View Full Version : Walmart has started to not take cash

midnight rambler
12th July 2020, 04:43 PM
A friend who lives in Pennsylvania just advised me that the Walmart in the small town of Cranberry, Pennsylvania now refuses to accept cash. This bears watching to see how far and fast it spreads. Pizza Hut has stopped accepting cash.

12th July 2020, 04:55 PM
Wouldn't it seem that market share will be directed to those merchants who are willing to fill ALL the needs of their customers?

12th July 2020, 04:58 PM
I can see Walmart not taking cash because they get paid before you take possession. At a restaurant, you take possession (eat) the food, thereby creating a debt. If they refuse to accept legal tender to settle that debt, then you are free to go.

12th July 2020, 06:50 PM
" If they refuse to accept legal tender to settle that debt, then you are free to go. "

You are free to go but without the items you wanted to purchase in your possession.


A little off topic but still in Wally World.

I ordered online an item from a "Marketplace Retailer" named Extreme Sales.

The package was delivered to my door but I noticed an Amazon truck and the delivery person had a Amazon delivery person uniform. I opened the package and was surprised to see it was my Walmart order. The item was not as described so I called the Walmart 800 number and got them to initiate a refund request for me to the seller. I did receive the credit / refund and was told to keep the box of wrong bags. I also stressed to the person on the phone for Walmart that I thought it was very odd that their competitor was delivering the item to me.

12th July 2020, 07:04 PM
Everyone should order a nice large order of a big pizza meal, eat it, and then claim that you did not realize they did not accept payment in cash. Also tell them if they ask that you do not have checks to pay with. State you never heard of a store not accepting cash and tell them that is all you have. Do that often and everywhere for free meals. That is the most wise use of your oppressed and depressed income at this time. Since these restaurants are about to go out of business anyway, they might not appreciate big losses and may discontinue the illegal rule to not accept legal tender. Depending on the situation, you decide whether to tip the waiter in cash or at all. In my state, they have just closed down, again, in-door seated service in restaurants so eating first and not paying after eating is not an option.

Also because of a purported "coin shortage now" Some places have a large jar of coins on the counter and you can pay with a currency bill that requires coin change, ask them before you hand over the bill if you can take your full change from the jar. See if that might benefit you.

For about three years I have noticed that people who come to your home and perform service work around the house will not allow you to pay the service worker in cash.

12th July 2020, 07:26 PM
Fill your cart up with perishables and leave it when they say 'no cash'. "Okay, no cash, no carry."

13th July 2020, 04:55 AM
Use means you can use something for your own survival and return it undamaged. This doesn't work so well with food.

Usufruct means the above with the added element that you can enjoy it

A debt instrument is incapable of transferring ownership. Walmart does not own the stuff you leave with and you can't own it because you paid cash for it. Cash or plastic ...neither transfer ownership.

This is the landscape you are dealing with these days. Communism dictates the system when there is no private property. If you don't like it you can change it but you cannot make this decision for others.

13th July 2020, 07:17 AM
"Use means you can use something for your own survival and return it undamaged. This doesn't work so well with food."

food or water or air or land to dwell on

so maybe those things that cannot be returned unaltered are things every human being is entitled to

and maybe those are things we of good intentions should be good stewards of

because their Owner and Creator is not a party to the original transaction.


Maybe the Federal Reserve that turned our Constitutional money into debt instruments was just another ramification of the anti-Logos principles that gave us capitalism (state sponsored usury) and socialism and national socialism and nationalism and communism.

13th July 2020, 08:20 AM
food or water or air or land to dwell on
Food .. hunter gatherer or rely upon market
Water...nobody EVER owns water
Air...nobody EVER owns air
Land ... By this meant volume or space. We all occupy it but it is not something you can own.

so maybe those things that cannot be returned unaltered are things every human being is entitled to a reasonable observation (but why limit it to just color of man?)

and maybe those are things we of good intentions should be good stewards of another reasonable observation

because their Owner and Creator is not a party to the original transaction. either the BEGINNING began or we are patiently waiting for it.

Maybe the Federal Reserve that turned our Constitutional money into debt instruments was just another ramification of the anti-Logos principles that gave us capitalism (state sponsored usury) and socialism and national socialism and nationalism and communism.
No good can come from speculation on this topic. Just use 12 USC 411 when required and move on.

13th July 2020, 02:07 PM
Before you know it, they will start refusing gold or silver bullion. :rolleyes:

16th July 2020, 02:09 AM
my walmart has to take cash because no one has a card that shops there. they are either low lives or immigrants with no credit! the checkout that only takes cards is always free to use!

16th July 2020, 03:16 AM
the checkout that only takes cards is always free to use!
Available but I have never found them free.

16th July 2020, 06:21 AM
The child trafficking crime scandal regarding Wayfair is rumored to be exploding now and has expanded to






a few other online stores that Dean Ryan named on yesterday's show, and this giant scandal is said to be under investigation by top law enforecement.

This involves Bezos and other top tech company owners.

Those of us who profess some religion and personal moral code had better not give any payment, of any kind or form, to those stores as you are participating in Satanic evil and murder.

16th July 2020, 06:56 AM
Anyone noticed that Hollywood big shot Steve Bing 'jumped 'off a building in June?

16th July 2020, 07:08 AM
This short video explains in more detail alleged "coin shortage" by retailers.

Customers who pay in cash and are due coin change will not receive their coin change but will instead be given a credit on their customer "loralty card" for future purchases at that store.

Most retainers do not have something called a "customer loyalty card" so that means the retailer will not give the customer their change due.

One grocery store in my area has the "loyalty card" but their online company computer management of these accounts has been poor to non-existent. They are really irrelevant now because the items that the store does have for sale on the shelves are exorbitantly overpriced and not the core items that I want to buy.

(I would also mention that in state tax law for my state, a retailer not giving the customer change for the "sale price" of an item in cash/coin appears very much to me like a violation of state tax laws and would necessarily involve the retailer filing fraudulent tax returns to the state tax collection agency.) That ungiven coin change remains illegally in the coffers of the retailer and I would call that theft, larceny, fraud, or whatever legal term would be applicable in this particular transaction, not to mention under-charging and collection of state sales tax due the state. This also appears to me to be illegal to have a "floating" "sales price" for an item for the tax base amount for the particular state tax.)


4:12 video runtime

Food Shortages Of Rice, Flour, Canned Foods! Shortages Of Aluminum Leaves Missing Pepsi & Coca Cola
•Jul 16, 2020
Silver Report Uncut
61.7K subscribers
The food shortages have begun in the US and it seems consumers are not as confident as the wall street analysts would like to convey since they are still stocking up on emergency foodstuffs. There may be a couple factors at play here though the companies all deduce it's due to increased demand from more and more customers eating at home more the items that food producers and grocery stores are finding hard to keep in stock would be rice, flour, and canned goods among other things. Another factor may be a major disruption still present in the supply chains. There are shortages in different metals particularly aluminum, Pepsi and Coca Cola both acknowledged a shortage of aluminum cans and the way they have been dealing with it is to reduce production for some of their flavors of said and focus on their top-selling brands to try to keep their products on the shelves. They warned there will be shortages on many of their products until they can get the supply problems resolved. This could be some of the strain for canned goods and what it signifies is there may still be some serious supply chain disruptions.