View Full Version : Niggers trying to draw us out with our guns

5th July 2020, 09:58 AM
What do you guys think about this?
As much as I'd like to see whites assembly en masse and *************************, that would be playing right into the Democrat globalist hands.
If this was a white group calling out blacks for a gun battle, the Feds would be coming down hard and fast.

"We're In Your House. Let's Go." - Black Armed Protesters Challenge White Militia At Confederate Monument
by Tyler Durden
Sun, 07/05/2020 - 11:00

Update (12:40ET): Listen to Not F**king Around Coalition's (NFAC) leader Grand Master Jay describing his group's overall mission:

Confederate monument in Rockdale County removed

The group, known as Not F**king Around Coalition (NFAC), marched through Stone Mountain Park near Atlanta on Independence Day, calling out white militias, along with protesting one of the largest Confederate monuments in the country, reported Reuters.

Hundreds of heavily armed NFAC members, predominantly African Americans, were seen dressed in black combat gear with military-style rifles - quietly marched up a road in the park in two columns.

One clip shows what appears to be an NFAC leader directing a right and left column of heavily armed members up a road.

Another video shows the group coming to a stop on the road with an unidentified man shouting into a loudspeaker challenging white militias.

"I don't see no white militia," he declared. "We're here. Where ... you at? We're in your house. Let's go."

Here's more video of the NFAC march.

John Bankhead, a spokesman for the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, said NFAC's demonstration was peaceful and orderly:

"It's a public park, a state park. We have these protests on both sides of the issue from time to time. We respect people's First Amendment right," Bankhead told WXIA-TV.

"We understand the sensitivities of the issue here at the park ... so we respect that and allow them to come in as long as it's peaceful, which it has been," he said.

The park had just opened after being closed for virus-related issues. Around Saturday afternoon, park officials allowed the group to enter the park from the West Gate. They marched to the lawn area of the park, in view of the confederate memorial carved into granite on Stone Mountain.

"Stone Mountain has long held symbolism for white supremacists. The Ku Klux Klan, a hate group that was formed by Confederate Army veterans and has a history of lynchings and terror against Black people, held its rebirth ceremony atop mountain in 1915 with flaming crosses.

Klansmen still hold occasional gatherings in the shadows of the edifice, albeit now met with protesters behind police tape. Many of those cross-burnings took place on or around July 4," said Reuters.

Readers may recall, we noted on March 29 that "the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic could be a flare-up of social unrest across major Western cities as millions have lost their jobs, economies have crashed into depressions, and the military is being called up to maintain order."

And, boy, were we right...

We quoted Peter Turchin not too long ago as saying with the coronavirus still worsening the wellbeing of the country and millions out of work, and this could certainly "escalate all the way to a civil war."

"Things are not as bad as they can be," Turchin warned.

The socio-economic implosion of America, resulting in both black and white militias to enter city streets this summer - could be the goal of the political elites to spark chaos ahead of the election.



5th July 2020, 06:25 PM
They're doing basically the same thing White militias were doing in the state house in Michigan, nobody got hurt. Let 'em be.

Fair is fair, Bob.

If they are willing to bear arms to defend what they think is right in an orderly manner, maybe they are more like you than you think? Maybe now it's time to talk?

After all, they aren't looting. They have adapted tactics similar to your own. Think.

It would be a lot better for this to come to a peaceful end, and if it ends peacefully with everyone pointing guns at each other, then OK.


It would be nice if everyone could back to living instead of this stupid insanity.

5th July 2020, 06:49 PM
What do you guys think about this? ]I think Jews exaggerate the BLM threat in hopes of inciting large scale class warfare.

5th July 2020, 06:53 PM
They're doing basically the same thing White militias were doing in the state house in Michigan, nobody got hurt. Let 'em be.

Fair is fair, Bob.

If they are willing to bear arms to defend what they think is right in an orderly manner, maybe they are more like you than you think? Maybe now it's time to talk?

After all, they aren't looting. They have adapted tactics similar to your own. Think.

It would be a lot better for this to come to a peaceful end, and if it ends peacefully with everyone pointing guns at each other, then OK.


It would be nice if everyone could back to living instead of this stupid insanity.

Sadly I don't believe we are close to this ending peacefully. The left has declared war on America and it will not end until there is a victor.

In other news... https://twitter.com/SMorrisonTV/status/1279821681721253891?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1279821681721253891%7Ctwgr% 5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2 020%2F07%2Fdisgusting-black-man-stops-car-sucker-punches-12-year-old-boy-street-dancer-missouri-giving-concussion-video%2F

midnight rambler
6th July 2020, 07:40 PM
They're doing basically the same thing White militias were doing in the state house in Michigan, nobody got hurt. Let 'em be.

Fair is fair, Bob.

If they are willing to bear arms to defend what they think is right in an orderly manner, maybe they are more like you than you think? Maybe now it's time to talk?

After all, they aren't looting. They have adapted tactics similar to your own. Think.

It would be a lot better for this to come to a peaceful end, and if it ends peacefully with everyone pointing guns at each other, then OK.


It would be nice if everyone could back to living instead of this stupid insanity.

I think at this point it's safe to say we have a violent black problem.

Delusions of grandeur: "We'll take Texas (as our piece of dirt)" Nigger is willfully ignorant of Texas history, probably so stupid he'll try to spend the night in Vidor.

In the second video, at 1:37 there is a banner with a map on it indicating the land they think they're gonna take. Curiously Oklahoma is above the line and blacked out like they're taking it but leaving Arkansas??



7th July 2020, 09:19 AM

7th July 2020, 02:27 PM
based black woman in TX, even fingers the real supremacists. 8m:
Black Woman Destroys White Privilege Myth (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/07/black-woman-destroys-white-privilege.html)


7th July 2020, 05:50 PM
Most here have seen this, but a few may not have. It's been erased from youtube.
In light of the great black take over of America, destruction of anyone that speaks out against them, destruction of all sports, destruction of cities, blacks murdering/attacking people that's skyrocketing, white people loving blacks more then their own people, even their own families and it's being played 24/7 by the msm. The end game is getting close.


7th July 2020, 11:18 PM
Discouraging, for sure.

Stop Making Cents
8th July 2020, 02:43 AM
It's funny. After a lifetime of hating niggers, and in the last 5-10 years of living in a non-nigger infested area, coming around to live and let live and thinking maybe niggers aren't so bad and i should feel sorry for them, they pull this BLM shit. Turns out i was right to hate niggers all along. This is the catch 22 of living in a non-nigger area. You put your guard down and start believing some of the pro nigger propaganda.

These are violent retarded apes, and the biggest mistake america ever made was importing them in the first place. 2nd biggest mistake was integrating them, or attempting to integrate them, into our society as if it wouldn't lead to problems.

Every American should be outraged at the destruction of our major american cities by these retarded apes. Once great civilizations brought to ruins.... by niggers just being there. And that's even with trillions of dollars off the printing presses given to programs for niggers. Imagine what these niggers would do without all hte free money handed out to them.

It's a scary situation for sure. The only solution for everyone involved is separation. But there's too much money for certain people in creating this division and chaos. I'm perfectly happy to live and let live but now they are not allowing us to do that.

8th July 2020, 03:39 AM
^ Good post and I agree with you. This isn't the first time niggers have destroyed a white nation and it's "The Lesson of Babylon" that most still haven't learned.


8th July 2020, 05:43 AM
It's funny. After a lifetime of hating niggers, and in the last 5-10 years of living in a non-nigger infested area, coming around to live and let live and thinking maybe niggers aren't so bad and i should feel sorry for them, they pull this BLM shit. Turns out i was right to hate niggers all along. This is the catch 22 of living in a non-nigger area. You put your guard down and start believing some of the pro nigger propaganda.

These are violent retarded apes, and the biggest mistake america ever made was importing them in the first place. 2nd biggest mistake was integrating them, or attempting to integrate them, into our society as if it wouldn't lead to problems.

Every American should be outraged at the destruction of our major american cities by these retarded apes. Once great civilizations brought to ruins.... by niggers just being there. And that's even with trillions of dollars off the printing presses given to programs for niggers. Imagine what these niggers would do without all hte free money handed out to them.

It's a scary situation for sure. The only solution for everyone involved is separation. But there's too much money for certain people in creating this division and chaos. I'm perfectly happy to live and let live but now they are not allowing us to do that.
Good post. Yes, it is quite evident there is no way to live and let live. They will chase us down and rape and kill and steal until there is nothing left to rape, steal, and kill. That's it; x + y = Z; simple mathematics. They are a tool of the Hostile Elite to totally annihilate our society and people and establish the Neo-feudalist society they desire so badly.

8th July 2020, 05:51 AM
Good post. Yes, it is quite evident there is no way to live and let live. They will chase us down and rape and kill and steal until there is nothing left to rape, steal, and kill. That's it; x + y = Z; simple mathematics. They are a tool of the Hostile Elite to totally annihilate our society and people and establish the Neo-feudalist society they desire so badly.
There is nothing we can do for them that will possibly be enough. Nothing will satisfy them. We could give them everything we have and it would not be enough. There would still be a simmering resentment that could not be quenched. They need someone to blame for their own inadequacies and the white man is the perfect target because we are a step ahead in biological ability. Our natural society is made with brick and mortar and finely crafted tools and they are still in the stone age biologically, living in mud huts and ecking out a living with spear and stones. They were eating each other 150 years ago. It is quite obvious the White Man is now on the menu. It is quite obvious though, that they are just a tool of another tribe; a tribe for more savage and cunning than they are.

8th July 2020, 07:09 AM
There is nothing we can do for them that will possibly be enough. Nothing will satisfy them. We could give them everything we have and it would not be enough. There would still be a simmering resentment that could not be quenched. They need someone to blame for their own inadequacies and the white man is the perfect target because we are a step ahead in biological ability. Our natural society is made with brick and mortar and finely crafted tools and they are still in the stone age biologically, living in mud huts and ecking out a living with spear and stones. They were eating each other 150 years ago. It is quite obvious the White Man is now on the menu. It is quite obvious though, that they are just a tool of another tribe; a tribe for more savage and cunning than they are.Love them or hate them, unless you understand inferiority complex you cannot understand Blacks.

8th July 2020, 11:04 AM
Love them or hate them, unless you understand inferiority complex you cannot understand Blacks.
Post number 7 in this thread by Patcolo is proof that some blacks are far wiser and more decent than most whites. That lady is an example that blacks should follow. You are right though; most of them have a massive inferiority complex.

8th July 2020, 08:36 PM
I'm perfectly happy to live and let live but now they are not allowing us to do that.

You are not alone in your thinking. I'm a "live and let live" person, but around the cities, we might not be allowed to live that way anymore.

I just don't want anyone standing in my way of being free, to pursue my dreams, goals, etc.

I know the .gov wants to take from me. Now, people I don't even know, want to take because my skin color is different. Or worse, take my life. All because I'm "privileged". I want to grab the nearest asshole that accuses me of that and beat the fuck out of him.