View Full Version : Hey! Let's play cops and Bolsheviks!

midnight rambler
23rd July 2020, 06:50 PM
For your amusement -


23rd July 2020, 08:18 PM

23rd July 2020, 09:13 PM
Hey, lets use the engineered BLM crises as a means to manufacture public consent for a federal police force.

23rd July 2020, 09:34 PM
Hey, lets use the engineered BLM crises as a means to manufacture public consent for a federal police force.

Yes, that's what I was thinking.

midnight rambler
23rd July 2020, 10:49 PM
Hey, lets use the engineered BLM crises as a means to manufacture public consent for a federal police force.

As in precisely why the Bolsheviks want to defund/abolish the local police departments, i.e. to create a vacuum that needs to be filled by an even stronger (central) .gov police force on the federal level. That's been the dream of the Bolsheviks since at least the time of the western radio and talmudvision show Gunsmoke where there was NO sheriff in the growing town of Dodge City, Kansas only a U.S. ('Federal') Marshal. Recall that 50 years ago the John Birch Society mounted a bumper sticker campaign with "Support your local police and keep them independent" on the stickers. The Birchers read the tea leaves back then, however this has been their MO since forever. The Portland Peaceful Protesters only have a problem with a strong centralized (federal*) police force when they don't control that monopoly of violence.

Regardless of one's views on the federal court system and the current nature of the same, the sacking of a Federal Courthouse would not be anything but a very bad development. It would encourage Bolshevik sieges on other .gov buildings.

*in the case of defending the Federal Courthouse in Portland US Marshals and DHS

24th July 2020, 09:53 AM
As in precisely why the Bolsheviks want to defund/abolish the local police departments, i.e. to create a vacuum that needs to be filled by an even stronger (central) .gov police force on the federal level. That's been the dream of the Bolsheviks since at least the time of the western radio and talmudvision show Gunsmoke where there was NO sheriff in the growing town of Dodge City, Kansas only a U.S. ('Federal') Marshal. Recall that 50 years ago the John Birch Society mounted a bumper sticker campaign with "Support your local police and keep them independent" on the stickers. The Birchers read the tea leaves back then, however this has been their MO since forever. The Portland Peaceful Protesters only have a problem with a strong centralized (federal*) police force when they don't control that monopoly of violence.

Regardless of one's views on the federal court system and the current nature of the same, the sacking of a Federal Courthouse would not be anything but a very bad development. It would encourage Bolshevik sieges on other .gov buildings.

*in the case of defending the Federal Courthouse in Portland US Marshals and DHS

I believe it has been the dream of the Bolshevists much earlier than that. In 1903 they got rid of the Constitutional U.S. police force, the Second Amendment Militia of the several States. Art. I §8 Clause 15, execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, & repel Invasions, Art II §2 Clause 1 when called into actual service of the United States.

The Second Amendment Militia of the several States have police powers


If the country operated by the Constitution the Oregon State Militia would be called into service of the United States to protect the U.S. Courthouse and to suppress the insurrection taking place in Oregon.

But if the dog hadn’t stopped to shit he would have caught that rabbit.

26th July 2020, 01:29 AM
Don't play stupid games in Texas.


Here's the retard who was killed:

26th July 2020, 01:46 AM
Dumb female draws and fires a gun while being surrounded by four cops. You can guess the result.

wtf is wrong with these people


26th July 2020, 05:41 AM
Dumb female draws and fires a gun while being surrounded by four cops. You can guess the result.

wtf is wrong with these people


That was "good" gun control. One or two of the cops shot direclty at the black dude down the sidewalk. The popo did tell him to get back, but damn, what bad awareness of surroundings and bad job of making sure the chick was clear too.

midnight rambler
26th July 2020, 02:10 PM
Don't play stupid games in Texas.


Here's the retard who was killed:

First hand from one of the first cops on the scene of the shooting -

So the motorist is a sgt in the army. He turned on to congress and accidentally went into the crowd but stopped before hitting anyone. They rushed his car and were yelling and kicking his car. He and multiple witnesses say that the guy with the AK raised the gun. The guy in the car took out a 45 revolver from his waist and fired at the guy. He then drove off and called 911 on himself and turned himself in. As he was driving away one of the other protesters took out a gun and shot at him. After the night of interviewing the army guy is at home and the protester that shot at him driving away is in jail for aggravated assault

26th July 2020, 02:19 PM
First hand from one of the first cops on the scene of the shooting -

On the video, I heard five rounds from what sounded like an AK, and moments later 3 from what sounded like a handgun.

I guess it could have been 5 from a .45 and then 3 from a "protester" and whatever he had.

midnight rambler
26th July 2020, 02:39 PM

26th July 2020, 05:18 PM
The Nationalist: Portland City Government Orders Feds To Remove Riot Fences (https://www.nationalistreview.net/2020/07/26/portland-city-government-orders-feds-to-remove-riot-fences/)

July 26, 2020
The Portland Bureau Of Transportation Has Issued Removal Notices On All Barriers Set Up By The Federal Government To Protect Officers And Government Buildings...

Cease And Desist Letter:

The letter reads:

“Unidentified agents of the federal government have placed unpermitted fencing and jersey barriers in the City’s right-of-way outside of the Hatfield Federal Courthouse. The fencing and barriers in the right-of-way create a hazard for Portlanders by blocking the bike lane on SW Main, which is the premiere bike facility into downtown Portland. The Portland Bureau of Transportation demands that the federal government cease and desist immediately from placing any unpermitted fencing or jersey barriers in the City’s right-of-way.”

midnight rambler
26th July 2020, 05:27 PM
The Nationalist: Portland City Government Orders Feds To Remove Riot Fences (https://www.nationalistreview.net/2020/07/26/portland-city-government-orders-feds-to-remove-riot-fences/)

Yeah, good luck with that.

27th July 2020, 11:19 PM
When delusions meet reality
