View Full Version : Cool! Skools continue 'free' lunches for the kiddies!!!

midnight rambler
7th April 2020, 06:07 PM
A friend up lives in the DFW greater metromess area sent me a screen shot of his neighborhood FakeBook page of parents complaining about something strange going on with the individual milk cartons.

One mom posted: "daughter said it tasted like fingernail polish so she poured it out" same mom posted, "I opened another carton and I smelled it and it smelled like chemicals"

Another mom in the neighborhood posted: "My son did the same thing to his milk this morning and I smelled it and it had a chemical smell"

Yet another mom posted, "Yes!"

Another mom posted, "My kids said something about it tasted like cardboard..."

Then my friend noted to me that "Everyone getting the school lunches are now complaining about (the milk with the chemical smell)."