View Full Version : Things are Money

27th July 2020, 04:18 AM
We may have to start a new sub-forum, "Things are Money". We may be entering an era where panic sets in and people start hoarding things of value. People and manufacturing start stocking up on everything that they need to survive, things where prices are quickly rising. The world is inflating their currencies by 10's of trillions, causing too much money chasing too few goods. On top of this chasm, China is being hit with massive historic floods and a crashing economy, that may disrupt manufacturing of many goods we depend on.

I'll start the list. Add your ideas here of what people may go after first.

homes (that's already happening)
freeze dried foods
storable foods/dry goods
silver and gold
toilet paper (Ponce is smiling from the after life)
building materials

27th July 2020, 04:58 AM
Fungibility. At the end of the day the book should balance.

27th July 2020, 12:22 PM
Stuff with infinite shelf life

laundry detergents + soap

27th July 2020, 12:38 PM
Batteries - for the ladies ��

27th July 2020, 06:51 PM
Things are money, eh ? Does that have anything to do with bartering and horsetrading experiencing a return in popularity ?

Best wishes,

Nice rise in the price of silver today. About time....its all about time.

Also seems that China's leader is getting a bit of cosmic retribution. Ruling the world ? Apparently God doesn't think so; Another prayer answered.

27th July 2020, 06:56 PM
Things are money, eh ? Does that have anything to do with bartering and horsetrading experiencing a return in popularity ?

Best wishes,

Nice rise in the price of silver today. About time....its all about time.

Also seems that China's leader is getting a bit of cosmic retribution. Ruling the world ? Apparently God doesn't think so; Another prayer answered.
Long time agnut! Good to see you around. We were wondering how the bartering and horsetrading was going.