View Full Version : Excellent sites for sharing on the Covid HOAX

19th July 2020, 11:15 PM
Just found a couple of new sites that have tons of covid truther info:

Okay, this one doesn't have a catchy name, but whoever this guy is, he's done an excellent job of compiling tons of covid truther info:



http://virus-hoax.com (might be hard for some to wrap their heads around the hoax idea, especially if they haven't figured out that our media lies about everything)

And these are the others that I've been sharing:


https://thebigvirushoax.com/ (again, might be hard for some to wrap their heads around the hoax idea)

19th July 2020, 11:57 PM
Tag for later
Thank you Amanda

23rd July 2020, 11:21 AM
Other sites that are more on the side of taking action (so get people to sign up there):

https://makeamericansfreeagain.com/ (Dr. Pam Popper, fighting mandatory vaccines)

(https://childrenshealthdefense.org/)https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ (RFK Jr.'s organization, fighting mandatory vaccines and 5G)

(https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/)https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/ (Peggy Hall, fighting the masks)

(https://standforhealthfreedom.com/)https://standforhealthfreedom.com/ (Sayer Ji, who operates greenmedinfo.com and qustoiningcovid.com, they will send out alerts and ways to quickly act, sign petiton, etc.)

(http://www.campaignforliberty.org/)http://www.campaignforliberty.org/(Dr. Ron Paul, sends out alerts on what the WHORES in DC are up to, and gives you ways to quickly act)

Best youtube channels to recommend:

Vernon Coleman (doctor from UK, know the whole plot, has calm demeanor, very convincing, says it's a hoax, older guy, so might appeal to older people)
Pamela Popper
Dollar Vigilante
High Impact Vlogs
Spiro Skouras
Richie From Boston

We are at war!!!

27th July 2020, 11:34 PM

Found this next one over at Henry Makow's twitter (he always has good info)--this site seems to be connected to a Judy Mikovitz video also on Makow's twitter feed that I'll post separately


I clicked on "activism" and got this page:


And this sounds kind of hopeful:

Our goal is to educate the public about the massive fraud that is the vaccine industry. Expose's of how Big Pharma injures, defrauds, kills and corrupts with vaccines and other dangerous drugs will grace the pages of Vaccinehoax.com. Please share this information with as many people as possible. Their lives may depend upon it.

​STAY TUNED!!! We're currently BETA TESTING a street campaign against the 666 NEW WORLD ORDER's Covid 19 HOAX AGENDA. Covid 19 HOAX VACCINE TIME is rapidly approaching. WE NEED MILLIONS on the streets against it. Initial results are very promising. The SHEEPLE KNOW SOMETHING IS REALLY REALLY WRONG!!!


The reaction our street activism is receiving from the thousands and thousands of cars passing our HUGE VACCINE HOAX SIGN has been impressive to say the least. PEOPLE ARE SICK AND TIRED OF THIS COVID 19 HOAX AGENDA and are positively responding as they pass us by during numerous rush hours.


PLEASE MAIL your EMAIL ADDRESS BOOK and tell all your contacts about www.vaccinehoax.com (http://www.vaccinehoax.com). DO THIS BY TITLING your email "50 MILLION MAY DIE FROM THE COVID 19 VACCINE" and then include this site's URL in the text of the email. ALSO, ask your contacts to DO THE SAME TO THEIR CONTACTS if they like and agree with the content of this site. WE NEED TO SPREAD THIS SITE'S MESSAGE ON THE COVID 19 HOAX AGENDA FAR AND WIDE NOW!!!


Be sure to check it out--on that activism link, they show you their posterboard and suggest doing the same and going to an intersection. They also recommend getting a helmet and face shield, just in case--I can't believe this is what has come of life in America!!!

18th October 2020, 12:14 AM
Thought this was a pretty good flyer:


18th October 2020, 07:23 AM
Thought this was a pretty good flyer:

That is excellent. I would love to have some of these printed up and put them around.

18th October 2020, 08:04 AM
I saved a copy to my fotos. I am going to print some and put them on bulletin boards an power poles.

18th October 2020, 08:34 AM
I saved a copy to my fotos. I am going to print some and put them on bulletin boards an power poles.
I wish I was better with computer files and graphics. I tried downloading and printing this and it came out very blurry and the background color largely obscures the printed matter.

18th October 2020, 10:08 AM
Thought this was a pretty good flyer:


When I click on that link I just get a blank page.

18th October 2020, 10:27 AM
When I click on that link I just get a blank page.

Yes, it's doing that for me too now.

Let me try again:

here's a guy retweeting it:


And here it is directly from her twitter: https://twitter.com/DanaElizabeth69/status/1295608063530016769/photo/1

I actually tried to copy this general idea and format for myself

18th October 2020, 10:57 AM
I wish I was better with computer files and graphics. I tried downloading and printing this and it came out very blurry and the background color largely obscures the printed matter.

I haven’t tried printing it yet but it dos appear to be blurry in the fotos.

18th October 2020, 11:30 AM
I wish I was better with computer files and graphics. I tried downloading and printing this and it came out very blurry and the background color largely obscures the printed matter.

Monty said: I saved a copy to my fotos. I am going to print some and put them on bulletin boards an power poles.

OMG I feel like such a computer idiot--I didn't know how to do that (download/print out) so I sat here at 4am and copied it and typed up the same general format/chart (with additional websites) for myself. Oh, well...I actually like how mine turned out.

Here's mine, but when I post it here, the alignment gets messed up--it all fits on one page, with the top part covering the two columns, and no extra space at the bottom. At this point, I don't care if people think I'm insane. I absolutely DO NOT WANT to live in the world they are trying to force on us:

PUBLIC NOTICE: COVID-19 IS A FRAUD THEY ARE USING A FRAUDULENT PCR TEST WITH HIGH FALSE POSITIVES TO CREATE THE ILLUSION OF A PANDEMIC (people are getting sick/dying from the same things they’ve always gotten sick from; but now everyone is given a fraudulent test so that everything is called Covid; the Dir. of Public Health in Illinois said if you are in hospice, dying of cancer, with two weeks to live, and you get a positive Covid test, then your death is counted as Covid; autopsies are not done to determine cause of death)
The virus scare is being used as cover for economic warfare on the people of the world. The ruling elite (central bankers) are deliberately destroying the global economy and financial system so they can usher in their new digital (cashless) system, where we will get our money turned off if we speak out. If we do not start speaking out and fighting back, we will lose our rights and freedoms forever.

Who Is Behind This? The central bankers who own the Federal Reserve (as federal as Federal Express) and other central banks and who have the power to create money out of thin air. They are the secret oligarchy who rules nations from behind the scenes. They own the UN, WHO, and many national leaders, and are pushing their globalist agenda. They are telling us that this is the “New Normal” and that we are never going to go back to the way life used to be.

What is the End Goal? The New World Order/Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution where every aspect of our lives will be controlled by technology. Cashless society, no rights or freedom, surveillance state, mandatory vaccines, hydrogel biosensors to hook us up to AI (transhumanism—the ruling elite are psychopaths), Agenda ID2020 (injected microchip with vaccine and financial data—already being done in Austin, Texas—look it up)

What Can You Do? Share this info and spread the word. Call your elected officials and demand they end the lockdowns, masks and tyranny. There is a 99.99% survival rate (CDC data) for almost all age groups and there are medications for those who get sick. Share these websites:
https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/ (https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/)
https://questioningcovid.com/ (https://questioningcovid.com/)
https://off-guardian.org/the-coronavirus-pandemic/ (https://off-guardian.org/the-coronavirus-pandemic/)
***Lawyer: Covid PCR Tests Scientific Fraud, Lockdowns Crimes Against Humanity
***Book- Global Covid Report- There is No Deadly “Pandemic” –Doctors for Truth
http://online.anyflip.com/inblw/ufbs/mobile/index.html (http://online.anyflip.com/inblw/ufbs/mobile/index.html)

How Are They Doing This? The ruling elite (central bankers) own the global media and are using propaganda to scare the American people into giving up our rights and freedom. They are inflating the death count by giving hospitals financial incentives to call everything a Covid death. They are censoring doctors who question the narrative and say that lockdowns are deadlier than the virus. Youtube is deleting truth-tellers, go to bitchute

What’s Their Plan? Use bogus PCR tests (not designed for diagnosis) with high false positives to create the illusion of a pandemic (hospitals have been empty; they are using false positive tests results of healthy people and calling them “cases” -we have a “casedemic” with low hospitalizations and low deaths). Lockdown nations and stop people from working (which especially hurts the poor). Destroy small businesses, make people lose their homes, impose poverty on the population. When people are poor, they need government handouts and are easier to control.

Read and listen to independent experts and citizen journalists: Jon Rappoport, Dollar Vigilante, Corbett Report, RFK Jr, Children’s Health Defense, Dr. Pam Popper, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Dr. Scott Atlas, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Spiro Skouras, David Icke, Del Bigtree
CDC Data: US Death Counts 2020 and previous years- where’s the pandemic? https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/10/bill-sardi/771239-2/

31st October 2020, 05:14 PM
Here's another flyer- quick and cuts to the chase:


8th November 2020, 11:25 PM
this is a good one to share--IMO OAN did an excellent job exposing all the covid lies and fraud and all the BS with the death count:

One America News Investigates: America -- Open for Business

This is what real news and information looks like.
I still can't believe the dumb f*cks believe the MSM

10th November 2020, 08:15 PM
Just want to remind that a great site to shout out to people is https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/en/ (easy to remember, easy to find with google search and it has tons of info, including the election fraud)

So, if you're talking to anyone who is not completely brain-dead and interested in understanding what's going on, just tell them to go there.

27th April 2021, 07:13 PM

29th May 2021, 01:12 PM
Another good one with a perfect name:


Twisted Titan
2nd June 2021, 01:23 PM

2nd June 2021, 01:55 PM
Another good one with a perfect name:


Might be alright, just a word of caution, might be a fishing site, where u are the catch.

2nd June 2021, 02:48 PM
Okay, so I decided to go back and check out the sites I mentioned at the start of this thread, to see if they are still up, and I went to https://thebigvirushoax.com/ and he has a 17 min video of the Miami-Dade Police coming to talk to him b/c he posted something on facebook. There's a 17 min video of his encounter with them. So far, he seems to be doing a great job educating the police.

Wonder if this crap happens in counties governed by Republicans.