View Full Version : Fix is In - Virginia Roberts Giuffre ordeedr to burn documents -Epstein, Maxwell

4th July 2020, 09:33 AM
If Guiffre has good attorneys who want names of top Epstein / Maxwell associates revealed and on the record, they will make sure these files are not destroyed and remain in her and her attorneys' possession.

But when a high level deep state fix is in, as it is in this case, good attorneys would have to have the same level of courage as Virginia Guiffre has.

If the whole truth and the names named does not happen in these related law suits, it is over with for the United States of America.

This is infinitely more important for the rule of law of the USA than the General Flynn case.



Virginia Giuffre Ordered to Destroy Files That Contain Names of Epstein Associates
Documents were “improperly obtained.”
Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - July 3, 2020 102 Comments

Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre has been ordered by a US District Judge to destroy files that contain names of the billionaire sex trafficker’s associates because they were improperly obtained.

Senior US District Judge Loretta Preska also said that Giuffre’s attorneys will need to provide proof that the documents have been destroyed and that, “Counsel shall submit an affidavit detailing the steps taken to do so.”

“Preska’s ruling came after a request by attorney Alan Dershowitz to gain access to the documents. Giuffre has claimed that Dershowitz was one of the men Epstein forced her to have sex with. In response, Dershowitz sued Giuffre for defamation in 2019. Dershowitz claimed that obtaining the Epstein files would be an asset to his defense,” reports Newsweek.

“Preska said in her ruling that Dershowitz’s desire to see all of the files “with over a thousand docket entries” was not a “targeted strike” but a “carpet bombing.”

The documents, which run to some 2,000 pages long, apparently contain hundreds of names of people linked to Epstein.

As we highlighted yesterday, a lawyer for another of Epstein’s accusers thinks that Ghislaine Maxwell could reveal a “bigger name” involved in Epstein’s pedophile network in order to secure a plea deal following her arrest.

“I’m sure that Ghislaine’s attorneys will try to make a deal where she speaks out about a bigger name to get reduced charges for herself,” said Lisa Bloom.

One caveat to that is that Epstein was reportedly trying to cut a similar deal, only to turn up dead a week later.


Dave Hodges also comments on Judge Preska's ruling in first half of this video...



The Fix Is In Guiffre Ordered to Burn Files
•Jul 3, 2020
The Common Sense Show
158K subscribers