View Full Version : U.S. officially withdraws from World Health Organization

7th July 2020, 06:28 PM

U.S. officially withdraws from World Health Organization

Published 7 hours ago

on July 7, 2020

https://bnonews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/192019DonaldTrumpSignsBillCreditWhiteHouseANDSheal ahCraighead.jpg

The U.S. has officially informed the United Nations of its withdrawal from the World Health Organization, lawmakers announced on Tuesday, more than a month after President Donald Trump announced his intention to do so over alleged failures in the response to coronavirus.

“Congress received notification that POTUS officially withdrew the U.S. from the WHO in the midst of a pandemic,” U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey, said on Twitter. “To call Trump’s response to COVID chaotic and incoherent doesn’t do it justice.”

The withdrawal takes effect on July 6, 2021, because the U.S. government is legally required to give a year’s notice. This would give Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for president, a chance to reverse the decision if he wins the election on November 3.

“Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health. On my first day as President, I will rejoin the WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage,” Biden said in response to Tuesday’s news.

Trump announced his intention to withdraw from WHO on May 29, but health officials expressed hope that such a move could be avoided. “The [U.S.] has been a longstanding and generous friend to WHO and we hope it will continue to be so,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom said earlier this year.

Trump has long criticized the international health organization for its response to the coronavirus outbreak, which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019. It has since spread around the world, killing nearly 540,000 people.

“Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organization and pressured the World Health Organization to mislead the world when the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities,” Trump said on May 29. China and WHO have denied those allegations.

“Countless lives have been taken, and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe. They strongly recommended against me doing the early ban from China, but I did it anyway and was proven to be 100 percent correct,” Trump said at the time.

“We have detailed the reforms that it must make and engage with them directly, but they have refused to act,” he said, adding that U.S. funds for the World Health Organization will be redirected to other worldwide and urgent public health needs.

7th July 2020, 06:49 PM
That's a good thing!

7th July 2020, 09:43 PM
Trumps Bait and Switch

Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/)https://secureservercdn.net/

In mid-May US President Donald Trump announced that the US would be ending their financial support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and COVID-19 relief. The move was lambasted in the mainstream press as an out of touch politician pulling funding from a vital global health organization during the middle of a pandemic. To Trump’s supporters the decision was met with the typical cheering and celebrated as another Trump victory against the “globalists.” To understand what is actually going on we need to examine Donald Trump’s actions, not his tweets or media statements.

READ MORE AT LINK (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/)

8th July 2020, 04:01 AM

site is empty of content and link no good

I am familiar with the good commentary of this host (Chris first name? )and wonder if he has been banned from posting everywhere and is now looking to develop his own olatform.

Trump indeed does give to GAVI so he continues to give mixed signals on every major issue. I still hope and pray that he is playing a good game. And Q and others keep moving the goal post and promising any day now he will play his trump card because he knows all the facts about every major issue.

I just keep searching for glimmers of hope.

Still it is good that the USA is out of the WHO.

People have known from the beginning of this virus thing that there are gnawing basic questions that the medical and scientific community have avoided answering and most people are afraid to even ask the questions. The fruits of this virus schtick on the USA are plain to see -destruction of the USA and its entire culture.

I have endeavored to collect truthful commentary about this virus meme and post in a thread at


and have critiqued articles from all perspectives trying to get at factual answers to the basic avoided and unanswered questions.

Example from the Fauchi camp.

July 7 2020


Re: Coronavirus

Latest Virus B S [ Bad Science ] from Washington Post

All the basic logical fallacies here as well as high-propaganda scare / fear value photos (cemeteries etc. and the ubiquitous Anthony Tony The Rat Fauchi.

Coronovirus is the genus.

"COVID-19" is the species

These terms are NOT interchangeable.

There is no clinical laboratory test of any kind for the "novel corona virus." per journalist GiuseppeDC

There is no proof that a virus that may be going around and contributing to the death of some individuals is "COVID-19"

There is no evidence that "this disease" is causing a "pandemic."

And not one HONEST Medical Scientist / Researcher is bothering to tell us what the truth is about this highly questionable appearing hypothesis.
We want truth.
Not more lying statistics that is destroying our nation and our people, one person at a time.

Here is the foundational fallacy phrase upon which this new Wapo piece is based.

"Autopsies have long been a source of breakthroughs in understanding new diseases, from HIV/AIDS and Ebola to Lassa fever — and the medical community is counting on them to do the same for covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus."

All of the major issues, Maxwell arrest psyop, 5G, Gates / vaccinations, virus, are showing themselves to be all closely related to the major push now for a

One World Death and Slavery System for All.

8th July 2020, 04:25 AM
It seems membership did not prevent the pandemic so why not?

8th July 2020, 04:28 AM
What "pandemic" ?

8th July 2020, 05:04 AM
What "pandemic" ?

The one I can't turn on the TV without hearing about.

8th July 2020, 05:34 AM
The one I can't turn on the TV without hearing about.
I boldened the part that is the crux of the problem. TV could be replaced with the words Mainstream Media, but TV is an even more vile media than print. There is something about that box that is so mesmerizing that it captures people's minds. The best bet is to never turn it on. I do watch an occasional movie and that is bad enough. You are what you eat and taking that rot into your mind is sure to poison you somehow.

8th July 2020, 05:36 AM
Woodman, you beat me to it in responding on exactly the correct point.

I was going to respond to ziero0 with...

Deep Six your TV.

I did that about 8 years ago.

8th July 2020, 06:03 AM
You are what you eat and taking that rot into your mind is sure to poison you somehow. Even worse my car has rubber tires, I have a hard line telephone, a cell phone and my diet is carb based. I hold $5 of original U.S. debt and am addicted to searching for the ultimate ham antenna. Phobia attached to TV technology is pretty low on my list. I view it as wallpaper that changes.

If you were to list all your phobias in order of importance, do battle with number one and succeed you will discover that your previous number two is now your number one. And so it goes until you arrive at a list of Ziero0 length, you find that while your life is perfect in every way the lives of everyone you know or meet is imperfect. This then becomes number one on your list.

At this stage I must congratulate you because you will have arrived at the stage of life where the only group you can identify with calls themselves LIBERAL!!!

The longest journey begins with a single step.

8th July 2020, 06:08 AM
As the Quaker said to his wife...

"All the world is queer save thee and me, and even thou art a little queer."