View Full Version : Who Got PPA Loans - Be repulsed

6th July 2020, 04:27 PM

The Money GPS
Pinned by The Money GPS
The Money GPS
6 hours ago

Finally this hard to obtain data is released by the government. Was not quite sure how to download the data for my state but I think is was two files and one was 40 MBs and the other larger.

Richard Grosvenor
Richard Grosvenor
5 hours ago
David, this says it all concerning the efficacy of the distribution:
"Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy in New Jersey, which is named after Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner’s grandfather, got a loan in the range of $1 million to $2 million. Jared Kushner’s parents’ family foundation supports the school, NBC News reported."

Ilan Hirschfield
Ilan Hirschfield
5 hours ago
Richard Grosvenor they’re an Orthodox Jewish private school. A number of my friends went there. AFAIK they aren’t technically a business. This PPP stuff was executed absolutely horrifically

Luke Dog
Luke Dog
6 hours ago
I tried to download the thing. They don’t make it easy

The Money GPS
The Money GPS
6 hours ago
Well, the SBA released a partial list. Link will be in the comments section.
"Those loans disclosed represent nearly three-fourths of total loan dollars approved, but a far smaller proportion of the of the number of actual loans."
CNBC is going through the data now but if you want to look at the direct source, click the link in the comments.

6th July 2020, 09:40 PM
Whats wrong with taking loans that are going to get paid back?


I think the issue is that they were sucking up all the loan money so that small businesses couldn't get the loans. That I agree is greedy and nasty to do.

7th July 2020, 03:08 AM
These PPA loans are really bailouts because employers do not have to pay these loans back if they keep employees on the payroll, and "keeping employees on the payroll" is technically easy to abuse and corrupt.

There is wastefulness and corruption written all over this program.

The Kanye West company
The Kardashians company
One of Donald Trump's lawyers got one of these loans.

The Kushner church school was not a "small business" and should not have been given the loan. There were many not-so-small businesses that seemed to be at the front of the line to get the loans. There was no fair implementation of the program and there was extreme reluctance to release the data and they still have not released it all. The terms of the loan were very generous and the interest rate was low and if there are defaults that too will be dealt with kindly. No one will be able to check the way this program was administered and it is unlikely that there was much favoritism and sweetheart deals and yet there are many many small businesses that are going permanently bankrupt right now.

All for a totally fraudulent fake virus hoax. I believe the virus scam was perpetrated by the international banksters too as is the 5G and all related One World Death and Slavery System for All destruction program happening right now. It is Marxist Communist brutal lie, kill, destroy tyranny.

This country was already in full-on economic collapse mode BEFORE these end-times communist take-down times.

The PPA program, if it were truly audited and looked at, probably most closely looks like corrupt racketeering with taxpayer dollars.

Blow the lid off the child sex trafficking in the USA and put the top moneyed business and politician people in prison for life now.

That is the only thing that will restore belief in the desire to restore our broken system.


7th July 2020, 04:32 AM
That is the only thing that will restore belief in the desire to restore our broken system

A bankrupt system doesn't need more monopoly money to be fixed. A cold boot requires the current programs and operating system to be terminated. Wipe memory clean and don't have any residual memory that is to be used post-cold boot. When ready to restart a bootstrap loader program is called up. The function of the bootstrap loader is an initial operating system intended to establish protocols, locations for source programs and the full operating system. Once the bootstrap has performed control is turned over to the new operating system and it is off to the races.

It should be obvious that referring to memory details pre-cold boot is irrational because that memory detail was created while a corrupt program was in operation. The purpose of the cold boot was to repair this program and this memory.

Now if the bad memory actually involved bad money more bad money isn't likely to represent a fix. This suggests that the cold boot to the system has another underlying cause. Likely we will never know why the plug was pulled but of one thing we can be certain of: WHEN COLD BOOT IS DONE THE NEW PROGRAM WILL BE DIFFERENT!!!

Observe. That is the key.