View Full Version : Antifa invades wrong 'hood, gets a beat down

midnight rambler
9th August 2020, 01:03 PM

12th August 2020, 11:46 PM
This is how it's done.

midnight rambler
13th August 2020, 12:57 AM
The police chief doesn't see it that way. Of course all the media is portraying both sides equally spoiling for a fight. Anti-police group shows up at pro-police rally, who can't predict the outcome?


5th November 2021, 02:07 PM
breitbart.com: Slovenian Prime Minister: Antifa Is ‘International Terrorist Organisation’ (https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/11/01/slovenian-prime-minister-antifa-is-international-terrorist-organisation/)

Janez Janša, prime minister of former first lady Melania Trump’s home country of Slovenia, has labelled the far-left extremist group Antifa an “international terrorist organisation” following violence in France over the weekend

Prime Minister Janša made his comments [Oct 31] on social media network Twitter, saying (https://twitter.com/JJansaSDS/status/1454748497316655104?s=20): “Antifa is a global terrorist organization. Supported by the capital of financial speculators forging profits at the expense of the chaos caused by the operation.”

The Slovenian leader was reacting to a post by American journalist Andy Ngo which highlighted Antifa violence over the weekend in the French city of Nantes which saw the far-left extremists attempt to disrupt a meeting of the conservative writer and French presidential hopeful Eric Zemmour.

According to a report from the newspaper Le Figaro, around 600 far-left extremists gathered in Nantes to oppose Zemmour on Saturday and some chanted for his death and clashed with police...

In 2019, when President Trump first discussed declaring Antifa a terrorist group, left-wing figures across Europe, particularly in Germany, reacted by declaring their support (https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/07/30/weareantifa-trump-comments-triggers-outpouring-of-support-for-extreme-left-antifa-in-germany/) for the extremist group.

6th November 2021, 12:46 PM
Antifa is there to get you back on the Republican reservation. Don't do what the Antifa backers want you to do in voting to prevent Antifa. Get out of the voting process more and tell your friends not to vote, to force the backers of Antifa to do more chaos in the streets to radicalize more into the Far Right. Being herded into the Republican Party to vote for Mike Huckabee or whoever only hurts the liberty movement.

The Republican Party is the Wall Street/Banker War Party. That is the desired party. And Dems do insane shit to get Republicans voting; to punish you for not voting Republicans. trump was planned on winning to get the Second Temple for the jews.

And if there are vaccine mandates, that is the time for protests, not for a fake stolen election, or for wearing socks or masks in a store. Remember GIM1 when we were horrified that wearing face coverings on the street were to be banned, so the popo can use camera to look at you in the street in case of mass protests against taking away liberties. The agent provocateurs in libertarian movement lied that the plandemic was about forcing you to wear masks.


CDC early on said you should not stockpile masks or wear masks. Only once pressure was put on the government to do something, did cloth masks become recommended.

The libertarian movement has been co-opted by the feds to feed you lies and disinfo. A thousand alex jones-es out there on the net that would have been exposed one by one on GIM1 when we were organized and working as a group on the forum.

Remember the jew exposed meme, one of a jew as a patriot, that is the whole of the US "government", every forum is infested with them spreading disinfo to get you to the exact position the feds want you to be in.

We used to wear guy faukes masks and bandannas to protest and cover our faces, the government for the past 1 and half years wanted you to wear guy faukes masks and bandannas. How is that against liberty.

The problem is the deadly vaccine mandates. Have been since the start of vaccines. Lockdowns happened 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. You need to pick your battles and organize on the issues that matter.


Soros is in it with the Clintons who are in it with the Bushes/Carlyle Group. Although Soros is the media face of antifa, when there are other players that really are the heads of antifa that you don't hear about.

trump had to be rejected in 2016 by the white nationalists for being a fake white nationalist. Neo-con McCain was rejected. Insider Romney was rejected. If trump was rejected for being too kosher and too cia-y; then the far right could have picked one of their own to be the leader of the white nationalists to take over Washington DC in an election. And if we identified who were the controlled op FBI agents on the forum, how those FBI agents reacted to our own libertarian leader would have answered the question in the identity of the leader - agent or one of us.

Currently the white nationalists are given the entire trump family as the alex jones sanctioned leaders of the white nationalists. With their jewish family and mansion satan worshipping outings and r*p*s of kids.