View Full Version : The Great One was inclined to dissolve the NSDAP Party

midnight rambler
4th August 2020, 07:23 PM
This is a very interesting first hand account of Hitler from someone who spent virtually every day with him for five years as his valet/manservant/bodyguard, jump to 15:15 to hear the part of the interview where he says Hitler was considering dissolving the NSDAP Party -


The victors write history, which is why every effort is made to make Hitler look as bad as possible since he was against the Bolshevik Chosen.

midnight rambler
4th August 2020, 09:31 PM
Lots of insightful info in this video, however jump to 59:08 for a stunning revelation.

Three guesses who has been so successful at keeping the hate not just going unabated for 75 years but driving to increase the hate, the last two guesses don't count. And who's all the hate directed toward? White folks, which is why white folks are universally derided as knotsees*.

For those of you who persist in asserting The Great One was a kike remove the scales from your eyes and quit being a tool of the Chosen.

*the German people never called themselves knotsees, that term came about from the Chosen and their minions

4th August 2020, 09:34 PM
History is an enormous lie when it comes to Hitler. Napoleon had it right, history truly is written by the victors, and everything they have said about Hitler is a huge fucking lie.

He would be weeping today for what Germany has become if he was still alive. Overrun by Muslims, German women in fear of being raped constantly in big cities, and the German industrial might at the submission of Brussels.....

5th August 2020, 08:04 AM
Romans getting their revenge on the ancestors of Herman the German.

5th August 2020, 08:52 AM
Sounds like he was having problems with the 'Deep State'. You don't eliminate the Deep State, Goyim. The Deep state eliminates you.