View Full Version : Covid-19 Was Always a Fake Political Power Grab

28th June 2020, 01:10 PM
The virus only infects people at Trump rallies and when Conservatives protest the lockdowns, but the Left is immune to the virus because Black Lives Matter or something.



28th June 2020, 03:45 PM
Breaking news: Scientists have isolated a hormone that is 100% effective against Covid 19. This hormone is only released during periods of high emotional output and it turns out that rioting is the only sure way to flood one's system with this protective compound. Researchers also noted after exhaustive research that the only way to insure a prolonged immune response that continues to protect against this dread Asian Contagion is the act of pulling down statues of dead white men. Strangely enough there is also evidence that beating white people or getting on your knees to Blax also insures a prolonged release of the hormone. The hormone has been named Blaxone in honor of the "Only Black Lives Matter" movement. At this time researchers are feverishly working on an injection that will protect the populace from the Q19 virus. It is thought that Sheeple everywhere will line up for the Blaxination.

28th June 2020, 07:23 PM
Breaking news: Scientists have isolated a hormone that is 100% effective against Covid 19. This hormone is only released during periods of high emotional output and it turns out that rioting is the only sure way to flood one's system with this protective compound. Researchers also noted after exhaustive research that the only way to insure a prolonged immune response that continues to protect against this dread Asian Contagion is the act of pulling down statues of dead white men. Strangely enough there is also evidence that beating white people or getting on your knees to Blax also insures a prolonged release of the hormone. The hormone has been named Blaxone in honor of the "Only Black Lives Matter" movement. At this time researchers are feverishly working on an injection that will protect the populace from the Q19 virus. It is thought that Sheeple everywhere will line up for the Blaxination.

I'll admit I couldn't even come up with a coherent response after reading the OP. Thanks for taking the time to put return fire together!

13th July 2020, 07:49 AM
I'll admit I couldn't even come up with a coherent response after reading the OP. Thanks for taking the time to put return fire together!

Only problem is they tore down a statue of Frederick Douglas in Rochester NY and others I may not know of.

"Covid-19 Was Always a Fake Political Power Grab "

Title indicates even non-extant entities are useful power grabber tools.