View Full Version : Dr. Judy Mikovitz - 50 million will die from Corona vaccine

27th July 2020, 11:38 PM
Found this on Henry Makow's twitter (almost always find good stuff there)--I'm assuming deliberate "Karen" instead of corona vaccine to get by censors

Dr Judy Mikovits ~ 50 million Americans may die this Fall from taking the Karenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=23&v=vael2V7oqyM&feature=emb_logo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=23&v=vael2V7oqyM&feature=emb_l ogo

28th July 2020, 04:45 AM
I don't trust that lady. I think the cheese slid away.

28th July 2020, 07:40 AM
I don't trust that lady. I think the cheese slid away.

well, I just appreciate anyone out there chipping away at the narrative, exposing the evil Fauci, and exposing the dangers of the vaccine/bioweapon injections. I saw somewhere that the Plandemic video (featuring Dr. Judy M) got a billion views--and that can only help us in this battle.

Here it is:
Judy Mikovits "Plandemic" Video Hits ONE BILLION Views Worldwide… (https://bolenreport.com/judy-mikovits-plandemic-video-hits-one-billion-views-worldwide/)

And apparently, something about Sinclair news (owns local TV stations?) was going to show maybe Plandemic/or something w/Dr. Judy Mikovits, and then CNN started screaming and yelling and got that stopped, but probably that whole controversy stirred up attention and hopefully more people heard about it.

28th July 2020, 07:58 AM
Judy Mikovitz has a lot of enemies trying their best to smear and discredit her. I believe she's on the right side of this fight and her enemies are the enemies of people like me. They also want to discredit Robert Kennedy Jr. and they sure as hell aren't having any luck with that on me. I'll post an example of that from a "Rolling Stone article" below.


Plague of Corruption, co-authored by anti-vaccine blogger Kent Heckenlively (and featuring a forward by noted anti-vaccine huckster Robert F. Kennedy Jr.), is, at first glance, an unlikely candidate for bestsellerdom. It’s replete with scientific jargon largely impenetrable to the average reader, and with its countless references to internecine medical establishment grudges and squabbles, it reads more like an embittered relative’s 10,000-word Facebook post against his former employer than a full-length book. Yet Mikovits knows her audience, and she sets herself up as a courageous whistleblower raging against the machine rather than a disgraced scientist with a grudge against an establishment that rejected her.

28th July 2020, 08:04 AM
Judy Mikovitz has a lot of enemies trying their best to smear and discredit her. I believe she's on the right side of this fight and her enemies are the enemies of people like me. They also want to discredit Robert Kennedy Jr. and they sure as hell aren't having any luck with that on me. I'll post an example of that from a "Rolling Stone article" below.


Yes, agree!!

28th July 2020, 08:13 AM
This is only a small snapshot of a pretty grim prediction. I hope this is not too disturbing but
Over the next 50 or 60 years 6 billion people will die
From one cause or another.

The lucky ones will pass on because of old age but the leading cause will be

30th July 2020, 03:39 PM
Maybe word is getting around:

CBS poll: 70 percent of Americans will either wait before getting COVID vaccine or refuse it all togetherhttps://hermancain.com/cbs-news-poll-70-americans-will-either-wait-getting-covid-vaccine-refuse-together/

30th July 2020, 03:50 PM
This is only a small snapshot of a pretty grim prediction. I hope this is not too disturbing but
Over the next 50 or 60 years 6 billion people will die
From one cause or another.

The lucky ones will pass on because of old age but the leading cause will be
Glyphosate; Roundup?

30th July 2020, 04:10 PM
Glyphosate; Roundup?
Shhh! Far fewer entities are damaged when GLYCOPHATE is identified as the culprit.

1st August 2020, 12:05 PM
found this comment over at winterwatch--I've seen others reference this site and it's prediction too:

Deagle.com is apparently expecting a large U.S. cull in the next 5 years. They forecast the population of the U.S. to be only 100 million in 2025…


13th August 2020, 10:47 AM
Dr. Judy Mikovitz definitely a warrior for our side. Apparently, her plandemic doc got 1 billion view world wide---so around the world, she has name recognition for calling BS on the official story.

Now it looks like she's putting her name recognition to good use, calling out the BS on the masks:


Just realized Dr. Judy Mikovits has published a new book on Kindle, "The Case Against Masks."


Do we really need to wear masks? From the New York Times Bestselling authors of Plague of Corruption comes the must-read guide on masks and re-opening following the COVID-19 pandemic.

THE CASE AGAINST MASKS is the book all America needs to be reading as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Written by New York Times bestselling authors Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, this book reviews the evidence for and against widespread public masking as provided by the Centers for Disease Control and the Mayo Clinic, as well as top scientific publications such as the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet. This debate needs to take place without fear and paranoia. Important questions raised in this book are the affect of masks on oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, how SARS-CoV-2 spreads, the effectiveness of various types of masks, those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, and whether our children should go back to school in the fall, and if so, what measures they should take.

The authors' previous book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, was the runaway science bestseller of 2020, and the authors bring that same passion and attention to detail to the mask question. As politicians and bureaucrats of all stripes are weighing in on this question, with some placing their cities and states under mandatory masking provisions, we need to understand the science behind their decisions. Are such measures a reasonable response to current circumstances, or is it a dramatic overreach, which in many cases might make the situation even worse? America desperately needs this public conversation to take place with the best science we have available. As Americans have always done during difficult times, we must summon the courage to have these challenging conversations.

17th August 2020, 07:08 AM
sure sounds like this guy is admitting there's a chip in the vaccine....
