View Full Version : Two BIG Boating Suspicious happenings today - July 12, 2020

12th July 2020, 01:36 PM
The first one is just absolutely crazy looking on Ontario Canada canal


The two big ships in the canal were said to be traveling "in opposite directions" but the video clip here...


at 0:20

shows them slowly and seemingly moving deliberately head-on into each other.


The second big boating suspicious happening was in San Diego...


see video clip also here...


at 0:59


Alternative media commentators on Real Deal Reports have mentioned suspicious U S navy boat, not same one though, heading from San Diego in strange directions looking a lot like related to human trafficking

Many "remote viewing" woo woo guys report "seeing" boating "accidents" that may be related to human/child trafficking.


Maybe this is only coincidental but it could be some kind of "message" or revenge hits. The fires on the huge naval ship appear to be emanating from far and wide points on the ship. There was said to be explosions first. This remind me of looking at the burning World Trade Center buildings on 9-11.

midnight rambler
12th July 2020, 04:30 PM
If the masters of those two ships didn't start taking evasive action over 1/4 of a mile away (and action taken over 1/2 mile away would have been more certain in avoiding a collision) then they were doomed to colliding. Ships that size don't turn quickly and certainly don't stop quickly once underway - they are VERY slow to respond to steering and propulsion commands. At 1/4 mile from impact the captains were both probably already soiling their shorts.

12th July 2020, 07:59 PM
I work in the industry and that's too narrow of a channel for two ships to try and pass like that. There has to be more to this story than we are told.