View Full Version : Milllie Weaver arrest - High quality legal analysis

17th August 2020, 09:43 AM

14:40 video runtime

Millie Weaver Arrest EXPLAINED - Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT

•Aug 17, 2020

Viva Frei

266K subscribers

website for Robert Barnes -


I'm Robert Barnes.
I fight for the underdog and win the impossible.

From small-town East Ridge, Tennessee, to the elite environs of the Eastern Ivy league, Robert Barnes walks among the humble and the haughty. Traveling from the everyday to the esteemed, representing clients fighting for their civil rights and celebrities taking on the IRS, Barnes heeds the advice of his newspaper-throwing father, Walter, who was fond of reminding, "Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes".

17th August 2020, 10:24 AM
Here is the video in case anyone wants to view it:


17th August 2020, 11:30 AM
Here is the video in case anyone wants to view it:


I watched about first 15 minutes of her documentary video. Have read a few commentaries on it. Seems the important thing about it is the various CONTRACTOR companies that work via contract with one of the U S intelligence agencies and conduct their work in a manner not befitting a federal intelligence agency, but more in line with agency heads' political agenda. John Brennan, former director of the CIA under Obama, had contractors do the "dirty work" of Brennan but not as directly with the CIA, but of course which services were paid for by the taxpaying public.

The CORRUPTION highlighted by this documentary brings to light the very long term corruption of the intelligence apparatus with the top levels of our government with political agendas, agendas in stark contrast to the principles of this U S constitutional republic. (I remember about 25 years ago, libertarian Jon Rolland (founder Constitution.org) told me that when he worked for the government in D.C. years ago, every staffer in the office of a senator or representative was rightly suspected of being a CIA plant. I found that amazing.)

Millie Weaver's arrest took place in Portage County, Ohio, where she resides.

17th August 2020, 12:40 PM
Since this morning the Toresays.com site is down. It was up at 7:00 A.M. PDT. Her youtube channel is still up but I don’t see any videos about Mollie Weaver

18th August 2020, 03:09 PM
I've barely followed this story, & haven't listened to the following, but U basically know what kind of analysis to expect from Adam Green.

Adam prides himself on being a big "AJ's a zio shill" exposer; see his anti-AJ playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKuugIHeLOLCy3rg_QvDY9mVBoNMG-aXn)... & as usual here he demonstrates he believes 'People's time grows on trees' :rolleyes: 1h 50m:

ShadowGate Whistleblower Calls Out Alex Jones & Roger Stone! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6wMkaVDV5s)


18th August 2020, 04:45 PM
I've barely followed this story, & haven't listened to the following, but U basically know what kind of analysis to expect from Adam Green.

Adam prides himself on being a big "AJ's a zio shill" exposer; see his anti-AJ playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKuugIHeLOLCy3rg_QvDY9mVBoNMG-aXn)... & as usual here he demonstrates he believes 'People's time grows on trees' :rolleyes: 1h 50m:

ShadowGate Whistleblower Calls Out Alex Jones & Roger Stone! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6wMkaVDV5s)


I have not followed this story either but I am interested in it. I thought the attorneys I posted conveyed the idea that there was something highly irregular about her arrest and there was not even a warrant. The bit about MW having some kind of argument with her mother and that being the basis of the charges was extremely odd sounding to me. I think it was Dean Ryan who said on his show that he knew of MW when she was out in Hollywood trying to get into acting or some kind of entertainment thing based on her good looks - something like that - and that journalism is her second choice for a career. MW just writes as a contractor for AJ and does not live in Austin and is not like a regular full time direct employee of Infowars. Just does an occasional story from her home in Ohio.

I generally like the way Adam Green explains things but I think I know his basic theme and message and I generally agree with it.

Green said AJ is very angry with MW for her documentary and was kind of surprised by it and just very recently watched it. Apparently she is branching out more independently.

It is kind of funny but AJ is experiencing a big surge in his waning popularity in Austin. He is having rallies last weekend and this coming one about freedom and being anti-mask and anti-false coronavirus statistics.

I feel like somebody keeps hitting the rewind and replay button in all of this present major meltdown. I have spent my time just trying to find basic factual data about "the illness" called "covid19".

It makes me sad to see and watch some of Trump's words and actions, but I still pray for him.

I just try to find and expose facts and truth and I am continually gobsmacked at the evil games being played on humanity by all apparent sides and factions.

God's will be done.

26th August 2020, 06:33 AM


21:43 video runtime suggest watching up to about 6:48

impressed with this channel content and creator

Emotional update from Millie Weaver & audio wiped from a portion of video previously posted
•Aug 21, 2020
Joshua Gray, PI
19.4K subscribers
Millie Weaver update


Robert Barnes said on the Viva Frei yt channel like yesterday or day before that if the prosecutor is smart this case will be quietly dropped.
Apparently there is no there there and this whole thing was a failed political effort.

The STATED reason Alex Jones dismissed Millie Weaver as one of his contractors for Infowars is that the video mentions Roger Stone negatively. Millie challenged AJ with $10,000 if her pay from Infowars contract work to show anywhere in her documentary where she mentions Roger Stone. That lends credence to the Adam Green hypothesis of why AJ dismissed Weaver as a contractor.

Also there was some funny business muting of an audio by Twitter I think.