View Full Version : Dr. Suzanne Humphries- On Vaccines

31st July 2020, 07:54 AM
Just found this at Rense (who has been pushing the fear porn on the HOAX just like the MSM)...

This is Dr. Suzanne Humphries speaking on the dangers of vaccination. Her story is that she was a hospital nephralogist, and when one too many patients came to her with kidney failure and basically said "everything was fine until I got the flu shot," she got suspicious and started doing research into vaccines, immunology, and how they are made and what's put in them. Dr. H said she was never taught anything in her medical training about vaccines other than "they''re good and give them." She ended up leaving her hospital job, and focusing on the research full time. Dr. H went through the history and wrote a book https://www.amazon.com/Dissolving-Illusions-Disease-Vaccines-Forgotten/dp/1480216895 She basically says that everything they've ever said about vaccines is a lie. There's a video of her talking about polio--she says it was NOT a virus that caused people to get sick and that it was mass poisoning with DDT. And in this video, it looks like she's saying everything they told us about vaccines and small pox is also a lie.

WARNING: This Will Happen If You Take Vaccineshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k7jlVEtqrU


3rd August 2020, 09:30 PM
If anyone who tries to tell you that vaccines are wonderful because they saved us from polio or smallpox, just direct them to Dr. Suzanne Humphries--she's really the best on this IMO. She's gone back, done the research and pretty much says everything we've been told is a lie. She says polio was caused by mass poisoning with DDT (there's a whole video out there with her doing a lecture on it). And in this one, she talks about all the lies with smallpox and the small pox vaccine. I didn't watch the whole thing. At 20 min or so she gets into the history. And apparently the expert on this is Dr. Thomas Mack, who says that the vaccine did NOT get rid of small pox, and that it would have gone away on it's own, and that what got rid of it was economic development.

So, as usual, we've been lied to about EVERYTHING!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=68&v=5oot0HUqMcs&feature=emb_t itle

Here's her site: https://drsuzanne.net/

She's big on Vit C, and I'm pretty sure she says Vit C is good for whooping cough.

Here's her book
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and Forgotten History

(of course, no time to read now that the Satanic jew bankers are waging war on humanity)

another one:


and apparently, she's gotten death threats!

7th January 2022, 08:11 PM
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History"