View Full Version : The Dog Of War June 2020 Must Read !

25th June 2020, 09:47 PM


This is an old deep sixed, memory holed article, with a history.

The Dog Of War is the name associated with this article and blog.

I don't have a screen shot, link to blog works, nothing is there.

I posted this on GIM and it got me a lot of trouble, everyone came out of the woodwork trying to get me banned, I have the original thread saved [ FireFox save page complete ] , maybe I can screen shot it and post the JPEGS of two huge pages somwhere, they are very interesting reading, revealing, including about some peeps that post on here, many would appreciate reading it.

A group of Military Men with knowledge of history in South Africa were posting on blogs, websites, and had some articles, they were all banned, and the South African Gov and Other Gov's went after them in real life, some may have been from Rhodesia writing about that history/wars. They were telling people their future and honest truth that they already lived and witnessed and knew alot about the players involved that were Marxists with no good intentions and everything being done deliberately.

You won't find this anywhere, it goes back 15 plus years, except maybe on some hardcore forums that exist independent of blogger or wordpress.

It is deep and something to ponder, considering their history, events, involvement,
not just their specific circumstance in South Africa. Serious wars and serious fighters in this region of Africa, it produced some very capable men and leaders that were very effective against all odds on more than one battlefield. They lost politically, world opinion and boycotts. Even Ian Smith was asking WHY ? After they militarily defeated the communists.

" Mother Nature ", removing the European Man will surely hurt as it did in Rhodesia.

Things are not working out too well for anyone in South Africa at this point.

Things did not work out in Rhodesia, that model and knowledge did not help any side in South Africa so far.

The related Authors thought they could organize or society would fight back, still waiting.

For what it is worth.

Look at what is happening right now, MAY JUNE 2020.

It's all out in the open and those paying attention to the past can see the future.

GIM MAGNES 09-10-2007


Why Whites will rule South Africa again -
by Uncle Cracker

While some people believe the prophecies of Nikolaas (Siener) van Rensburg that the white man will one day rule over South Africa again, most dismiss it as superstitious nonsense and have a more pessimistic point of view. They say the time of the white man is over and they will never again rule South Africa.

I am no believer of Siener’s prophecies, but I am certain that the whites will one-day rule over South Africa again. My reason for that is my close observation of “Mother Nature”. The current situation that we have in South Africa is unnatural and therefore cannot last.

I have noticed, that no matter what we do, or how clever we think we are, if we mess with Mother Nature, we will come short…always! Mother Nature has her course that she travels on and as long as we stay on her course we will be fine, but the problem is that we do not. We always think we are cleverer and know better than Mother Nature. We are forever trying to manipulate Mother Nature, but she is a hardcore bitch. She does not let us manipulate her and she will always return to the natural state of being.

If we think about food for instance; as long as we eat the food Mother Nature intended us to eat, we will be healthy and not get fat, but it is when we start eating and drinking artificial products that we start experiencing health problems and we start putting on weight.

When we build levees to manipulate the flow of a river, Mother Nature will remind us of her power and restore the natural flow sooner or later. When we come with all our politically correct nonsense, that all humans are the same and only the colour of their skins differ, Mother Nature will show us the Negroid and his behaviour.

For eons, she kept the numbers of blacks down with diseases such as Malaria, Yellow fever and Cholera, but to ensure their survival gave them a higher libido. See, Mother Nature did not intend for blacks to go extinct, she intended a purpose for them. It is the whites that came and interfered with this process of Mother Nature and caused the numbers of Blacks to soar. The whites took away all these diseases that naturally curbed the black’s numbers and allowed them to breed uncontrollably.

The reality is that Mother Nature is no egalitarian. People are in fact unequal in intellectual potential—and they are born that way, just as they are born with different potentials for height, physical attractiveness, artistic flair, athletic prowess and other traits.

We can deny this and keep fooling ourselves. We can adopt all sorts of liberal ideas and embark on all kinds of social experiments, but sooner or later, Mother Nature will remind us of her course that she is on.

People say that Blacks are physically larger and stronger than whites and therefore are naturally the dominant species, but is that true? A gorilla is stronger than a human too; is he the dominant species? No he is nearly extinct. Hunted there by the much smaller, but more intelligent Blacks.

Let’s face it. As animals, we humans suck. Our sense of smell is nothing compared to that of animals. Our eyesight, is pathetic and our hearing even worse when it is compared to that of animals. We are physically weak, we are slow, but yet we are the dominant species on earth. Why? One thing and one thing only make us superior in the animal world, our brain.

We cannot pick up five tons physically, but we can design a machine that can. We cannot run as fast as a Cheetah, but we can build vehicles that are even faster. Physically we cannot fight a lion, but we can use a rifle or a trap to kill or subdue it. We cannot fly like birds, but we can build machines that can.

There is a reason why Mother Nature made different species of humans, we need to realise what that is. Fact is that blacks have a lower intelligence than other species of humans. It is therefore unnatural for them to dominate and rule more intelligent whites. The natural map that Mother Nature prepared for the Blacks is for them to live in grass huts and be nomadic herders and that is ultimately what they will return to. Liberals will get a fit when hearing this, but it is the truth.

Here in South Africa, I can see this unnatural state everyday. I can see people’s frustration with this artificial situation and how whites barely tolerate it. It is only a matter of time before the levees give way and Mother Nature returns the river to its natural course.

Every day I can see the arrogance of the blacks building and the frustration of whites mounting. Like red hot magma, a full scale war is bubbling under the surface of this artificially created, politically correct, crust of black domination over whites and it is only a matter of time before this volcano erupts with cataclysmic results.

Blacks are making a big mistake by thinking that whites are scared of them. White South Africans are not scared of blacks at all. Whites know them only too well and in fact, resent them. What is holding the whites back at the moment is their fear of prison. Who is going to look after his family if a white male goes to prison? Whites are scared of losing their material possessions and their families.

That my friends is the truth and also, currently, the only thing preventing whites from losing sanity and climbing into the black populace claiming their country back. The ANC knows this and that is why they parade the ‘Boeremag’ men up and down, to show others, who might be thinking about a revolution, what fate might await them. Many of the ‘Boeremag’ men have already divorced their wives, their families broken up. That is what the Afrikaners fear. Not the Blacks.

The time will come when “Freedom from black Communist oppression” will mean more than a 4x4 and a house in Sandton or Waterkloof Ridge. The time will come when “starting over” won’t be such a bad idea after all. It is all about priorities. I can see the youth already getting more and more nationalistic and militant. The Afrikaners are busy picking themselves up from their guilty mats they were grovelling on in front of the ANC.

All the Afrikaner nationalistic songs, festivals and blogs we see springing up with increasing urgency, is just the intervals between Mother Natures labour pains getting shorter and shorter. Mother Nature is about to give birth to a New Nation and when the time comes, no-one will be able to stop her.

Blacks seriously underestimate the white Afrikaner’s nationalistic pride. They think that numbers and mass action will overcome brains and ingenuity…what fools. The king of the wild is the lion, not the elephant. The king of the sea is the shark, not the whale. Not even a lion can swallow a porcupine. Mother Nature has intended it so for a reason. Mother Nature has bestowed upon all of us a gift to ensure our survival; it is up to us to use it.

25th June 2020, 09:52 PM
ANOTHER OLD THREAD , untouched copy paste of OP.

GIM MAGNES 08-11-2007

From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe NWO Planned Genocide

[ NWO crowd planned Rhodesia's destruction and Genocide. ]
[ All the usual suspects. ]

From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe

Date Posted: Saturday 11-Aug-2007By Anthony C. LoBaido


At the inaugural ceremony, Prime Minister Mugabe’s call for reconciliation between blacks and whites came as a welcome surprise to those who had for years dismissed him as “a Marxist-terrorist trying to gain power through the barrel of a gun.” … The unexpected size of his majority gave Mugabe an unequivocal mandate.... All in all, the election and handover represented a triumph of democracy in the face of considerable external pressure.

— Andrew Young. President Carter’s Ambassador to the United Nations

The excerpted statement above by Andrew Young provides a small sampling of the outrageous commentary on Robert Mugabe’s ascension to power in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in an essay penned by Young for Foreign Affairs’ special report, “America and the World, 1980.” As President Jimmy Carter’s emissary to Africa, Young played a pivotal role — along with Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, and other Carter administration officials — in enthroning Mugabe’s terror regime and turning much of the Dark Continent into the nightmarish slaughterhouse of chaos and terror it has become.

Two years earlier, in 1978, Ambassador Andrew Young described Robert Mugabe in an interview with the Times of London. “Does Mr. Mugabe strike you as a violent man?” the Times reporter asked. “Not at all, he’s a very gentle man,” Young replied. “In fact, one of the ironies of the whole struggle is that I can’t imagine Joshua Nkomo, or Robert Mugabe, ever pulling the trigger on a gun to kill anyone. I doubt that they ever have.”

Ambassador Young could barely contain his brimming admiration for the newest “liberator” of Africa’s oppressed: “I find that I am fascinated by his intelligence, by his dedication. The only thing that frustrates me about Robert Mugabe is that he is so damned incorruptible.”

Andrew Young knew better. During the 1970s, as Mugabe competed with his sometime ally and former mentor Joshua Nkomo for primacy in the “liberation” movement in Rhodesia, he proudly identified himself as a Maoist and proved himself one of the most ruthless terrorist leaders. His Chinese-sponsored ZANU-PF guerrillas, operating out of the neighboring communist regimes in Mozambique, Zambia, and Angola, terrorized black villages, and tortured and killed opponents.

This was all well known not only to Andrew Young but to other pillars in the American foreign policy establishment who were promoting Mugabe as the “gentle,” “incorruptible” savior of Rhodesia. Foreign Affairs, from whence came Mr. Young’s quote at the beginning of this article, is, of course, the house journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), arguably the most influential “brain trust” in the world. The council, of which Young was a prominent member, had promoted Mugabe in its literature and had hosted him as an honored speaker during his long terror campaign to take control of Rhodesia.

David Rockefeller, chairman of the CFR during that period, called Mugabe a “very reasonable and charming person.” Likewise, the New York Times, Washington Post, and virtually all the rest of the major print and broadcast media choir had persistently sung his praises, ignoring his well-documented record of atrocities against civilian men, women, and children — black and white.

But in the past few years, Mugabe’s erstwhile supporters have been forced to acknowledge that he is the brutal communist dictator that his critics had exposed him as more than 30 years ago. He has bathed Zimbabwe in blood, turned it into a police state, and ruined what was previously one of the most prosperous economies in Africa. [ ACCORDING TO PLAN] Finally, the former darling of the Liberal Establishment has been repudiated by virtually all except Communist China and his fellow African Marxist despots.

A Beacon Extinguished

How could Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, a thriving, vibrant, multi-cultural example of Western-style civilization, once a shining beacon for Africa, have turned into hell on Earth?

Rhodesia’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) from Great Britain came in 1965, only a few short decades after England’s 1923 annexation of Southern Rhodesia from the South Africa Company. as it was being pressured to do by White Hall aUnder the UDI, Rhodesia pulled away from the Mother Crown rather than negotiate with Mugabe’s terrorists, and the powerbrokers in London. Rhodesians were all too familiar with the chaos and tyranny that had befallen neighboring countries that had capitulated to such pressure. Rhodesian leader Ian Smith, a fighter pilot who was shot down over Italy during World War II while fighting for the Allies, stood up to the Maoist, Marxist, and Communist penetration in the region all by himself.

This while the rest of the Western world, wounded from Vietnam and menaced by the old Soviet Union, sat idly by — or worse yet, helped the communist-backed terrorists.

Smith traveled to Washington, D.C., to ask for help. He wasn’t asking for foreign aid; he merely hoped to persuade President Carter to call off the economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure being applied by the U.S. State Department, the UN, and Britain in an attempt to force Rhodesia to accept rule by the Mugabe/Nkomo terrorist forces. Carter flatly refused to see Smith.

Henry Kissinger, meanwhile, did meet with Smith in Geneva. But if Smith thought that he would receive kinder treatment from the former secretary of state and adviser to Republican presidents, he was in for a rude awakening.

Precisely what threats or pressures were brought against him is not known, but Smith, who had previously pledged not to surrender to the terrorists “in ten thousand years,” was a changed man after the meeting.

He is said to have aged 10 years in that one week in Geneva. It has been suggested by African observers that Smith was threatened with a military invasion of Rhodesia backed by the UN, the United States, and the U.K. That is entirely plausible, as such talk was in the air and detailed plans for a military invasion of South Africa had been drawn up and published by policy wonks at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace.

Smith asked Kissinger about things like history, culture, civilization, and loyalty. After all, Rhodesia had fought for the West in the great battles of the 20th century, including World War II and the Korean War. Kissinger firmly told Smith something truly sad and even frightening, “I am afraid those things have no place in the modern world.”

Kissinger added that “white regimes would not survive in Southern Africa.”
Ironically, it is a fact that at that time the black peoples of Southern Africa were voting with their feet and fleeing from the communist-Marxist regimes run by black revolutionary clients of Washington, Moscow, and Beijing to the “white regimes” of Rhodesia and South Africa. The New World Order and seeds of today’s African mayhem were being firmly planted by the globalists at the Council on Foreign Relations and Britain’s Royal Institute for International Affairs.

Under intense pressure from the Washington-Moscow-Beijing axis, South Africa, which had long fought for Rhodesia, cut off aid to Ian Smith’s government, hoping their own apartheid system would be spared by the West for doing so. The sellout was on. Many Rhodesians, including legendary soldiers like Willem Ratte, Bert Sachse, and Luther Eeben Barlow, who would become the backbone of South Africa’s elite special forces in the war in Angola against Cuba and the Soviet Union, fled to South Africa. The power vacuum created by that exodus would be filled by some of the most blood-thirsty savages Africa has ever seen. [ betraying your own allies fighting commies ]

Mugabe’s Long Record

Contrary to Andrew Young’s claims, Mugabe’s record proves that he was (and
is) indeed “a Marxist-terrorist trying to gain power through the barrel of a gun.” And, contrary to popular misconceptions caused by decades of media disinformation, it was not Mugabe’s thugs who ended white rule in Rhodesia.

Ian Smith and the legitimate black leaders of Rhodesia accomplished that in
1979 in multi-racial elections that brought a black majority government to power under a former Nkomo/Mugabe comrade, Bishop Abel Muzorewa, who had renounced violence to work for peaceful change.

Mugabe and Nkomo tried to stop the elections with threats, intimidation, and terror. Mugabe issued a “death list” of the black leaders who were cooperating for a peaceful transition to black rule, calling them “traitors,” “opportunistic running-dogs,” and “capitalist vultures.”

Nevertheless, 64 percent of Rhodesia’s black population defied the threats and turned out to vote. And an overwhelming two-thirds of them voted for Abel Muzorewa, making him Rhodesia/Zimbabwe’s first black prime minister.

They were very much aware of the disasters brought about by communist-backed black dictatorships in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Ghana, and Namibia. They did not want “one man, one vote, one time,” which had become the rule in Africa.

The 1979 election that elected Muzorewa and a new black majority parliament had met all the conditions demanded by the United States and Britain and was certified to be free and fair by outside observers. But the U.S. and British governments then reneged and demanded new elections that not only included Mugabe and Nkomo, but allowed their ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front) and ZAPU (Zimbabwe African People’s Union) guerrillas back into the country as well. Believing it had no choice, Rhodesia capitulated to these outrageous demands. Following a campaign of intimidation and terror, Mugabe was “elected” in 1980, proving the African dictum that the man with the most guns and the most ruthless thugs wins.

As anti-communists had predicted, soon after coming to power Mugabe turned on his former terrorist comrade, Joshua Nkomo, who was of the minority Matabele tribe. To accomplish this, Mugabe brought in several hundred advisers from communist North Korea to train his infamous Fifth Brigade.

Then he began his great Matabele Massacre. Mugabe’s Mashona tribe (or “Shona” for short) had been long-standing rivals of the Matabele, but the two tribal groups had managed to coexist peacefully in white-ruled Rhodesia.

Mugabe called his ethnic cleansing operation against Nkomo and the Matabele Gukurahundi, the Shona term for “the first rain that washes away the chaff of the last harvest before the advent of spring rains proper.”

Bitter Harvest

Official figures vary, but it can be roughly estimated that around 30,000 Matabele were slaughtered in Mugabe’s “liberation” of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. It was an ominous prelude to what would become a fascist, archetype Maoist revolution in Rhodesia, a country roughly the size of Montana. Mugabe, with the help of his own de facto Hitler Nazi Youth corps called the “Green Bombers,” would go on to slaughter Zimbabwe’s white farmers, take away their land, and plunge the nation into a hell hole of debt, hunger, hyperinflation, murder, HIV/Aids, and hopelessness.

Once the breadbasket of Southern Africa, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe was (and remains) home to one of the world’s grandest sights, Victoria Falls. Called “the mist that thunders” by the locals, this natural wonder has (thus far) defied Mugabe’s ability to ruin, corrupt, and destroy, but where abundant game and wildlife once brought tourists from the four corners of the planet, now conservationists worldwide have expressed alarm that Mugabe’s policies have decimated the country’s wildlife treasure, with many exotic species (including elephants and rhinos) facing extinction.

Apartheid never existed in Rhodesia and in general the races got along. The race wars were launched by Mugabe’s ZANU-PF and Nkomo’s ZAPU. All the while the American media cheered this sickening and deadly debacle. Even the farm invasions were lionized by the late Peter Jennings of ABC News, who in a nationally televised report made the ZANU-PF terrorists who were murdering, torturing, and raping the ethno-European farmers out to be “war veterans”
and heroes.

By all accounts, over 400,000 agricultural jobs have been lost. The Zimbabwean Commercial Farmers Union has issued numerous reports about the violence, law-breaking, and devastating effects of Mugabe’s white land grab.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe’s inflation is the world’s highest; the government’s own statistics put it at 4,500 percent annually, while some economists put it at double that. GNP, GDP, unemployment, real growth, household income, and other major economic indicators are collapsing by the day, as they have been for most of the past 10 years. As a result, all Zimbabweans no matter what their race, tribe, or culture are suffering.

Tobacco had accounted for 30 percent of exports with gold second at 11 percent. These days, heroin, mandrax, methamphetamines, and other drugs are emerging in a narco-economy. Basic services are all but unobtainable.

Shelves are empty. The very best Zimbabweans have fled for the UK and beyond. Zimbabwe’s infrastructure is decaying. Government corruption is endemic. The military has turned its back on all acceptable standards of humanity and soldiering.

It is estimated that only 100,000 Zimbabweans use the Internet in a country of about 12 million. Those who write the truth about what’s going on in the country and use the Internet to reach the outside world are often hounded, harassed, and threatened by the government. Mugabe’s main black opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), is feeling his wrath. MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa recently said over 200 MDC members were arrested by Mugabe’s forces. MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has replaced Ian Smith, the white farmers, and the Matabele as the ZANU-PF’s boogeyman du jour.

Cathy Buckle, author of Africa Tears and Beyond Tears, had her farm taken away by Mugabe during his land grab. She told this writer, “At first I supported change. But now just look at our country.” In her latest report from inside Zimbabwe, Buckle offered hope by pointing out that overweight ZANU-PF leaders are having problems convincing their bone-thin followers that all is well in Zimbabwe. As in Ethiopia and most other African famines, the food shortages are man-made by communist, collectivist policies that are outright genocide.

What can the United States, the world’s “sole, indispensable superpower,” do? Apparently not very much. Secretary of State Condi Rice has noted “outposts of tyranny” from Burma to Venezuela to North Korea to Zimbabwe to Iran. (Outposts of course must have a main garrison home, and those homes are Russia and Mainland China.) President Bush, Jr. signed an Executive Order against Zimbabwe, citing it as an enemy of the United States. A travel ban on Zimbabwean officials has been enacted. But our good “trading partner,” China, continues to shower aid on Mugabe’s regime.

Clearly Zimbabwe can work. Rhodesia proved that. It was a model for a post-colonial, still-developing Africa. There should be an agricultural bounty, beyond tobacco. There’s also coal, chromium ore, gold, nickel, copper, iron ore, vanadium, lithium, tin, and platinum ready to be mined.

As for the future, Mugabe is 83. It is rumored he has throat cancer. He is shunned by most on planet Earth, even the BBC, save for allies like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Il, and the Chinese Politburo. Mugabe continues to practice yoga and still vacillates between his Spartan upbringing and new-found tastes for the good life. He has been known to use the state airline to assist his wife on her legendary if not ebulliently lavish shopping jaunts. Mugabe showed up at Thabo Mbeki’s last South African presidential inauguration and was greeted as though he were a rock star.

Zimbabwe’s constitution allows for Mugabe to stay in power till he is 90 years of age, but Africa watchers from across the political spectrum are speculating that his tottering regime could implode before the year’s end.

Will the truth about Zimbabwe ever become fully known and acted upon by all decent people in Africa, the West, and the rest of the world?

As noted by actress Nicole Kidman in the film The Interpreter, which many believed to have been made as a psycho-social operation against Mugabe, “Even the faintest whisper can be heard above the sound of armies … when it speaks the truth.” Perhaps this article will serve as the faintest of whispers.

Anthony C. LoBaido, a journalist and filmmaker, has worked and traveled extensively in Africa over the last two decades.

URL: http://jbs.org/node/5059

25th June 2020, 09:53 PM

From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe NWO Planned Genocide

[ another article, same source, very good source ]


Date Posted: Friday 10-Aug-2007


[There is a fabulous twist to this - the link to President Mbeki in S.Africa.

President Mbeki, who has never yet criticised Mugabe, has stated quite confidently, while at the same time showing no desire to get involved - that in 2008 Zimbabwe will indeed have free and fair elections.

How does President Mbeki know this? Well, read below about how, through Mugabe's secret operation, he is going to drive people out of the cities, where he is losing elections and, in effect is depopulating the cities in order to rig the next elections.

Mugabe will soon be voted in DEMOCRATICALLY! Then both Mugabe and Mbeki can ignore the official opposition in Zimbabwe! Jan]

Zimbabwe suddenly looks like it has been in a war. The shops are empty, there is little traffic and everyone is walking around in a daze. People stop me and ask what is going on? Well just remember Pol Pot. He came to power in Cambodia in the mid seventies, launched what they called the Khmer revolution and in a matter of months they reduced the capital city to a shell occupied by 25 000 people – down from two million.

In the process they had killed hundreds of thousands of skilled and experienced Cambodians, forced millions into the rural areas where they were required to undergo re-education and make a living from subsistence agriculture. It will take Cambodia millennia to recover after this rapacious and ideologically driven regime was removed from power by military intervention.

People outside Zimbabwe have no idea of just what has happened in Zimbabwe in the past month. Conditions have gone from difficult to impossible. I am not exaggerating when I say there are no basics – no flour, no maize meal, no cooking oil, no margarine, no matches, no fuel, no meat, no eggs. On top of this there are widespread shortages of water and electricity. I simply do not know how people are surviving.

These terrible conditions are being deliberately created in a Pol Pot style operation that is supposed to be dealing with run away inflation. Its real goals lie elsewhere.

We now know that this operation was planned a long time ago – probably as soon as it became apparent that elections would have to be held in March 2008. This is no knee jerk reaction to inflation, or to remarks by the US Ambassador about regime change. It began with an exercise to generate a sudden spurt in inflation. This was achieved when the State started buying foreign currency on the open market in June, using freshly printed currency.

In a week of frenzied activity the price of the US dollar went from about Z$70 000 to Z$400 000. Importers and industrialists were forced to raise prices to cover the replacement cost of stocks.

The State then unveiled its “operation good governance”. Under secret orders, the security forces were instructed to impose price reductions on all businesses. There was no legal basis for these instructions – just orders to go into firms on a systematic basis and order them to cut prices or else. Managers and owners were specifically targeted to intimidate them into compliance. These have been arrested in their thousands, abused and held over in filthy, overcrowded cells with ordinary prisoners.

Trillions of dollars of stock values were slashed from prices, no rational basis for these price cuts were sought or tolerated. Suddenly firms faced the situation where they could not restock, could not manufacture and sell for a profit – most of their established products were now being priced into the market at below cost. The more you produced, the faster your demise.

Fuel was priced at half its landed cost and overnight some Z$400 billion in stock values was lost as customers scrambled to buy cheap fuel at half price or less. All imports stopped.

The prices of all staple foods was likewise set at half or less the cost of production and when stocks ran out there was nothing to sell.

Now many theories have been put out about this operation – it was popularist is one, “they are preparing for the elections and forcing firms to cut prices is an attempt to curry favor with voters”. Many actually say it was about time that business was brought to heel – a reaction to the sharp price hikes caused by the first stage of this operation. It is too early for that to be the real reason; they see it as one outcome, but with little long-term value in their strategy.

My own view, based on what I know about the background, is that this is a carefully planned and ruthless exercise to reduce the urban voting population, undermine the remaining support base of the MDC and take full control of the population and the economy in time for the March 2008 elections.

The dismantling of the commercial farm industry has reduced the voting population on commercial farms from 2 million to about 600 000 and all of them are now under the control of either the State or Zanu PF elements who can dictate how they vote. These resettled areas are virtually no go areas for the MDC.

In Communal areas the food supply has been brought under control and direction, as has all other essentials for survival including the right of abode. Traditional leaders are tightly controlled by the State and are now under close supervision by resident CIO operatives who watch their every action. They have been through three elections and now believe that they can control the vote in these areas by these means. They are probably right.

So the remaining threat is the urban vote. Now in the majority, with over 6 million people living in urban areas, the towns and cities are the last remaining centers of opposition. So like Pol Pot, the powers that be, in this case the small coterie of leaders surrounding Mugabe and the people involved in the Joint Operations Command, have decided to do some surgery.

When this operation is concluded they hope to have reduced the urban population by as much as half, destroyed or taken over all major firms in the private sector and facilitated the takeover of all other surviving firms by loyal Zanu PF supporters. They are deliberately halting food supplies to the cities, destroying jobs and the transport industry. They will then take the pick of the commercial and industrial infrastructure that remains – intact, almost as if a neutron bomb had been used, and move on from there.

The remaining urban population would then be in the same position as the population in the rural areas – under tight control and able to vote only under supervision.

Then Zanu can allow an election to take place – probably in March as planned, even with observers for the last few days of the campaign and during the vote itself. Zanu feels confident that it can win a clear majority – even a two-thirds majority vote under such circumstances. The only other issue is what happens to the three million Zimbabweans displaced by this ruthless, but clever scheme.

Most of them will swim the Limpopo or cross the border at Beitbridge. Once in South Africa, or Botswana, or Zambia or the UK or the USA, they will settle down, breathe a sigh of relief to be somewhere where sanity prevails and try to make a living, any sort of living. They will gradually be assimilated and will start sending small sums of money “home” to keep their relatives alive in Mugabe’s national detention camp. Most importantly, they will not be able to vote.

What remains of Zimbabwe will be a sea of poverty and subsistence activity with Party controlled islands of prosperity. A few foreign firms will be allowed to exploit our resources under close supervision and control and the output used to support the lifestyles of the new elite who will continue to enjoy the luxury and pleasures that have become their norm in recent years on the gravy train. It has nothing to do with price control.

Written by: Eddie Cross, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Sent by:
Frontline Fellowship
P O Box 74
Newlands 7725


www.frontline.org.za (http://www.frontline.org.za/)

25th June 2020, 09:57 PM
COPY PASTE , links work except for CNN, as posted in old GIM thread, for the record.

UN in food aid plea for Zimbabwe

Wednesday, 1 August 2007


The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is asking donor countries to fund an expanded aid operation in Zimbabwe.

The WFP says a poor harvest and the country's worsening economic situation means hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans are running out of food.
It says it will have to provide assistance to more than three million people over the coming months.

Without additional funds, UN food stocks will be completely exhausted by the end of 2007, the agency says.

According to the WFP an estimated 3.3 million people will need assistance during the peak hunger period between November and March.

It has appealed for $118 million dollars (£58 million) in aid from international donors.

Soaring poverty



Zimbabwe 'running out of wheat'

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4773876.st (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4773876.stm)

Violence looms as Zimbabwe runs out of food — except for the elite

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/new...cle2395588.ece (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article2395588.ece)

U.S. food maker Heinz pulls out of Zimbabwe

http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/af....ap/index.html (http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/africa/09/04/zimbabwe.heinz.ap/index.html)

25th June 2020, 10:03 PM
BLOG STILL UP , surprisingly, Photo Evidence of what was done.

" Looks like Detroit " , coming to a neigbourhood near you one day,


GIM MAGNES 09-12-2007

The Death of Johannesburg

Credit to original GIM poster years ago.

Sorry, I can't find you and your thread on GIM.


This whole forum is full of news from ZIM and SA.
All kinds of news, economic and the white genocide.
All is interlinked.

I am not afraid to say who I stand with.
Have said it and was attacked.

All the little wannebe socialists/liberals that do not care for this type of news educating
the rest of the world need to be put on a boat and shipped to the ZIM.

Have fun.


Some peeps here on GIM like to see this sort of destruction
taking place to a White, Christian, European, Western, Society.


[ LINKS , Do NOT Work , GIM Threads , to show and prove what is on forum, they deny it and attack personally for posting about South Africa and Rhodesia ]

UK Paper, WAR ON WHITE ENGLISH PEOPLE (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=176105)

The Dog of War , A Racist Website I Found (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=175717)

Question, Maybe I am missing something here (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=176115)

From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe NWO Planned Genocide (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=165376)

Zimbabwe now flip-flops and threatens white farmers (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=107575)

Save White Afrikaners From Genocide (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=124647)

Zimbabwe price cuts spark gas shortages, taxi impoundments, shopper stampedes (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=155667)

Zimbabwe meltdown: Inflation nears 1.5 million percent (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=163495)

Zimbabwe Devalues Currency By 99% - Business Says Not Enough (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=174677)


from World Net Daily, right wing, good source on, NAU, SPP

White slaughter
in South Africa?
Plans made to conduct campaign of genocide after Mandela's death
Posted: February 9, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/ar...TICLE_ID=37010 (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=37010)
Zimbabwe flour shortage warning (http://www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=173850&highlight=zimbabwe)

and so on , forum is full


"damn! those pictures of Joberg are some of the saddest things I have ever seen..."


" Whites don't belong in Africa. Let 'em have it. "


" I'm inclined to agree; it appears as if the current trends continue, whites will not belong anywhere. "


" They belong anywhere they can survive. What do you advocate? Shipping them out or killing them? Do you belong where you live? "


" Reminds me of the french and UK ghettos, but worse. "


" What goes around comes around. "

28th June 2020, 01:00 PM
last i heard the niggers had ruined the farm industry and were begging whites to take over. ​I say, let them starve.

30th June 2020, 09:18 PM

JEWS DESTROYED SOUTH AFRICA , DIRECTLY , in SA, Specific Jews By Name , specific actions, even singing waving their fists in the air, " kill the boer/whitey " beside the Marxist Blacks the world handed South Africa over to. Just like Rhodesia. This was common knowledge on some forums full of facts not that long ago, pictures, video, articles and more.

Stormfront once had some massive built up threads,
covered this better than anyone, finds, news aggregated,
now you actually have a lot of articles from UK on this
stuff, but scattered.

Its like Communism, it works, destroys the power structure and
the Jews running the show become the masters and the ZOG MSM
pretends like had nothing to do with it.

Notice, the MSM papers are covering the brutal violence recent years,
only after the path of no return was set, they are directly responsilbe for all of this.



Every Western Country Worldwide

Spread them around, why are you people here ?


Racist South African Political Leader Julius Malema: "Go After the White Man... We Are Cutting the Throat of Whiteness" (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/racist-south-african-political-leader-julius-malema-go-white-man-cutting-throat-whiteness/)

Katie Hopkins detained by cops in South Africa for ‘spreading racial hatred’ FEB 2018 White Farm Murders was Daily Mail

(https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5512088/katie-hopkins-south-africa-ketamine-collapse-police-passport/) South Africa To Amend Constitution To Allow Land Expropriation From White Farmers ZeroHedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-01/south-africa-amend-constitution-allow-land-expropriation)

Obama Praises South African Leader Despite Race Killings and New Law that Seizes White Farmers' Land without Compensation (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/stunning-obama-praises-south-african-leader-despite-race-killings-and-new-law-that-seizes-white-farmers-land-without-compensation/)

South Africa facing ‘mass STARVATION and RIOTS’ after white people's land seized DailyStar 2 August 2018 (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/720642/south-africa-white-farmers-starvation-riots-cyril-ramaphosa)

South Africa farm seizures BEGIN: Chaos as first expropriation of white-owned farms starts Express.co.uk Aug 20 2018 (https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1005725/south-africa-farm-seizures-white-farmers-cyril-ramaphosa-anc)

In July Obama Praised South African Leader for "Inspiring Great Hope" ...On Monday the South African Leader Seized White-Owned Farms (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/in-july-obama-praised-south-african-leader-for-inspiring-great-hope-on-monday-the-south-african-leader-seized-white-owned-farms/)

South Africa Civil War Looms As White Farmers, 'Black Hitler' "Willing To Die" Over Property Confiscation ZeroHedge 08/27/2018 (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-27/south-africa-civil-war-looms-white-farmers-black-hitler-willing-die-over-property)

As Land Confiscations Loom, South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weaponss ZeroHedge 08/28/2018 (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-28/land-confiscations-loom-south-africa-rules-300000-gun-owners-turn-over-their)

Theresa May Dances in South Africa As Government Debates Racist Policy of Pushing White Farmers Off Their Land VID TGP 08/28/2018 (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/theresa-may-dances-in-south-africa-as-government-debates-racist-policy-of-pushing-white-farmers-off-their-land-video/)

South African Parliament Withdraws Bill to Steal White Owned Land Following President Trump's Tweet TGP August 28 2018 (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/08/south-african-parliament-withdraws-bill-to-steal-white-owned-land-following-president-trumps-tweet/)

South Africa is 'close to a war zone' with 57 murders a DAY, says police minister DailyMail (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6154699/South-Africa-close-war-zone-57-murders-day-minister.html)

History Land Reform & Farm Murders In South Africa: The Untold Story Of The Boers And The ANC ZeroHedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-20/land-reform-farm-murders-south-africa-untold-story-boers-and-anc) South Africa's Zulu Nation Joins White Farmers To Protest Government Land Seizures ZeroHedge 10/11/2018 (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-11/south-africas-zulu-nation-joins-white-farmers-protest-government-land-seizures)

South Africa City To Begin Confiscating Land From Whites In National "Test Case" ZeroHedge 10/20/2018 (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-19/south-africa-city-begin-confiscating-land-whites-national-test-case)

Murdered student Hannah Cornelius, 21, 'told gang who raped her they could have sex if they let her go after' - Mirror Online 25 OCT 2018 (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/murdered-student-hannah-cornelius-21-13477810)

Parents of murdered student sent letter from gang-rapist pleading 'don't be angry with me' - Mirror Online 25 OCT 2018 (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/parents-murdered-student-hannah-cornelius-13480238)

SA Thugs who killed and gang-raped Hannah Cornelius attacked TWO MORE women DailyMail mom 'walked into the ocean and never returned' (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6373325/Thugs-killed-gang-raped-Hannah-Cornelius-attacked-TWO-women.html)

White farmers tortured with drills and blowtorches, Afrikaner rights group claims UK TheTimes Jan 31 2019 Attacks rose by 25 per cent (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/white-farmers-tortured-with-drills-and-blowtorches-afrikaner-rights-group-claims-3ln553mbw)

Prominent South African Farm-Attacks Activist Annette Kennealy Is Beaten to Death With a Pipe and Hammer TGP May 24 2019 (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/prominent-south-african-farm-attacks-activist-annette-kennealy-is-beaten-to-death-with-a-pipe-and-hammer/)

Prominent White South African Farmer Is Gunned Down in His Home While Having Dinner, Wife and Friend Survive Attack TGP June 3 2019 Stefan Smit (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/06/prominent-white-south-african-farmer-is-gunned-down-in-his-home-while-having-dinner-wife-and-friend-survive-attack/)

Another white South African farmer who spoke out about land grabs is murdered at his home DailyMail June 3 2019 Stefan Smit (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7099569/Another-white-South-African-farmer-spoke-land-grabs-murdered-home.html?ito=social-twitter_mailonline)

Boy, five, 'is gang-raped at South African school by four nine-year-old boys who told him "you'll be our dog" DailyMail 25 September 2019 (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7502653/Boy-five-gang-raped-South-African-school.html)

One thing I find interesting, the Gay Jews at GatewayPundit do a better job
of reporting more controlversial issues last few years than these boards do? Why ?

JUNE 2020 Tally: 31 Farm Attacks and 3 Murdered White Farmers in South Africa TGP (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/june-tally-31-farm-attacks-3-murdered-white-farmers-south-africa/)

30th June 2020, 09:56 PM
The OP is a cherry picked article of many articles on many blogs, most of what was presented was updated news and commentary on South Africa, all the censored stuff.

It is the one article to read out of all of them.

I found some of the history of the authors, debating wether to post it, one of the last posts is saved, where they talk about threats including death threats to their families, from what I recall the South Aftrica Gov is directly involved.

At that point in history the reporting which was scattered and brought together by a few writers was a threat to their new project.

Imagine if everyone watching the RIOTING and DESTRUCTION , MAY JUNE 2020,
read the above articles ? They would see things differently I believe, in a big way,
we are next if something is not done.

OP survives on some platforms, a good blog from long ago, people get tired.

Why Whites Will Rule South Africa Again WESTERN VOICES WORLD NEWS (https://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=1739)

From SF post , website looks dead.

Mike Smith (The Dog of War) is one of the staff writers of Global Politician. Read his excellent articles here... http://www.globalpolitician.com/sear...mith&search=Go (http://www.globalpolitician.com/search.asp?keyword=mike+smith&search=Go)

This is why the OP is what it is, how the article is formatted.
His blog was called this I believe. Signed as Uncle Cracker.

The Dog of War

Why Whites will rule South Africa again
- by Uncle Cracker

Just like that the leaders on issues disappear and their history disappers.

They were Prophetic.

But the issues don't go away and it gets worse, all out in the open now, when it is too late to do much.

1st July 2020, 10:21 PM
This is good reading and history to know, if it wasn't I would not post it,
considering everything that is happening right now. Have a closer look
at the links above, try and do something with them.

ABOUT APRIL 2008 Trying to restart on their own platform. A Snippet.

New! Improved! WSAS website

The new site will be better than ever before, with the following new features:

• South African Diaspora: (managed by Magnus) carrying accounts of emigration and offering assistance & social networking aid to Saffers overseas;
• Asshole of the Week award: Doodler assures me we’ll have NO shortage of candidates as he sets about exposing them;
• Quote of the day and historical / topical articles to enlighten readers and arm them with facts, intellectual weaponry & logical debating skills– never lose an argument!
• Rogues Gallery & Race Traitor page: FW will predominate but again, no shortage of incumbents!
• Memorial Wall: dedicated to the 300 000 murdered White South Africans, readers, family members etc will be able to post eulogies to loved ones;
• My Crime Story: Genuine first hand accounts of black criminality as suffered by readers;
• Weekly Poll: Managed by Eli in his own inimitable style
• Online Bookshop: A selection of topical books on history, philosophy, politics;
• Video Gallery: Youtube has the nasty habit of pulling politically incorrect videos. We’re looking at hosting our own video feed to preserve this invaluable medium and Northland Trekker might turn this into his pet project;
• Photo gallery: Featuring a selection of shocking & disturbing images of White murder victims;
• Audio clip gallery: There is a wealth of audio clips, ranging from famous speeches and historical events for your downloading & listening pleasure;
• Columnists: We’re hoping to snag some famous names to grace our pages with.

From Searches, SOURCE
Google just deleted South Africa Sucks Blog - Stormfront (https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t480416/)

Opening Post Commentary

It was very popular, getting close to a million hits, had over three thousand articles and with a very active discussion community and usually about six to eight regular contributors. It was a real community project and the new editors often were chosen from some of the regular commenters. It was one of the few places you could get a real feel for the day to day life and situation in South Africa. It was for the most part by South Africans but the readership and commenters were from all over the world. It also exposed the horrendous violence that the Whites of South Africa have committed against them, a subject almost completely ignored by the MSM.


Then they gave up a year plus later, LAST MESSAGE.

The End of the Road for 'SA Sucks' Blog - Stormfront (https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t656407/)

Dear readers, bloggers and fellow Whites

This will be the last of many thousands of posts & articles we at WSAS sweated so much blood & tears to bring you over the years. I am shutting down this ground-breaking blog on Friday 13 November.

As you’re aware, the situation has become utterly untenable. I am no longer willing to put the welfare and safety of my family, and the families of other SA-resident bloggers at risk. It is heart-breaking, and a tough decision I struggled with (but was in denial about) since my arrest and detention last week. Your incredible support really moved me. So did the support of so many other bloggers, friends and comrades, locally as well as overseas.

I know some will call me a coward, a quitter, a yellow-bellied traitor even. So be it. I can no longer look my precious daughters, or my long-suffering wife in the eye, see their fear and sheer terror every time there is a knock on the door and continue to ignore it. I am torn between on the one hand my duty as a father & husband to ensure the safety and security of my gorgeous family, and on the other my duty & loyalty to my magnificent, beautiful White race.

It really hurts like hell that the worst betrayals came from within our own ranks. Not that I am a stranger to it either - over the past four years of this blog’’s existence, we’ve had to fend off far more vicious attacks from those on the right claiming to be our racial brethren, than any number of sellouts, liberals or misguided & brainwashed race traitors spouting their pre-programmed propaganda memes on this forum.

The SA Sucks blog was symptomatic of a wider phenomenon: that of Whites throwing off the oppressive chains of political correctness and needless guilt. As the race which spearheaded civilization, technology, art, music and ‘high culture’ we have so much to be proud of. South Africa was a glittering beacon in a sea of African darkness, now it is rapidly fading away. Internationally the pendulum is swinging to the right as our people’s infatuation with multi-culturalism turns into apprehension, disgust and finally, rejection. Lets hope our racial awakening is not too late. Sadly in SA, it is.

The rise of the internet rates on par in our history with the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press. It broke the media choke-hold on our minds, and became a tool with which we can set ourselves free from the endless demands of the parasite races leeching off our decency and artificially, needlessly instilled guilt.

The closure of SA Sucks is not the end of the world - excellent websites and blogs already exist where you can continue to read uncensored, hard-hitting news, commentary and insights. I implore you, dear reader to support especially those we have linked to. I also implore you to take the baton from us, go forth and create your own blogs and websites. Please carry on the momentum, and learn from the foolish mistakes I made. Trust nobody, guard your online identity with your life, and above all, stay true to your heritage.

As the Negros in America have their proverbial “Uncle Toms”, so we dwinding Whites in SA have our “Uncle Freds”. Watch out for them, guard against them and remember the prophetic words of Cicero:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.” Cicero Marcus Tullius 106-43 BC

As of last week, I entered a rather forboding, dark and grim phase of my life and what the future holds is suddenly quite uncertain. Pandora’s box opened rather abruptly last Wednesday. The endless death threats to my family are no longer limited to my email and comments pages, but are now trickling through our home & cell phones. Although I always considered it an extremely remote, paranoid possibility that my door would be kicked down as it was, I never really expected it to come to that.

If you’re still in SA, please heed the message of this blog since its inception - get out, get out get out, while you still can! You’re not “running away”. You are carrying out the only rational, logical option open to you. This ship is sinking fast, either you jump or go down with it. Secondly, depriving the murderous parasites of your brains, your skills, your taxes, your participation in what formerly was a fantastic country to live in, will not only set you free - it is also the ultimate sanction - depriving the parasites of a host. Let them have their land, and their renamed towns, their crumbling roads, cities, collapsing power utilities, schools, hospitals, their corruption and their savagery. Shrug Atlas, shrug!

Folks, I sincerely thank all of you for reading and participating in this blog. Without our core of readers, we would have been nothing. To my fellow bloggers - Doodler, Dark Raven, Uncle Cracker, Gonville, Bantu Ed, Foxie, Cynic, Grumbleguts, HODD, Eli the Bearded, Knorrig, Real Realist, Truthsayer USA, Adriana, Diamed - thank you for your fantastic work and your tireless efforts to get the truth out about South Africa.

To those whom I insulted, argued with and belittled over the years, I apologise. Some of you deserved it, some not. Bygones now. I wish you all well, and hope some day we’ll all be back here. Always remember, we’re not the last of a dying breed, but the first of a brave new world.

Goodbye my dear friends, go thee well.

Uhuru Guru


1st July 2020, 10:45 PM

Regular readers of South Africa Sucks are familiar with David Bullard, a humor columnist for a large South African paper, The Times. He was a liberal in the past who seemed to wake up. Some intruders entered his home and shot him about a year or two ago and he almost was killed though he seems to have recovered. Anyway his columns had more and more of an edge to them about the decline of SA under the ANC government. He was a favorite at SAS.

Sad to see in the "revived" South Africa Sucks that he has just been fired. The reason given was that this column was racist!

Article that got David Bullard fired for being racist: (http://www.thetimes.co.za/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=741855)
Article goned from.


Oh what a GREAT newspaper. Standing up for free sprits, different views and the european ideal of freedom of speech. Hail the newspaper! Its so courageous!
Uncolonised Africa wouldn’t know what it was missing

Published:Apr 07, 2008

Imagine for a moment what life would be like in South Africa if the evil white man hadn’t come to disturb the rustic idyll of the early black settlers.

Ignored by the Portuguese and Dutch, except as a convenient resting point en route to India. Shunned by the British, who had decided that their empire was already large enough and didn’t need to include bits of Africa.

The vast mineral wealth lying undisturbed below the Highveld soil as simple tribesmen graze their cattle blissfully unaware that beneath them lies one of the richest gold seams in the world. But what would they want with gold?

There are no roads because no roads are needed because there are no cars. It’s 2008 and no one has taken the slightest interest in South Africa, apart from a handful of botanists and zoologists who reckon that the country’s flora and fauna rank as one of the largest unspoilt areas in a polluted world.

Because they have never been exposed to the sinful ways of the West, the various tribes of South Africa live healthy and peaceful lives, only occasionally indulging in a bit of ethnic cleansing.

Their children don’t watch television because there is no television to watch. Instead they listen to their grandparents telling stories around a fire. They live in single-storey huts arranged to catch most of the day’s sunshine and their animals are kept nearby.

Nobody has any more animals than his family needs and nobody grows more crops than he requires to feed his family and swap for other crops. Ostentation is unknown because what is the point of trying to impress your fellow citizens when they are not impressible?

The dreaded Internet doesn’t exist in South Africa and cellphone companies have laughed off any hope of interesting the inhabitants in talking expensively into a piece of black plastic. There are no unsightly shopping malls selling expensive goods made by Asian slave workers and consequently there are no newspapers or magazines carrying articles comparing the relative merits of ladies’ handbags.

Whisky, the curse of the white man, isn’t known in this undeveloped land and neither are cigars. The locals brew a sort of beer out of vegetables and drink it out of shallow wooden bowls. Five-litre paint cans have yet to arrive in South Africa.

Every so often a child goes missing from the village, eaten either by a hungry lion or a crocodile. The family mourn for a week or so and then have another child. Life is, on the whole, pretty good but there is something vital missing. Being unaware of the temptations of the outside world, nobody knows what it is. Fire has been discovered and the development of the wheel is coming on nicely but the tribal elders are still aware of some essential happiness ingredient they still need to discover. Praying to the ancestors is no help because they are just as clueless.

Then something happens that will change this undisturbed South Africa forever. Huge metal ships land on the coast and big metal flying birds are sent to explore the sparsely populated hinterland. They are full of men from a place called China and they are looking for coal, metal, oil, platinum, farmland, fresh water and cheap labour and lots of it. Suddenly the indigenous population realise what they have been missing all along: someone to blame. At last their prayers have been answered.

2nd July 2020, 01:56 AM
From the last paragraph of the post above:
Suddenly the indigenous population realise what they have been missing all along: someone to blame. At last their prayers have been answered.

This is the essense of the whole thing along with the jealousy and resentment that come into play when less capable humans are living among those who are more capable.

14th July 2020, 09:09 PM

CENSORED ARTICLE ONE , the Article of Articles.

CENSORED ARTICLE TWO , author fired , won't ever be printed again.

HISTORY OF BLOGS CENSORED and People behind them chased by GOVS.

The Death of Johannesburg (http://deathofjohannesburg.blogspot.com/)






And more,

Even wikipedia has some truth you cannot deny, chart anyone.

Crime in South Africa - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_South_Africa)


The Jews Who Made Common Cause With Mandela - Tablet Magazine (https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/mandelas-jewish-helpers)

24th July 2020, 10:42 AM

Just in case any missed this update.

THIS IS A JEWISH MAGAZINE , they admit it , writing to their fellow Jews.


The Jews Who Made Common Cause With Mandela - Tablet Magazine (https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/mandelas-jewish-helpers)

"In 1963, after South African police arrested six Jews and seven blacks in a raid on an African National Congress hideout in the Johannesburg suburb of Rivonia—a sweep that eventually landed Nelson Mandela in prison for more than 25 years—a white nationalist newspaper asked whether Jews were unhappy in South Africa. The community’s Board of Deputies responded unequivocally that the opposite was true, promising that South Africa’s Jews were loyal and patriotic. “No part of the community can or should be asked to accept responsibility” for the actions of a few, the board insisted in its official reply."

As is usually the case.

It's the Jews, Stupid!!! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62745-It-s-the-Jews-Stupid!!!)

Too much is going on to even keep up with,
riots destruction nonstop in a few major cities,
more destruction of historical monuments, churches
attacked and destroyed even, USA and Europe,
don't Antifa/BLM work ? Apparently
there is lots of Jewish Soros money for them.

Jews bragg about what they are responsible for to their fellow Jews.

They are all in on it.

25th July 2020, 02:49 PM
My GSUS friends, please don't dismiss MAGNES. He may speak cryptically, but he is a genius and knows what the score is. Try to decipher his posts and learn.
I'm thrilled he's back. All we need now is Book.

27th July 2020, 12:38 PM
compare us to the healthy nations, where females make babies instead of "career" and "fun" and whoring around intead of being moms

them females all wear pants and male clothing at all time - cause they never are pregnant, they never are in their natural state, talking about mother-nature here

white male rule will not, unless he first rules over his own wife and over his own household and I don't see that happening any soon, except perhaps amish

so, hate to tell you, lets get real

27th July 2020, 01:47 PM
compare us to the healthy nations, where females make babies instead of "career" and "fun" and whoring around intead of being moms

them females all wear pants and male clothing at all time - cause they never are pregnant, they never are in their natural state, talking about mother-nature here

white male rule will not, unless he first rules over his own wife and over his own household and I don't see that happening any soon, except perhaps amish

so, hate to tell you, lets get real
The Amish women are the only white women doing what God meant them to do. Well, my middle daughter has nine children, so I suppose she’s done well.