View Full Version : Morons!!!

5th August 2020, 02:06 PM
This is what someone sent to me when I tried to warn him about the LOOTING and the DECIMATION of the dollar:

From what I’ve been told, the forthcoming Federal seizure of all of the stolen wealth by Wall Street and the many other miscreants who have been getting away with murder (literally) is going to make each and every one of us wealthy by our dreams. All related assets, all assets purchased with that stolen money, will simply be returned to the Federal Treasury. Which gives us time yet to replace the people who manage the Treasury.

where are people getting this crap????

5th August 2020, 02:15 PM
It's called gullibility. Beyond that, it is the inability to reason clearly and understand action and consequence. These people should die out. There is some truth to the natural selection pillar of Darwinism. The problem is that they will take us with them.

5th August 2020, 02:20 PM
This is what someone sent to me when I tried to warn him about the LOOTING and the DECIMATION of the dollar:

where are people getting this crap????

LOL that's a good one. The same people who stole the wealth to begin with are going to steal it back and return it? LOL yeah ok, sure.

5th August 2020, 02:29 PM
Leo Wanta?

5th August 2020, 02:38 PM
LOL that's a good one. The same people who stole the wealth to begin with are going to steal it back and return it? LOL yeah ok, sure.

Exactly!!! These people are looting us and destroying us as we speak, but somehow there are mysterious good guys lurking behind the scenes and going to make everything right?? This is magical thinking you get from kids!! I can't freaking believe it!!
No freaking common sense, no critical reasoning skills!!!