View Full Version : Florida boat parade

17th August 2020, 08:38 AM
This is great, it's a movement!
All of us that are on the Trump train are enjoying the most fun president in US history.
The people who are not, are fucking miserable people.
A couple good friends of mine were in this parade and will be in the Guinness World Records Book. They told me it was just incredible!
This has to be freaking the Democrats and the "no voters", the fuck out. I'm enjoying this immensely! :)
Trump 2020!


17th August 2020, 07:30 PM
This has to be freaking the Democrats and the "no voters", the fuck out. I'm enjoying this immensely! :)
Trump 2020!


Hate to rain on your boat parade, EE. But, I don't think the dems or the no voters are worried, they have the media support. I never would have had the chance to enjoy this video, if you didn't share it!

Let's hope the silent majority can win the day in Nov.

Thanks for sharing. :)

17th August 2020, 07:48 PM
Hate to rain on your boat parade, EE. But, I don't think the dems or the no voters are worried, they have the media support. I never would have had the chance to enjoy this video, if you didn't share it!

Let's hope the silent majority can win the day in Nov.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Trump will win, it's the senate I'm worried about. They want to steal it really bad. The Supreme Court is what will make or break the Dem party, or us.
If we keep the senate, Trump will get at least 2 more justices, maybe 3...and they will be all young conservatives. We will own the Supreme court for 30 years.
Mark my words, God will intervene soon to help us win. I feel it.

17th August 2020, 08:11 PM
Maybe you should read this:

18th August 2020, 05:31 PM
Maybe you should read this:

they're going to steal everything!!!

18th August 2020, 07:29 PM
they're going to steal everything!!!

Yes, they have every conceivable scenario covered.