View Full Version : openthestates.com

6th August 2020, 12:44 PM
Okay, new friend from NJ (found him on winterwatch) gave me this link, so I'm using it to try and get in touch w/more people in NJ who at least are against the tyranny. I literally found this two seconds ago, so I don't even know how this works, but maybe it can give us a network of people to get our TRUTH to--about how this is a NWO take down of the world to usher in their cashless society, etc


(https://www.openthestates.com/)Update 1, Okay, so I got the link as https://www.openthestates.com/forum/new-jersey but shortened it for you guys. So then I was at https://www.openthestates.com/ and I signed up (name,email, identified as "concerned citizen"), clicked enter, thinking it would take me back to the openthestates forum page for NJ, but instead, it routed me here https://conventionofstates.com/thank-you-for-making-your-pledge and now I'm totally confused. I feel like years ago, I was warned about this convention thing...Not sure what the connection between openthestates/com and this conventionofstates.com is....???

Okay, so I went back to the original link the guy gave me, https://www.openthestates.com/forum/new-jersey and was able to signup there (on my state page) and it did NOT route me to that coventionofthestates.com page

So, looks like I'm in.

Update 2....okay, so much for that idea...finally in here, and not many people here. Most posts are from months ago!! Oh, well. Maybe there's more going on on the Republican controlled state's pages, where people aren't so freaking brainwashed and DUMB actually give a crap about their freedom.

7th August 2020, 01:48 PM
Ain't going to happen. The fearmongering has the sheep huddled within their muzzles. Even the few remaining intelligent people are mostly brainwashed.