then why are hospitals empty? Just sharing what I have witnessed, people should investigate for themselves



3rd April 2020, 09:28 PM
MUST SEE!!! Hospital parking lot completely empty!!!Hospital parking lot empty, no Pandemic in Kennewick Wa


3rd April 2020, 09:31 PM
Still no sign of an epidemic

Auburn Washington ER empty


George Koch II (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJgKy858HbFyZyVsvEIX9g) 5 days ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhFrKP8jY78&lc=Ugxv_7wiypYJEzo-tzt4AaABAg)
No epidemic in Dallas Texas either. Just no toilet paper or rubbing alcohol.

Ghost Picker (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBMNbCuuGVNln2j_H7ol-Pg) 5 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhFrKP8jY78&lc=UgxbSxz5GKUIgoFhej54AaABAg)
Spokane EMS just sitting in parking lots bored.

Robert Voit (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSl8Va2cc5ZscYfQ-zUnRg) 5 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhFrKP8jY78&lc=UgyHGlevtD9dNQSDcet4AaABAg)
Hospitals here in Columbus Ohio the same... just usual.. crazy.. more to this than this virus.. it goes much deeper down the rabbit hole..

3rd April 2020, 09:35 PM
Video: Empty Waiting Rooms, No Lines, Where Is The Pandemic Being Broadcast By MSMCollection of videos from the last three days from Corona virus hotspots showing empty waiting rooms, no lines EMS sitting in their cars. The lone video showing patients is from Jamaica hospital


Susan Clemons (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmfdOx355eaB6D88iuP0RJg) 4 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEWxUmvBPVs&lc=Ugz6biawIt67UUeGQSV4AaABAg)

Finally someone showing some real footage of what's actually going on. Looks like all the panic reporting is just one big fat lie. This is NYC hospitals and they're EMPTY ! ! ! !

Angie BHH (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBHXQOOFZr2Oa5PooftpHRg) 2 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEWxUmvBPVs&lc=UgydR7LjXYA6vdu5E5d4AaABAg)

Same exact thing at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, staff members standing around outside of the er chilling. One person in the waiting area. It's normally the busiest hospital/er in middle TN.

4th April 2020, 05:49 AM
i personally know 2 people who have the virus. they were both tested and came up positive. its for real. i guess we are waiting for the show to begin.

here is my update. the woman i know who has/had the virus started showing symptoms on the 17th of march. i spoke with her 3 days ago and she said she was finally doing better. she went to the hospital last wednesday because she was still feeeling horrible. she said the er was empty. she also said she has never been through anything this badly.the other person is a male who lives in amsterdam. caught it along with 2 friends while skiing in austria. last i heard about 4 days ago he was released from the hospital but readmitted cause he couldnt breathe. still waiting on more news. i spoke with a friend who is a nurse at the local VA hospital. he said they have 4 people on ventilators but couldnt tell me how many other people were in the hospital with the virus. he said this is just the beginning we havent seen anything yet. another friend whose daughter is a nurse told me that she was sent home to self quarrantine after having 2 patients with the virus. yesterday i spoke with a friend of mine who is a doctor in a small town. he said the hospital called him and ask him if he would volunteer to help out when things started getting bad.the peak here is suppose to be around may 15th. if you know anything about exponential growth you should know nothing really matters until the last 4 or 5 doublings. i know for a fact it is here. i myself am still miffed about the NY hospitals and the EMT's comments. we will all know if this is bullshit or not by the end of april as we will be able to see the outcome from exponential growth.

4th April 2020, 11:59 AM
here is my update. the woman i know who has/had the virus started showing symptoms on the 17th of march. i spoke with her 3 days ago and she said she was finally doing better. she went to the hospital last wednesday because she was still feeeling horrible. she said the er was empty. she also said she has never been through anything this badly.the other person is a male who lives in amsterdam. caught it along with 2 friends while skiing in austria. last i heard about 4 days ago he was released from the hospital but readmitted cause he couldnt breathe. still waiting on more news. i spoke with a friend who is a nurse at the local VA hospital. he said they have 4 people on ventilators but couldnt tell me how many other people were in the hospital with the virus. he said this is just the beginning we havent seen anything yet. another friend whose daughter is a nurse told me that she was sent home to self quarrantine after having 2 patients with the virus. yesterday i spoke with a friend of mine who is a doctor in a small town. he said the hospital called him and ask him if he would volunteer to help out when things started getting bad.the peak here is suppose to be around may 15th. if you know anything about exponential growth you should know nothing really matters until the last 4 or 5 doublings. i know for a fact it is here. i myself am still miffed about the NY hospitals and the EMT's comments. we will all know if this is bullshit or not by the end of april as we will be able to see the outcome from exponential growth.

But how do you know these people even have corona when the tests are bogus?? How do you/they know it's corona and not the regular flu??

NIH Report ~ 80% False Positive !!!! Covid 19 Test Results..SPREAD THIS WIDE AND FAR


Here’s what the CDC says about the test for the Coronavirus by Jon Rappoport
Here is a CDC paragraph about results. I suggest you read it several times.

“Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”


Dr. Fauci Concedes the Coronavirus Mortality Rate May Be Much Closer to a Very Bad Flu


As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK. " https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid#status-of-covid-19

Israeli virologist urges world leaders to calm public, slams ‘unnecessary panic’


‘People think this virus is going to attack them all, and then they’re all going to die,’ says Prof. Jihad Bishara. ‘Not at all. In fact, most of those infected won’t even know it’

4th April 2020, 03:29 PM
But how do you know these people even have corona when the tests are bogus?? How do you/they know it's corona and not the regular flu??

NIH Report ~ 80% False Positive !!!! Covid 19 Test Results..SPREAD THIS WIDE AND FAR


Here’s what the CDC says about the test for the Coronavirus by Jon Rappoport
Here is a CDC paragraph about results. I suggest you read it several times.

“Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”


Dr. Fauci Concedes the Coronavirus Mortality Rate May Be Much Closer to a Very Bad Flu


As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK. " https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid#status-of-covid-19

Israeli virologist urges world leaders to calm public, slams ‘unnecessary panic’


‘People think this virus is going to attack them all, and then they’re all going to die,’ says Prof. Jihad Bishara. ‘Not at all. In fact, most of those infected won’t even know it’

An Israeli named "Jihad"? Calling out the BS?? Excuse my skepticism.

4th April 2020, 03:50 PM
An Israeli named "Jihad"? Calling out the BS?? Excuse my skepticism.

OMG, I didn't even see that first name--totally didn't register.

Well, here's the guy:


Dr. Jihad Bishara is affiliated to Infectious Diseases Unit, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, Petah Tikva, Israel; Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Electronic address: , Rabin medical university. Dr. Jihad Bishara is currently providing services as Professor. Dr. Jihad Bishara has authored I145and co-authored multiple peer-reviewed scientific papers and presented works at many national and International conferences. Dr. Jihad Bishara contributions have acclaimed recognition from honourable subject experts around the world. Dr. Jihad Bishara is actively associated with different societies and academies. Dr. Jihad Bishara academic career is decorated with several reputed awards and funding. Dr. Jihad Bishara research interests include

Prof. Jihad Bishara currently works in Infectious Disease Unit at Rabin Medical Center; Beilinson Hospital and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. His current project is 'Clostridium difficile infection'.

I'll try to look into that more later....(maybe fake person???)

4th April 2020, 05:11 PM
[FONT=georgia][SIZE=3]But how do you know these people even have corona when the tests are bogus?? How do you/they know it's corona and not the regular flu??

When we all see healthy friends and relatives die, we know it's not the regular flu. My sister in law, healthy, 50 years old. Battled this "flu" for two whole weeks, and is finally feeling better. Was it the flu or corona? They didn't test her. But, the flu doesn't last two weeks, the whole time you are in bed.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Buy guns and ammo. Be good with God. Have plenty of food. We've been talking about this shit for years, time to actually do it (if you haven't).

4th April 2020, 05:49 PM
When we all see healthy friends and relatives die, we know it's not the regular flu. My sister in law, healthy, 50 years old. Battled this "flu" for two whole weeks, and is finally feeling better. Was it the flu or corona? They didn't test her. But, the flu doesn't last two weeks, the whole time you are in bed.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Buy guns and ammo. Be good with God. Have plenty of food. We've been talking about this shit for years, time to actually do it (if you haven't).
Don't really know what to think with all the conflicting accounts. I do remember when I was in my early twenties, my wife and I both got a severe infection which my doctor din't even give a name, he just called it a 'plague'. We were both sick as hell for at least a week which meant down for about two weeks. So it is nothing new to get a severe illness of indeterminate origin and have it kick your ass even when young.

4th April 2020, 06:13 PM
Don't really know what to think with all the conflicting accounts. I do remember when I was in my early twenties, my wife and I both got a severe infection which my doctor din't even give a name, he just called it a 'plague'. We were both sick as hell for at least a week which meant down for about two weeks. So it is nothing new to get a severe illness of indeterminate origin and have it kick your ass even when young.

True, but the numbers in this "pandemic" and what the media is reporting.

Soon, GSUSer's will start seeing death first hand, family, friends, etc. It would be great to think this is all a hoax, but time really will tell the truth here.

I'll just raise my hands and say Hey, prepare for the worst. Hope for the best. If there's any preps you might need, or lacking in, think about getting them. If it's all a hoax, great.

I've been a member of this forum for years. It's a red Flag, when this forum is more optimistic on the future than mainstream media.

4th April 2020, 07:11 PM
True story (I am told). A WHEC CG cutter was in the yard in Charlie status. A 1st class electrician mate was working alone on the bridge. He suddenly opens up the PA system Mike and announces NOW HEAR THIS. THIS IS A DRILL...THIS IS A DRILL. He next holds up a portable drill to the Mike and presses the trigger.

And that, gentle reader, is how a 1st class gets demoted to 3rd class.

5th April 2020, 12:46 PM
I traveled to the biggest hospitals and testing center in Dayton, OH on April 5th....alllll EMPTY!...biggest hospital in Dayton, looking for lines, lines of people for testing, looking for body bags like they told us, and I see nothing...
Goes inside, 5 min, EMPTY!! Nurses get a little confrontational, pointing at him, he keeps going, asking where are all the people, we were told there was going to be a run on the hospitals, nurses say "do you have a fever?" "no, I don't have a...YES, I have a fever, A PISSED OFF FEVER!! (LOL!!) What's going on ?? Black guy tries to help and gives him a phone number....That's all I need, it's a HOAX going on!! the non-existent Flu!! This isn't some two bit hospital...they are calling campus police on me, I"m not going to jail for this. NOTHING!! ...goes to another one, 9 min, EMPTY!! shouts out I'm just herer to document the pandemic, they told us millions are going to die, #FilmYourHospital!!

Film your hospitals Dayton, Ohio COVID HOAX


5th April 2020, 12:49 PM
Here are comments from: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/greater-depression-shocking-images-show-horror-americas-new-breadlines

truthordare- Videos of major hospital in Madrid, Spain on YT posted last night... SAME... tumbleweeds rolling through the carpark... its all a SCAM.

ColonelCooper- This place seems to thrive on anecdotes, so let me throw a stick on the fire. Nothing shocking, just weird. My wife is a nurse. Has been for 25+ years. It's very rural where we live, and we don't have any Rona here, so to speak. The county we live in, and the county she works in, each got one confirmed case last week. Obviously there is more, but there is zero testing going on around here. Not even for nurses with flu-like symptoms.

So my wife spends some time on the Facebook. Not crazy like, but over the years, she has joined/followed lots of nursing groups, and over the course of 25 years, she either has come to personally know, or communicate with a lot of nurses. We have family members who are nurses in "The City".

She has not had one nurse, ANYwhere in ANY form, tell her it’s a shitshow. Not one. No banter, no chit chat, no pics, no complaints, NOTHING. Now I know we live in Bumfuck nowhere, but the internet is everywhere, and out of hundreds of nurses she "chats" with, not one nurse?

Everyone has read posts, or op-eds talking about how bad it is (e.g. My sister's supervisor's boyfriend said the hospital is overrun, etc. "Leaked!!" photos showing ten body bags lined up in NY). Ominous fucking tents with nobody in them…. Does ANYBODY here have a nurse they actually know, in a place like NYC or Jersey, or LA (wherever it's so bad) who is losing their shit over how bad it is? That it’s any worse than flu season, but they have National Guard reefer trailers they're keeping the bodies in?

… It's something. My wife also gets one mask every two shifts. And the shit isn't even here, she's more worried about spreading staph to someone from a dirty mask than Rona, at this point. She sprays it with some shit, and keeps it in a plastic bag. I know people are dying, and I in no way mean to make light, but is it the exact same people who the flu would have taken anyway? Are these facilities overrun, like the news and the gov want you to believe?

My wife says that in the last ten years, there have been three flu seasons where hospital beds were full up, non-existent. Not our small town, not the regional center, and not the closest 250K population city nearest. Three times. And no-one said shit then.

SmokeyBlonde -Eldest is ICU nurse in Phoenix metro area ... total of 3 patients in 2 hospitals and 0 (that's zero) on ventilators.

2sttemoostate- I agree. I've asked friends, family, acquaintances and neighbors if they know of anyone in any state that has this. None of them do. Now I know that's not scientific, but if it's that big of a fucking deal there should be some evidence besides MSM and government pronouncements.

5th April 2020, 12:53 PM
Comment from https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/uk-suffers-deadliest-day-yet-new-cases-drop-across-europe-mortality-rate-jumps-record

2stateshmoostate- I went to my hospitals during mid-day and posted this report the day before yesterday. It's a bullshit story. There are 2 major hospitals in my city. Yesterday I rode my bike around both of them. What should I see from the outside if these hospitals are swamped and in war-zone conditions? Remember I live in a state with a "shelter in place" order. What I saw at both hospitals were parking lots with lots of empty spaces. Signs saying no more visiting your sick loved-ones. I saw empty quonset hut like tents in the parking lot. At one hospital where I could see in the emergency waiting room it was empty. I saw lots of parked ambulances. I did not see any ambulances rushing away or arriving. I did not see any lines of sick people standing 6 feet apart. Indeed, I didn't see anyone arriving to be treated. I was skeptical before, but now I'm even more skeptical. Don't believe me? Then go to your own local hospital I'll bet you see the same shit.

Adullam- I had to go to the ER in our local hospital yesterday for something quite mild and not related to any illness or flu. (The clinics are closed by the government so EVERYTHING has to go through the ER). There were very few cars in the parking lot and only THREE patients in ER. The situation is similar in other towns and cities in the vicinity

2stateshmoostate- I just got back from another bike ride down to both the of the 2 largest hospitals in my city. This is the second time I've did this. The last time was Thursday. I live in a state where the POS governor has called out the national guard. Where there is a shelter in place order. Where anyone entering the state is required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Obviously the shit must be hitting the fan at the 2 largest hospitals in this city of 300 plus thousand people. That is not what is indicated by what I saw. Both hospitals emergency entrances did not have lines of sick people. At one hospital I parked across the street and observed what was going on for at least 20 minutes. During that time, I saw only one ambulance leisurely arrive. I saw only one car pull into the parking lot. Maybe there's all kind of crazy shit going on inside these hospitals. But that is sure not indicated by what is happening outside. My feeling is that this is another 911 type false flag operation. Especially in light of how the MSM is in the total manufactured hysteria mode. How this plays out is going to be quite interesting.

Jetsly- The disconnect between the corporate media hysteria and what people are seeing on the ground throughout the country is being discussed more and more widely on the Right. It is the lead story on The Conservative Treehouse, while Gateway Pundit is citing CDC directives that assure numbers will be inflated.

Jacks Raging Bile Duct- Agreed. I am in one of the "worst" effected areas. I live across the street from a major regional medical facility with a massive parking lot and 2 parking garages. Normally, even with that capacity, there is nowhere to park. Now, the garages are totally empty and the parking lot is 1/3 full at best. Got take out last night. Chinese and some French pastries. Both places were gushing and gracious for business.

Vasilievich - It's becoming tiresome, isn't it? I can say that because I live in a county with 114,000 inhabitants and four non-lethal cases, as of last heard.

Jetsley - And out here in Minnesota, we have had 24 deaths, and the median age of these unfortunates is ... wait for it ...EIGHTY-SIX!!!!!!!!

Iamrefreshed- I'm in a hospital 5 days per week in Knoxville. It's a fucking ghost town. Lines my ass.

5th April 2020, 12:56 PM
Trinitas Hospital (NJ) 4-4-20 #FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCLCvyDE7Pc


5th April 2020, 01:05 PM
This is my second visit to a hospital in Houston this one is Saint Joseph’s in downtown Houston and it was completely empty I did not see one person other than workers and security...just went into emergency care, you heard the guy, nobody's in there, 4:50 security guys go after him, try to get the camera...I think we are being 9/11ed all over again....9:35 we are being duped on massive scale,
Empty Hospitals All Over Houston! #filmyourhospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23filmyourhospital)




Dave W - (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO6tOg_6kbZqNwKQp8Babzw)#filmyourhospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23filmyourhospital) People are catching on! Something stinks

Michael Wood (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyhp5A9x5x2C20E9Ii8OBDg)Yes, they're using the seasonal flu or something similar to be the scapegoat for the financial collapse. They already know what they will replace it with and we won't like it. China is already doing it to their citizens. Most things are paid for with their phones, and the Chinese government has control over everybody's digital accounts. You have to follow laws, policies and social norms or they will immediately fine you by taking the money out of your digital account.

dale hess (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkHlBQ8Pv0VR810ddIZHOkA)They took my video of an empty hospital in Hershey Pa. Same crap here. Stay safe. there is much more danger out there than a cold.

Derek Downs (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tshuXutET3ngdDc0UjkXQ) In new York city all the hospitals are empty the media said it war zone a fake virus government is lying to us

brian jmt - (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWukIfZxIkKyxe4DDU6XsfQ)N GA three hospitals near me the same empty !! Talked with some staff they said they havent seen any virus patients. And I am supposedly in a cluster area.

Scott S - (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6oIA2Gl2PWq2NgphXFpBtQ)Went past 4 of the major hospitals in St Louis today, all exactly the same, empty. Off back to film tomorrow

5th April 2020, 02:45 PM
Here's an Aussie that doesn't think this shit is real either.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=P0cYJkGk7gI&feature=emb_lo go

5th April 2020, 03:09 PM
Here's an Aussie that doesn't think this shit is real either.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=P0cYJkGk7gI&feature=emb_lo go
Son of Crocodile Dundee

5th April 2020, 10:52 PM
Okay, this is a good one b/c it's focused on Elmhurst Hospital, which are are told is the center of the pandemic, and it goes back and forth between MSM video and audio of what they were showing/saying about Elmhurst with the date, and citizen video, where you have NOTHING going on, no one lining up to get tested, inside the hospital is empty, ambulances lined up/parked and doing NOTHING. Also, one lady said she had been sitting there in her car for a whole hour and still nothing.

Now, I'm pretty sure the line (of BS) they have been giving us about why they need these outdoor tents is because hospitals are "overflowing," and this video proves that's total BS!!! One of the video goes through the hallways, waiting areas, etc and the place is EMPTY, so there's no reason to have outdoor tents for testing (especially since they are empty too)--it's all about having props to sell the narrative and for photo-ops to push the BS. I've watched so many of these videos, and most of these hospitals have these outdoor testing tents and they are ALWAYS EMPTY!!! It's all just stagecraft and theater to sell the fake virus narrative and keep the sheep scared, while we are losing our rights and freedom and the bankers and corporations are looting us in the TRILLIONS!!!!
Elmhurst Hospital: MSM's "Epicenter of The Epicenter" Is Ghosttown When Citizen Media Show Up

How is that every time MSM camera crews show up at Elmhurst hospital, which we are told is the epicenter of the epicenter there are long lines and hoards of people. However when citizen journalists and independent camera crew show up to the same hospital and shoot hours of footage, we get crickets.

***Also this the same hospital that Jason Goodman checked out and he found the same thing: nothing going on, tons of ambulances parked and doing nothing, EMTs hanging out and playing with their phones, no ambulances racing in with patients, no sirens, empty waiting rooms, etc. And this is the hospital with Dr. Collen Smith who did a NYT story saying there were "apocalyptic conditions" in the hospital. Jason also noted that the NYT story w/Dr. Colleen Smith got picked up by news outlets all over the world, so it was a key story in terms of setting the narrative. Jason also noted that Dr. Smith is a self-proclaimed MEDICAL SIMULATION specialist--so Jason asks if she was doing a simulation when she was lying to the NYT and when she walked through the ER/ICU video-taping patients and the scene. Jason also noticed that the NYT photo of Dr. Smith was taken outside the hospital on CORONA Avenue, with a Chinese take out restaurant in the background (he thinks they did that on purpose)

5th April 2020, 11:17 PM
Pandemic obviously an excuse to Lockdown economically and provide loan bails.

Any doctor you talk to would tell you protecting an vulnerable elderly persons much more sensible action.

Fed. Reserve crapshoot that hopes the 1% interest and penalties will lead to more assets under their control, its called Monopoly community chest for the losers.

6th April 2020, 01:03 PM
Amanda, they needed a reason to stop trade with China: coronavirus
Needed a reason to start a cold war with China: coronavirus
Needed something to blame for the stock market bubble crash: coronavirus
Needed something to blame in the future when 5G gets turned on and many have illness from 5G: coronavirus


This bioweapon of covid19 is the "panacea" to the "pandemic" of the Illuminati's own problems, they blame you for their problems. That is the point of this real virus false flag.

When in 2007 and 2008, the banksters learned that to be the universal blame for the worlds problems is undesireable, so you are to blame. This covid19 is their attempted to shift the blame onto you. You crashed the stock market, not the Carlyle Group (Bushes) in charge of the Federal Reserve inventing money from nothing and establishing the largest bubble. Only a select few are picking up this truth.

And it is down to you to demand a vaccine, and other things the Carlyle Group and Khazars and other zionists want you to demand. They want you to hate China for a cold war with China, they want you to demand daily testing of every American. They want you to demand to rescuing wall street and corporations. They want you to demand your slavery, that is how the Illuminati work. And idiots are falling for this trick.

6th April 2020, 02:13 PM
When in 2007 and 2008, the banksters learned that to be the universal blame for the worlds problems is undesireable, so you are to blame... that is how the Illuminati work. And idiots are falling for this trick.

Jew "C Martel" pointing his finger at the evil Loominaughty instead of his fellow jews (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1532677677576.png)...lol.

:rolleyes: Chutzpah

6th April 2020, 02:49 PM
Jew "C Martel" pointing his finger at the evil Loominaughty instead of his fellow jews (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1532677677576.png)...lol.

:rolleyes: Chutzpah

The Bushes allied with the Carlyle Group are not jews. Carlyle Group Illuminati are in positions in the Federal Reserve with some other bankster lackeys.

Those in these sick groups are not only jews:



The Kennedy's were part of the illuminati and had Marylin Monroe killed.

6th April 2020, 03:18 PM
Illuminati are in positions in the Federal Reserve with some other bankster lackeys.

Jew C Martel's "some other". (https://www.avaresearch.com/files/Jewish%20banking%20Crooks(2).png)


6th April 2020, 03:21 PM
Are we suffering from radiation sickness from exposure to 5G?


midnight rambler
6th April 2020, 03:28 PM
Are we suffering from radiation sickness from exposure to 5G?


While I'm not saying 5G has nothing to do with this psyop, it's very likely that it is, in the long term. However the 2.4 Ghz transmission is extremely short range and there's just not enough 5G sites up and running to be everywhere at this point. My thinking is there's definitely a bio-weapon involved (with more than a couple of strains) which is being used as cover for the sickness which is going to be caused by full implementation of 5G.

6th April 2020, 04:25 PM
The Bushes allied with the Carlyle Group are not jews. Carlyle Group Illuminati are in positions in the Federal Reserve with some other bankster lackeys.

Those in these sick groups are not only jews:



The Kennedy's were part of the illuminati and had Marylin Monroe killed.
Ahhh, I get it- "illuminatiKennedy," cut the head off the rothschild snake! FFS shlomo you need a better cover story than that!

6th April 2020, 04:31 PM
I can't post the picture but here's an email from a friend in Indiana

I wanted to drive by St. Anthony's hospital in Crown Point, In. It was about 2:50 pm Mon.4/06/2020. To my surprise there were no lines by the emergency entrance. I took a picture for all to see.

6th April 2020, 06:11 PM
Ahhh, I get it- "illuminatiKennedy," cut the head off the rothschild snake! FFS shlomo you need a better cover story than that!

Watch this video, and see who served who to start WWI:


The jews joined the already evil Illuminati and secret societies, some the jews took over, others they didn't.

6th April 2020, 06:53 PM
While I'm not saying 5G has nothing to do with this psyop, it's very likely that it is, in the long term. However the 2.4 Ghz transmission is extremely short range and there's just not enough 5G sites up and running to be everywhere at this point. My thinking is there's definitely a bio-weapon involved (with more than a couple of strains) which is being used as cover for the sickness which is going to be caused by full implementation of 5G.
We should have seen some evidence of bioweapon pandemic in hospitals by now - we seen none. I find TPTB pushing on the masses a test with a false positive rate of 80% astonishing because such a test is useless even under optimal circumstances. Even a test with exemplary performance (i.e. 99%) falls down when applied to population screening. In fact, a screening test always requires a second, highly specific confirmatory test be positive before a result is proclaimed positives. This is basic fundamental laboratory practice. Yet here we have massive and disruptive public policy based off a solitary poor unreliable test. So I must conclude that some other agenda is afoot.

The same factors that make one prone to radiation sickness are seen in infectious diseases: elderly, nutritionally deficient, mineral depleted, high toxic load (high environmental pollution, processed foods, pharmaceuticals etc.). All of these equate to a lowering of body voltage and incremental movement to the disease state. There is always a predictable segment of the population that will be prone to the negative effects of 5G radiation and other EMF pollution. Their symptoms will appear after a lag of months and occur in an incremental fashion mimicking exponential growth. It is a simple matter to create the false impression of infectious pandemic by applying a test with a high rate of false positives.

I find it extraordinary that no one I know amongst friends and family kinows of a single "confirmed" cases of COVID-19 infection, let alone sickness. Yet as of today we have scores of famous celebrities and high profile politicians from senators to prime ministers reported to be testing COVID-19 positive. How is this statistically possible when the purported virus is endemic in the population? Is it a coincidence that Wuhan was one of the first locations when 5G was deployed, and happens to be the most polluted city on the planet? I think Wuhan, with it's crowded ghettos of slave laborers stressed from overwork and environmental pollution made an excellent canary in the coal mine for 5G. Logic dictates that the corona virus cover story be rejected off hand based on logic and common sense. Of note, there is incontrovertible evidence that no infectious agent could demonstrated in the infamous 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Yes many died whose numbers grew in exponential waves throughout the world. Yet numerous controlled studies could not demonstrate person to person transmission. A logical hypothesis in this case is that the victims share an intrinsic defect that has been brought out by an external effect. It is noteworthy that the unfolding of the 1918 flu pandemic coincided temporally with the roll out of electrical power grids internationally. Millions of humans had never before in history been simultaneously exposed to man-made EMF radiation. Did men create an Id machine that when turned on resulted in the unexpected death of millions?


midnight rambler
6th April 2020, 07:03 PM
Doc, I cannot imagine the Iranians playing along with something non-existent to further the interests of the usual suspects, and I doubt the Iranians have set up 5G in Qom where the first outbreak was in Iran. Additionally, I cannot see Boris Johnson playing along as he was skeptical initially.

This recently updated map shows no 5G whatsoever in Iran.


6th April 2020, 07:16 PM
Doc, I cannot imagine the Iranians playing along with something non-existent to further the interests of the usual suspects, and I doubt the Iranians have set up 5G in Qom where the first outbreak was in Iran. Additionally, I cannot see Boris Johnson playing along as he was skeptical initially.

This recently updated map shows no 5G whatsoever in Iran.

https://www.nperf.com/en/map/IR/119208.Qom/1795.IranCell/signal/?ll=35.60260216082557&lg=51.288299560546875&zoom=10Yes, this is vexing. But I am certain of one thing: our leaders are lying to us vis-a-vis a viral pandemic.



Fast forward to 2:45 - narrated by Crocodile Dundee. We are living in a dystopian nightmare.


6th April 2020, 07:28 PM
One of many drills held in the past 20 years. They do try their darnedest to make them realistic. The realism even fools the media talking heads quite a bit of the time. Then when you discuss the errors in their presentation some crisis actor will sue your pants off.

6th April 2020, 07:34 PM
We should have seen some evidence of bioweapon pandemic in hospitals by now - we seen none. I find TPTB pushing on the masses a test with a false positive rate of 80% astonishing because such a test is useless even under optimal circumstances. Even a test with exemplary performance (i.e. 99%) falls down when applied to population screening. In fact, a screening test always requires a second, highly specific confirmatory test be positive before a result is proclaimed positives. This is basic fundamental laboratory practice. Yet here we have massive and disruptive public policy based off a solitary poor unreliable test. So I must conclude that some other agenda is afoot.

The same factors that make one prone to radiation sickness are seen in infectious diseases: elderly, nutritionally deficient, mineral depleted, high toxic load (high environmental pollution, processed foods, pharmaceuticals etc.). All of these equate to a lowering of body voltage and incremental movement to the disease state. There is always a predictable segment of the population that will be prone to the negative effects of 5G radiation and other EMF pollution. Their symptoms will appear after a lag of months and occur in an incremental fashion mimicking exponential growth. It is a simple matter to create the false impression of infectious pandemic by applying a test with a high rate of false positives.

I find it extraordinary that no one I know amongst friends and family kinows of a single "confirmed" cases of COVID-19 infection, let alone sickness. Yet as of today we have scores of famous celebrities and high profile politicians from senators to prime ministers reported to be testing COVID-19 positive. How is this statistically possible when the purported virus is endemic in the population? Is it a coincidence that Wuhan was one of the first locations when 5G was deployed, and happens to be the most polluted city on the planet? I think Wuhan, with it's crowded ghettos of slave laborers stressed from overwork and environmental pollution made an excellent canary in the coal mine for 5G. Logic dictates that the corona virus cover story be rejected off hand based on logic and common sense. Of note, there is incontrovertible evidence that no infectious agent could demonstrated in the infamous 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Yes many died whose numbers grew in exponential waves throughout the world. Yet numerous controlled studies could not demonstrate person to person transmission. A logical hypothesis in this case is that the victims share an intrinsic defect that has been brought out by an external effect. It is noteworthy that the unfolding of the 1918 flu pandemic coincided temporally with the roll out of electrical power grids internationally. Millions of humans had never before in history been simultaneously exposed to man-made EMF radiation. Did men create an Id machine that when turned on resulted in the unexpected death of millions?

Boni, much has been made of this same connection (electro magnetic ect by dr kevin f montague interesting!

6th April 2020, 08:18 PM


6th April 2020, 09:56 PM
Yes, this is vexing. But I am certain of one thing: our leaders are lying to us vis-a-vis a viral pandemic.



Fast forward to 2:45 - narrated by Crocodile Dundee. We are living in a dystopian nightmare.


Hospitals are empty because many elective surgeries are being postponed. If you call the doctor and tell them you think you have COVID-19, the doctors do the office visit over the phone. Car accident down because less traffic, many people in home isolated - not getting injured at work, etc. Nobody wants to be in an infected hospital where nurses are not wearing protective gear spreading the virus. Hospitals are raiding clinics of their PPE for nurses and doctors. And clinics are expected to raid the next level below them. And so on.

There are 7 known strains of the COVID-19. The strain Wuhan got is not the Iranian strain and not the Italian strain. Each got a different bioweapon. Lets hope Boris gets better and Rand Paul too. Stay safe because they are targeting sky viking style spraying of the enemies of zion.

Areas that were pre-planned to get the covid-19 by zionist jews are getting them (China, Iran, Italy, UK). They hit the OBOR, enemies of Washington. Areas they want to panic to demand no paper currency, vaccines, etc are panicking. This was pre-planned by usual suspect (jews, freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Bilderbergers, globalists). The puppet master of them is Netanyahu.

Gregory Manarino is right in that this is a bioweapon, planned by the banksters.

midnight rambler
6th April 2020, 10:31 PM
they are targeting sky viking style spraying


6th April 2020, 11:17 PM
lolSky viking? Where have I read this before? Hmmm

6th April 2020, 11:32 PM
Doc, I cannot imagine the Iranians playing along with something non-existent to further the interests of the usual suspects, and I doubt the Iranians have set up 5G in Qom where the first outbreak was in Iran. Additionally, I cannot see Boris Johnson playing along as he was skeptical initially.

This recently updated map shows no 5G whatsoever in Iran.


Maybe its all the depleted uranium from Iran/Iraq war tuning into 5G via teleconnection?

My impression of the 5G theory was a in a bulk response to the Noosphere or other type of transference.

Above 30 degrees latitude appears to have some clout. Central banks appear to be in competition here with who can report most common deaths in the country as Corona and keep it under radar.

They'll probably lift sanctions after Pandemia for Iran.

7th April 2020, 06:31 AM
This was pre-planned by usual suspect (jews, freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Bilderbergers, globalists).

JEW C Martel still posting this misdirection shit here on GSUS. (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1532677677576.png)

:rolleyes: Chutzpah

7th April 2020, 06:50 AM
Doc, I cannot imagine the Iranians playing along with something non-existent to further the interests of the usual suspects, and I doubt the Iranians have set up 5G in Qom where the first outbreak was in Iran. Additionally, I cannot see Boris Johnson playing along as he was skeptical initially.

Well, here's the latest on Boris:

As all of Britain (with the possible exception of a handful of extremely bitter remoaners) wishes Prime Minister Boris Johnson a speedy recovery, his spokesman told reporters on Tuesday that the PM hasn't been diagnosed with pneumonia, and although he has received supplementary oxygen, he likely won't be needing a respirator.

Following a handful of alarming comments from doctors and other medical experts last night (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/uk-pm-boris-johnson-taken-icu-covid-19-symptoms-worsen-dramatically), James Slack, the Downing Street spokesman, added that the PM's condition was considered "stable". The PM "remains in good spirits," they added.

That's the official line, at least: We won't really know whether Johnson is in the clear until he's well enough to leave the hospital.

Who knows how he's really doing--all we have is the MSM and we know they lie about everything...

Also, on your comment "I cannot imagine Iranians playing along with something non-existent to further the interests of the usual suspects..." Yeah, I totally hear you, but at the same time, there was some weirdness with that plane crash that made me wonder if there was some infiltration by the usual suspects....

There was a post on the Iranian crash by Vivian Lee (fake name--she's actually a professor in the US, here: https://jamesfetzer.org/2020/01/vivian-lee-the-strange-crash-of-ukrainian-flight-752-in-iran/), who has done good work on a number of these hoaxes/staged events, that made me wonder what was really going on in Iran and whether (((they))) or the (((central bankers))) had some level of control or infiltration in Iran....In her Vivian's post, she picked up on signs of a staged event, and it left me with a weird feeling of how could they do that in Iran b/c I thought Iran was against the Zio empire (they teamed up with Russia to save Syria, and they helped fight off ISIS)...I honestly didn't know what to make of it b/c it made no sense, and I couldn't figure out how they could orchestrate something like that in Iran...


#filmyourhospital Empty Hospital videos expose media liars

Starts with screen shots of family members saying MSM and Govt. are LYING about the deaths of their loved ones and that it was NOT corona. RN says hospital is dead, Texas, hospital worker says yeah, they are blowing it up, Irish lady, empty hospital, empty respiratory lab, San Jose , CA, 3:34 quiet , nothing going on, St Luke’s hospital Denver, Colorado, empty, nothing happening, St. Joseph’s hospital, only one person in waiting room and RNs say it’s extremely slow, nothing going on, 4:51 Elmhurst hospital, NYC, nothing going on ambulances sitting parked for over an hour, “ more people with cameras b/c nobody believe s the fake f*&^ing media, where are all the people??? 5:41 Miami FL, empty, quiet, 6:04 Montana, Bozeman, supposedly “ hot spot” yet nobody is there, for corona tests, 6:39 Los Angeles, CA, quiet, empty, 6:57 NYC, 15 ambulances parked and doing nothing, no one in testing tents, look through window and no patient s in waiting room, 7:45 UK lady yelling at hazmat guys in apartment lying about homeless guy and saying he’s dead from corona, when the lady knows he’s alive. She accuses them of deliberately spreading fear by lying about the homeless guy (maybe MI6?) 9:59 Los Angeles, CA, quiet, no people, no lines, Kaiser riverside, nothing, Miami FL, not a war zone, more like a dead zone,11:11 San Francisco, CA, Mark Zuckerberg Hospital, not seeing people lined up, more empty testing centers, empty parking lots, 12:00 Laredo, Texas, empty, quiet, nothing going on, 12:10 Berlin, Germany, emergency situation described by media does not exist here. Tampa Bay, empty, Southern California, 7 hospitals, empty, no lines. 14: 06 NY, nothing, 14:37 Miami Dade County, huge empty parking lot for testing center corona tests nobody is getting, 15:50 Temple University hospital, nothing, 16:21 guy outside hospital in NY, talking with black food stand workers, say they haven’t seen anything activity at the hospital, camera guy says something must be going on (as in suspicious, why are they lying), black guy says “yeah, the New World Order” (!!!)

#filmyourhospital Empty Hospital videos expose media liars



rodolfo8787 - We have been played. Just to get the economy crushed. Here in Brazil they recieved order to put anyone that dies as cause of death COVID19. Doctor are not allowed to open bodies. And the government allowed to burry w/o death obituary. It is all a hoax. YES Corona exists. But they register all deaths as corona.

RandomChristianMusings - Yep, Joker Box. My husband works at a hospital in La Jolla, California. Patient census is actually down from the norm. His dept. is, in his words, "Business as usual."

Red Richard (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1o-HvqCjj9r1O87iHtpTw) You cannot film dying patients or access cause of death because of HIPAA laws, perfect excuse. So patients that media does show must be actors.

Derek Downs - All the hospitals in New York city empty their said it war zone it's a dead zone at the hospitals fake virus and fake news government is lying to us shut down the country for nothing it's unbelievable they lying to us like always

RL Hilliard - After watching this I drove to Valley Medical in Renton....they supposedly had the first diagnosed case in WA state there....it was quiet. Parking lots empty, emergency waiting room empty, no ambulances other than one cleaning his equipment. The mobile check in area of tents in back had a sign that said "Mobile Care Unit, Appointment Required" and it was empty...no lines or cars or people to be seen. Then I drove to Harbor View, a well- known trauma hospital in Seattle and it was quiet, I also checked out Swedish Hospital and it was quiet, literally no activity in the waiting room at the emergency entrance. I also checked out Century Link, the Seahawks stadium, as the national guard has supposedly set up a field hospital...and guess what? Quiet as a church mouse! No lines, no cars, empty parking lot, and the only people I saw were a few soldiers in uniform walking with cups of coffee. What is going on??? Where are all these sick people???

Muddy Mudskipper - @16:23 these 3 guys get it. This is NWO. Beast system, mandatory chips, 5G, Real ID. It's here.

7th April 2020, 06:55 AM
FILM YOUR HOSPITAL- advent health and Halifax health daytona beach FL-

Here's my Florida film my hospital from yesterday where's the overwhelmed?? It's so empty it's advent health and Halifax health here in Volusia county. the advent health holds near 500 to 700 i believe to hold sick people. Do you see an "overwhelmed" system? Any lines for emergency room? Constant ambulances arriving with COVID-19 patients? No lines, everything calm, nothing going on,

FILM YOUR HOSPITAL- advent health and Halifax health daytona beach FL-



consedd 2 - Empty hospitals everywhere. I think this is a psyop to see much control they have over the world’s population. So far most people have been cooperative, with little or no pushback.

PING Apologist #9 - All those lots should be full of cars if not just for the staff to "combat" this virus.... This is ALL fake. I bet all the "coverage" we've been fed of all the filled ER's was filmed during the preparation for this months ago during the Event 201 meetings led by a Mr. Gates..

Nausi - ID2020

Kaye Findley - Nausi: Yes! I live in Austin, Texas where this is being implemented now on our homeless population, by telling them that the great benefit of ID 2020 is never having an ID stolen or ever losing it again, because it’s built in! Sad!

7th April 2020, 08:28 AM
Corona - April Fools
Okay, thought this was a good one--lots of clips from all over the place, all showing empty hospitals, no people, nothing happening...starts with talk about “radio fake scares nation” (from when they scared the nation by having the radio talk about a “Martian attack”), then then showing MSM talking head saying how overwhelmed hospitals are, Hawaii, shows testing center lady lying about how busy they were, then shows its really empty. 2:43 Georgia hospital, empty, 3:06 Australia, 3/22 testing tents empty. 3:32, Kentucky, empty tents, empty hospital. 4:00 Ajax Hospital, Ontario, nobody here, empty, where are the covid patients. 4:48, Dublin, Ireland, 3/28/20 they tell me lots of people overwhelming the hospital, yet it looks empty. 6:58 Medford, Oregon, Providence Medical center, nothing going on, looks empty. 7:06 Illinois, ER at Northwestern Hospital, no people, nothing. 7:35 Washington, Trias Care Center empty, ghost town. 8:09 Rhode Island, Kent County hospital, Warwick, empty ER, nothing going on. 8:50 Rhode Island Hospital, biggest hospital in Rhode Island, empty, dead like this for a while. 9:25 NYC Phyllis and William Mack Pavillion, not much going on at ER, around corner refrigerator truck, no dead bodies, nothing happening. 10:25 NYC, MSM says hospitals are "war zones," yet Brooklyn, looks like no one is getting tested, ER has no people, front of hospital, no people, why the lockdown? 11:43 Nottingham, UK, nothing here, empty, what is this corona virus rubbish? are we being lied to?12:15 CA, 3/29/20 empty hospital, nothing happening, 12:51 Florida, 3/29/20 testing area empty, Berlin, germany 3/27/20, hospital empty, not match what the MSM saying, 13:29 Bolonga, Italy, another empty hospital, ....

Corona - April Fools



DerpDeHerp Pop n Stuff - I live on a major military installation in the u.s. . It's fake, all of it. This is a classic test of our ability, as a society, to adapt to a future pandemic. The elitist behind the scenes will use this information against us in the future. Consider it a probe of our social and economic weaknesses. Next we'll see a "vaccine" for this problem. Be afraid. Be very afraid for what's to come.

Joan Neighbors (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdkBGqPZP9KPmuGdel1JUdw)- Bill Gates is now in the process of perfecting a vaccine which includes a microchip. This will include all of the information on the person. Also included is tracking, medical info, and anything else they deem important to control every aspect of your life. In reality, this will be the 666 identification of Satan in the Bible. Anyone NOT having the microchip will be at the mercy of evil. At present, it's a test to analyze people's reactions.

craigslue (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnVkzxDYoGr_E2c8DBkWlMg)- Just had a thought, why haven't I seen any grieving wives, husbands, daughters, sons, brothers or sisters? Does anybody know anybody that has died? Hell I don't know anybody including myself that knows anybody with the Corona virus. Bizarre, I really don't know what to think?

Lotfi (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUH28UQqPxVr3sux0oO4MEw)here in belguim where i live , i haven't hear no ambulances sirene for about 2 weeks now

ThoughtCrime7 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCamxkoiCA7a1SvfZ2msZbVw)Had to share an interesting observation after posting this vid. Most people believed that most hospitals, clinics and testing centers, worldwide, were (and are) at full capacity (including me). Makes sense, the mainstream media has been telling us this for a few weeks. After seeing evidence to the contrary, many people have argued that, yes it's true, many facilities are empty, but there are good reasons for this, even sending me a couple of mainstream articles to explain the empty-hospital-phenomenon. In other words, the people who believed that most health facilities were over capacity yesterday, are defending why they are empty today. They were not concerned that mainstream media is telling two opposite versions of reality. They did not notice the contradiction and the lie, rather, they changed their mind to protect the narrative of media and government - even when it changed 180 degrees! Then they blame me for showing them the evidence, saying "downplaying this virus is dangerous". Any psychologists out there who can explain this double-think?

Glock9999999 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCverv-VLzI8fo7LPNbVCJqQ)Same here in LA... Hospitals are empty... Sure there are covid19 patients but not like what's being shown on mainstream media.

7th April 2020, 09:06 AM
COVID-19: Inside The Hospitals & Why The Lockdown? (https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/covid-19-inside-the-hospitals-why-the-lockdown/)

Corey Lynn (https://www.coreysdigs.com/author/coreylynn/)


The economy has come to a screeching halt, people are scared and confused, theories are flinging left and right, and everyone wants to know – why are we being forced to shut down our businesses and stay in our homes, and why is President Trump going along with this while shady characters stand at his side?

There is a lot of confusion because nefarious characters are propagating fear tactics, embellished stories, and doom and gloom scenarios, while those with hope want to believe this is all a cover story to take down these nefarious characters. All of this has led to an onslaught of fabricated stories based on no evidence, heightened suspicions about every news piece – understandably so, and a whole lot of amped up outrage and fear.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and I hope to clear up some of the confusion. I wanted to go beyond the empty parking lots of the hospitals and see what’s really happening behind closed doors. I have data and information from over a dozen hospitals documented in bullet-point fashion midway through this report. Has the media exaggerated the alleged “war zones” at these hospitals? Are they really running low on supplies? Are people really dying? Does this virus even exist? How accurate are these tests? Is there any truth to these refrigerator trucks? Why are these parking lots empty? And the ultimate question – WHY is Trump willing to go along with crushing our economy and shattering millions of businesses that may never recover in the process? What are they really up to?

Before going any further, I will tell you that there are not “war zones” at hospitals yet, and none of them have run out of ventilators thus far. That part was most certainly an exaggeration. That said, the virus is real and is lethal to the minority, and they are all short on various other medical supplies because of the burn rate when dealing with a very contagious virus.
It is important to note that no Hipaa laws were infringed upon in obtaining this information. I have communicated with, and verified the employment of all RNs, critical care nurses, respiratory therapists, technicians, MDs, pathologists, and other medical staff working in hospitals across our country. That said, all medical staff wish to remain anonymous, hence the simplified titles throughout this report. I have also had many discussions with professionals who are not included in this report.

What is COVID-19?

Chest x-ray of a positive COVID-19 patient

Unlike the common cold or the flu, COVID-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2, infects more than just the upper respiratory tract but also the lower lungs, the blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, and also leads to temporary loss of taste and smell in some cases. In the most severe cases, which require ICU admission and mechanical ventilation, the virus can not only lead to diffuse lung damage causing acute respiratory distress syndrome, but there is mounting clinical evidence that microvascular injury and increased blood clotting are major contributing factors to morbidity and mortality. Although the vast majority of people only have mild disease and do not require hospitalization, the rates of serious outcomes are much higher than the flu.

What makes COVID-19 a bit of a mystery, is how contagious it seems to be. They keep telling us this, but no one wants to believe it, including myself. After all, it’s the perfect hoax to scare the hell out of everyone, get them to submit, break the economy during an election year, and prep us for what’s to come – the new vaccine cocktail out of one of Bill Gates’ newest facilities that is likely to be the Global Fund 2.0, packed with ID2020. It all makes perfect sense. And whereas all of that is likely the case, evidence does seem to point to this virus being as contagious as they claim. However, one in four people who contract it don’t even have symptoms, a larger majority have symptoms that don’t require hospitalization, and the smallest percentage are those at risk.

Fortunately, it only impacts a small percentage of the population, but unfortunately that small percentage is mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, and those with compromised immune systems, along with the occasional anomaly of a seemingly healthy individual who contracts it and dies from it. A pattern has yet to be found, but we are discovering (https://uncoverdc.com/2020/04/05/could-cdc-data-prove-covid-19-infections-in-november-2019/)that this has likely been here since November 2019, which begs the question, is this lockdown really necessary? They have yet to determine whether or not a person who does get sick and recovers, can get sick again. As of right now, they state that a person can remain contagious for up to 36 days after last symptoms present.

There is some discrepancy in the medical field as to what they are really dealing with. This virus acts very differently than they have seen before. Whereas it does resemble acute respiratory syndrome (ARDS), many are finding that the micro clotting is a big issue, and oxygen settings may need to be adjusted due to too much pressure on the lungs, while trying to determine what other actions would be best.

Photo on left is a patient suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

This is caused by diffuse alveolar damage which is the result of the virus and the immune response to the virus, but there are other factors at play with this particular virus. Photo on the right is normal lung tissue, which mostly consists of air and lower respiratory cells and capillaries. More recently, the FDA approved an anti-malaria drug called Hydroxychloroquine to combat the inflammation in the lungs. When combined with Z-Pak and other antibiotics it seems to show good results for recovery. More and more states are beginning to use it, and our government has purchased and stockpiled 29 million doses. This is fantastic news! Despite this, they are forging ahead with their “vaccine” approach and all eyes are on Bill Gates right now.

So how many people are actually contracting this virus? Are those numbers exaggerated? Most people have suggested that China’s numbers are far higher than what is being stated by China. In fact, some of the people who believe this virus is an entire hoax also seem to believe the numbers are much higher in China. How is that possible? That is equivalent to two belief systems contradicting one another. That said, the Washington Post just published an article (https://web.archive.org/web/20200404130855/https:/www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/chinese-families-should-be-sweeping-graves-now-but-thousands-still-havent-buried-their-dead/2020/04/03/5a6daa50-7234-11ea-ad9b-254ec99993bc_story.html) stating that Chinese statistics put Wuhan’s death toll at 2,563, but evidence is suggesting it was actually more than 40,000. Here’s another contradiction: some will say that China always lies so we shouldn’t trust their numbers, while at the same time saying that the Washington Post always lies and is fear mongering. Again, which is it? It cannot be both in this particular case. Yes, they are both liars… so find the element of truth that exists within the lies. More than likely, the numbers were higher than China was claiming.

As of today, the U.S. is reporting over 331,000 cases with roughly 9,500 deaths. Worldwide statistics are showing over 1.2 million cases with over 68,000 deaths and over 258,000 recovered. Of course, that recovery number is going to appear low because this virus has a long shed life before one tests negative. In regard to the 9,500 deaths, it is very important to note that many hospitals are documenting COVID-19 as the “cause of death,” when in fact the majority of patients have comorbidities. That said, some of those patients may have had months or years left to live had they not been struck by this virus.

Currently, the White House is projecting 100,000 – 240,000 potential deaths in the U.S. This comes weeks after the modeling systems suggested 1-2 million people could die, which was propped up by all mainstream news, Bill Gates, and the former CDC Director Thomas Frieden. It’s no wonder people are so confused. Make no mistake – it is the intention of the nefarious characters to confuse the hell out of you. These are mind games. These are classic tactics to create a crisis and destabilize a country. Keeping you confused and distracted is the name of the game, especially during an election year.

Is this virus as contagious as they say it is? They allege that it is mutating (https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/medical-advances/491056-at-least-8-strains-of-the-coronavirus-have-been) every 15 days, and has already created at least 8 new strains. Though they do not seem to grow more lethal as they evolve, it indicates how this virus may be spreading so rapidly.

How Is COVID-19 Being Tested?

The Abbott M2000 can run 500-1000 (tel:500-1000) tests a day

In regard to the test kits false/positive reads and efficacy rate, I have a couple points to make. We did not accept test kits from the WHO. That was very telling to me. There was also a major issue with the 1st generation CDC tests, which have allegedly been rectified. If the tests do have a percentage of false/positives, which I anticipate happens to some degree, the fact remains that some people are showing the symptoms while others are dying. Some speculate as to whether or not this is just the flu and being tested as such. After talking with countless medical professional dealing with these patients first-hand, I can tell you that none of them have ever seen anything like this, because the patient does a rapid decline and cannot breathe. Remember, the U.S. had never experienced MERS or SARS, with exception of 8 cases of SARS back in 2003.

Targeted PCR primers are used, where the sequence of the virus is analyzed and specific DNA sequences to the specific strains of the targeted virus are picked out. PCR can be highly specific, but the primers made (usually 15 base pairs of DNA sequence) should not be found in any other living organism or it could pick them up too. That said, the FDA validation was waived due to clearance by the emergency order.

I have spoken with several medical professionals at various hospitals and they have experienced some cases where patients actually tested negative several times before testing positive. Surely, there is a flipside to that as well, especially since nose swabs have such a low sensitivity rating. So are there false/positives and false/negatives happening that are potentially altering the numbers? More than likely, but I can’t provide a percentage at this time.

What Are Hospitals Doing with The Deceased Bodies?


In some cases, medical examiners are not accepting COVID-19 positive patients because they are considered a natural cause of death. Unless of course they were a suspected homicide case as well. They are forensic pathologists looking at murders and unknown causes of death. Most people do not request autopsies on parents or family members because they have a reason for their death, and they do not want their loved ones to be cut up. That said, on the rare occasion they do, that would be an internal hospital request at which point the hospital would determine whether they are going to perform the autopsy. During this pandemic, one Harvard hospital has restricted autopsies to fetal autopsies only and is not performing autopsies on any adults or COVID-19 patients. However, other hospitals throughout Boston are still performing autopsies if there is no or low clinical suspicion for COVID-19.

Those that have died with COVID-19 are still contagious and the virus is still transmittable through oral fecal route and aerosolized droplets, which is why some hospitals have gotten refrigeration trucks to store the deceased. Performing an autopsy on someone who died due to COVID-19 would essentially show death by acute hypoxic respiratory failure with diffuse aveolar damage to the lungs.

In New York City, the medical examiner’s office are swabbing the nose and taking a lung tissue sample of all deceased in New York City who are suspected of having COVID-19, and storing it for studies. The funeral homes have stopped accepting bodies of COVID-19 positive and COVID-19 suspected in New York, hence the refrigeration trucks.

Some hospitals in other states have funeral homes picking up deceased bodies, while others have refrigerator trucks in use, and some have them setup as a contingency plan. One hospital has setup a makeshift morgue because funeral homes will not pick up the bodies. Thus far, we know that this virus is contagious before, during and after death, for up to 36 days shedding after the last symptoms, while they are still trying to determine if a person can get sick a second time.

How are they documenting the cause of death for COVID-19 related deaths? Well that’s an interesting mix. Some hospitals are in fact documenting it as COVID-19 being the cause even though those folks already had compromised health, and in many cases were in critical condition. Whereas, other hospitals are indicating it as “due to” but not the main cause. There are individuals who have died from COVID-19 who had no obvious preexisting conditions and were non-smokers, but perhaps they had major immune system issues? Sadly, in the heat of the moment with these cases, they probably aren’t getting to log a whole lot of background information, leaving these anomalies a bit of a mystery.

Clearing Up Some Misconceptions

Empty Parking Lots
Many hospitals appear “empty” because they have shut down elective surgeries, routine health maintenance visits, are not allowing visitors, are not running actual COVID-19 tests at their location, entire departments have been closed, and healthcare professionals have been sent home. They have switched to telemedicine for virtual appointments. Additionally, some have screening tents before allowing people into the hospital, while others allow them into the ER, but in most cases, those with symptoms are moved directly to a room in areas that have been designated for potential COVID-19 positive patients. This might explain why some emergency rooms appear to be empty as well. They are “ghost towns” because our government essentially closed up shop with exception of those who have severe emergencies, plus most people do not want to venture into a hospital right now for fear of getting sick.

That said, many also appear to be “ghost towns” because the media gave the impression that hospitals are in a “war zone” scenario, when in fact the numbers are much lower than what they were propagating. For example, a hospital may see a surge and have 20 COVID-19 positive patients all at once, on ventilators, but a week later may only have 4 people. These are the kind of lies that fuel confusion and cause everyone to believe the entire thing is a hoax.

exceeds 30,000 characters, continued below

7th April 2020, 09:11 AM
Covid19: Inside the Hospitals, Why the Lockdown? continued

Medical Supply Shortage

First, hospitals are not reporting to be low on ventilators. That entire drama that went down with New York Governor Cuomo has been exposed, and all other hospitals I have communicated with are not seeing shortages with ventilators. Some are also setup to share ventilators with other nearby hospitals if need be.

Putting that aside, they are all low on N95 masks. How is this possible? A few reasons. Some hospitals didn’t have much stock to begin with, others had masks and supplies stolen when this all hit the news, and the burn rate is exponential because everyone has to wear them and switch them out as often as possible. All hospitals are also rationing the masks in preparation for a surge and have their supplies locked up.

Airborne viruses require N95 masks and are supposed to be single patient use, but most hospitals are requiring that to extend to a 12-hour shift, and in some cases an entire week. Those working directly with COVID-19 patients often use a full face shield over the N95 mask to prevent contamination so it can continue to be used.

Several hospitals have told their staff that they are not allowed to wear their masks in the hallways and should only wear them when in rooms with patients. They are told to keep their masks in a paper bag when it’s not in use. This has created a lot of fear for staff because many are of the belief that this is far more contagious than they have been told, and they feel unprotected. One hospital has decided to begin sterilizing the masks between shifts, and another finally gave the green light allowing them to wear their masks in the hallways as well.

This virus event may look like one big overreaction from our point of view, but for those on the front lines, dealing with this up close and personal, many are very frightened that they will contract it and get their family members sick. No matter how small or how big this event may evolve into, it is having an impact on every single American right now in one way or another, and I would ask that those show respect and compassion for one another, especially those on the front lines.

Some areas are getting small waves of surges, while others are seeing very little traffic, and in some cases like at Banner-UMC in Tucson, they have yet to see one positive case.

“People Aren’t Really Dying and Refrigerator Trucks are Fake”

This would be a totally false statement. Some hospitals do in fact have refrigerator trucks due to how contagious this virus is. I cannot attest to the photos of dead bodies in the refrigerator trucks in NYC, but I can attest to the fact that there are hospitals in three different states who have brought them in, including New York. I have also seen photos of the trucks from a hospital in another state, but have not published them in this report, so as to protect their identity.

All of that said, the majority of people who have died had comorbidities. Some that may have only had days left to live, while others may have had weeks or months or longer, had this respiratory virus not hit them.

Inside The Hospitals on The Front Lines

Many I have communicated with, including several who are not in this report, have stated their concern over lack of masks and protection or concern for staff, many of whom are getting sick but recovering well, and the lack of testing on employees. One would think that being an employee at a hospital would require mandatory testing, even if they are not presenting symptoms. Some have also stated that they feel this has been blown out of proportion. One brave nurse had this to say:
“As nurses I think we are starting to suffer from PTSD – almost like domestic abuse victims – but our abusers are the CDC and the corporate healthcare industry and administration that are basically telling nurses “if we say up is down it’s your job to agree” even if we are putting your lives in jeopardy. We lost a nurse in Louisiana today to COVID. Families cannot be at their loved ones side as they perish because we as nurses cannot keep them safe from the virus. Anyone who says we are not at war is frankly full of shit. I’m sitting in my car – getting ready for my next shift – terrified and wondering if this will be the day I contract this virus and take it home to my multigenerational family.” – Nurse on the front lines

Note: All statistics indicated from hospitals and nursing home below, are moving targets, and the numbers appear to be increasing by the week, and in some cases by the day, as I have been tracking them for about 8 straight days now.


Ellie Brown, Director of Community Relations; Emergency Response at Columbia Lutheran Home in Seattle, Washington, has been battling the virus at ground zero. It first hit Life Care Center of Kirkland, just 14 miles away, and quickly spread to other nursing homes in the area, likely due to shared staff. Life Care Center is currently under fire (https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/washington-state-nursing-home-center-first-us-coronavirus-outbreak-hit#.XoYP4OOfsMA.twitter) for waiting two weeks to report the outbreak, as well as providing inadequate care to its residents. There are nearly 20 nursing homes in that area that have since been infected with COVID-19.

Columbia Lutheran Home:
• 26 COVID positive patients and staff at Columbia Lutheran Home
• 6 COVID related deaths

• Many residents have tested negative and they attribute this to good infection control protocols
• Staff have fallen ill. They must have 2 negative tests in order to return. This means weeks out of work which is straining the staff, but all staff are recovering well

• No resident has yet to retest negative after onset of symptoms, even after 30 days. That is a very long viral shedding time. Therefore, residents who no longer have symptoms are still contagious. They are continuing to retest them.

• They are seeing improvements in their residents due to their emergency response plan, innovative use of meds, and great care

• They are treating patients with Hydroxychloroquine, Z-Pak, and zinc. Thus far, all residents have tolerated the medicines well and they have seen improvements.

• Ellie has provided a lot of tips and information in dealing with COVID-19 on her twitter feed (https://twitter.com/Real_EllieBrown/status/1244315404333244416).
• Columbia Lutheran is one of the few, if not the only location out there that has chosen to be 100% transparent with families, residents, and public, from day one

• King, Washington is ground zero at 150 deaths thus far, with a dozen nearby nursing home facilities all effected by COVID-19

I know Ellie Brown personally, so when this news broke we were in immediate contact and have been since day one. I was especially concerned for her due to her medical history, and wanted to include a few Q&A about her experience in this report.

What have you been personally taking to keep yourself healthy during this?

“Hydrosol silver, elderberry, massive C, B and D, massive zinc, multivitamin, massive probiotics, staying hydrated. Laughter. Tears when needed. And someone to vent to. MASSIVE prayer. I may enter a study to see if my childhood mononucleosis, encephalitis, or viral meningitis is playing a role in my immunity to this thus far.”

Have you observed Governor Inslee helping or intentionally not helping your situation there? Have you personally had any first-hand contact with his office?


“I have first-hand conversations with the King County supply task force. First two weeks, it really seemed like maybe they were going to pull through for us. Then NOTHING happened. I have 18 requests for supplies in. Facilities are categorized Tier 1 – 5. Columbia is Urgent Tier 1 – supposedly first in line. The people I was talking to everyday became hugely frustrated that they weren’t receiving their requests from Inslee-state group. Example: They ordered 100,000 gowns and received 18. Yes, 18.

They kept telling me they knew Inslee received supplies and couldn’t understand what was happening. Then, suddenly, the chain of request command changed to HMAC group. That new lady – a Navy rear admiral – suddenly took over. This was last week. Four weeks+ into the nightmare. Communication began to improve. To date, we have received some masks and 150 barrier suits. Our burn rate is very high. I have endlessly tweeted to Inslee with no response. I have had calls into his office with no response. I imagine supplies will come this week. I believe that the state emergency response supply chain was not properly in place.

Look at Governor Abbott going crazy good with his 83 million masks etc. America should never again rely on another country for ER medicine or supplies. We are no longer counting on help, instead we are scouring the universe for PPE and paying promoted posts on FB and IG for seamstresses. We are going to begin making gowns out of 7mm cut/hot gun soon if needed.”


Do your records indicated any strange respiratory related deaths between December and February that may have been COVID, but no one knew at the time?

“Yes. Totally. I wonder now if this is what happened to my little momma in December. She wasn’t expected to pass and she suddenly became ill.”

Are you really seeing a 36 day shed life on this virus? So people are still contagious for up to 36 days after their symptoms went away?

“Yes. DOH told us 36 days. We thought NO WAY. But now we see firsthand first retest at 30 days of now asymptomatic resident is still positive. Good thing we are retesting otherwise if a facility doesn’t retest they would take off isolation OR allow employees to come back to work.”
Ellie Brown, Director of Community Relations; Emergency Response – EllieBrown@columbialutheranhome.org (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/covid-19-inside-the-hospitals-why-the-lockdown/EllieBrown@columbialutheranhome.org)

Physician at a Major Boston, Massachusetts Academic Hospital


• 62,962 people have been tested in MA

• 10,402 are COVID-19 positive

• 966 COVID-19 positive patients have required hospitalization, but are still investigating 6,373 COVID positive patients whose hospitalization status is unknown

• 192 deaths in all of MA

• Running double tests on people to rule out false positives from sample contamination. Test results are at 14% positive statewide

• Testing all employees showing symptoms, as well as patients that come in with symptoms or at risk patients with known exposures

• 98 employees have tested positive at a single hospital, but hospitalization and death rates for employees are unknown

• 1/3rd of COVID-19 positive patients are currently in the ICU – many are on ventilators – 20s, 30s, 40s all the way up, at one hospital. Some with no preexisting conditions.

• They are treating patients with Hydroxychloroquine, Z-Pak, antibiotics, and medications for other issues they may have

• Patients can also enroll in a Remdesivir drug trial, manufactured by Gilead

• Actemra (generic is Tocilizumab) is being used to control the cytokine storm, which is an immune reaction to this virus that causes a person to be unable to breathe

Nurse at UVM Medical Center in Burlington, Vermont


• 10 patients have tested positive with no deaths as of March 27th at UVM, with 12 deaths in the state thus far, up two between March 27th and April 4th

• Screening tents are setup outside the hospital. Everyone who enters the front of the hospital is screened and temperature taken. They converted one 30-bed unit and their ICU into a COVID-19 response unit, and expect to have another 22-bed unit setup next week, in addition to converting the 30-bed surgical unit as backup.

• No visitation for patients

• They have been treating patients with Zithromax, Flagyl and Rocephin – waiting to hear on Hydroxychloroquine

• The nurses are given one N95 mask per day and some are also given one face shield per day. It is then put in a bag marked with their name on it, sterilized, and reused the following day.

Staff Member at Beaumont Health in Royal Oak, Michigan

• The numbers are changing daily. As of April 1st there were 124 COVID related deaths, with some in their 30s to 50s. By April 4th, they are reporting 540 deaths

• 8 Hospitals are in this network

• Staff is being trained to fill other departments and some are being pulled to other hospitals when staff get sick

Numbers below reflect April 1st stats:

• There is a drive-thru screening area and no one is allowed in the hospital unless they are showing symptoms. If they have a cough and fever they are sent home and advised to isolate. If they have severe symptoms they are directed to the ER

• As of last week, lower Michigan hospitals were at capacity, so mid-Michigan hospitals were preparing to take in patients

• They are low on masks and gowns. Nurses and doctors receive one N95 mask per shift and other staff receives the basic masks. The state of MI had 1,000 ventilators but is expecting to get more

• Governor Whitmer originally would not allow the prescribing of Hydroxychloroquine and has recently changed her tune on that, requesting the drug

• Funeral homes are not picking up the bodies, so makeshift morgues have been implemented in the hospitals

Nurse at Edward-Elmhurst Hospitals in Illinois


• As of April 3rd, 33 patients were being treated for COVID-19 at Edward Hospital with 393 cases in the entire county

• There have been 17 COVID related deaths in DuPage County thus far, with 3 at Edward Hospital

• Elmhurst hospital has had to put the majority of COVID positive patients on ventilators

• A screening tent is setup outside and they only admit someone if there is an actual emergency or if COVID-19 symptoms are severe. They have two entire floors setup strictly for COVID-19 patients, with some negative pressure rooms

• They are not allowing visitors

• Very low on masks – having to brown-bag their own if they can find an N95, otherwise they are using the less effective cotton ones. They were told not to where them in the hallways and on certain units, which caused a lot of stress on staff

• A new policy was made on April 1st encouraging all staff to wear masks (plain surgical type), which was a big change for the staff considering they had previously been reprimanded from wearing them on certain units.

Nurse at ECMC in Buffalo, New York

• 5 Positive COVID-19 patients

• 2 Deaths: both were males in their 70s with bad comorbidities. COVID was recorded as cause.

• 2 ICUs with 12 beds each, trauma unit with 18 beds, step down unit with 9 beds

• No visitors allowed

• Converted 12th floor to accommodate COVID positive patients

• Using Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) and Z-Pak

• Sufficient number of ventilators but need N95 masks

• A single N95 mask is used for an entire 12-hr shift

Nurse at Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee

• The system consists of an adult and children’s hospital plus 11 satellite walk-in clinics designated as testing sites

• 200 Confirmed cases with less than 50 hospitalized

• 85 Staff members have tested positive, have not been hospitalized, and are recovering well
• They have sufficient supplies and ventilators

Nurse at Christiana Care Hospital in Newark, Delaware

• It consists of a 1000+ bed hospital, in addition to a free-standing ER and 2 other hospitals

• 264 COVID positive cases in all 3 counties (Kent, New Castle and Sussex) as of last week, with
an estimate of 30 being treated in the hospital, half of which were in critical care on ventilators

• They have had 6 COVID related deaths in all 3 counties – do not have specifics on those

• Treating with Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) and Z-Pak

• They have a sufficient amount of ventilators with over 240 ventilators with 50 in use at the time of this report, and their masks are being rationed because many have been stolen. There is a concern there may not be enough if they have a surge, so managers have locked them up

• The staff must use one mask per 7 days and are not happy about it, but full face shields are also available to some medical staff

Doctor at a Large Hospital in Manchester, New Hampshire

• 9+ COVID positive patients

• 2 COVID related deaths with comorbidities: compromised immune systems and respiratory issues. One was in their 50s and one in their 80s

• 4 Prior patients already being managed have now tested positive and had to be intubated. This has raised concerns. One is currently on the Hydroxychloroquine cocktail

• The Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Pak cocktail was previously given to one patient, and they recovered two days later

Nurse at Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, Oregon

• 8 COVID positive cases, not all hospitalized, no reported deaths as of last week

• 1 Nurse had symptoms and was sent home for a 14-day quarantine, but was not tested. They are very restrictive in running tests and they have been taking 4-5 days to get results

• Nurses only get 1 surgical mask per 12-hr shift. They have to keep them in paper bags when they are not in rooms with patients

Nurse at a Hospital in Helena, Montana

• 281 COVID positive cases with 24 hospitalized in the state of Montana

• 6 COVID related deaths

• One hospital in Helena has had 5 positive cases with 2 people on ventilators in negative pressure rooms, both of whom were exposed to many staff members prior to testing positive

• There are disputes between doctors as to agreeing on use of Hydroxychloroquine

• Staff members at a couple hospitals are concerned over procedures and feel they have all been exposed which has created a lot of fear and distrust

Nurse at St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital in Camarillo, California

• 50-Bed community hospital

• 5 COVID positive cases as of last week

• 2 COVID related deaths with comorbidities

• An unusual number of patients having to be intubated for this hospital. In a 24hr-span, 4 patients had to be intubated but they were not tested for COVID at that time.

• They are finding that patients struggle with breathing and their oxygen needs rapidly increase, they go on a ventilator and go into acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

• They are low on medical supplies and are reusing masks and goggles. Prior to this virus hitting, masks were only used with patients in isolation. Now the burn rate has substantially increased.

Nurse at a Busy ICU in Orange County California

• Only 1 COVID-19 positive patient who was treated and sent home

• They have prepared their hospital for a surge to be on the safe side

• They are ok on ventilators but short on other protective supplies

Nurse at Inner City Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

• 10 COVID positive cases – some were sent home with medicine

• 4 COVID positive patients on ventilators

• 1 COVID related death of an 80+ year old with terminal comorbidity

• Treating patients with some of the following: Hydroxychloroquine, Tamiflu, antibiotics, zinc, vitamin C

• Plenty of ventilators, gowns, gloves, and goggles

• Staff receives one N95 mask per 12-hr shift to be sure they don’t run out in the future
• Only symptomatic employees are being tested

• As of April 3rd, the entire state of Wisconsin has had 1,916 COVID positive cases, 487 hospitalizations, and 37 deaths. There have been 22,377 people who have tested negative

Nurse at a Hospital in Louisiana

• 7 COVID positive cases

• 1 COVID related death

• Nurses are keeping their masks in a paper bag and were just recently informed that they are not allowed to wear masks in hallways

• Some patients are allowed 1 visitor right now

• The state of Louisiana has had 10,297 COVID positive cases, 370 COVID related deaths, 1,707 currently in hospitals, and 53,645 tested negative

Doctor at a Major Hospital in Ohio

An entire COVID-19 positive family passed away. The parents were in their 70s with no preexisting conditions and the son at age 50 also had no preexisting conditions. All were non-smokers.

Takeaways & My Speculations on The Virus Itself

Some key takeaways from all data, research, and conversations:

• The virus is real and is lethal to those with comorbidities and compromised immune systems

• The virus does appear to be very contagious and is allegedly mutating every 15 days

• The number of deaths in the U.S. thus far is roughly 9,500

• Their modeling systems and fear tactics of death tolls in the millions would appear to be hyperbole

• Most hospitals are not allowing visitors, which is tragic for the families who have a COVID positive family member in the hospital

• Most hospitals are not seeing a “surge,” but some are having an influx of patients

• Many employees are contracting it and getting sick, but are recovering well

• Many hospitals are faring just fine with ventilators and supplies, with exception of masks

• Our government has purchased and stockpiled 29 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine

• It is likely that this virus has been in the U.S. since early November

• Millions of people are out of work and forced to stay home over this virus

After taking everything into consideration from my research and all professionals I have communicated with, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that this virus is real and people are dying from it. It is definitely not the flu being written off as “death by COVID-19” as some have speculated. However, some hospitals are in fact documenting those with pneumonia or other deadly infections or diseases, as death by COVID-19, which really skews the numbers. I am concerned a bit by the strange anomalies with younger individuals having no preexisting issues, but that could be due to weakened immune systems they were unaware of. The fact that the majority of people targeted by this virus have comorbidities, is a true statement, but I do not like that some hospitals are marking it down as the “cause” of death. That said, in many cases these individuals may have lived another 5 years or more with the conditions they had, so it shortened their lifespan briskly.

It would seem to be incredibly contagious as compared to other virus strains, and if there is validity to it mutating causing a bigger spread, that would make sense. However, they estimate (https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-what-we-know-so-far-about-those-who-can-pass-corona-without-symptoms) that 1 in 4 COVID-19 positive cases could be asymptomatic, and many people are completely immune to it. Do I think it’s as deadly as they say? It certainly displays as being very lethal if it strikes the right person. Again, “the right person” is definitely in the minority.

The media has done a fine job of trying to confuse people by coming out of the Gate (pun intended) with the scare tactics of 2 million people could die! Of course, the fact that Bill Gates is all over this, is alarming in itself. They are now stating that between 100,000 – 240,000 people could die, and have ordered (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pentagon-seeking-100000-body-bags-for-civilians-in-crisis/ar-BB122chw) 100,000 military-style body bags for potential use. The number of COVID related deaths in the U.S. to date is roughly 9,500. Without going into numerous statistics on other death rates to make comparisons, it would seem this number is quite low from what they were anticipating. Of course, they claim that over the next couple of weeks we are going to see a huge surge, and perhaps that is possible, but with all of the containment, one would think that number would be significantly reduced.

So where does all of this information leave me? I personally believe this is far from a typical virus or even a mutated virus, and falls more in line with what would appear to be a bioweapon. There is not enough evidence to determine whether it was released by accident or intentionally, but there sure are a lot of reactions lending me to believe it is very plausible this was released intentionally and/or has created quite an opportunity to exploit Americans in the process.

Exceeds 30,000 character limit continued below

7th April 2020, 09:21 AM
Final installment Covid19: Inside the Hospitals, Why the Lockdown? (https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/covid-19-inside-the-hospitals-why-the-lockdown/)

Why The Shutdown of Our Economy & Home Quarantine?

Let’s begin with the fact that the news pushed this hard and fast. Tom Hanks was the first public figure to announce he and his wife tested positive and 32 minutes later the NBA ended their season. By the next day, 33 schools announced closures, Hollywood closed its door, and the following day President Trump declared a National Emergency.

Fear tactics and hyperbole were all the craze, and panic spread like wildfire.


Yes it’s highly contagious, and yes it’s lethal if it strikes the right person, and everyone feels like a walking target because there have been strange anomalies as well. They’ve pounded it into people’s heads that “everyone can be a carrier” and therefore you could kill your parents or grandparents. It’s a devastating threat and has scared most of the world. Yet, it would seem that this lethal virus has been here since November. We spent the better part of four full months co-existing, running our businesses, and being touchy-feely without anyone being the wiser, and life went on – until it didn’t. So what is the right move here? Now that they’ve paralyzed everyone with fear of killing their parents or grandparents or anyone with a compromised immune system, how do we move forward?

Why did they take it this far? Is it because Deep State is trying to destroy our country during an election year? Yes. Is it because China was in on this and wanted to see us go down? Probably. Is it because there is massive retaliation against our President and a behind-the-scenes battle taking place, so they wanted to strike hard? Yes. Is it because Bill Gates, the WHO and friends have been planning their masterminded Global Fund 2.0 for mandatory vaccines for the world? Yes. Is it because the evil, power-hungry, Deep State thieves want to create a one world governance and a new world order? Well, they’ve said so themselves, so that’s a hard yes. Is it because they wanted to start World War III? It’s sure looking that way. There are many layers to this.

So when people ask, “why is President Trump going along with this and allowing for the destruction of our economy, our businesses, everything that’s been built up over the past four years, and making us stay in our homes?” My response is, “We are at war. He wants you safe. He’s listening to Deep State “experts” on this virus for a string of reasons, and he is in the middle of a battle that may include defending against bioweapons and other threats.”

Make no mistake, President Trump is fully aware of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx’s ties to Deep State and work with the well-known AIDS global slush fund (https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/is-aids-us-90b-taxpayer-dollars-a-global-slush-fund/) which I have been writing a book about, and have already released three chapters (https://www.coreysdigs.com/bookshop/) on. Who do you call when there’s a pandemic and the top tiers in the healthcare industry are all run and owned (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsCCz3MBjK4) by Deep State? Who do you call when you want eyes on those managing the situation and working directly with Bill Gates to push his vaccines? At what point do you bring in replacements, cut ties with them, take the reins, and eventually take them down? We will find out soon enough.

There are obvious actions and reactions that draw me to these conclusions:

• March 27th: The CDC restored (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/04/01/cdc-lifts-shutdown-order-army-biolabs-fort-detrick.html) full operating capability to all U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland where they will be working on a vaccine.

• March 27th: President Trump signed an executive order allowing (https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/03/27/trump-recalls-ready-reserve-to-battle-coronavirus/) for the call-up of up to a million troops for no longer than 24 consecutive months.

• March 28th: The U.S. Military have isolated (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8162937/Coronavirus-drives-army-command-teams-infamous-Cheyenne-mountain-bunker.html) themselves at a number of military sites, including Cheyenne Mountain, until the coronavirus pandemic passes.

• March 31st: The State Department put out (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/ea/travel-advisory-alert-global-level-4-health-advisory-issue.html) a Global Level 4 Health Advisory – Do Not Travel, followed by a tweet on April 2nd stating, “The Department of State urges Americans not to delay travel home. Transportation options may soon be unavailable.”

• April 1st: President Trump stated in his press conference that they are working on building two more ships to help with the virus, when we already have the Comfort and the Mercy, who have treated less than a couple dozen non-COVID patients.

• April 1st: “Today, the Department of Defense and interagency partners began (https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/04/01/us/ap-us-venezuela-anti-narcotics-mission.html) enhanced counter narcotics operations in eastern pacific ocean and the Caribbean sea to combat illicit drugs into the US.” They added ships, aircraft and security forces – navy destroyers, combat ships and more, nearly doubling. “22 partner nations joined us in this fight.”

If anyone believes this is just about narcotics, they need to open their eyes. They are protecting our borders while likely working on several other operations. Do I believe they are blowing up underground tunnels and rescuing thousands of children who have been trafficked? I have not seen a shred of evidence to point to this. They have done their fair share of taking down child traffickers and I do believe more actions will ensue when the time is right, but spreading disinformation is wreaking havoc.


I do not come to these conclusions lightly. I also don’t pretend to have all of the answers and I am not a doomsday kind of gal, but I will not dispute facts and evidence, nor will I sugarcoat events to give people a false sense of hope. I am an optimist, a problem solver, and try to spread as much love and compassion as I can because I deeply care about humanity. I do believe we will win this battle, but people need to recognize that it comes with change, moving forward. I also believe that we will see some big arrests happen prior to the election, for if we do not, that would be a big mistake on Trump’s part. The people need a win, and we demand accountability for these vultures.
The more grounded and in reality people remain, the easier it will be for everyone to get through this and help one another. We are all taking a big hit right now and times are difficult for everyone. I hope that people keep that in perspective and not go full-on rage on others because of fear or because they want their version of this story to come true.

I believe we are witnessing one of the greatest battles of all time, and I pray that it does not escalate to harm humanity. When contemplating all of these moving pieces, I am honestly torn between whether or not it’s wise to continue our in-home quarantines or get back to work. I believe most people would rather live their lives fully and take their chances, just as we take our chances with a myriad of other viruses on the loose, every day of our lives. Do I still believe we are submitting and standing down to the powers that be, and allowing them to control us and our livelihood? You betcha, and I don’t like it. Not one bit.

I have always been a very decisive person, and base my decisions on facts and pure intuitive instincts. That said, this is the first time I can honestly say, I am a bit torn here. If we were simply talking about the virus alone, I would say we all need to get back to work before the economy and people’s lives are damaged beyond repair. But, I see the bigger picture and there are a lot of plays happening right now with a lot of moving parts, and I just can’t say what would be in the best interest for people right now. It’s difficult for everyone to watch this play out, experience the effects of it all, and not know what our future holds, but I will always maintain hope and be optimistic about what that future may look like. All I can do at this point, is provide the facts and evidence as they surface, and pray for all of my fellow Americans, and the entire world.
Stay strong. We can get through this together. I promise.

Download this full report in PDF format in The Bookshop >>> (https://www.coreysdigs.com/bookshop/)

https://www.coreysdigs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Support-Independent-Journalism-1024x95.jpg (https://www.coreysdigs.com/support/)

8th April 2020, 10:46 AM
All is quiet in the DFW area. Walgreens and CVS is quiet. I have a friend who is a medical courier in the area and he says it's very quiet.

8th April 2020, 03:03 PM
All is quiet in the DFW area. Walgreens and CVS is quiet. I have a friend who is a medical courier in the area and he says it's very quiet.

Hi PlatinumBlonde- I don't think you were here when I first joined, but good to see you back. Thanks for the update on the DFW area. Interesting info from your friend--I posted a video from a medical courier earlier on this thread (here http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?102096-Heroic-Citizens-Fact-Check-the-LYING-MSM-about-Corona&p=964256&viewfull=1#post964256). Seems like medical couriers have an interesting perspective on things, since they visit multiple health care facilities.
I'm from central NJ--the nearby testing center is completely empty every day.

Also, I'm wondering who is actually getting tested b/c I've watched tons of these empty hospital videos and I've never seen anyone at the testing tents--they are always empty (and supposedly the excuse for why they need these testing tents is b/c the hospitals are overflowing, yet I've seen so many of these videos where they've gone inside, and the hallways, waiting areas, ER waiting areas are all empty)

#EmptyHospitals (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23EmptyHospitals) #FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital) Several Hospitals are NOT warzones

Tallahassee FL, testing center, empty, Brooklyn NYC, Fairfax VA, UT (MB?) Harris county, Texas, Jason Goodman, NYC, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa FLO,
7:00 ****(Atlanta GA?), Grady Hospital, camera guy standing outside hospital, talking to black guys at food stand, camera guy says something aint right, black food stand guys say they want their New World Order, they want to reset the currency....and it's just a coincidence Thursday the Fed introduced a digital currency, they want is like China... they want to bring in their cashless society, then they can control everybody, what if your brother or nephew wants to borrow $100, how would you be able to give it to them if everything is digital? Camera guy says see health workers coming out without masks, yet they have everyone in lockdown...black guys say other nations in on this, they are going for one world order.... Loiusville, Kentucky.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=d4SO4bL5Yuc&feature=emb_lo go

8th April 2020, 03:14 PM
All real jews like a quiet Passover...

9th April 2020, 02:06 PM
Video evidence Donald Trump and your government has lied to you about coronavirus; all we could find are empty hospitals

You've been duped! Class action lawsuits worth trillions of dollars on the way. All American citizens must stand up for their rights.

By Staff Writer (https://www.intellihub.com/video-proof-donald-trump-and-your-government-has-lied-to-you-about-coronavirus-all-we-could-find-are-empty-hospitals/) -

April 9, 2020


Hospitals do not appear to be “overwhelmed” as media and White House claim

No independent video exists of an overwhelmed U.S. hospital (if you have it send it in so we can update the post but we can’t find one nor can anyone else)

Use hashtag #FilmYourHospital (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23FilmYourHospital&src=typed_query)

Editor’s note: To be clear, in no way are we saying COVID-19 isn’t real. We are merely squashing the MSM narrative that hospitals are “overwhelmed.”

(INTELLIHUB (https://www.intellihub.com/Video proof Donald Trump and your government has lied to you about coronavirus; all we could find are empty hospitals)) — It appears that President Donald Trump and the Presidential Coronavirus Task Force have lied to you and you bought it all hook, line, and sinker.

The United States government and governments around the world have locked down there populations and have taken away people’s basic freedoms, civil, and constitutional rights in the name of “the invisible enemy” as President Donald Trump refers to the COVID-19 pathogen.

The following videos serve as admissable empirical evidence and will be used to file a major class-action lawsuit against the United States government all mainstream news agencies (https://youtu.be/gNYefwHfiLw) and all other governments around the world who are complicit in the fraud which has cost taxpayers trillions of dollars.

To boot, 16.8 million Americans are now without work (https://apnews.com/c06a37220e461922c61bdf18c3a20c3e).

Why would over 70 hospitals furlough employees (https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/49-hospitals-furloughing-workers-in-response-to-covid-19.html) if we are truly in a pandemic?

Please visit https://www.intellihub.com/video-proof-donald-trump-and-your-government-has-lied-to-you-about-coronavirus-all-we-could-find-are-empty-hospitals/ for lots of videos (youtube and twitter)

9th April 2020, 02:21 PM
Class action lawsuits worth trillions of dollars on the way. All American citizens must stand up for their rights.



9th April 2020, 02:50 PM


yes, well I think the author was trying to be hopeful and encourage people to fight back--I haven't seen any lawyers stand up for the people, except I think there is a Robert Barnes guy I saw speaking out.

9th April 2020, 04:29 PM
Video evidence Donald Trump and your government has lied to you about coronavirus; all we could find are empty hospitals

You've been duped! Class action lawsuits worth trillions of dollars on the way. All American citizens must stand up for their rights.

By Staff Writer (https://www.intellihub.com/video-proof-donald-trump-and-your-government-has-lied-to-you-about-coronavirus-all-we-could-find-are-empty-hospitals/) -

April 9, 2020


Hospitals do not appear to be “overwhelmed” as media and White House claim

No independent video exists of an overwhelmed U.S. hospital (if you have it send it in so we can update the post but we can’t find one nor can anyone else)

Use hashtag #FilmYourHospital (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23FilmYourHospital&src=typed_query)

Editor’s note: To be clear, in no way are we saying COVID-19 isn’t real. We are merely squashing the MSM narrative that hospitals are “overwhelmed.”

(INTELLIHUB (https://www.intellihub.com/Video proof Donald Trump and your government has lied to you about coronavirus; all we could find are empty hospitals)) — It appears that President Donald Trump and the Presidential Coronavirus Task Force have lied to you and you bought it all hook, line, and sinker.

The United States government and governments around the world have locked down there populations and have taken away people’s basic freedoms, civil, and constitutional rights in the name of “the invisible enemy” as President Donald Trump refers to the COVID-19 pathogen.

The following videos serve as admissable empirical evidence and will be used to file a major class-action lawsuit against the United States government all mainstream news agencies (https://youtu.be/gNYefwHfiLw) and all other governments around the world who are complicit in the fraud which has cost taxpayers trillions of dollars.

To boot, 16.8 million Americans are now without work (https://apnews.com/c06a37220e461922c61bdf18c3a20c3e).

Why would over 70 hospitals furlough employees (https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/49-hospitals-furloughing-workers-in-response-to-covid-19.html) if we are truly in a pandemic?

Please visit https://www.intellihub.com/video-proof-donald-trump-and-your-government-has-lied-to-you-about-coronavirus-all-we-could-find-are-empty-hospitals/ for lots of videos (youtube and twitter)

To the people that believe Trump has lied to you, please tell me exactly what you would tell the public about the scam, if you were President Trump.
Before you tell me, please add what you think the Democrats and the Deep State would do to Trump if he did call it out as you think he should.

Note: Keep in mind the doctors and health care people that are leading this hoax, have the phony numbers of positive tests and deaths to back their claim that there is a pandemic.

9th April 2020, 04:47 PM
yes, well I think the author was trying to be hopeful and encourage people to fight back--I haven't seen any lawyers stand up for the people, except I think there is a Robert Barnes guy I saw speaking out.

I also saw Robert Barnes offering to sue some of the governors who have overstepped their authority

10th April 2020, 09:49 PM
report from France:

Good news Covid-19 worldwide smoke: Who is telling the truth and who is lying? Proof in pictures. (France- translated)

Bonne nouvelle Covid-19 un enfumage mondial: Qui dit la vérité et qui ment ? Preuve en image.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=134&v=sXh27zqqN94&feature=emb_ logo

Khier Être HumainIt's still crazy that it is a simple person who does the job of all journalists. What world do we live in?

Delf F (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Muog1ZnbHSlKGKA8uHd8Q) Wake up we don't care, haven't you understood that yet? Soon the test will force the vaccine and the rfid and your children will be stolen by these criminals as it is already the case but it will get worse. To end waves of 5g will end everyone !!! Is that what you want for your children ??? You would be tracked and sick ??? The new world order is underway …

C.M M. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7P2-Fn1NfQjnAZ8qA6-8Pw) It is a vast comedy with its actors and a mediAcracy which diffuses in the brains a program of beliefs which is imprinted .. who benefits from the crime Jules?

La Plume La Plume (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCORJoYFpiBmExsaEbaUCL1w)And also do this in the institute of Pr raoult in Marseille ... very interesting video as always Jules the proofs are there! ! ! Wake up we lie to you !!! They carry the Fear Virus !!

Kévin Giocanti (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbMtmACQdq22hd6OCxhY_Q) We must all film what is happening as for the demonstrations, the truth will make us win! Thank you very much we need mass proof !

cédric BLÉMAND (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvL5Lul11INtwMlT90c1KYA) -Manipulation des masses!

Christine Laurent (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgT6XxfCRXDitwgWfadcjtA)Mind-blowing .. it's the total desert .. !!! : people are kept in total paralysis, and in hypnosis of so-called danger to their lives, only on broadcasts of false information, disseminated in great force by the media.

12th April 2020, 11:34 AM
Guy gets hassled in NYC for being outside of a hospital (NY Presbyterian?) with a camera...After he leaves, at 8:12 he runs into Doctor guy, Camera guy asks if he's being overworked, Doctor guy seems to say "not as bad as you think, its strange, I don't want to say one way or another," Camera guy says " but I see on TV everything is chaos." Doctor guy "you know, everything on TV is somewhat fake news." (!!!!!) Camera guy "because I come here an everything is normal." Doctor guy approaches, says "I'm from the trauma center down at Kings County, everyone who dies, it says corona virus on death certificate, the deaths we are seeing, anyone dies of anything has corona virus on their death certificate, they are bringing in a bunch of people from out of town, we have doctors coming in from Nebraska who don't know what the hell they are doing, um, a lot of people die because of it. I don't know if it's corona virus or a break down of the health system....inaudible..it's very bizarre and I don't want to comment anymore."

Hospital Cover Up - Something Stinks in New York


https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=199&v=prGw70uBm4g&feature=emb_ logo

12th April 2020, 01:46 PM
I suspect all lot of preparation went forward based on the original model, now proven to have way over predicted the problem. As usual the media hyped it up BASED on the predictions and are not looking like fools (they are any way). Expect Trump to get his way and things open up sooner than later.

12th April 2020, 02:02 PM
As usual the media hyped it up BASED on the predictions any way).
Why don't we just call it what it is; Blatant lies, calculated to do incalculable damage to our society; an outright terrorist attack. I cannot see it any other way. We are in a state of war, waged by the press and the unelected 'advisors', oligarchs and deep state machinists, against the last vestiges of a once proud people.

This is war. Do any of you see it differently than I do?

12th April 2020, 02:09 PM
Why don't we just call it what it is; Blatant lies, calculated to do incalculable damage to our society; an outright terrorist attack. I cannot see it any other way. We are in a state of war, waged by the press and the unelected 'advisors', oligarchs and deep state machinists, against the last vestiges of a once proud people.

This is war. Do any of you see it differently than I do?

Totally agree with you 100%--when I post anywhere else, I constantly add that we are at war, that the MSM and US govt are waging psychological warfare on we the people, and that the US govt is using the virus psyop as justification for economic warfare!!
I say it over and over again - THEY ARE WAGING WAR ON US!! (they probably think I'm crazy, but I'm going to keep saying it until the sheep wake up!!!)

12th April 2020, 02:35 PM
Totally agree with you 100%--when I post anywhere else, I constantly add that we are at war, that the MSM and US govt are waging psychological warfare on we the people, and that the US govt is using the virus psyop as justification for economic warfare!!
I say it over and over again - THEY ARE WAGING WAR ON US!! (they probably think I'm crazy, but I'm going to keep saying it until the sheep wake up!!!)
You are not crazy. You have gone sane. I think we all appreciate your excellent posting here. These things we are saying cannot be overstated nor are any exaggerations possible. I feel our very existence is threatened. It has gone that far. All we have to do is to look at the past and the things they have tried to hide; the many instances of mass murder, including every phony war for the last 200 years, to understand just where their tender mercies lie. They will give us the mercy of an unmarked grave. They will give us the peace of brutal death.

Those of us that are left will live a life of dumb misery. Through toxins administered as vaccinations and outright brainwashing, they intend to create a 'beta' class to serve the elite. They have in mind a neo-fuedal order that would make Malthus wring his hands in anticipation. Most of us, they intend to starve and it is a proven fact that Gates' vaccine tests included sterility causing compounds, again and again. We won't be able to breed without their say so. The foods we will be given (gardens will be outlawed) will be engineered to create a slave class.

12th April 2020, 05:52 PM
I just heard a major pork manufacturer is shutting its doors.

The inflation to combat deflation?

12th April 2020, 06:08 PM
I just heard a major pork manufacturer is shutting its doors.

The inflation to combat deflation?

I did read .gov is making payouts to cull cattle and not produce although I can not confirm yet.

12th April 2020, 07:22 PM
I suspect all lot of preparation went forward based on the original model, now proven to have way over predicted the problem. As usual the media hyped it up BASED on the predictions and are not looking like fools (they are any way). Expect Trump to get his way and things open up sooner than later.

I like your style.

13th April 2020, 06:06 AM
Smithfield shutting U.S. pork plant indefinitely, warns of meat shortages during pandemic


CHICAGO (Reuters) - Smithfield Foods, the world’s biggest pork processor, said on Sunday it will shut a U.S. plant indefinitely due to a rash of coronavirus cases among employees and warned the country was moving “perilously close to the edge” in supplies for grocers.

Slaughterhouse shutdowns are disrupting the U.S. food supply chain, crimping availability of meat at retail stores and leaving farmers without outlets for their livestock.

Factbox: Coronavirus spread closes North American meat plants

Smithfield extended the closure of its Sioux Falls, South Dakota, plant after initially saying it would idle temporarily for cleaning. The facility is one of the nation’s largest pork processing facilities, representing 4% to 5% of U.S. pork production, according to the company.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said on Saturday that 238 Smithfield employees had active cases of the new coronavirus, accounting for 55% of the state’s total. Noem and the mayor of Sioux Falls had recommended the company shut the plant, which has about 3,700 workers, for at least two weeks.

“It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running,” Smithfield Chief Executive Ken Sullivan said in a statement on Sunday. “These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain, first and foremost our nation’s livestock farmers.”

Smithfield said it will resume operations in Sioux Falls after further direction from local, state and federal officials. The company will pay employees for the next two weeks, according to the statement.

The company has been running its plants to supply U.S. consumers during the outbreak, Sullivan said.

“We have a stark choice as a nation: we are either going to produce food or not, even in the face of COVID-19,” he said.

Other major U.S. meat and poultry processors, including Tyson Foods Inc (TSN.N), Cargill Inc [CARG.UL] and JBS USA [JBS.UL] have already idled plants in other states.

13th April 2020, 06:41 AM
All it takes to cut meat is a sharp knife, a will to do it and a carcass.

Oh...and if you live in Minnesota ...a wood chipper.

13th April 2020, 07:30 AM
All it takes to cut meat is a sharp knife, a will to do it and a carcass.

Oh...and if you live in Minnesota ...a wood chipper.

a meat saw might help

13th April 2020, 10:56 AM
Slaughterhouse shutdowns are disrupting the U.S. food supply chain, crimping availability of meat at retail stores and leaving farmers without outlets for their livestock.

Allow Chinese style wet-markets to restore our food security? :)sal

13th April 2020, 11:33 AM
Smithfield shutting U.S. pork plant indefinitely, warns of meat shortages during pandemic


CHICAGO (Reuters) - Smithfield Foods, the world’s biggest pork processor, said on Sunday it will shut a U.S. plant indefinitely due to a rash of coronavirus cases among employees and warned the country was moving “perilously close to the edge” in supplies for grocers.

Slaughterhouse shutdowns are disrupting the U.S. food supply chain, crimping availability of meat at retail stores and leaving farmers without outlets for their livestock.

Factbox: Coronavirus spread closes North American meat plants

Smithfield extended the closure of its Sioux Falls, South Dakota, plant after initially saying it would idle temporarily for cleaning. The facility is one of the nation’s largest pork processing facilities, representing 4% to 5% of U.S. pork production, according to the company.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said on Saturday that 238 Smithfield employees had active cases of the new coronavirus, accounting for 55% of the state’s total. Noem and the mayor of Sioux Falls had recommended the company shut the plant, which has about 3,700 workers, for at least two weeks.

“It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running,” Smithfield Chief Executive Ken Sullivan said in a statement on Sunday. “These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain, first and foremost our nation’s livestock farmers.”

Smithfield said it will resume operations in Sioux Falls after further direction from local, state and federal officials. The company will pay employees for the next two weeks, according to the statement.

The company has been running its plants to supply U.S. consumers during the outbreak, Sullivan said.

“We have a stark choice as a nation: we are either going to produce food or not, even in the face of COVID-19,” he said.

Other major U.S. meat and poultry processors, including Tyson Foods Inc (TSN.N), Cargill Inc [CARG.UL] and JBS USA [JBS.UL] have already idled plants in other states.
I bought a lot of groceries today. Not many people out shopping but it was early. Some people were wearing masks but things seemed pretty normal. This in Cadillac, Michigan. Shelves were well stocked and many meats available. Prices, especially for produce were quite reasonable. I even bought a watermelon. These may be historic times because we might not see such abundance again. I hope it is not so.

The Amish store was almost empty but well stocked with goods and especially bulk items. The Amish workers there did not seem affected at all by this 'emergency' (yeah, right..) and were coming right up close to ask if any assistance was needed. I wonder what they will do if cash is outlawed, because that is all they take. I suppose they might deal with checks if they know you.

I find myself wondering what China has been offered in this whole scamdemic deal; They hold what, $1.2 Trillion in US bonds? Supposedly this helps them keep their currency pegged to the dollar. Perhaps the real plan is to peg the dollar to the Chinese Renminbi. This will require a reset of enormous magnitude. They are in on whatever plot is afoot and I'm sure their greasy little fingers will be deep into the pie.

13th April 2020, 12:06 PM
Merksem, Belgium - EMPTY HOSPITALS in Antwerp! #filmyourhospitals (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23filmyourhospitals)

Guys walks around outside, lot of what looks like testing tents (aka stage props) all empty, nobody there.


13th April 2020, 12:06 PM
The Woodlands TX - Coronavirus LIE where are all the people?
Baylor parking lot no patients, testing center, no people, this is emergency not one person, no people in emergency either. Where are all the people?



13th April 2020, 12:07 PM
'Hospitals aren't being overrun' as US experts claim


Former US Naval Intelligence Officer John Jordan says "hospitals aren't being overrun" in direct contravention to what US experts were saying and projected numbers of sick people "just aren't materialising". "A lot of these hospital expansions and field hospitals are empty," he said. "They've turned convention centres into field hospitals and there are no patients in there; the US Navy hospital ships only have a few patients on board." Mr Jordan said if the coronavirus crisis "doesn't go on too long", businesses will be able to open "in bits and pieces" by May and jobs will return in the US where nearly 17 million people are unemployed. "The longer this goes on, the more damaging to the economy - the more structural damage there is."


hotties3v3n (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9xmkdazZreBZFZEFbFgQEg)I'm in the UK.... hospitals are NOT being overrun!!!!!

R W- I’m a nurse in California and we have been at a low census for four weeks now. By far, the flu season has proven to be much worse. The media is lying to you people

Chad Hart (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh4wpkGG03s0mKiYu4wCZ_Q)I work at a hospital and can confirm being "over run" is pure bullshit. This hospital is closing Sunday due to lack of patients. I am starting at a different hospital Monday. This other hospital is not over run either.

Tommy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCekrNWqJ3JAi7WtRuudSpXg) I drove to cedars-Sinai medical center in LA a few days to visit the emergency room. I was the only patient. I asked several staff members where are all the COVID-19 patients the news media says you're overrun with? Everyone I spoke with said the same thing. " It's not us saying that, it's the media. We're being lied to but something is going on. I have no idea what it is

A P (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChUMytDmktjnTweCt2a6wJw) I work at a hospital in Germany and the hospital is almost empty. People need to realize the media /Government are lying to them and sooner rather than later

Eddy Macsanet (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPoiQJ1PjNkLLVutds3Zw)I lived in Long Beach California and right across the street from a hospital! Now this is Real Truth News and honestly facts on each and every words!! This is the truth and hospital are pretty empty!! don’t pay any attention to the governor of California briefing it’s all B/S!!

13th April 2020, 06:38 PM
Army's Seattle Field Hospital Closed After 3 Days, Without Seeing A Single Patient.


16th April 2020, 08:43 PM
ER wait times in Winnipeg down by nearly 50%; officials implore public to seek care if they need it



CV: Anderson, SC "Hot Spot?" Both Hospitals In Anderson Are Empty, Nurse Says: Not Busy.

Lady lives there, went to the hospitals, reputation of the hospital is that no one want to go b/c people die, people don't go there if they can avoid it, asked nurse if busy, she says no. Woman doing the video thinks it all BULL!!!


bill hanna - (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBldD2Jg4kK0mA4fJskAw) %100 agree Its BS , A massive scam Massive

lebowski137 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ6BTTKetS1d2EfLi6RaGgQ) I was vaccine injured a couple years ago and had to leave my dream job of working weekends only with a great group of nurses. After 12 years of ICU experience I can easily spot the hollywoodized fakery of this entire thing within the photos / videos they share. 8 people wearing hazmat suits to push a patient down the discharge ramp .... cmon people this is not real in any circumstance. Actors in the ICU under covers wearing shoes and street clothes lol. Can you say simulation. The very first thing we do is cut away or take off their street clothes and place it in a bag. before hooking them up to any monitors etc. (This comment reminds me of Debbie Lusignan/"Sane Progressive" who is a nurse and spotted a lot of medical fakery in some of the photos of Las Vegas "patients," victims of the fake shooting)

sbrazwell42- (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg1la4FD6s25eYasklnlGYA)Low cencus at our hospital this whole time..wv hosps.laying off staff.. Whole wings shut down.. stand up and lie straight faced in front of the world. Virginia.

healpastlives.com (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGs2nsu4b_fMn671Y-J1g_Q) Ambulances used to go around the clock here in South New Jersey... now it is SO QUIET.

Born In Shithole Country - (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2GWC9TT-0OXUdtLwYt9qQ)I drove to the Columbia Hospital, a 300 bed facility (Maury Regional TN) on Saturday, it was the first town to declare a state of emergency. There were 2 cars in the staff parking lot, and 8 in the visitors lot. Both Emergency entrances were dead, its been like this for over 2 weeks. Meanwhile I hear stories all over town of staff being laid off, same in Nashville and surrounding communities, all the hospitals are empty.

16th April 2020, 09:43 PM
Billy Graham Bullshit Hospital Sunday April 12, 2020

"More views of this bullshit hospital which was created by a corrupt church and the blessing of a traitor Media" 5:34 standing around, casual, calm, no urgency,nothing going on...lots of people standing around and doing absolutely NOTHING!!



Killa K2death (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdZ0mIdfQaWlNrVk_o5-ngQ) 3 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KVCzesT_e4&lc=Ugz6k0eT_HrS080HYE94AaABAg)
The reason they want us at home is so we don't see what is actually going on out there and what is going on is hospitals are empty there's nobody being taken care of so we're all these supposed dead bodies if the hospitals are full of people and what happens to people who have regular injuries are they turned away as well are they sitting in a hospital waiting forever when it's not even packed makes no sense someone needs to step up and take these people down

Running Fox (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOYZROMZjfry3fU-l-ZgEAA) 3 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KVCzesT_e4&lc=Ugz2Z2s-po3FY20k6SR4AaABAg)
It Is abundantly clear there are zero patients at the central park "hospital". Who are all these chaplains Supposed to comfort? There's no patients. No family members even allowed near regular hospitals.... And the medical staff all of whom you've spoken to None even try to Pretend to be overwhelming busy. They all shift their eyes to their buddies and say..... "Well I mean......well it's busy" and half ass pretend to lie. None have any behavior like they are overwhelmed overworked or busy much less seeing a lot of illness and death.

16th April 2020, 10:10 PM
another day at fake tent hospital...this one is even longer and nothing going on...

Billy Graham Bullshit Hospital in Central Park April 11, 2020



Jeff Mahood (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8URjAzGAkMkIXVDY3A2dLQ) 4 days ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFbIhVocWuc&lc=UgyJbX9NcgXcqy02vyB4AaABAg) Just a bunch of paid actors roaming around this staged compound area, hanging out and doing random nonsense, trying to appear to be doing something relevant. Ridiculous. At least the guy running the fake operation gets paid well. How shocking. ��

Dharma Ram (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-eQIks-lxtbvA7FbfIq9ug) 4 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFbIhVocWuc&lc=UgwkWQGFItxUMukhghp4AaABAg) They all look so bored doing nothing, but a I am sure they don’t complain since they still collect a paycheck. This is complete BS.

The Apocalypse (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7JduDotw1pXT6MwpG-wWIA) 4 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFbIhVocWuc&lc=UgzoPSDS_Qn9pbB1nI14AaABAg) Oh the mayhem! How are they keeping up with the madness?! LIARS.

Killa K2death (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdZ0mIdfQaWlNrVk_o5-ngQ) 4 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFbIhVocWuc&lc=Ugwssmc5Un-pWCB4GQp4AaABAg) Just started watching and im right there with you this is all a scam and i knew it from the get go thank you for trying to show those that cant see or refuse to please keep it up!

Christie Ryan (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2njRLqUh_lZxdasyG_ZLJw) 4 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFbIhVocWuc&lc=UgzvTz8u77bclm9mmFB4AaABAg) The only real action in the Billy Graham Hospital is the arrival of pizza at the very end. I laughed out loud it was so perfect! Good work Lincoln, keep it up

Amber Dusik (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbWciCeos7ofHaPSY2-v4EQ) 3 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFbIhVocWuc&lc=UgxsZLARl5flVc7mjPB4AaABAg) They got the worst crisis actors on the planet by the looks cuz not one of them is acting as if they are in a crisis. Not a sign of the emotional trauma that would be naturally evident if the situation was what we've been hearing. This calm bored vibe really doesnt mesh with the war zone description. Makes me sick.

17th April 2020, 01:08 PM
LIVE: Bellevue, VA, NYU Hospital Check NYC - Empty Ambulances

quiet, nothing going on, lots of ambulances just sitting there...


Jason Walsh (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHkegjlnS3UsnHRYCBEWdQ) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr9MMtDikiI&lc=Ugy1KpVGracpCtmuikJ4AaABAg)
Hey.... look it's the modern day "They live" being played out for all, who care too see it.

Baby Dumpling (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgr6UlE_lrKWOZDufAEElnQ) 7 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr9MMtDikiI&lc=Ugw0v-kwgMngm2YNuRV4AaABAg)
I go to Bellevue all the time that's positively deserted in comparison to a normal weekday.

bill montgomery (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_46_n2mU3dFUXsvYTm2lGg) 16 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr9MMtDikiI&lc=UgyurfieGzqNEUz012R4AaABAg)
The nurses that all come out at 7pm so the fire boys can show off their firetrucks and sirens, take selfies, and soak in their narcissistic supply are GUILTY of perpetuating this nonsense. 67 hospitals in New york, jacob javits center, hospital ship and a whole state outside of New York City.. plenty of health care workers. If that shady croom Coumo cant distribute the resources.. he should be punished.. not the rest of america quarantined in their house

Pat Hacker (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2fsxApJvGK6y3-vjoh9QoQ) 1 day ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr9MMtDikiI&lc=UgyAVw3QM5WZkkQ92UV4AaABAg)
No bodies stacked in the streets, no one crawling into critical care. The most horrible disease of our lifetime, and we are told we may not even know if we have it, But be very AFRAID!

17th April 2020, 01:13 PM
LIVE: Beth Israel / NYU Hospital Check - No COVID19 To Be Found



Damon Thomas (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC36m4OR6hQSki2AJkfk2hYA) 1 day ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Anvv-uNlmw&lc=Ugw_M2MwRYnIcoj0k2p4AaABAg)
That's what makes this pandemic so scary, not only is the virus invisible, the victims are too.

Pat Hacker (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2fsxApJvGK6y3-vjoh9QoQ) 6 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Anvv-uNlmw&lc=Ugw_M2MwRYnIcoj0k2p4AaABAg.97WuXhoEoRh97Yw-Xj0Tpn)
And you may not even know when you have it...lol.

Thomas Robinson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzSYRfOv5C70qDP_ReNVTw) 22 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Anvv-uNlmw&lc=UgzQEs5dJhvOHgoLofl4AaABAg)

i man (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-zlQpxS_ZoaDrFDJTTqqaA) 22 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Anvv-uNlmw&lc=UgzQIPLh4VUKtFip7b14AaABAg)
Fantastic Marcus... expose these liars.... it's all for SHOW.... no one is in these trucks and if they are it is because their internal set up dictates for them to go there and not the funeral homes..... the NYC people should be in the streets like New years demanding the arrest of Fauchi, Gates, Cumo and DeBlassio and clintons all involved in this corruption as usual. These videos are so important Marcus thank you so much! Don't stop

17th April 2020, 01:16 PM
Best channels with citizen journalists fact-checking the LYING MSM by investigating NYC ("pandemic central") are:

Jason Goodman: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ/videos

Lincoln Karim: https://www.youtube.com/user/lincolnkarim1/videos

Marcus Conte: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVthTawN8KN0ZuGqzLjqkw/videos

18th April 2020, 05:44 PM
Best channels with citizen journalists fact-checking the LYING MSM by investigating NYC ("pandemic central") are:

Jason Goodman: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ/videos

Lincoln Karim: https://www.youtube.com/user/lincolnkarim1/videos

Marcus Conte: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOVthTawN8KN0ZuGqzLjqkw/videos

^ scorpio's conspiracy show today gave a plug to that Lincoln Karim ch, which I hadn't heard of b4.
Scorpio's Conspiracy Show 2020.04.18 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/04/scorpios-conspiracy-show-20200418.html)

found this perusing latest Pete Santili shows, 32m:

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1J_HU9mrsc)ICU NURSE BLOWS THE WHISTLE: COVID-19 CRISIS IS MANUFACTURED & HOSPITALS COMMITTING FRAUD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1J_HU9mrsc)
3 days ago


18th April 2020, 07:57 PM
Great video. This man is what a doctor is supposed to be: a healer, a leader, a dispenser of truth and wisdom.

It's time for America to wake up from this nightmare and reclaim our inalienable rights!


Summary of the MSM lies and misinformation to promote the COVID-19 fake pandemic:


18th April 2020, 09:13 PM
Great video. This man is what a doctor is supposed to be: a healer, a leader, a dispenser of truth and wisdom.

It's time for America to wake up from this nightmare and reclaim our inalienable rights!


Summary of the MSM lies and misinformation to promote the COVID-19 fake pandemic:


You beat me to it!! I've been listening to him all day--I completely agree with you!! He's doing an excellent job--I'm very impressed. He's inspiring and calling out to other doctors to speak out too!

Edit- I think I'm going to start a separate thread on him--his info is too important to start a separate thread
The one I'm listening to is new info--part 2 of his wake up video series and he say no medical/scientific basis for the social distancing BS--but he says they are preparing us for what is coming down the road---he says they want us spaced b/c of the RFID chips they want to put in us, the satellite can't read it if we are standing too close together!! Holy freaking crap!! This guy is a warrior!!

18th April 2020, 09:24 PM
Good stuff from Jeff Berwick. I like his positive attitude. He says the tide is turning on the lying assholes who perpetrated this fake pandemic and caused do much misery and suffering. Based on Gates getting his corrupt head handed to him on social media (99% down votes!), I think Jeff may be correct:


Not sure I buy the FEMA has taken over assertion.

19th April 2020, 03:24 PM
Okay, this is from Lincoln Karim, who has been doing an excellent job with citizen journalism in NYC (along with Jason Goodmand and Marcus Conte). In this video he checks out funeral homes, apparently as a follow up to a news story saying the funeral home was handling 80 bodies a day. When he gets there, there's nothing going on--just looks like props outside, tent set up, etc. At 37:48, Lincoln talks with a couple of Hispanic guys, one guy lives across the street from the funeral home, says its quiet, but two days last week (maybe for doing the story) they were really busy and the cameras were there. Then back to quiet. Lincoln assumes this was just staged activity for the cameras. He does a good job talking with these guys, trying to plant seeds. It seems like these guys weren't thinking critically about what they saw, but Lincoln did a great job IMO with what he suggested (I don't think it occurred to either guy that it could have been staged).

Funeral Homes in Brooklyn NY April 18, 2020https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGWbDZUXneE&t=51s


21st April 2020, 03:59 PM
"Turn The Camera Off!!" Boston PD. Try To Violate #1stAmendment (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%231stAmendment). C0vid-19 Testing Site. NO CAMERAS.

I went with Mass Exposure to a couple hospitals and testing sites to see if these places were as busy as mainstream media is making us believe. So far I've been to a total of over 9 hospitals and testing sites and it is not close to what they are showing on the news. I've gone from Community Hospitals to City hospitals. Including Boston Medical Center. I spoke to many people in the medical field that work at hospitals all the way from nurses, medical assistance, EMTs and even supporting staff that works at hospitals such as administrative assistants. All of them have told me the hospitals are not busy at all they are actually being sent home or there shifts are being canceled. Most are starting to realize they might be getting laid off themselves and I are going to fall into the non-essential workers. This is starting to wake the masses up because it is affecting them personally. I hope everybody starts to research and realize what it's actually going on. It's time to wake up people!!!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=40&v=403Xdwv6FpY&feature=emb_t itle

Look at the guys dressed up like they are dealing with bubonic plague, when we know this:

Dr. Lorraine Day, orthopedic surgeon, at 4:20 corona virus is nothing more than the common cold

Talk about them bringing in the NWO!!

Medical book: coronaviruses= common cold


(https://twitter.com/blondenfun1/status/1251611752883683329/photo/4)Swiss Propaganda Research: Facts About Covid-19
(https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/)https://www.sott.net/article/432441-Swiss-Propaganda-Research-Facts-About-Covid-19 (https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/)

(https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/)50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free (https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1375). Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% (https://www.niid.go.jp/niid/en/2019-ncov-e/9407-covid-dp-fe-01.html) remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.
The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy (https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/sars-cov-2-decessi-italia)) is over 80 years and only about 1% (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says) of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses.

21st April 2020, 06:52 PM
In response to this:

Autopsies reveal COVID-19 attacks blood vessels, causes multiple organ failure in some patients - study

Microbiologist says this:

scrutinizer (https://www.sott.net/user/11929-scrutinizer) · 10 minutes ago

Microbiologist here, I call Bullsh*t. Corona doesn't do this and there's nothing "new" about the 19 sequence.

Need we go back to Koch's postulates? The ONLY way to prove a virus, bacteria or parasite causes a disease is to isolate pure form of agent from sick animal... inject healthy animal with pure culture, strain, etc...document Identical symptoms...obtain it in pure form from sick animal.


23rd April 2020, 10:06 AM
Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi speak out against lockdown, say it's similar to the flu

Bakersfield doctors dispute need for stay-at-home orderhttps://bakersfieldnow.com/news/coronavirus/accelerated-urgent-care-provides-statistical-update-on-covid-19

Kern County, California ER Doctors Discuss Covid VirusAt 10 min, "it's similar to the flu"
This discussion destroys the main stream media narrative on the virus.


23rd April 2020, 10:34 AM
I just tried to post my comment ^ on Ron Once a Jew Always a Jew Unz's post below and he didn't allow it. He only allows comments that support the jew narrative and help the jew bankers destroy the world and set up their digital enslavement grid:

American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback?

23rd April 2020, 11:25 AM
Ezra Levant (Rebel Media) has had enough. From the last half of his 11min April 19th video monolog:

“None of the models came true”

“The norm, is that this virus was’t actually that deadly and had none of us heard about it, had none of us had been warned about it, we would have just heard about a bad flu and some deaths from it. I mean [for] most of us the numbers might have been hidden among the regular toll that the flu causes. I don’t think anyone would have noticed.”

“The disaster didn’t hit medically, but it has been an economic disaster, the economy shrank by 9% last month the largest in Canadian history.”

“The next phase of the battle, the battle for ordinary people to return to our lives and work after the high priests of public health, the W.H.O. bosses, the government busy-bodies have had their time to shine.”

"[T]he biggest battle politically will be that of civil liberties and limited government. And by that I mean getting out of this emergency state of mind of some bureaucrats, tamping down the petty tyrants who for a moment lived as major tyrants, the censors, the people who trilled at putting all of us under house arrest, the people who want to abolish parliament and pass laws by fiat, the media party worst of all who approved of all this, just as long as they were cut in on more bailout money. Thats the big fight."

“[T]he bigger fight is with politicians who got to spend more than ever, who got to give orders more than ever, who got to run the economy in ways they never dreamed of before. People who tasted power and liked the taste very very much. Thats the longer fight."


23rd April 2020, 08:16 PM
A COVID-19 virus was never isolated. The Wuhan investigators who reported on correlating this virus with several Wuhan patients never satisfied Koch's nor River's criteria for an infectious agent - not even close. They identified an RNA sequence with 80% homolgy with SARS in some patients; that is all. Because the causative agent was never isolated and purified, no valid test for COVID-19 exists because there is no way to furnish true positives and generate a Bayesian analysis. In fact, both the antibody and RT-PCR tests being used have no diagnostic value for the aforementioned reason. Also, an antibody test is always plagued by non-specificity. A PCR-based test is completely unsuited and inappropriate for screen testing as a preponderance of false positives is guaranteed. In sum, there is no proof of a COVID-19 as etiology of a supposed viral pandemic and no proof that anyone dies of a COVID-19 virus. These are objective facts. I am a trained MD-PHD scientist with 35 years experience in basic research and clinical practice. This entire so-called pandemic (the purported cases fall orders of magnitude short of what is required to designate a pandemic) is being promulgated by 24/7 reporting by the MSM and supposed case numbers created by fraudulent testing and blatent falsification of death certificates encouraged by the CDC (a private corporation) and incentivized by government reimbursement to hospitals. The 'atypical pneumonia' reportedly a commonality of the deceased could just as readily explained by environmental toxicity (i.e. air pollution, 5G irradiation etc.).

I think that given time and retrospective review, it will become apparent to a critical mass of the population that not only was the societal lock down unjustified and a blatant violation of the US Constitution; but its justification was based on a fictitious viral pandemic having absolutely no basis in scientific fact. It is likely that a mass of class action lawsuits will ensue. While it is fruitless to sue the sovereign United States, law suits against private principals including Fauci. Gates, CDC and Wuhan laboratories have great merit.

24th April 2020, 05:04 AM
You beat me to it!! I've been listening to him all day--I completely agree with you!! He's doing an excellent job--I'm very impressed. He's inspiring and calling out to other doctors to speak out too!

Edit- I think I'm going to start a separate thread on him--his info is too important to start a separate thread
The one I'm listening to is new info--part 2 of his wake up video series and he say no medical/scientific basis for the social distancing BS--but he says they are preparing us for what is coming down the road---he says they want us spaced b/c of the RFID chips they want to put in us, the satellite can't read it if we are standing too close together!! Holy freaking crap!! This guy is a warrior!!


i believe him but he has a questionable record.

i think ive finally figured out what is/has been going on at least to my satisfaction.
there is a virus. what bothered me was the fact that being highly contagious why did Italy get it first and not us. many hundreds of thousands traveled from Wuhan to the U.S. in December and January. two studies, one from oxford, one from Stanford claimed that this had already burned through the U.S. in December/January. i know 2 people who have had the virus and have been tested positive for it. they both said they had headaches, congestion and extreme lethargy. i had a bad bug with the same symptoms also in January. many people i have spoken with claim to have had this same bug with the same symptoms. all the facts i have been reading were confusing me. the best i can say is that we are either still experiencing the virus from the first infection or we are in the second wave. the world has over reacted. from everything i have read this virus IS less deadly than the influenza virus that we normally experience every year. somewhere along the line the information was misinterpreted. thats my 2 cents

24th April 2020, 05:19 AM

i believe him but he has a questionable record.

Do you realize that quackwatch is run by Big-Pharma?? Do you understand that they do this to demonize and ruin the reputation of any doctor who speaks the truth about vaccines, alternative methods of healing, etc.?

24th April 2020, 05:54 AM
EXCLUSIVE: Vancouver sleuths visit 11 Hospitals and 2 Covid-19 Pandemic Testing Sites....to find....Crickets https://greencrowasthecrowflies.blogspot.com/2020/04/exclusive-vancouver-sleuths-visit-11.html

UPDATE: I posted this late last night and didn't say the most important thing about what these courageous Canadians have done. They have joined in a template that will, sooner or later, end this hoax nightmare. (https://www.rt.com/usa/486695-ny-antibodies-cuomo-virus-fatality/) This surreptitious filming of the hospitals and testing sites will eventually bring down the entire despicable house of cards. The mainstream media can keep brainwashing the sheeple all they want...but they can't fill the hospitals and/or expensive, dedicated, staffed testing sites with pandemic victims. If ordinary citizens keep up the process of showing in real time that the hospitals and testing sites are, in fact, empty...then eventually truth will prevail. So view the videos below folks and share them widely. This is the key. Eventually it will be a crime to film a hospital/emergency/testing site from your car.


Below you'll find a series of videos sent to me by some local sleuths who recently went around and visited 11 hospitals and 2 outdoor dedicated and staffed testing sites for Covid-19 in the Vancouver lower mainland over a period of weeks. As you'll view in the videos below, they discovered that all the sites were unusually quiet--for what we've been told is a global "pandemic". This is proof positive that Canadians/Vancouverites have been terrorized and swindled out of our normal lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness and, as taxpayers, we've been doubly swindled out of all the public funds spent on very expensive dedicated...but ultimately empty spaces. When will the insanity end? I want to thank and commend these Canadian citizens for doing their patriotic duty...and for doing the job that today's mainstream media so-called "journalists" absolutely REFUSE to do!

Vancouver, Canada Hospital Tours
April 21, 2020
We visited 11 hospitals and 2 testing sites in the Metro-Vancouver area.

What inspired us was the #FilmYourHospital movement that has gained momentum around the world.

Part 1 - Burnaby, BC Covid-19 Testing Centerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WjLGYkyAy8


Part 1A - Burnaby, BC Covid-19 Testing Center (Two weeks Later)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyR_dMo5iAU&feature=emb_title


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 2 - Burnaby Hospitalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q_GAzCr98k&feature=emb_title


24th April 2020, 05:57 AM
Vancouver, Canada Hospital Tours Continued

#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 3 - Royal Columbian New Westminster, BChttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m0-qrDhVeo


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 4 - Surrey Memorial Hospitalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tElFmlmO2ww


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 5 - White Rock Peace Arch Hospitalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YgEaJAqTLU


24th April 2020, 06:00 AM
Vancouver, Canada Hospital Tours Continued
April 21, 2020
#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 6 - Delta Hospitalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXonG4yr55Y


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 7 - Richmond Hospitalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzCQ8AFd8Qo


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 8 - Mount St Joseph Hospital Vancouverhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko60wSajNT4


24th April 2020, 06:03 AM
Vancouver, Canada Hospital Tours Continued
April 21, 2020

#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 9 - Cambie N 33rd Testing Center, Vancouverhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wrfpse7ylhk


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 10 - Vancouver General Hospitalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3zxICG7Gms


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 11 - Lion's Gate Hospital, North Vancouverhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg9AEvb7LMk


24th April 2020, 06:05 AM
Vancouver, Canada Hospital Tours Continued
April 21, 2020

#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 12 - St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouverhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDi20owaHXU


#FilmYourHospital (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23FilmYourHospital)Part 13 - UBC Hospital, Vancouverhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POMPGS8FLP0


24th April 2020, 02:00 PM
Nurse in a parking lot (I think in Virginia) gets out of her car and starts asking people if they personally know someone with corona virus. Everyone was no then one person said something like my neighbor's friend's dad, so she didn't count that as personally knowing somebody.



Hacks For School (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC40Svr3WMoumccUwSISmWWA) 20 hours ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQcAIUsOEgM&lc=UgzhVnwrR8qJAc3_3cx4AaABAg)
I have 100's of family members in Italy in Lombardia, the hardest hit area with the Corona Virus and NOT ONE knows anybody with the Corona Virus or knows anyone who knows anyone with it either. I've been saying this since the beginning. They are all fine & well also

24th April 2020, 03:20 PM
PROOF! The CDC and Dr Fauci are MISLEADING you and me


midnight rambler
24th April 2020, 09:59 PM
Courageous MDs call it like they see it -


Pay close attention to what's said after the 11:00 mark and remember these MDs are in Californicate in the following video.


24th April 2020, 10:08 PM
@MidnightRambler- Yeah, those doctors did an excellent job!

There are lots of versions out there--I think this one is the full one for those who have the time:

Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing



And for those who don't have the time, this guy (I don't know who he is) plays the most important clips and explains them:

The Next News Network@NextNewsNetwork
BREAKING! This ER Doctor Just NUKED Fauci's Pandemic Fraud Straight to Hell!


midnight rambler
24th April 2020, 10:16 PM
And for those who don't have the time, this guy (I don't know who he is) plays the most important clips and explains them:

That's Gary Franchi following in the footsteps of his mentor Aaron Russo (who passed on several years ago).

24th April 2020, 10:18 PM
Trump wants you to wait a little longer, he's still pressuring China on a trade deal.

https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-52402883/trump-strongly-disagrees-with-georgia-governor (https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-52402883/trump-strongly-disagrees-with-georgia-governor)

25th April 2020, 08:04 AM
@MidnightRambler- Yeah, those doctors did an excellent job!

There are lots of versions out there--I think this one is the full one for those who have the time:

Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing



And for those who don't have the time, this guy (I don't know who he is) plays the most important clips and explains them:

The Next News Network@NextNewsNetwork
BREAKING! This ER Doctor Just NUKED Fauci's Pandemic Fraud Straight to Hell!

https://twitter.com/NextNewsNetwork/status/1253534143129907200So in short, the data on COVID19 look just like ordinary influenza. Now what do we know? We know that the "infected or exposed" are designated as COVID based on tests for antibodies or RNA that have never been validated. These tests are bogus. This entire COVID pandemic is a fraud and a con perpetrated by Fauci, Gates and WHO. They are labeling flu cases as COVID. How the hell did we these bastards destroy our economy over a total fabrication? Are you mad as hell? Because I am. Hang these MFers from the nearest lamp post and make an example of these bastards or these kinds of frauds will never stop.

midnight rambler
25th April 2020, 08:55 AM
So in short, the data on COVID19 look just like ordinary influenza. Now what do we know? We know that the "infected or exposed" are designated as COVID based on tests for antibodies or RNA that have never been validated. These tests are bogus. This entire COVID pandemic is a fraud and a con perpetrated by Fauci, Gates and WHO. They are labeling flu cases as COVID. How the hell did we these bastards destroy our economy over a total fabrication? Are you mad as hell? Because I am. Hang these MFers from the nearest lamp post and make an example of these bastards or these kinds of frauds will never stop.

Well Doc, it gets better. /s

They just keep tossing out bigger lies to top their last lies. WHO announces "no evidence" recovery from COVID-19 gives people immunity. Therefore all the more reason for mandatory vaccines.


25th April 2020, 09:36 AM
So in short, the data on COVID19 look just like ordinary influenza. Now what do we know? We know that the "infected or exposed" are designated as COVID based on tests for antibodies or RNA that have never been validated. These tests are bogus. This entire COVID pandemic is a fraud and a con perpetrated by Fauci, Gates and WHO. They are labeling flu cases as COVID. How the hell did we these bastards destroy our economy over a total fabrication? Are you mad as hell? Because I am. Hang these MFers from the nearest lamp post and make an example of these bastards or these kinds of frauds will never stop.

There are no words for how mad I am!! They have brainwashed the entire population and they are using their BS to destroy our economy!! Millions of people are losing their jobs and businesses that they spent their lives building!! I literally work at this all day long!! I feel like am fighting for my life every day!! Meanwhile, they keep moving forward with the agenda.

And look at this: https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/04/americans-ensnared-in-scamdemic-double-bind-suicide-spiral/ More people are afraid of the scary virus than they are of having the economy completely destroyed.

Now, with the exception of Dr. Rashid Buttar's video with Gary Franchi entitled "EXCLUSIVE Dr Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses," which reached 6 million views (and has since been taken down - mirror here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf6vHY8FAr4), most of the other truther videos hit in the thousands and I worry that we are just reaching people who are already awake. I honestly don't know what to do to expand our numbers and reach the braindead. Comments on all MSM sites are censored. I thought about that patch.com, but almost nobody is there.

I honestly don't know what to do--I'm horrible at this sort of stuff, but it seems like AJ at infowhores (who probably has millions of followers), Sean at SGT report (who has 500K+ followers) and Dave @x22 report (who has 700K+) followers could easily galvanize a large number of people do something, like letters/calls demanding Congress take back the money power, demanding Congress stop the cryptodigital currency and Agenda ID2020, calling state governors, demanding they reopen, etc. I literally don't know what to do. Should I put this info on fliers and leave it in people's mailboxes??

25th April 2020, 10:11 AM
If you accept responsibility then fix it. If you don't accept responsibility then let others fix it. Complaining about it is what a slave would do. Illusions are ignored.

midnight rambler
25th April 2020, 12:04 PM
Well Doc, it gets better. /s

They just keep tossing out bigger lies to top their last lies. WHO announces "no evidence" recovery from COVID-19 gives people immunity. Therefore all the more reason for mandatory vaccines.


And of course there's "no (scientific) evidence" their scary killer virus exists.

25th April 2020, 10:54 PM
And of course there's "no (scientific) evidence" their scary killer virus exists.

Think they would have saved themselves some type of U.S. funding, by trying to remain truthful about COVID-19 as a common cold/flu.

some Bait was unable to be swallowed...

26th April 2020, 08:23 AM
Seems probable the Facebook streamer did capture a professional staged photo-op. Would have been better if she did not shut it down so quickly calling them out though.

Youtube: Nurse faces off anti-lockdown protesters in Colorado (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Lady+Catches+Media+Faking+A+N urse+Counter-Protesting+The+Lockdown+Protestors%3F) (you've probably seen this one already)

Bitchute (and Facebook): LADY CATCHES MEDIA FAKING A NURSE COUNTER-PROTESTING THE LOCKDOWN PROTESTORS? (https://www.bitchute.com/video/55gyPGnaOEcx/)

26th April 2020, 06:39 PM
The World Is Beginning To Wake Up To The Covid-19 Plandemic

Fast forward to 8:10 and listen to a doctor in the field telling the facts. You will be angry and you should be. US economy has been destroyed for a lie and a hoax.


26th April 2020, 07:09 PM
The World Is Beginning To Wake Up To The Covid-19 Plandemic

Fast forward to 8:10 and listen to a doctor in the field telling the facts. You will be angry and you should be. US economy has been destroyed for a lie and a hoax.


sorry bro... Alex Jones is aligned with Mike Adams who I know is a piece of shit, so if you don’t have anything better, I’ll pass.

26th April 2020, 07:17 PM
sorry bro... Alex Jones is aligned with Mike Adams who I know is a piece of shit, so if you don’t have anything better, I’ll pass.Always found Mike Adams to be fair and informative. Why do you condemn him? Also, don't throw the baby out.....

midnight rambler
26th April 2020, 07:20 PM
sorry bro... Alex Jones is aligned with Mike Adams who I know is a piece of shit, so if you don’t have anything better, I’ll pass.

The only reason Jonestown is finally jumping on board is because he sees shekels to be made. Expect Adamsville to follow suit when he realizes which way the wind blows.

midnight rambler
26th April 2020, 07:21 PM
Always found Mike Adams to be fair and informative. Why do you condemn him? Also, don't throw the baby out.....

Because Adamsville has been supporting and promoting the official narrative at wide open throttle.

midnight rambler
26th April 2020, 07:25 PM
The only reason Jonestown is finally jumping on board is because he sees shekels to be made. Expect Adamsville to follow suit when he realizes which way the wind blows.

You don't see Jonestown interviewing the likes of Drs. Shiva, Kaufman, Battar, et al. And he posts outtakes of the days old video of Dr. Erickson in Californicate.

26th April 2020, 07:35 PM
post on Mike Adams the FEAR PORN Shill here:

I don't know how to bring the image over:


And I'm pretty sure Mike Adams attacked David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman - saying they are "wrong" or whatever. Don't have the links but that's my recollection.

26th April 2020, 07:40 PM
You don't see Jonestown interviewing the likes of Drs. Shiva, Kaufman, Battar, et al. And he posts outtakes of the days old video of Dr. Erickson in Californicate.Jones has posted interviews with Shiva on banned.com. Jones is transmitting truthful info about COVID-19 and is doing good work. Stop making broad sweeping judgments.

midnight rambler
26th April 2020, 07:44 PM
Jones has posted interviews with Shiva on banned.com. Jones is transmitting truthful info about COVID-19 and is doing good work. Stop making broad sweeping judgments.

Jonestown never changes. I'm acquainted with Jonestown and have spent time around him both out and about and in the studio he shared with Stadmiller 20 years ago. He's always been a showman, and he's never changed. Note on that video you posted a link to the very first thing he does is go into a sales pitch about buying storage food rather than encouraging people to immediately start growing food.

26th April 2020, 07:45 PM
post on Mike Adams the FEAR PORN Shill here:

I don't know how to bring the image over:


And I'm pretty sure Mike Adams attacked David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman - saying they are "wrong" or whatever. Don't have the links but that's my recollection.Well, Adams is clearly far behind the curve vis-a-vis new data. If he insists on pushing the deadly virus message then he is either ignorant or bought and paid for - I cannot deny this.

He reminds of Chris Martenson who I cannot stand to watch anymore. He has been riding the "covid's gonna get us all" bandwagon since day one with no sign of abating. He needs to get his nose out of his computer and get out in the real world and see the empty hospitals and non-existent covid cases. He has become rather self-righteous and arrogant, common afflictions amongst self-appointed intellectuals.

midnight rambler
26th April 2020, 07:48 PM
Martenson appears too prideful to concede he's gone down the wrong path.

26th April 2020, 07:59 PM
Martenson appears too prideful to concede he's gone down the wrong path.Yep!

Early on, when the initial data were coming out of Wuhan way back in early March I was one of the first to pull the fire alarm and warned folk to stock up and get ready for martial law (i.e. lock down). I made these recommendations based on the info at the time: a mutant corona virus having infectiousness of measles (extremely high), spread via aerosols and having an asymptomatic carrier for 14-21 days. Such a virus could never be contained and would spread like wildfire world wide. Such a virus would have infected every person on earth by now.

In the goodness of time, more information has come out showing the initial data to be completely false. I have changed my recommendations accordingly. Unfortunately, the MSM and too many self-appointed experts seem completely captivated by the "deadly virus" narrative and refuse to change their thinking.

26th April 2020, 09:03 PM
High Impact Vlogs dude, with his hefty 303K YT subs, attacking those 2 CA docs, who I thought did an impressive job,

11m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPq2NILJ9wQ


26th April 2020, 09:59 PM
High Impact Vlogs dude, with his hefty 303K YT subs, attacking those 2 CA docs, who I thought did an impressive job,

11m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPq2NILJ9wQ

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPq2NILJ9wQYes his points are valid. But 98% of the ED doctors' message is correct. I agree that mandatory testing is unwarranted and wrong. Also, the tests are completely bogus because no one has proven that this Corona virus has caused a single fatality. In fact, no one has proved that it causes diseases in humans. All of the tests provide evidence of the presence of the viral RNA or antibodies to the virus. That is all.

26th April 2020, 10:08 PM
Yes his points are valid. But 98% of the ED doctors' message is correct. I agree that mandatory testing is unwarranted and wrong. Also, the tests are completely bogus because no one has proven that this Corona virus has caused a single fatality. In fact, no one has proved that it causes diseases in humans. All of the tests provide evidence of the presence of the viral RNA or antibodies to the virus. That is all.

Yes, I didn't like that more testing bit, but the rest was good.

27th April 2020, 05:35 AM
Maybe our Dr. Mamboni can comment on this:

Covid 19 patients are being Murdered: A Nurse Practitioner speaks out.


27th April 2020, 12:14 PM
Maybe our Dr. Mamboni can comment on this:

Covid 19 patients are being Murdered: A Nurse Practitioner speaks out.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFYiMCeu9vU&feature=emb_titleI already commented on this in the CORONA VIRUS thread:

Sounds legit - will listen again in case I missed something.

Here's the deal: the doctors are drones not real doctors . I know becuase I gave up trying to work with these clowns. Their attitude is: give me a protocol to follow - give me a fat paycheck. Once in a while an MD might ask a question or make a suggestion and the VP Medical Director (a fucking sell out bagel-eating piece of shit where I worked) or one of his guard dogs (a director who kisses the VP's ass) will shoot the MD down. Everyone else gets the message: shut up and do what you're told. I've seen this more times than I care to remember. I wouldn't step in a hospital today if you put a gun to my head - I'd prefer the bullet. This is modern health care today: a killing field and money shakedown racket. All protocols come from up above, usually some DC committee or high sounding professional society, and the doctors are just well paid technicians. So glad I retired when I did. I'm sure it's gotten worse. The doctors learned nothing from Nuremburg: "I'm doing what I'm told to do; don't rock the boat" bla bla bla.

27th April 2020, 12:34 PM
I already commented on this in the CORONA VIRUS thread:

Sounds legit - will listen again in case I missed something.

Here's the deal: the doctors are drones not real doctors . I know becuase I gave up trying to work with these clowns. Their attitude is: give me a protocol to follow - give me a fat paycheck. Once in a while an MD might ask a question or make a suggestion and the VP Medical Director (a fucking sell out bagel-eating piece of shit where I worked) or one of his guard dogs (a director who kisses the VP's ass) will shoot the MD down. Everyone else gets the message: shut up and do what you're told. I've seen this more times than I care to remember. I wouldn't step in a hospital today if you put a gun to my head - I'd prefer the bullet. This is modern health care today: a killing field and money shakedown racket. All protocols come from up above, usually some DC committee or high sounding professional society, and the doctors are just well paid technicians. So glad I retired when I did. I'm sure it's gotten worse. The doctors learned nothing from Nuremburg: "I'm doing what I'm told to do; don't rock the boat" bla bla bla.

(((TPTB)))'s 'solution' to this 'problem' of actual docs, who step out of line with any penchant towards unprofitable holistic/herbal/nutritional 'cures', is the technocracy rollout -- flesh & blood docs to be replaced by "AI-docs"... just a garbage-in-(((Big Pharma)))-garbage-out blackbox/logic-tree. Patient checks off all their history/current condition & symptoms boxes; AI "Doctor Hal" instantly writes them a (((Big Pharma))) script; snake oil is promptly delivered by drone. Zero face to face human interaction, coz... (((muh joo plandemic))), you know. :rolleyes:

Whitney Webb's recent articles/interviews have properly banged on this planned technocratic dystopia.

TECHNO-TYRANNY: HOW THE US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE IS USING CORONAVIRUS TO FULFILL AN ORWELLIAN VISION (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/techno-tyranny-how-us-national-security-state-using-coronavirus-fulfill-orwellian-vision/)

30m: Security State Using Coronavirus To Implement Orwellian Nightmare (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGMkSNj_-7Q)


27th April 2020, 12:44 PM
(((TPTB)))'s 'solution' to this 'problem' of actual docs, who step out of line with any penchant towards holistic/herbal/nutritional 'cures', is the technocracy rollout -- flesh & blood docs to be replaced by "AI-docs"... just a garbage-in-(((Big Pharma)))-garbage-out blackbox/logic-tree. Patient checks off all their history/current condition & symptoms boxes; AI "Doctor Hal" instantly writes them a (((Big Pharma))) script; snake oil is promptly delivered by drone. Zero face to face human interaction, coz... (((muh joo plandemic))), you know. :rolleyes:Exactamente! The doctors are going with the flow and cashing in, selling their oath for shekels. But there is poetic justice: AI and drone technology will render human MDs obsolete. Get read to greet your doctor at the unemployment line. Hospital will keep a couple of human MDs as fig leaves to look legit - then the patients will be dropped into the protocol for processing a la the factory scene from Soylent Green. To paraphrase Nixon when he cut the dollar link to gold in 1971: "We're all Charlton Heston now."

28th April 2020, 11:47 AM
apparently jootube's been removing instances of those 2 CA docs' presser, Erickson & the other Elvis-coifed doc, from the platform this morning, coz their msg contradicts (((CDC))) talking points...

YouTube REMOVES viral video of two California doctors disputing stay-at-home orders (https://newsthud.com/youtube-removes-viral-video-of-two-california-doctors-disputing-stay-at-home-orders/)

written by J.C McCallum (https://newsthud.com/author/jmccallum/) April 28, 2020

then mockingbird JSM piles on...

San Jose Mercury:

Cue the debunking: Two California doctors go viral with dubious COVID test conclusions (https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/04/28/cue-the-debunking-two-bakersfield-doctors-go-viral-with-dubious-covid-test-conclusions/)

8th May 2020, 07:36 PM
WOW!!!!!!! Doctor speaking out!!! Dr. Jeff Barky speaking out, says he represents thousands of doctors across the nation whose voices are being silenced because we disagree with the mainstream media and the experts who are telling us what to do!
Fatality rate is in the ballpark of a bad seasonal flu!

Hostpital worker: What if media is lying about the corona virus?



8th May 2020, 08:58 PM
Based on the information at:

Pete Hendrickson has figured out the fatality rates for each state (as of May 2- 4):
https://losthorizons.com/THS.htm#14 (Actual C19 Fatality Rates By State)

The highest case-fatality rate is New York - only .314

10th May 2020, 07:58 PM
This should have more views:

Dr. Jeff Barky speaking out, says he represents thousands of doctors across the nation whose voices are being silenced because we disagree with the mainstream media and the experts who are telling us what to do!
Fatality rate is in the ballpark of a bad seasonal flu!

Hostpital worker: What if media is lying about the corona virus?


10th May 2020, 08:33 PM
this'n posted yet? 1m 37s:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xikn9JNu4Ag (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xikn9JNu4Ag&feature=emb_title)


11th May 2020, 08:06 AM
Guy: Damn girl, ... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EXtwCpzU0AAevNx?format=jpg&name=900x900 :D

11th May 2020, 09:10 AM
San Jose PD chief cuts loose on this #JooFluWorldOrder lockdown psyop...

1 min clip: https://twitter.com/TruthRaiderHQ/status/1259146243273564160
1 min clip: https://twitter.com/DustinABC7/status/1258489544426401792

11th May 2020, 11:27 PM
Okay, just found this, haven't finished listening...

FBI Should Watch : Exponential Lie : Gary Hanington and ElkoDaily.com : The First of Many



Peerless Reads (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFDE8P6_M-C4HTOuWwm4Dg)

The media may claim they were "deceived" by scientists. The politicians may claim they were "deceived" by scientists. I do not accept that excuse. a: this is not difficult b: for a matter of such important it should have been critical that they knew the science was sound. The triviality of the lie counts against them. Scientists however have no such excuse. For a Professor Emeritus to claim "he didn't understand exponential" would be absurd. He implicitly recognises that by going to great lengths to NOT state for himself any of the false memes he was tasked with spreading. He cites others in every instance. Nevertheless Gary Hanington put his name to an article designed to promote one simple message and one big lie: Covid-19 growth is exponential. He compounded the deception by specifically including only those charts (curves, countries) which suggested exponential growth. By omitting four key countries, two of which would have utterly destroyed the "exponential" message, two of which would have diminished the perceived threat in the message, he illustrated that the intent was not an "innocuous" discussion of maths, but the promulgation of a false message, designed to incite fear and render people more amenable to actions designed to deprive them of liberty and do massive damage to their livelihoods and the economy. A deliberate attempt to deceive with a view to coercing others makes him liable for the consequences of that deception. He is not alone by any means, nor is he significant, but we have to start somewhere. No doubt the rich and powerful will escape, and likely the authorities will ignore this. Nevertheless I encourage all Americans to consider this and see if some of those lawyers of yours would like to do something useful for a change. It could happen. You might even find an honest official. That would be truly astonishing. PDF: https://peerlessreads.s3.us-east-2.am... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=naj3MeL9YKw&redir_token=AFuhY6wm8VfrfBKrOtaIP-_Fwz58MTU4OTMzNzQ2N0AxNTg5MjUxMDY3&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpeerlessreads.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com%2FCV19FNF_ExponentialLie_200511b.p df) Hanington Article PDF: https://peerlessreads.s3.us-east-2.am... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=naj3MeL9YKw&redir_token=AFuhY6wm8VfrfBKrOtaIP-_Fwz58MTU4OTMzNzQ2N0AxNTg5MjUxMDY3&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpeerlessreads.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com%2FProfessor-Haningtons-Speaking-of-Science_-The-power-of-the-positive-exponential-_-Lifestyles-_-elkodaily.com.pdf)

12th May 2020, 10:58 AM
March 29: Heroic Citizens Going to Local Hospitals and Fact-Checking the LYING MSM

May 10, NPR: (https://www.npr.org/2020/05/10/853524764/amid-pandemic-hospitals-lay-off-1-4m-workers-in-april)Amid Pandemic, Hospitals Lay Off 1.4M Workers In April (https://www.npr.org/2020/05/10/853524764/amid-pandemic-hospitals-lay-off-1-4m-workers-in-april)

An estimated 1.4 million health care workers lost their jobs in April. That's up from about 40,000 in March, according to numbers released Friday by the Labor Department. And this is happening as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the country. NPR's Meg Anderson reports...

ANDERSON: A spokesperson for her hospital said they've, quote, "experienced financial challenges as a result of the pandemic." and they're not the only ones. The American Hospital Association has predicted that U.S. health systems will lose $200 billion through June. Most of that loss revenue is because hospitals are no longer performing elective procedures. And because hospitals aren't making very much money, they can't afford to keep everyone on staff.

TOM NICKELS [executive vice president of the American Hospital Association]: The only people who were coming into the hospitals were COVID-19 patients and emergencies...

[T]he American Federation of Teachers, which is the second-largest nurses' union, says it's not enough. It's identified at least 200 hospitals nationwide that have cut worker hours. AFT president Randi Weingarten says she's never seen health care so affected by economic forces.

BLS.gov: Current Employment Statistics - CES (National) (https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/ceseeb1a.htm#ce_ee_table1a.f.4)
Table B-1a. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail, seasonally adjusted (In thousands)

Mar2020 16,468.7 ___ Apr2020 15,032.4 ____ Change -1,436.3 [line about 4/5 down table]
(4) Includes ambulatory health care services, hospitals, and nursing and residential care facilities.

BEA.gov: Table 1.5.1. Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product (https://apps.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?reqid=19&step=3&isuri=1&nipa_table_list=31&categories=survey)
Health care 2020 Q1: -18%

midnight rambler
12th May 2020, 11:00 AM
March 29: Heroic Citizens Going to Local Hospitals and Fact-Checking the LYING MSM

May 10, NPR: (https://www.npr.org/2020/05/10/853524764/amid-pandemic-hospitals-lay-off-1-4m-workers-in-april)Amid Pandemic, Hospitals Lay Off 1.4M Workers In April (https://www.npr.org/2020/05/10/853524764/amid-pandemic-hospitals-lay-off-1-4m-workers-in-april)

There's so much destruction as a result of this plandemic.

13th May 2020, 06:30 AM
There's so much destruction as a result of this plandemic.

found the comment below over at ziohedge--not sure if this is accurate, but seems like something is definitely going on, restructuring behind the scenes. I think Christian/IceAgeFarmer on y/t said something about digitizing the food supply. I know Lynnette Zang warned about how the psychopathic bankers planned on digitizing everything on earth. Christian also said something about making changes to permanently hobble the food supply chain.
Seems like they are deliberately putting as many people out of work as possible--is this to get everyone on UBI? And then I saw something on the twitter feed of Russ Winter (of Winterwatch.com) about Bill psychopath Gates saying kids can no longer go to school and have to stay home, as in forever?? are they planning on doing away with colleges too (not that I think anyone learns anything in such places, but seems like they want to make dramatic changes to everything)

here's the comment:

From Stephen Vincent on https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/cv-1984-accelerated-rise-automated-robots

The virus was used as an excuse to provoke the policy response of shutdown/lockdown, which popped the Everything Bubble, allowing for extreme measures by the Fed and Gov't. The economy has been placed in Fed receivership for reorganization along technocratic socialist lines. Markets are now officially dead and centralized management has been established. The labor force has been started along the path towards dependency via UBI beta test programs such as the $1200 payment and the expanded unemployment benefits.

The coronapanic was essentially a controlled demolition. While there may be occasional controlled demolitions of select areas of the financial system or economy from time to time, there will be no uncontrolled "collapse". We are undergoing a managed transition.

"The Dawning Of A New Era: Post-Capitalism 1.0"


13th May 2020, 06:32 AM
Here's one of Dana Ashlie's videos that got deleted from y/t:

What in the world is actually going on Document reveals plans, step by step. DANA ASHLIEhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/rUbrQgatv9vz/

13th May 2020, 06:38 AM
We are undergoing a managed transition

The "royal we" (use of plural pronoun to denote oneself) is at least as old as "Beowulf" (c.725); use by writers to establish an impersonal style is also from Old English; it was especially common 19c. in unsigned editorials, to suggest staff consensus, and was lampooned as such at least since 1853 (see wegotism).

Or as Tonto proclaimed when asked by the Lone Ranger(while surrounded by Indians) " what are we going to do Tonto?" replied "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE WHITE MAN?"

13th May 2020, 07:22 PM
Here's one of Dana Ashlie's videos that got deleted from y/t:

What in the world is actually going on Document reveals plans, step by step. DANA ASHLIE


That was a good video and while I was watching it I kept thinking we don't live in a constitutional republic anymore we're living in a communist dictatorship now and things are only going to get worse. Our rulers are going to keep on doing whatever they please no matter what we say or do.

14th May 2020, 04:02 AM
I kept thinking we don't live in a constitutional republic anymore we're living in a communist dictatorship now and things are only going to get worse

I for one believe the EPA. They inform us that


Think of sperating political reality from the reality of living. This must be the case because no state includes any watershed and the state is entirely politics.

There is precedence for this concept that dates to 1215 in England. It is not the magna carte. It is the law of the forest. A forest might enclose a park, a warren or a chase but each of these lacking a single element are not considered to be within the jurisdiction of forest laws.

17th May 2020, 12:01 AM
Speaking of the forest, Sherwood

I imagine any businesses that do have enough wherewithal to reopen, will be taxed away so as not to compete with internationals and local health ordinance laws.

17th May 2020, 10:21 AM
NHS DOCTOR SAYS COVID 19 VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST (https://ognirsblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/nhs-doctor-says-covid-19-virus-does-not.html)


17th May 2020, 03:32 PM
NHS DOCTOR SAYS COVID 19 VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST (https://ognirsblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/nhs-doctor-says-covid-19-virus-does-not.html)


Interesting theory, and I'm open to all sane theories, but what accounts for all the phenomena we're hearing about, not all of which is hoaxed? SARS-CoV-2 sure seems to actually exist, as a ("mild") form of Airborne AIDS - enduring mild illness, you just never "kick." A few seem to get really sick, and, yes, some die, quite possibly because they destroyed their immune system with the injection du jour (e.g., annual Fool Shot, etc.).

17th May 2020, 10:09 PM
Interesting theory, and I'm open to all sane theories, but what accounts for all the phenomena we're hearing about, not all of which is hoaxed? SARS-CoV-2 sure seems to actually exist, as a ("mild") form of Airborne AIDS - enduring mild illness, you just never "kick." A few seem to get really sick, and, yes, some die, quite possibly because they destroyed their immune system with the injection du jour (e.g., annual Fool Shot, etc.).

This doctor is basically saying the same thing that Dr. Andrew Kaufman has been saying, which is that they did not identify a virus, they identified an exosome.

17th May 2020, 11:19 PM
In case this hasn't been stated here, video of Trump announcing the use of the military to distribute the corona vaccine were edited by CNN, NBC, CBS, C-Span and other MSM outlets. The MSM deleted Trump's declaration that only a complete (all standard safety testing performed) vaccine will be acceptable and the vaccine will be offered free of charge to anyone who voluntarily wants the vaccine; the vaccine will be VOLUNTARY per Trump (I have seen the video unedited and Trump clearly states that the vaccine is to be voluntary). The MSM is despicable and deceitful, editing Trump in a vain attempt to poison the people of America against the president. Please pass this knowledge on to others. Also, Trump has expressed in private conversations that his son Baron's mild autism was suspected of being caused by vaccine-induced neurologic damage. Trump is no fan of vaccines. Anyone, including any members of this forum, who suggest or intimate otherwise are either ignorant or damnable liars.

17th May 2020, 11:21 PM
Interesting theory, and I'm open to all sane theories, but what accounts for all the phenomena we're hearing about, not all of which is hoaxed? SARS-CoV-2 sure seems to actually exist, as a ("mild") form of Airborne AIDS - enduring mild illness, you just never "kick." A few seem to get really sick, and, yes, some die, quite possibly because they destroyed their immune system with the injection du jour (e.g., annual Fool Shot, etc.).

Where does this syndrome info. come from?

Every COVID report I see has "Recovered #s" in the column somewhere.

17th May 2020, 11:27 PM
NHS DOCTOR SAYS COVID 19 VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST (https://ognirsblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/nhs-doctor-says-covid-19-virus-does-not.html)

https://ognirsblog.blogspot.com/2020/05/nhs-doctor-says-covid-19-virus-does-not.htmlIt obviously depends on the definition of a virus and the very existence of viruses might turn out to be highly controversial. But strictly speaking the scientists identified an RNA sequence from a handful of crude biological samples containing countless ex vivo contaminants. They did not isolate, purify or demonstrate a pure transmissable agent capable of causing any disease. Objectively, one can make a case that this entire pandemic is a hoax because it's supposed scientific foundation is quite dubious and perhaps false.

17th May 2020, 11:38 PM
In case this hasn't been stated here, video of Trump announcing the use of the military to distribute the corona vaccine were edited by CNN, NBC, CBS, C-Span and other MSM outlets. The MSM deleted Trump's declaration that only a complete (all standard safety testing performed) vaccine will be acceptable and the vaccine will be offered free of charge to anyone who voluntarily wants the vaccine; the vaccine will be VOLUNTARY per Trump (I have seen the video unedited and Trump clearly states that the vaccine is to be voluntary).

Got a link?

Trump is no fan of vaccines. Anyone, including any members of this forum, who suggest or intimate otherwise are either ignorant or damnable liars.


18th May 2020, 09:16 AM
In case this hasn't been stated here, video of Trump announcing the use of the military to distribute the corona vaccine were edited by CNN, NBC, CBS, C-Span and other MSM outlets. The MSM deleted Trump's declaration that only a complete (all standard safety testing performed) vaccine will be acceptable and the vaccine will be offered free of charge to anyone who voluntarily wants the vaccine; the vaccine will be VOLUNTARY per Trump (I have seen the video unedited and Trump clearly states that the vaccine is to be voluntary). The MSM is despicable and deceitful, editing Trump in a vain attempt to poison the people of America against the president. Please pass this knowledge on to others. Also, Trump has expressed in private conversations that his son Baron's mild autism was suspected of being caused by vaccine-induced neurologic damage. Trump is no fan of vaccines. Anyone, including any members of this forum, who suggest or intimate otherwise are either ignorant or damnable liars.

In his pre-POTUS past, Trump was "on record" as... what's the word... not nec "anti vax" but maybe "vax wary".

9/3/14: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/507158574670573568

^ so he's specifically been a critic of "over-vaxxing" infants, which is of course is the demonic practice of deliberate 'neurocide' by (((big pharma))) to create 'useful' autists/slaves who prolly won't mate/reproduce.

Trump was also on a morning radio show around that same time; not sure where to find the YT clip again now but I'm sure I've posted it here in the past; but it was ~2 mins with Trump telling the 2 hosts, he's never gotten the flu shot, & he's never gotten the flu -- & noted he sees ppl all around who get the shot, & next thing they know they get the flu!

^ all that said, despite Trump's past & present signalling that the vaxx will be 'voluntary'; the way they're gonna arrange things is that, those who don't take the Mark666, won't be eligible for skool, or employment, or travel, or entering supermarkets, or getting on the interwebs (it'll become biometric ID based to access, no more even halfway 'anon' surfing, coz muh terrsts on the web u understand...:rolleyes: ), or, or... all the activities basically necessary to survive in the technocratic dystopia/hell-on-earth they're rolling out!! ^^^:'(

18th May 2020, 11:47 AM
Well, he's obviously changed. On the campaign trail he was talking about setting up the vaccine safety commission. RFK Jr. said something like Trump mentioned that 5 or so of his friends had kids who were fine, then got vaccines, then Austism.

Here's a tweet from 2014:

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)
Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
24.2K (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=449525268529815552) 8:35 AM - Mar 28, 2014 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/449525268529815552)

Here he called it doctor-inflicted Autism: https://www.historyofvaccines.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screen%20Shot%202016-11-10%20at%209.19.07%20AM.png

But he clearly changed on this issue since taking office:

‘They have to get the shots’: Trump, once a vaccine skeptic, changes his tune amid measles outbreaks

18th May 2020, 05:28 PM
Well, he's obviously changed. On the campaign trail he was talking about setting up the vaccine safety commission. RFK Jr. said something like Trump mentioned that 5 or so of his friends had kids who were fine, then got vaccines, then Austism.

Here's a tweet from 2014:

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)
Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
24.2K (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=449525268529815552) 8:35 AM - Mar 28, 2014 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/449525268529815552)

Here he called it doctor-inflicted Autism: https://www.historyofvaccines.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screen%20Shot%202016-11-10%20at%209.19.07%20AM.png

But he clearly changed on this issue since taking office:

‘They have to get the shots’: Trump, once a vaccine skeptic, changes his tune amid measles outbreaks

Trump, being a con man, should be expected to change his tune. I do believe it likely his son was injured by a vaccine, and Trump, initially, was gung ho to bring Bobby Kennedy's kid aboard to fight vaccines, but he soon was "redirected" into "correct" thinking on the topic. Will he himself take the needle? I very much doubt it. Will he personally mandate taking the needle? Probably not. But most importantly, will he protect any one of us FROM the needle? Absolutely not. He does what's he's told. He can be "guided" to such things by his "trusted" advisors, like President Kushner.

18th May 2020, 06:16 PM
Follow up from this guy, Dr. Jeff Barke: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?102096-Heroic-Citizens-Fact-Check-the-LYING-MSM-about-Corona&p=966745&viewfull=1#post966745

UNREAL: Orange County Doctor Breaks His Silence on COVID-19


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4ir6np7iCE&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1f KL0L8u2I8-eF8IagBm-gZoaw2q3zfYPy5kF3jr_gnr_t2sycPOVbZDA


21st July 2020, 05:36 PM
found this in the comment section of Dr. Vernon Coleman's latest y/t

German doctors speak out!! They are setting up a inquiry committee (looks like it must have already started). Doctors are calling out the propaganda and the push for vaccines which are dangerous and unwarranted.

These good German people probably have no idea that they were always on the right side of things and they were fighting against the evil forces (satanic jewish bankers) that are doing this to us today.

Germany - The COVID - 19 Extra - Parliamentary Inquiry Committee


I went to their website and used google translate to send them tons of info (Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Carrie Madej, ex- world bank economist Peter Koenig warning about Agenda ID2020/cashless society and depopulation, the ex-Russian Military intell guy, saying it was the zionists and financial powers b/c they want to depopulate us, RFK Jr.'s info and warnings about the vaccines, 5G, transhumanism, end of humanity etc.)

28th July 2020, 12:08 AM
I had FAUX news on in background all night, absolutely NO mention of this. FAUX news pushes the hoax and the vaccine, just not as hard as CNN/MSDNC.

I haven't had time to listen to this (Looks like there were originally 3 videos posted there, now down to 1)
And this article says facebook took it down https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/27/facebook-censors-viral-video-of-doctors-capitol-hill-coronavirus-press-conference/ (one video here)

Watch Live: Frontline Physicians Aim to Dispel ‘Massive’ COVID-19 ‘Disinformation Campaign’


American doctors are holding a “White Coat Summit” on Capitol Hill Monday to address what they call “a massive disinformation campaign” surrounding the Chinese coronavirus to which “American life has fallen casualty.”
“If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease,” reads (https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/) the event’s information page.

28th July 2020, 07:34 AM
Follow up to above. Looks like these doctors set up something called "America's Frontline Doctors, Restoring Peace and Protecting from Harm"--I haven't had time to listen to anything they talk about, but looks like, at minimum, they talk about the hydroxy drug that gets people better from whatever has been getting them sick....They don't want the idea out there that there's something out there that can help people b/c all they want out there is the killer vaxx (and the microchip)

Twitter Locks Trump Jr Account For Posting Press Conference By Pro-Hydroxychloroquine Doctorshttps://www.zerohedge.com/political/twitter-suspends-trump-jr-posting-press-conference-pro-hydroxychloroquine-doctors (article below, whole bunch of tweets at link)

Twitter locked the account of Donald Trump Jr. for approximately 12 hours, after the president's son posted a viral video of doctors touting Hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19.

The video, which received over 14 million views before it was blacklisted and scrubbed by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube following a complaint by a New York Times employee, featured members of America's Frontline Doctors (https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/) - a recently formed advocacy group which claims that "American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign" against Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - a decades-old malaria drug used by India and several other countries as part of their front-line treatment of the novel coronavirus, yet which has shown mixed efficacy in studies.

The press conference began with South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman discussing the need to get America's children back to school, before the doctors introduce themselves and describe their experiences with HCQ.

Reactions to Silicon Valley's decision to scrub the press conference, as well as Trump Jr.'s temporary suspension, have drawn the ire of supporters and free speech advocates alike.

For those who dare view the dangerous wrongthink at the heart of the controversy and draw their own conclusions, click here (https://www.bitchute.com/video/PqqvcxdCGJo9/)

31st July 2020, 06:53 AM
Okay, well, looks like Dr. Simone Gold got fired for talking about the hydroxycholoquine drug:

Frontline ER Doctor From Viral HCQ Video Fired From Job


31st July 2020, 12:16 PM
Tucker Carlson: Dr. Simone Gold fired after Doctors Summit on Capitol Hill
4:44 July 30, 2020


Youtube, Fleccas talks: Doctors Break Down COVID Response and the Demonization of HCQ | DOCTORS TELL ALL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaxKIivS79g)
Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter discuss Corona Virus, the response, the defective data used in studies published by world class publications, and the demonization of Hydroxychloroquine.
READ DR. GOLD'S OP ED WITH ALL OF THE DETAILS: [new working link: palmerfoundation.com.au/the-gold-opinion-the-politicization-of-hcq/ (https://www.palmerfoundation.com.au/the-gold-opinion-the-politicization-of-hcq/)]

A GREAT VIDEO!! Two smart and fearless scientists and Doctors speaking important and necessary truth!!
28:49 June 18, 2020


New American: More Censorship: America’s Frontline Doctors Website Gets Shut Down (https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/item/36545-more-censorship-america-s-frontline-doctors-website-gets-shut-down)

29 July 2020
Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, whose viral press conference claiming the mainstream narrative surrounding the dangers of COVID-19 are based more on fear than on fact, announced on Tuesday that the organization’s website had been taken down by hosting provider and website builder Squarespace.

The move appears to be a form of punishment for the remarks made by healthcare professionals at the event, which included stating that the drug hydroxychloroquine, long praised by President Trump and numerous medical professionals as an effective treatment for coronavirus but frequently panned by the mainstream media, does indeed work.

The website removal also came after top social-media companies Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (owned by Google) all purged the video from their platforms.