View Full Version : Damn gen z is hardcore

11th August 2020, 01:25 AM

11th August 2020, 05:53 AM




11th August 2020, 07:15 AM
Uh Huh...


11th August 2020, 08:50 AM
Uh Huh...

Ha. She says they need bodies. I think there will be many bodies if her and her ilk continue this idiocy. I do think the protesters whoever they may be, BLM or Antifa or something else, are simply being used to elicit a response. They simply are not, in themselves, a dire threat. Without the local police being hobbled; without whatever logistical help they are recieving; without the legal backup to get them sprung as quick as they are nabbed, without the actual green light they are being given by the local communist authorities placed by funding from Soros (the Banksters/Deepstate) they are nothing. They are there to make us cry for help from 'Authority'.

11th August 2020, 09:51 AM
Ha. She says they need bodies. I think there will be many bodies if her and her ilk continue this idiocy. I do think the protesters whoever they may be, BLM or Antifa or something else, are simply being used to elicit a response. They simply are not, in themselves, a dire threat. Without the local police being hobbled; without whatever logistical help they are recieving; without the legal backup to get them sprung as quick as they are nabbed, without the actual green light they are being given by the local communist authorities placed by funding from Soros (the Banksters/Deepstate) they are nothing. They are there to make us cry for help from 'Authority'.

Roy Potter talks about how they are being used as probes to see what the reaction of the American people will be. He believes there will others more dangerous to us that will follow these antifa and BLM people. It was in his latest video that I listened to this morning. I'll probably put that in the "Bringing on the NWO" thread.