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3rd August 2020, 10:50 PM
“Doctors for the Truth” Speak Out in Madrid, Denounce Covid-19 “False Pandemic”
From a press conference in Spain

By Doctors for the Truth (https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/doctors-for-the-truth)
Global Research, August 02, 2020
Contra información and Mark Taliano (https://www.marktaliano.net/more-doctors-for-the-truth-speak-out-in-madrid-medically-dismantling-the-false-pandemic-of-covid-19-posted-by-contra-informacion-on-july-26-2020/) 1 August 2020

Region: Europe (https://www.globalresearch.ca/region/europe)
Theme: Media Disinformation (https://www.globalresearch.ca/theme/media-disinformation), Science and Medicine (https://www.globalresearch.ca/theme/science-and-medicine)

(https://www.globalresearch.ca/more-doctors-truth-speak-out-madrid-dismantling-false-pandemic-covid-19/5719993#) https://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/plugins/print-me/images/printme.png (https://www.globalresearch.ca/more-doctors-truth-speak-out-madrid-dismantling-false-pandemic-covid-19/5719993?print=1)

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With the participation of hundreds of professionals from all over the world, “Doctors for the Truth” stated that Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. They urged doctors, the media and political authorities to stop the operation, by spreading the truth.
In a context of great excitement and worldwide expectation, the Doctors for Truth Association was presented at a press conference on Saturday, July 25 in Madrid.
The group, led by doctors Natalia Prego Cancelo and Angel Luis Valdepeñas, made a direct connection with the extra-parliamentary commission of doctors from Germany, the Epidemiologists group from Argentina, and doctors from the United States and Argentina.
The event began with the intervention of Heiko Schöning, representative of the German Extra-Parliamentary Commission for the Study of the Coronavirus. There were online interventions by professionals from Argentina and the United States. It concluded with a review of the 4 fundamental points of interpellation to the Government and Spanish authorities by the Association of Doctors for Truth.
The presentation, in an event room of the Madrid Press Palace, was attended by more than 400 people, including general and alternative media, doctors, and assistants. Data, figures, analysis and reflections were exposed that show the incoherent and harmful nature of the measures that are being applied worldwide pertaining to Covid-19.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro, “More Doctors” from Cuba , and a Déjà Vu (https://www.globalresearch.ca/bolsonaro-more-doctor-deja-vu/5661152)

“A world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse.”
“This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.
Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.
The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.
The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them.

“There are crossed toxic patterns,” said Angel Luis Valdepeñas. “On the one hand, the electromagnetic contamination of fi5v-ghee, and on the other, the influence of influenza vaccination. There is an interaction and empowerment, which must be investigated”.
Angel Luis Valdepeñas underlined at the end of the meeting:

“We must tell our governments that they NEVER OCCUR to compel us to vaccinate, or even recommend it, for the slightest sense of prudence.”
Valdepeñas concluded his final intervention asking the press for “an effort of responsibility that we have not seen so far”, and criticized the “continuous bombardment of information on the pandemic, without weighing neither the quantity nor the quality of the information”. The doctor indicated that when the media talk about “new outbreaks”, they should clarify that these are only positive tests, but that 98 percent [of the population] are “healthy, asymptomatic people.”
At the end of the event, the panelists took to the streets followed by the numerous attendees to the cry of Freedom!
Together they walked to the Plaza de Callao, the usual meeting place for the 2020 Movement. There they chatted, for more than 2 hours, with attendees and people who had not been able to access the room.
However, this too may get the chop, when the ‘fact-checkers’ decide something here is not in line with Govt. policy.
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This was originally published by Contra información (https://contrainformacion.es) on July 26, 2020. Translated by Mark Taliano
The original source of this article is Contra información and Mark Taliano (https://www.marktaliano.net/more-doctors-for-the-truth-speak-out-in-madrid-medically-dismantling-the-false-pandemic-of-covid-19-posted-by-contra-informacion-on-july-26-2020/)
Copyright © Doctors for the Truth (https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/doctors-for-the-truth), Contra información and Mark Taliano (https://www.marktaliano.net/more-doctors-for-the-truth-speak-out-in-madrid-medically-dismantling-the-false-pandemic-of-covid-19-posted-by-contra-informacion-on-july-26-2020/), 2020

3rd August 2020, 11:05 PM
Excellent Excellent Excellent.


“On the one hand, the electromagnetic contamination of 5G, and on the other, the influence of influenza vaccination. There is an interaction and empowerment, which must be investigated”. I would add the potentiation of the aforementioned by mass malnutrition and toxification of the world population by corrupted and deficient foods, water and polluted air. The world population is experiencing a creeping and crescendoing insanity from defective and deficient brains and bodies. Now more then ever, each of us must turn to God to find the true path into the light of truth, justice and the American way!

4th August 2020, 03:09 AM
A question that I constantly ask myself is, "Is there any new virus at all?" I really am not sure. There really doesn't need to be. The mere fear of this virus has proven to be more dangerous than any virus could be. Seeking to control people through fear is the very definition of terrorism. We are so clearly being terrorized on a world wide scale by the elite class that controls the banking system and thereby the political machinery of every country on Earth. The Money Monopoly Mafia has endeavored to gain utter control through Monopoly of media and medicine. Damn, a lot of M's in that last sentence. It is truly a world wide conspiracy against the citizens of all countries. They seek to control us on a scale that has never been undertaken before. If they are successful we will be regimented like an insect society. They will be on the top; a soulless elite, who look upon those they control with contempt and arrogance. We will be largely exterminated except a useful few that will have only slave status within this 'brave new world'.

We must not let this happen. Keep up the work of spreading the word. Find ears that will listen and move on when those you are trying to waken become angry and won't listen.

4th August 2020, 07:47 AM
A question that I constantly ask myself is, "Is there any new virus at all?" I really am not sure. There really doesn't need to be. The mere fear of this virus has proven to be more dangerous than any virus could be. Seeking to control people through fear is the very definition of terrorism. We are so clearly being terrorized on a world wide scale by the elite class that controls the banking system and thereby the political machinery of every country on Earth. The Money Monopoly Mafia has endeavored to gain utter control through Monopoly of media and medicine. Damn, a lot of M's in that last sentence. It is truly a world wide conspiracy against the citizens of all countries. They seek to control us on a scale that has never been undertaken before. If they are successful we will be regimented like an insect society. They will be on the top; a soulless elite, who look upon those they control with contempt and arrogance. We will be largely exterminated except a useful few that will have only slave status within this 'brave new world'.

We must not let this happen. Keep up the work of spreading the word. Find ears that will listen and move on when those you are trying to waken become angry and won't listen.

I personally don't think there's a new virus--I just think everyone is getting funneled into this covid category b/c if they get sick with anything and go to the hospital, everyone is going to assume it's the scary covid b/c the media has been terrorizing humanity with that as the new plague, and they are given a bogus test pretty much calls everything covid.

a friend told me of a recent story (i've seen others post on it too) about a doctor with a sick wife, I guess the hospital kept insisting it was covid, the doctor DEMANDED that they test his wife for everything and it turned out she had Legionnaires' disease.

And we know from all of Rappoport's posts that in Wuhan, people there have always been getting sick with respiratory problems b/c the air is so toxic. Same for the heavily hit area of Italy (Lombardi)--also known for having very toxic air and people getting sick with respiratory issues. But they just pretended that suddenly this was all new and it was a mysterious, deadly virus. All smoke and mirrors. They've played this game before.

4th August 2020, 08:13 AM
Somebody needs to try to post this info over at Ron Unz's site (I'm pretty sure I'm banned---I got nasty when he refused to post my comment with the 2 California doctors saying "it's like the flu"...I think my later comment was something like "Ron Unz, once a jew, always a jew, refused to post the 2 doctors saying "its just the flu" because he's trying to help his jew buddies take down the world")....so, I don't dare try to post there again. But he's been pushing the fear porn just as bad as the jews in the MSM.

Ironically, I think he censored my comment on his article called "American Prava" Corona bioweapon blowback" --to which I said "or just the flu" which was NOT allowed--people over there were only supposed to think of it as a deadly bioweapon. He never posted any articles questioning it as BS.

4th August 2020, 09:58 AM
Somebody needs to try to post this info over at Ron Unz's site (I'm pretty sure I'm banned---I got nasty when he refused to post my comment with the 2 California doctors saying "it's like the flu"...I think my later comment was something like "Ron Unz, once a jew, always a jew, refused to post the 2 doctors saying "its just the flu" because he's trying to help his jew buddies take down the world")....so, I don't dare try to post there again. But he's been pushing the fear porn just as bad as the jews in the MSM.

Ironically, I think he censored my comment on his article called "American Prava" Corona bioweapon blowback" --to which I said "or just the flu" which was NOT allowed--people over there were only supposed to think of it as a deadly bioweapon. He never posted any articles questioning it as BS.
Yes, there has been enormous amounts of miss-information concerning this all along. When you find it impossible to sort out and through the lies, you know you are being lied to and mis-directed. My take on it has been that it was not a new virus or didn't exist at all.

Sad to see Unz go tits up in the truth department as I have greatly enjoyed his intellect in the past. It would seem he is in 'lockstep' with his brethren and controlled op.

4th August 2020, 10:14 AM
Amanda posted:
And we know from all of Rappoport's posts that in Wuhan, people there have always been getting sick with respiratory problems b/c the air is so toxic. Same for the heavily hit area of Italy (Lombardi)--also known for having very toxic air and people getting sick with respiratory issues. But they just pretended that suddenly this was all new and it was a mysterious, deadly virus. All smoke and mirrors. They've played this game before.

I saw a video early this morning where during a thunderstorm in a Chinese city the air literally exploded from the contaminants