View Full Version : try this on google

22nd June 2020, 02:39 PM
enter any three digit number with new cases

123 new cases

i tried about a dozen of them and went 12 for 12

wtf ???

midnight rambler
22nd June 2020, 02:55 PM
You don't even need to add "cases" to your search, just put any three digit number and "new."

22nd June 2020, 02:56 PM
So....what happens? I don't believe I'm running Joogle on any devices.

midnight rambler
22nd June 2020, 02:59 PM
So....what happens? I don't believe I'm running Joogle on any devices.

Search results always show "xxx new cases of covid1984" no matter what xxx combination of three numbers you type in.

22nd June 2020, 02:59 PM
Ok, I tried it with Chrome and get news from various states about 123 new Corona Virus cases. Lying media can't even come up with unique number sets to fool the public with.

22nd June 2020, 03:38 PM
Ok, I tried it with Chrome and get news from various states about 123 new Corona Virus cases. Lying media can't even come up with unique number sets to fool the public with.

It's not 123 only. It's any 3 digit combination will have a result that will produce headlines with that number of cases/deaths.

22nd June 2020, 04:28 PM
seems to work with two digit numbers too

midnight rambler
22nd June 2020, 04:30 PM
seems to work with two digit numbers too

Clear example of AI attempts at controlling perception.

22nd June 2020, 05:20 PM
Good find

3 for 3.

Did 666, 999 & 707.

22nd June 2020, 09:55 PM
moving on to 4 digits

1111 yes

2222 yes

3333 yes

4444 yes

5555 yes

6666 yes

7777 yes

2345 yes

8 for 8



12th July 2020, 07:47 AM
Hate to beat a dead horse but this is "artificial intelligence" or AI* in order to flood the entire media with the "coronavirus" propaganda. That is the goal and purpose for humanity. It is using AI to carpet-bomb the airwaves of the whole world with false and scary propaganda to control our minds.

THEY are taking over our minds to ultimately control the entire population of the world. The KIND of propaganda, in this instance - the "virus" propaganda, is incidental. THEY can weaponize anything and are doing so. The true-ness or veracity of the actual "virus" from a scientific-medical standpoint is also mostly incidental or irrelevant, though they do often sprinkle in some elements of the propaganda that APPEAR to have some scientific-medical true-ness involved, as that makes the propaganda poison for our minds take effect more quickly and more surely.

The scariness element of this "virus" hoax, for many of us, is not fear of imminent death from a mysterious invisible unstoppable illness. It is the universal death of truth that is the scary part for those of us of weak faith.

It is my prayer that I have the right kind of fear of the right object and that the wrong kind of fear does not take over my mind and that I use the right tool to fight the wrong kind of fear propagated by those who desire nothing other than a One World Death and Slavery System for All.

AI* -- Artificial Intelligence is just another B S fancy word weapon for a computer program. It is not intelligent but it is artificial.


"Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of this air, of the spirit that now worketh on the children of unbelief."

Saint Paul's epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter 2, Verse 2.

midnight rambler
12th July 2020, 09:08 AM
AI* -- Artificial Intelligence is just another B S fancy word weapon for a computer program. It is not intelligent but it is artificial.

It's not "just a computer program." That's a very dangerous conclusion.

12th July 2020, 09:15 AM
Fine to disagree but elaborate instead of just making a brief declarative sentence.

12th July 2020, 09:25 AM
Hate to beat a dead horse but this is "artificial intelligence" or AI* in order to flood the entire media with the "coronavirus" propaganda. That is the goal and purpose for humanity. It is using AI to carpet-bomb the airwaves of the whole world with false and scary propaganda to control our minds.

THEY are taking over our minds to ultimately control the entire population of the world. The KIND of propaganda, in this instance - the "virus" propaganda, is incidental. THEY can weaponize anything and are doing so. The true-ness or veracity of the actual "virus" from a scientific-medical standpoint is also mostly incidental or irrelevant, though they do often sprinkle in some elements of the propaganda that APPEAR to have some scientific-medical true-ness involved, as that makes the propaganda poison for our minds take effect more quickly and more surely.

The scariness element of this "virus" hoax, for many of us, is not fear of imminent death from a mysterious invisible unstoppable illness. It is the universal death of truth that is the scary part for those of us of weak faith.

It is my prayer that I have the right kind of fear of the right object and that the wrong kind of fear does not take over my mind and that I use the right tool to fight the wrong kind of fear propagated by those who desire nothing other than a One World Death and Slavery System for All.

AI* -- Artificial Intelligence is just another B S fancy word weapon for a computer program. It is not intelligent but it is artificial.


"Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of this air, of the spirit that now worketh on the children of unbelief."

Saint Paul's epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter 2, Verse 2.
We should all be extremely concerned about Artificial Intelligence. I have no doubt that the chips and programs that will soon be with us will completely eclipse human intelligence. You might say that it will be Godlike, but I think that is wishful thinking. It will probably be Satanic. It will certainly be beyond what we can fathom as an entity. It will design itself and program itself. It will evolve at an astounding rate. What will it want? Will it want us? Everything we see as tech today was once written as science fiction. Yes, we need to talk about this before it becomes our master.

As far as the Covid thing: We need to somehow wake people up; we are heading into a distopian future of high tech slavery and destruction of the bulk of our species, brought about by an unelected and largely unknown Cabal of intensely amoral individuals who desire only power.

We must get creative. We must find a way to neuter this takeover, this war against us that so few even see is being waged. Control by fear is the essense of terrorism. The common people need to understand that they are being terrorized by their governments which are in turn controlled by this Malign, Hostile Elite.

12th July 2020, 09:44 AM
"We should all be extremely concerned about Artificial Intelligence. "

Being "extremely concerned" could be a term that is interpreted in many different ways. Some of those ways of interpreting would be a fear of the wrong kind and could result in action or reaction that is fear based , which is exactly one of the desired goals / outcomes of the human and maybe not-so-human creators of "Artificial Intelligence." THEY need our fear and they need our reaction.

" I have no doubt that the chips and programs that will soon be with us will completely eclipse human intelligence."

Yes, the "chips and the programs" are synonymous with "artificial intelligence."

No, "chips and programs" will never eclipse human intelligence because human intelligence is created by the Creator.

12th July 2020, 10:15 AM
"We should all be extremely concerned about Artificial Intelligence. "

Being "extremely concerned" could be a term that is interpreted in many different ways. Some of those ways of interpreting would be a fear of the wrong kind and could result in action or reaction that is fear based , which is exactly one of the desired goals / outcomes of the human and maybe not-so-human creators of "Artificial Intelligence." THEY need our fear and they need our reaction.

" I have no doubt that the chips and programs that will soon be with us will completely eclipse human intelligence."

Yes, the "chips and the programs" are synonymous with "artificial intelligence."

No, "chips and programs" will never eclipse human intelligence because human intelligence is created by the Creator.
There is more to be aware about than merely a possibility of Satanic Super intelligence. We are starting to witness the effects of AI and Robotics that have been long predicted. Most people today will be completely irrelevant as far as the economy is concerned. People will not be needed to do most of the things that we do for everyday jobs. Massive unemployment is a distinct possibility. I would say that this is a matter for concern; Extreme concern. The question is: With so many loosing their livelihoods, how will the owners of production make money? When people become irrelevant even as consumers, what is left? A lot of people will be leaving the planet, not by choice either.

12th July 2020, 11:17 AM
Woodman, my last reply to your last comment disappeared from posting so I guess I will drop this here.

I never said we should not be informed and aware of evil in this world.

Expose "artificial intelligence" but do not mischaracterize it.

12th July 2020, 11:43 AM
AFAIK what sets AI apart from a 'static' program, IE a logic-tree saying "IF X THEN Y ELSE Z", is AI 'learns' from trial/error, & writes/executes its own new logic rules as it goes, hands off from humanoid programmers. Obv, a proper AI design would have many "IF Z THEN AWAIT HUMAN INPUT" safeguards, like if the AI had decided to drone attack a big wedding, etc.

12th July 2020, 11:47 AM
G i g o

midnight rambler
12th July 2020, 01:15 PM
Expose "artificial intelligence" but do not mischaracterize it.


Definition of intelligence

1a(1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations

Computers use artificial intelligence to learn or understand or deal with new and trying situations which the programmer(s) of the AI algorithms did not specifically write into the program.

Combine AI with quantum computing and ya got a real problem.

12th July 2020, 01:44 PM

Computers use artificial intelligence to learn or understand or deal with new and trying situations which the programmer(s) of the AI algorithms did not specifically write into the program.

Combine AI with quantum computing and ya got a real problem.
The Luddites start looking saner and saner. I haven't read the Unibomber's manifesto but I think he understood.

12th July 2020, 02:17 PM
sophisticated computer programming is still computer programming.

"Computers use artificial intelligence to learn or understand or deal with new and trying situations which the programmer(s) of the AI algorithms did not specifically write into the program"

but the program was designed to recognize "new and trying situations" (aka "problems") and by so recognizing the sophisticated level of computer programming produces and inserts new computer programming code into the original program.

A computer program is designed by humans , and as human being Zach Vorhees might opine, the program's purpose can be judged using human value judgements -- good, bad, inappropriate etc.

A computer program does not learn or understand or decide to deal with trying situations as a human being can and does, and a computer program is not a sentient being with independent thought and free will.

midnight rambler
12th July 2020, 02:30 PM
Suggest you research quantum computing.

midnight rambler
12th July 2020, 02:32 PM
The Luddites start looking saner and saner. I haven't read the Unibomber's manifesto but I think he understood.

Although I excelled in math and rudimentary computer programming in school, over 40 years ago the Spirit moved me not to get involved with computers and computer programming and now I'm proud to be a Luddite.

12th July 2020, 02:35 PM
sophisticated computer programming is still computer programming.

"Computers use artificial intelligence to learn or understand or deal with new and trying situations which the programmer(s) of the AI algorithms did not specifically write into the program"

but the program was designed to recognize "new and trying situations" (aka "problems") and by so recognizing the sophisticated level of computer programming produces and inserts new computer programming code into the original program.

A computer program is designed by humans , and as human being Zach Vorhees might opine, the program's purpose can be judged using human value judgements -- good, bad, inappropriate etc.

A computer program does not learn or understand or decide to deal with trying situations as a human being can and does, and a computer program is not a sentient being with independent thought and free will.
I disagree. Reality itself is a computer program. God is and architect and creation is a program with established rules. The question really, is whether or not we are a derivative of another reality in which our program was written. It must certainly be so. This leads to the question of how many realities exist in which sub-prime realities have been written. Then one thinks: Hmmm.....there must be a primordial reality that existed before any other realities were coded.

So you see, we may exist inside a computer program that was written in another reality. That reality in turn, may be a program written within another reality. Like a hall of mirrors. Reality within reality. Perhaps what we know as existence is merely a computer simulation.

Any simulation, be it sophisticated enough, would be impossible to tell apart from reality. It is reality.

12th July 2020, 02:39 PM
I disagree. Reality itself is a computer program. God is and architect and creation is a program with established rules. The question really, is whether or not we are a derivative of another reality in which our program was written. It must certainly be so. This leads to the question of how many realities exist in which sub-prime realities have been written. Then one thinks: Hmmm.....there must be a primordial reality that existed before any other realities were coded.

So you see, we may exist inside a computer program that was written in another reality. That reality in turn, may be a program written within another reality. Like a hall of mirrors. Reality within reality. Perhaps what we know as existence is merely a computer simulation.

Any simulation, be it sophisticated enough, would be impossible to tell apart from reality. It is reality.

Well your understanding of "reality" explains a lot and certainly tells me what your worldview is.

12th July 2020, 03:03 PM
Well your understanding of "reality" explains a lot and certainly tells me what your worldview is.
I have a rudimentary understanding of reality and I believe I have this in common with most people. I do think that most of us are missing out on reality because we are stuck experiencing it through a veil of remembered experience that gets in our way of ‘being here now’.

what do you think? Do you not believe that God is an architect and created our reality?

midnight rambler
12th July 2020, 03:06 PM
I disagree. Reality itself is a computer program. God is and architect and creation is a program with established rules. The question really, is whether or not we are a derivative of another reality in which our program was written. It must certainly be so. This leads to the question of how many realities exist in which sub-prime realities have been written. Then one thinks: Hmmm.....there must be a primordial reality that existed before any other realities were coded.

So you see, we may exist inside a computer program that was written in another reality. That reality in turn, may be a program written within another reality. Like a hall of mirrors. Reality within reality. Perhaps what we know as existence is merely a computer simulation.

Any simulation, be it sophisticated enough, would be impossible to tell apart from reality. It is reality.

We're definitely in a sim. The challenge is that we must wrest the Keys to the Kingdom from the wicked who now wield those Keys and who've convinced the masses that we're helpless. We've allowed them into that position by default.

This nonsense held by many of "I don't need to do ANYTHING (IOW I'm gonna stand down) because I'm *saved* and Geezus is gonna beam me up! So bring on the apocalypse!" (I've met brain dead Christian Zionists like this) God has no hands but ours.

12th July 2020, 04:08 PM
I have a rudimentary understanding of reality and I believe I have this in common with most people. I do think that most of us are missing out on reality because we are stuck experiencing it through a veil of remembered experience that gets in our way of ‘being here now’.

what do you think? Do you not believe that God is an architect and created our reality?

I believe in God and therefore I believe in a moral universe. God gave we humans capabilities to seek and find truth and then to do something God-honoring with that truth.

Seek the grace of Godly discernment and avoid wrong and dangerous ideas and ways of thinking.

The epistle of Saint James, chapter 4, verse 8

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners: and purify your hearts, ye double minded."

12th July 2020, 07:43 PM
I believe in God and a moral universe as well.

I also believe humanity is confused right now, not sure which way to go. We are not in a sim. It's important to remind yourself you are in a reality. Demons confuse men. Men these days lack testosterone (which is evil by the media), but testosterone helps keep a man's focus, and faith in God. Weak men fall to the agenda, and are easily influenced by the media. The media is lead by demons.

Now is the time to let God know you love him. Be strong.

12th July 2020, 09:45 PM
I resisted starting a new thread on this, but #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hashtag_click) is actually trending on twatter today!

here's an EMJ twatt noting it, with screenshot,

Adam Green has turned his timeline https://twitter.com/know_more_news into sort of a clearinghouse of some of the best #JewishPrivilege twatts, including many joke twatts by goyim starting off "My fellow jews..." then going on about "acknowledging OUR privilege/racism/supremacism" etc, IE flipping the trick the dinjooz have been doing against Whites forever.

I really don't know the backstory re how this forbidden truth started to trend just today, & esp WHY twatter hasn't silenced it, in favor of artificially boosting their (((anti-White inversion/projection narrative?))). Was this a 4chan stunt?

13th July 2020, 08:15 AM
I resisted starting a new thread on this, but #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hashtag_click) is actually trending on twatter today!

here's an EMJ twatt noting it, with screenshot,

Adam Green has turned his timeline https://twitter.com/know_more_news into sort of a clearinghouse of some of the best #JewishPrivilege twatts, including many joke twatts by goyim starting off "My fellow jews..." then going on about "acknowledging OUR privilege/racism/supremacism" etc, IE flipping the trick the dinjooz have been doing against Whites forever.

I really don't know the backstory re how this forbidden truth started to trend just today, & esp WHY twatter hasn't silenced it, in favor of artificially boosting their (((anti-White inversion/projection narrative?))). Was this a 4chan stunt?

@ leading Israhell daily Haaretz; open story @ link for embedded images...:rolleyes:

White Supremacists Trigger Twitterstorm by Using #JewishPrivilege Hashtag to Bait Jews (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-white-supremacists-trigger-twitterstorm-by-using-jewishprivilege-hashtag-1.8990556?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)

Sarah Silverman, Josh Gad and David Simon among those pushing back by sharing their experiences of antisemitism

Allison Kaplan Sommer (https://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/WRITER-1.4969038)
Published at 06:28

A Twitterstorm erupted on the social media site Sunday night after antisemitic accounts began posting tweets bearing the hashtag #JewishPrivilege – causing the term to shoot to the top of the site’s U.S. trending topics.

The source of the tweets was far-right, white supremacist Twitter profiles and bots, which used the hashtag to post a mixture of classic conspiratorial theories involving Jewish domination and control of the media, Holocaust denial and accusations of underwriting social unrest movements so that Jews could displace whites with minority groups.

Some of the tweets revived the attempt to pass themselves off as being Jewish (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-fake-jewish-profiles-flood-twitter-in-anti-semitic-4chan-campaign-to-subvert-jews-1.7725793) and “confessing” their sins of privilege.

One wrote that he felt “guilty that our people’s role in slavery dwarfed Whites, but it’s important we pay for that dominant role that hurt so many millions of blacks. We jews are 1/3 of billionaires and MUST give much more to blacks.”

Almost immediately, Jews across Twitter pushed back, using the same hashtag to share their experiences with antisemitism. By early Monday, the hashtag had been largely “flipped”: #JewishPrivilege was dominated by reminders of antisemitism over the years and stories of struggles with modern antisemitism.

The responses that drew the most attention came from celebrities, including actor Josh Gad, television producer David Simon, comedian-actress Sarah Silverman and former presidential contender Marianne Williamson.

Open gallery

Actor Josh Gad at The W Hotel in Los Angeles, November 9, 2020.Credit: Rebecca Cabage,AP

“Guess we’re at the #JewishPrivilege part of 2020 because Neo-Nazis have a social platform. Where to start? Is it the privilege of my mom never getting to meet her grandparents because they were murdered or is it her parents being robbed of their childhoods by being put in camps?” Gad tweeted.

Guess we’re at the #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) part of 2020 because Neo-Nazis have a social platform. Where to start? Is it the privilege of my mom never getting to meet her grandparents because they were murdered or is it her parents being robbed of their childhoods by being put in camps?
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/joshgad/status/1282421570888073216?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Simon, best known as the creator of “The Wire,” wrote: “My #JewishPrivilege? Garden-variety stuff. Eleven dead relatives at Auschwitz and in the Russian woods and a father who was a hostage and suffered PTSD years after the Jewish non-profit where he worked was stormed by angry dudes with guns & scimitars who threatened to behead him.”

My #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)? Garden-variety stuff. Eleven dead relatives at Auschwitz and in the Russian woods and a father who was a hostage and suffered PTSD years after the Jewish non-profit where he worked was stormed by angry dudes with guns & scimitars who threatened to behead him.
— David Simon (@AoDespair) July 13, 2020 (https://twitter.com/AoDespair/status/1282494475118563328?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Exposing Jordan Peterson’s Barrage of Revisionist Falsehoods About Hitler, the Holocaust and Nazism (https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/.premium-jordan-peterson-s-barrage-of-revisionist-falsehoods-on-hitler-and-nazism-1.8955174)
Trump Boosts Georgia Candidate Who Peddles Antisemitic, QAnon Conspiracy Theories and Posed With a neo-Nazi (https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/trump-boosts-georgia-candidate-who-peddles-antisemitic-qanon-conspiracy-theories-1.8919489)
TikTok Users Target Young People With Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial, Study Finds (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/study-tiktok-users-target-young-people-with-antisemitism-and-holocaust-denial-1.8945175)

After Silverman tweeted: “My dad getting the shit kicked out of him everyday at school 4 being a kike to kids in NH throwing pennies at me on the bus to pastors in Florida calling for my death and telling their congregation that knocking my teeth out and killing me would be God’s work. #JewishPrivilege,” Williamson responded with her own experiences: “It’s people emailing & tweeting to me that Jews need to be quiet now & that ‘that’s not just a suggestion’ or friends who don’t realize I’m Jewish making it clear how anti-Semitic they are or family members afraid to wear a Star of David in their own neighborhood.#JewishPrivilege.”

It’s people emailing & tweeting to me that Jews need to be quiet now & that “that’s not just a suggestion” or friends who don’t realize I’m Jewish making it clear how anti-Semitic they are or family members afraid to wear a Star of David in their own neighborhood.#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) https://t.co/pYusLEa8NP
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/marwilliamson/status/1282442651892174851?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Many of the high-profile Jews tweeting experienced hostile backlash. Silverman in particular was called out for discussing racism against Jews, with many people tweeting out photographs from when she did an episode of her television show in blackface. She had apologized for that in 2018, saying she was “horrified” by the fact she had done it (https://www.gq.com/story/sarah-silverman-i-love-you-america-profile): “I don’t stand by the blackface sketch. I’m horrified by it, and I can’t erase it. I can only be changed by it and move on.”

Other tweets came from Jewish activists and representatives of Jewish advocacy organizations, as well as individual Jews sharing their experiences with antisemitism.

Rabbi Elchanan Poupko, for example, wrote: “#JewishPrivilege is my cousin Reb Nochum Moshe Twersky of the Chernobyl Hassidic dynasty being asked to come and bless Ukrainian soldiers just for them to shoot him dead later.”

#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) is my cousin Reb Nochum Moshe Twersky of the Chernobyl Hassidic dynasty being asked to come and bless Ukrainian soldiers just for them to shoot him dead later. https://t.co/6j8HVPsnEU pic.twitter.com/zkAQsbSp4T (https://t.co/zkAQsbSp4T)
— Rabbi E. Poupko- WEAR A MASK (@RabbiPoupko) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/RabbiPoupko/status/1282429251296296961?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

I am a member of #JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw). Let’s just say that I’ve been hated for being born Jewish. I’ve been called “kike” and have had to avoid putting up the Star of David in my neighborhood because of Antisemitism and the rise of Neo-Nazis. I didn’t ask for this bullshit.
— VoteBlue! (@LuvWillPrevail) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/LuvWillPrevail/status/1282435001691148288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

#JewishPrivilege (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JewishPrivilege?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) is having rocks thrown at you for being a “dirty kike,” being told “you’re not American enough” to join Boy Scouts, having your neighbors call you a “dirty Jew,” frequently overhearing anti-Semitic drivel in Berkeley, and knowing your family was murdered here. pic.twitter.com/YzLNLhX9pX (https://t.co/YzLNLhX9pX)
— Stuart Rojstaczer (@StuartEtc) July 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/StuartEtc/status/1282430910629998592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

The Jewish tweets triggered their own wave of reaction, both on Twitter itself and on Gab – the alternative platform infamous for its far-right users and tolerance for hate speech, with posters complaining that the Jews on the hashtag were engaging in “arrogant kvetching,” “whining” about discrimination, and “complaining about how persecuted they are for no reason.”


13th July 2020, 08:27 AM
a recent Karen / Cancel-Culture story out of SF CA deconstructed

A Day in the Life of ‘Karen,’ a Race Industry Caricature for a New American Agenda (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/07/a-day-in-the-life-of-karen-a-race-industry-caricature-for-a-new-american-agenda/)

July 12, 2020 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/07/) Torchy Blane (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/torchy-blane/)

13th July 2020, 09:12 AM
I do not mess with Twaddle very much and do not know how to navigate within it.
I did go there yesterday when you first posted this and found a response, I think in the JewishPrivelege thread by Sarah Silverman that was so chutzpah outrageous and now I cannot find it.

The only reason any of us know who she is has to do with her stand-up comedy routine at some club where she said something like she would kill Jesus again in a minute and everybody laughed and applauded.

Someone replied to SS citing that atrocity and she replied that people are using part of her comedy script routine to unfairly attack her and implied that she has no personal feelings in regard to saying that.

What a crock! wish I could find that exchange as it so so representative of their rhetoric. Deny Deny Deny

13th July 2020, 11:59 AM

Ryan Long @ryanlongcomedy (https://twitter.com/ryanlongcomedy)
Get your fix of being Scolded at the ‘Woke Scold Hotline’

2 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiYGIFJ-VEE


13th July 2020, 12:11 PM
As far as making comedy out of our crazy situation, see if you thought last nights show of Dean Ryan I posted link in PizzaGate thread I think,

They did a big segment of the latest child sex abuse/trafficking news about Wayfair having very high priced items for sale and the names of the items are given a missing child's name.

So Dean Ryan and Blake Walley put up an elaborate green-screen set for the Wayfair warehouse and as two warehouse employees talking together on a forbidden break time. They both have very dry humor and are entertaining and creative.

13th July 2020, 12:20 PM
^ yes I watched >half of that last night; the two are brilliant together w their "dry humor" - I was surprised U enjoyed it as it was 'spicy' w all their 'shuttlecock' & 'manhole' etc humor

13th July 2020, 12:24 PM
I usually do not like gratuitous profanity but they made it funny.

13th April 2023, 01:44 PM
I used google in February 2020 to find the data to conclude correctly that Covid-19 was no worse than an every 5-10 year bad cold and flu season.

cnbc.com: Google drops global vaccine requirement to enter buildings, says ‘world is in a very different place’ (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/11/google-drops-global-vaccine-requirement-to-enter-buildings.html)

APR 11 2023
Google no longer requires people to be vaccinated against Covid in order to enter its buildings.

In a companywide email sent to employees Tuesday, which was viewed by CNBC, Google VP of global security Chris Rackow said “vaccines will no longer be required as a condition of entry to any of our buildings.”

“Last month marks three years since the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic,” Rackow wrote in his memo. “We put in place emergency measures such as our Covid-19 vaccine policy to keep everyone safe, but now the world is in a very different place...

In December 2021, Google told employees that they must comply with vaccine policies or they’d face losing pay and then eventually losing their job, citing rules for government contractors. Then, in February, ahead of asking employees to come back to offices and the U.S. appeals court deciding that rule’s legal standing, the company relaxed policies around requiring vaccines for employment, as well as other rules around testing, social distancing and masks.

However, it still required employees to be vaccinated to enter company sites.

Several hundred Google employees at the time signed and circulated a manifesto opposing the company’s Covid vaccine mandate, arguing leadership’s decision will have an outsized influence in corporate America. It also noted outbreaks kept happening at Google offices among vaccinated employees while those who declined to declare their vaccination status were still banned from offices and other gatherings including off-sites, summits and team events.

In his email, Rackow encouraged employees to remain up to date with their Covid vaccines going forward, “just as we encourage everyone to get a flu shot every year,” adding that the vaccines have been “critical” to keeping Google employees safe in the workplace.