View Full Version : Nigger fatigue, anyone else have it?

26th June 2020, 08:21 AM
All we see lately is how wonderful niggers are and deserving of praise. Millions of white Americans are bending over to be fucked in the ass by niggers.

Where is praise for white people? Where is the apologies from blacks that have looted, robbed and stolen from white businesses and white people? Where is the apologies for all the black on white attacks and murders?

Personally, what has been going on lately has made me sick to even look at these people. We owe them nothing!
Most of my life I've watched blacks get hired for their skin color, not for merit. Most white people fear being around them, or walking past them.

Why are people bending over for them now?

No one is going to shame me, or guilt me for anything. I'm sick and tired of being called a racist for the last 4 years. This has had an opposite affect for me, I now own it!
I'm a racist!

26th June 2020, 08:31 AM
All we see lately is how wonderful niggers are and deserving of praise. Millions of white Americans are bending over to be fucked in the ass by niggers.

Where is praise for white people? Where is the apologies from blacks that have looted, robbed and stolen from white businesses and white people? Where is the apologies for all the black on white attacks and murders?

Personally, what has been going on lately has made me sick to even look at these people. We owe them nothing!
Most of my life I've watched blacks get hired for their skin color, not for merit. Most white people fear being around them, or walking past them.

Why are people bending over for them now?

No one is going to shame me, or guilt me for anything. I'm sick and tired of being called a racist for the last 4 years. This has had an opposite affect for me, I now own it!
I'm a racist!
I remain a culturist. If your worldview, moral structure, principles and the like are similar to mine, I will be inclined to trust and interact with you, regardless of skin color.
Forcing people to interact and tolerate with others that display conflicting attributes named above will never turn out well.

26th June 2020, 10:02 AM
All we see lately is how wonderful niggers are and deserving of praise. Millions of white Americans are bending over to be fucked in the ass by niggers.

I'd just remind, "all we see lately..." is a dinjooNuffin/JSM/JWO psyop; they fancy themselves our "reality creators", our "shadows on (Plato's) cave walls" makers. It's all appeal-to-emotion agitprop... with the goal of, as for the 'Whites' component, making U feel how EE says above: angry, exhausted, demoralized.

^ not that holding that knowledge, & resistance to succumbing to their desired emotional goals for U with ur natural anger cleverly deflected from (((THEM))), will help U from a pack of dindus intent on kicking y'ass merely coz YOU WHITE CRACKA! Ur not gonna reason ur way thru it with them... or educate them re the JP root of their shit... so of course common sense in public, situational awareness, yada yada.

But when ur in ur safe place, try to direct ur natural anger at this mass race-war-agitprop psyop at (((THE ROOT)))...>:D

separately, albeit in an "it's all connected" way; here's a discouraging black pill for today, :'(

Roger Waters Trashes White America While Apologizing To Jews For Hurting Their Feelings With Facts (https://christiansfortruth.com/roger-waters-trashes-white-america-while-apologizing-to-jews-for-hurting-their-feelings-with-facts/)

JUNE 26, 2020 By CFT TEAM (https://christiansfortruth.com/author/cft/)

26th June 2020, 10:23 AM
ive had it since the 70's

26th June 2020, 10:24 AM
I have Jew fatigue. The issues we're having with Blacks are only a symptom of the Jew problem.

26th June 2020, 10:30 AM
I suspect non-victim blacks are as tired of the victim diatribe as we are. The backlash is likely to be more extreme than the prelude.

26th June 2020, 03:50 PM
All we see lately is how wonderful niggers are and deserving of praise. Millions of white Americans are bending over to be fucked in the ass by niggers.

Where is praise for white people? Where is the apologies from blacks that have looted, robbed and stolen from white businesses and white people? Where is the apologies for all the black on white attacks and murders?

Personally, what has been going on lately has made me sick to even look at these people. We owe them nothing!
Most of my life I've watched blacks get hired for their skin color, not for merit. Most white people fear being around them, or walking past them.

Why are people bending over for them now?

No one is going to shame me, or guilt me for anything. I'm sick and tired of being called a racist for the last 4 years. This has had an opposite affect for me, I now own it!
I'm a racist!

I don't think you are a racist. You actually believe in equality. People should be judged and hired by their merit, not skin color, in a society that is truly equal. It's a lot of black people these days that are racist. They are using the injustice done against George Floyd for their own person agendas, such as looting stores for free TV's. Or, asking to be judged by their skin color alone seeking praise or apologies.

You and I have done nothing to harm them, personally. They just want to blame us and get free stuff. Agendas...everyone's got one these days. Even the founder of BLM open says they are marxists. Which is political, they are a political party now, communists.

There is no kneeling in equality. We stand and look each other in the eyes.

26th June 2020, 04:35 PM
I've been tired of them too for a long time. I like this song and video link below with Gid Tanner and his Skillet Lickers singing "Run Nigger Run".


26th June 2020, 06:36 PM
I don't think you are a racist. You actually believe in equality. People should be judged and hired by their merit, not skin color, in a society that is truly equal. It's a lot of black people these days that are racist. They are using the injustice done against George Floyd for their own person agendas, such as looting stores for free TV's. Or, asking to be judged by their skin color alone seeking praise or apologies.

You and I have done nothing to harm them, personally. They just want to blame us and get free stuff. Agendas...everyone's got one these days. Even the founder of BLM open says they are marxists. Which is political, they are a political party now, communists.

There is no kneeling in equality. We stand and look each other in the eyes.

Really the color of their skin has nothing to do with it, it's their behavior, their sense of entitlement, their loud mouths and knowing many, not all, hate me because I'm white.
That aside, I always treat every individual regardless of color/race, with the same respect I expect from them.
I save my hatred for the people that deserve it, the evil soulless people in government that are pulling the strings in our society.
You are right, I am not a true racist.

26th June 2020, 08:13 PM
I don't think you are a racist. You actually believe in equality. People should be judged and hired by their merit, not skin color, in a society that is truly equal. It's a lot of black people these days that are racist. They are using the injustice done against George Floyd for their own person agendas, such as looting stores for free TV's. Or, asking to be judged by their skin color alone seeking praise or apologies.

You and I have done nothing to harm them, personally. They just want to blame us and get free stuff. Agendas...everyone's got one these days. Even the founder of BLM open says they are marxists. Which is political, they are a political party now, communists.

There is no kneeling in equality. We stand and look each other in the eyes.
I just said that.

26th June 2020, 08:14 PM
Really the color of their skin has nothing to do with it, it's their behavior, their sense of entitlement, their loud mouths and knowing many, not all, hate me because I'm white.
That aside, I always treat every individual regardless of color/race, with the same respect I expect from them.
I save my hatred for the people that deserve it, the evil soulless people in government that are pulling the strings in our society.
You are right, I am not a true racist.

26th June 2020, 08:50 PM
Really the color of their skin has nothing to do with it, it's their behavior, their sense of entitlement, their loud mouths and knowing many, not all, hate me because I'm white.
That aside, I always treat every individual regardless of color/race, with the same respect I expect from them.
I save my hatred for the people that deserve it, the evil soulless people in government that are pulling the strings in our society.
You are right, I am not a true racist.

I know others hate me cause I'm white. At this point, I'm desensitized, sadly to say. Either you are a threat to me or you are not. I take it day by day, encounter by encounter. Treat each individual with the same respect I expect back.

My issue now is the "shock" factor of defending my life, is gone. It's almost expected now. It's like mentally I've accepted that I'll have to defend my life with lethal force here in the future.

midnight rambler
26th June 2020, 09:10 PM
My issue now is the "shock" factor of defending my life, is gone. It's almost expected now. It's like mentally I've accepted that I'll have to defend my life with lethal force here in the future.

Which is why I now have a camera bag with an AR pistol and 400 +/- rounds of ammo, amongst other tools in my car. If you happen to run into a mob of lawless and violent insurgents, help will NOT be coming before something really bad happens to you.

26th June 2020, 10:40 PM
Max says BLM is the new banker's army.

You're just a Nazi waiting to be squeezed by allied fronts.

27th June 2020, 07:28 AM
I know others hate me cause I'm white. At this point, I'm desensitized, sadly to say. Either you are a threat to me or you are not. I take it day by day, encounter by encounter. Treat each individual with the same respect I expect back.

My issue now is the "shock" factor of defending my life, is gone. It's almost expected now. It's like mentally I've accepted that I'll have to defend my life with lethal force here in the future.

This is how quick it can happen

VIDEO: Brutal Beatdown Near Portland Protest, Police Searching For Suspects
By Brock Simmons
Published June 27, 2020 at 7:30am


27th June 2020, 11:21 PM

29th June 2020, 12:11 AM
Boomers have had enough.


BLM should have called them the R-word so they'd hand over their guns.



29th June 2020, 08:54 PM
The Mexicans don't like us much either.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=140&v=6yirhHEd75g&feature=emb_ logo

30th June 2020, 10:52 PM
Looks like YT has gone full tilt and removing anything other than commercial safe for under 10 years old.

Well excepting where white folks appear violent.

They must be Chinese there at YT.