View Full Version : Turkmenistan Not Going Along with Corona Psyop

8th May 2020, 09:52 PM
Article tries to bash them and suggest they are hiding cases, but the good thing is that they are not playing along and smart enough to know to keep the CORRUPT WHO out! So, looks like Belarus and Turkmenistan not playing along. And I guess Sweden didn't really lockdown. Maybe Syria too- saw a video from Vanessa Beely (?) (reporter in Syria) of Damascus, and they were not locked down either, people were out and about and I don't think I saw masks.

Turkmenistan claims to be coronavirus free, refuses visit from WHO (https://www.rferl.org/a/analysis-turkmenistan-says-it-s-coronavirus-free-but-doesn-t-want-who-to-check/30600762.html)

Bruce Pannier
RFE/RL (https://www.rferl.org/a/analysis-turkmenistan-says-it-s-coronavirus-free-but-doesn-t-want-who-to-check/30600762.html)
Fri, 08 May 2020 08:03 UTC

Turkmenistan's government never fails to disappoint, and its latest action will keep that reputation intact.

For more than two decades the government has been touting its UN-recognized status as a neutral country to close itself off from the rest of the world and preserve the harmony Turkmen authorities say exists there.

For example, the Turkmen government continues to claim there are no cases of the coronavirus in Turkmenistan.

That claim is interesting to many parties, among them the World Health Organization (WHO) that had planned to send a delegation to Turkmenistan to discuss combating the coronavirus.

The WHO delegation is already in Tajikistan and after work there was planning to go to Turkmenistan, but officials in Ashgabat are using an old trick to delay and possibly prevent the delegation from arriving.

The postponement of the WHO delegation's trip to Turkmenistan is a bit baffling.

If Ashgabat has been so successful in preventing the coronavirus from entering Turkmenistan, one would think the Turkmen authorities would be glad to allow the WHO delegation to document the country's story of virological triumph.

Perhaps Turkmenistan is doing something other countries should be copying.

Comment: As Sweden has proven there's little need to DO anything because, like the flu, the coronavirus will make it's way through the population regardless of the measures you take; and if you go to unprecedented extremes, like the lockdowns throughout Europe and in the US, you create actual problems, like destroying the economy. Perhaps that's why Turkmenistan wasn't so keen on a visit from the corrupt WHO?

The obvious reason for not allowing the visit by the WHO delegation is that the claim by Turkmenistan of being free of the coronavirus that has raged all over the world -- infecting millions and killing nearly 270,000 people as of May 8 -- is almost certainly not true.

But there is another reason.

Every single one of Turkmenistan's neighbors has registered cases of the coronavirus.

As of May 7, Turkmenistan's eastern neighbor Uzbekistan had recorded 2,269 cases, northern neighbor Kazakhstan 4,530 cases, and southern neighbors Iran and Afghanistan had 101,650 and 3,392 cases, respectively (though in all these countries there are reasons to suspect the figures are being underreported).

Yet officials in Ashgabat claim not a single case in Turkmenistan.

Prior to April 29, it was possible to report that Turkmenistan and Tajikistan were officially saying they had no cases.

But Tajikistan suddenly went from no cases to reporting 15 cases on April 29, to having nearly 500 by May 7.

Comment: Did this sudden rise in reporting occur following WHO intervention?

Many believed there were coronavirus cases in Tajikistan weeks earlier and officials there had allegedly given orders to attribute the cause of COVID-19 illnesses or deaths to something else, usually pneumonia.

Comment: France, Sweden, Italy and now Ireland (https://www.sott.net/article/434080-Coronavirus-may-have-been-in-Ireland-last-year-Taoiseach) have all come forward stating that the coronavirus has been circulating for months, we just never noticed because the vast majority are asymptomatic. And contrary to what RFE reports, the exact opposite is now happening with coronavirus reporting, patients who died with coronavirus are now being added to the coronavirus death tally, when they in reality they were elderly and had upwards of 3 comorbidities.