View Full Version : Giants Sam Coonrod refuses to take a knee.

24th July 2020, 06:28 PM
Finally, a man has the balls to do what's right during this time. Giants player Coonrod stays standing on his faith as a Christian.


MLB was the star of the sports world on Thursday night as the league became the latest professional sport to get underway.

Players for both the New York Yankees and Washington Nationals knelt along the foul lines holding a black ribbon during a moment of silence and then stood for the national anthem. It was a demonstration for racial unity that played out similarly in the second game of the night between the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants.

The only player who didn’t kneel during either of the pregame ceremonies was Giants reliever Sam Coonrod.
Giants’ Coonrod says he only kneels before God.

More at link...

25th July 2020, 11:40 AM
Good for him. Also good on him for pointing out publicly that BLM is a Marxist, anti-family organization.

25th July 2020, 02:11 PM
.. so COONrod was the only one to stand up to the noggs? Truth in stranger than fiction!

25th July 2020, 02:12 PM
that said i will boycott ANY TEAM AND ANY SPORT and hate any player that bows to this jewish faggotry.

25th July 2020, 02:29 PM
I'm done with sports. My beloved STL Blues finally won the Cup last year. Fuck the cuckold NHL and the rest of their sports brethren.
My question to our Canadian members: Why is your country so cuckold and left wing? Long live Don Cherry!