View Full Version : Latest warning from Dr. Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty

19th August 2020, 10:26 PM
Here's the latest email warning from Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty--please sign up and get these messages directly in your email.


Fed partnering with MIT to develop "hypothetical digital currency"

Not long ago, I warned the Fed is dead serious about creating Central Bank Digital Currency. So, I want to make sure you saw the recent headline above on Fox News confirming it's no joke.

They are pulling together all the pieces to ultimately force you and me onto a so-called "Digital Dollar."

First, they introduced the so-called "Banking for All Act" (S. 3571) at the start of this whole coronavirus hysteria and tried (thankfully unsuccessfully) to cram it into the first of their so-called "rescue" spending behemoths before alarms could be raised.

Undeterred, The Digital Dollar Project -- the Washington "Swamp" lobbying front organization, pushing Central Bank Digital Currency -- demanded and got hearings in both houses of Congress earlier this summer.

What's more, it now appears its central to the Biden campaign's agenda. In fact, The Washington Post recently reported Biden's campaign has confirmed he "backs the Fed’s previously announced shift toward a real-time payment system."

But now, the Fed wants you and me to believe their partnership with MIT to develop a digital currency is merely "hypothetical?"

No, this nightmare is coming at us full steam -- the writing is everywhere.

And without your action today -- including your signed petition (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049591:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r) -- I'm concerned this Orwellian tempest will prove far worse than anything we've seen in our lifetimes.

You see, we ought to call the Central Bankers' digital currency scheme exactly what it is -- SURVEILLENCE DOLLARS and ORWELL COINS. Because that's exactly where it's all heading.

We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on!

Here's what I need you to do:

First, sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK directive right away (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049591:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r).

Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049592:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r:50) as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to bring this power grab to a crashing halt!

The truth is, the statists have no intention of limiting this Orwellian technology to your finances. . .

So don't think this isn't the other side of the coin to Bill Gates' and Dr. Fauci's calls for "Digital Immunity Passports."

The truth is, the authoritarians and their elite pals want nothing less than a complete digital ledger of every citizens' entire life.

You don't have to connect many dots to see it.

In fact, Accenture, the massive global consulting firm I mentioned earlier has BILLIONS in federal contracts for Electronic Health Records, and they've counted Amazon, Google, even and Bill Gates' own Microsoft among their clients.

And they even conduct content moderation for Facebook as part of their consulting.

Of course, the sustained worldwide chaos over the last six months is all very convenient for these global elites.

But as Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden let slip recently, it's their chance to “remake the world as it should be. To see Covid-19 as the force majeure that compels us to rewrite the social contract.”

And in their eyes, "as it should be" means a world where money and credit creation, and job and business growth are all under TOTAL government Central Bank control.

Do you want to live in that world? I don't!

Consider it.

A world where you can't go to your local bank or your credit union and withdraw cash to pay the kid down the street to cut your grass. . .

. . . One where that kid -- if he's trustworthy and will work hard, and there's room in the market -- can't go to a privately-owned bank and get a business loan.

. . . Where his parents or grandparents can't even give him the money to turn his grass-cutting business into a landscaping company without government approval.

In other words, a world where we all work for the state (aka Communism)!

Suppose the government bureaucrat in charge found a post on social media that was "NOT WOKE" in their determination?

Or maybe you didn't say or post something they believe you should have -- what do you think happens to your "digital dollars" then?

Click on the TV to see the latest statue of one of the Founders toppled from its pedestal or read the headlines about public and private individuals and businesses getting "canceled."

If you do, I think you'll know the answer.

Ultimately all of this is headed to a world where you and I (and everyone else) are enslaved to a few powerful elites with the means to monitor what we do, say, think, have or don't have in our bodies.

One thing made clear in June's U.S. Senate hearing -- the Big Government statists in BOTH parties are fully on board with all of this.

Together with the so-called "experts" they peddled familiar talking points, including:

• "Preserving the Dollar's hegemony" (ENDLESS WARS);
• "Serving under-banked minorities, and people of color;"
• "Preventing the spread of Covid-19" (LOCKDOWNS); and
• Getting coronavirus "rescue" payments out lickety-split (MORE GOODIES FOR THE SOCIAL-WELFARE CROWD).

And don't think they didn't pull out that tried-and-true tripe about "protecting" you and me from "terrorists" and "criminals."

In fact, they all but declared you are a criminal if you want to do something radical like keep your financial life private.

That's no surprise. The Big Government statists in Congress LOVE this scheme to expand their RAW POWER over your life and liberty.

For them, it's not enough the Fed's "print now, ask questions later" monetary policy helps them pretend they aren't destroying the purchasing power of your money.

They want the ability to spend and spend on every boondoggle and bailout put in front of them, without the "hindrance" of the Fed actually having to print the paper dollars they create out of thin air.

So, don't be fooled by their talking points -- they're nothing more than excuses to RAM through adoption of their Central Bank Digital Currency.

And don't trust for one second their assurances about "data privacy safeguards" -- there likely won't be a shred of privacy left if this scheme goes through.

Sadly, I'm worried without your action today (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049591:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r), there's a handful of elected officials in Congress who should know better that could go along with this scheme if you and I fail to sound the alarm.

Adrienne, we must lay bare this Orwellian plot for what it is.

The good news is, with liberty loving Americans' like you on our side, there’s no denying our pressure makes an impact.

After all, you and I have STOPPED every attempt (so far) to RAM their National ID database scheme into law.

The truth is, this Central Bank Digital Currency scheme is another path to the same nightmare, allowing government to create a database of EVERY American citizen -- including everything from gun ownership records and political activity to love interests.

You and I must send a STRONG message before the die is completely set.

That’s why I’ve instructed Campaign for Liberty staff to pull out all the stops using mail, email, Internet ads, and even targeted radio and TV ads if I can raise the resources.

I’ve told them I’ll personally ask you to help fund it.

After all, I know you’re just as worried about this Orwellian Central Bank Digital Currency scheme as I am.

So, I’m hoping you’ll prove me right by giving generously.

With this storm building rapidly on the so-called "Digital Dollar," I’m really counting on you to act IMMEDIATELY.

So can I count on you to please sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049591:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r) directive right away?

And if possible, please agree to a generous contribution of $50.

I know that’s a lot to ask for. But the looming battle to stop this scheme could prove one of the most important Campaign for Liberty has ever fought.

Of course, if $50 is too much, then please consider a generous contribution of $25 or at least $10 (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049593:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r:25).

So won’t you please join me in shouting “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER!” before it’s too late -- before the idea of American liberty is nothing more than a distant memory?

Please sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK directive immediately and pitch in with your most generous gift of $50, $25, or at least $10 TODAY (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049591:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r)!

For Liberty,
Ron Paul

P.S. It may be their most Orwellian scheme yet -- the global elites, Big Government authoritarians, and the banksters at the Federal Reserve are linking arms to impose Central Bank Digital Currency and force you and me onto a so-called "Digital Dollar."

We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on!

So, please, sign your SURVEILLENCE DOLLAR/ORWELL COIN BLOCK directive immediately (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049591:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r) -- then pitch in (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56049592:sQ3lUe-NG:m:1:185511346:B5ACB37DCB140AC0C69A4781B46D7558: r:50) with your most generous gift of $50, $25, or at least $10 TODAY!

19th August 2020, 11:44 PM
^ is there a link to RP's site showing this article? like at ronpaulinstitute.org? I searched title + Ron Paul & didn't find... found the FOX article & many 3rd party articles discussing though.

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Fed+partnering+with+MIT+to+develop+%22hypoth etical+digital+currency%22%22+ron+paul

20th August 2020, 06:43 AM
^ is there a link to RP's site showing this article? like at ronpaulinstitute.org? I searched title + Ron Paul & didn't find... found the FOX article & many 3rd party articles discussing though.

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Fed+partnering+with+MIT+to+develop+%22hypoth etical+digital+currency%22%22+ron+paul

It came to my email--I signed up with Campaign for Liberty. I think people can even sign up for free.

20th August 2020, 07:20 AM
Does RP want donations too?

20th August 2020, 07:24 AM
Does RP want donations too?

Yes, it's in the letter he sent out. But you obviously don't have to donate in order to click and send a message to your whores in Congress to oppose the central bank digital currency.

20th August 2020, 07:45 AM
What's going to happen is the governments around the world will make similar to what we call Stable Coins in the crypto market.

There's several currencies being developed right now for America, Europe, China, Russia, and so on.

They aren't true crypto currencies and will be centralized fiat digital currencies pretending to be crypto currencies. They will completely phase out cash and force everyone to use these digital Fed coins so they can tax you on every event and track you.

People are moving to real decentralized crypto currencies and hopefully will start using them more. What I hate with cryptos is I have to currently take money off exchanges and pay taxes if I want to pay a mortgage or bills or whatever. Once that changes these assholes are fucked.

I want to stress something else. There's a lot of people who think Crypto Currencies are bad and the "Mark of the Beast" or something. They are not. We are in an arms race for who controls money. Either the people who support Crypto Currency win and we have freedom, or the government forces their Fed coins on everyone and we are enslaved forever. This is an arms race and depending how fast things in crypto market go I think we'll win at the current rate as things like mortgage services and decentralized finance are coming out now that will completely make an independent system away from the government.

20th August 2020, 08:15 AM
So, I posted shortened version of Dr. Paul's warning about the digital dollar and a link back to this site, so people could click here and respond. Did this very late last night (1am or so) and then went back there again this morning and posted the info on most of the articles, and now I got this: "In accordance with zerohedge's community guidelines, your account has been temporarily suspended. Please rejoin the conversation in 6 days."--why bother???

And I just scanned the articles and my comments have all been deleted.

20th August 2020, 10:20 AM
15-20 years ago the alt-media was much less controlled. Although perhaps its reach is significantly larger now.

Sucks seeing good alt-media sites and people 'disappear' from the public space the last few decades. 'Disappeared' being the correct word in many cases as regulars to a site could often make out the stalking and harassment as the west is currently under Stasi type harassment and control.

But even worse is the even larger amount of other sites (like Zero Hedge) that stay up, but basically are transitioning into the next generation of controlled MSM.

Now perhaps I'm just getting old and not finding the new 'cool' public places online, but in general to myself it seems:

New generation of popular alt-media is generally economically illiterate

Environment and resource constraint issues no longer discussed (other than the CO2 scam)

Alternate (improved) medical, health and science much less discussed (other than a few concerns like vaccines and wifi)

General IQ of journalism on these captured 'new CIA mockingbird media' sites drops 20 points

Increased subjective (rather than objective) presentation and discussion of topics

Content creators never discuss western Stasi operations and in many cases will continue to ridicule the very idea even as they and their sites are Stasi gang-stalked off the internet!

Much of the new generation of popular alt-media recently started Neo-Con war mongering

Another generation of 'journalism' consumed by 'CIA mockingbird media' type operations.

A good example of things now so bad, have run so far on fake news, is the US federal government now spending twice as much as its revenue.

And the federal governments will stop any potentially significant journalism or reporting of this (or other) impending disasters.

Our Federal and State governments (along with their corrupted and controlled alt-media and MSM) are now purposely collapsing the economy, rights of citizens and social interaction in their latest criminal operation.

For all their incompetence, at least the DNC has the good sense at this time to step aside.

22nd August 2020, 09:04 AM
'The greatest assault on civil liberties in our time...'
Dear Friends of the Ron Paul Institute:

First allow me to sincerely apologize for the scarcity of these updates of late. Since the Covid madness has taken over our country, spreading the real virus of authoritarianism to every corner of our republic, we have been barely able to come up for air. Literally every waking hour we spend preparing the next day's episode of the Liberty Report, focusing on disproving the lies and correcting the misperceptions created by a mainstream media and politically-motivated actors to turn the country into a gulag. As you can imagine, refuting the lies of the mainstream media and politicized health "specialists" is beyond a full time job. They have all the resources at their fingertips, we are extremely limited so we have to work harder. And we have been so doing.

The reaction to the virus outbreak has been the greatest assault on civil liberties in our time and the approach of those in authority will go down as perhaps the greatest disaster in US history. Even the Director of the CDC admits that more Americans are dying from lockdowns than from coronavirus. Meanwhile the virus is behaving as have all viruses in history: as it moves through society it infects, leaving healthier victims with immunity who in turn act as a wall to prevent infection of the vulnerable. Politicized medicine got in the way of this normal process, which cruelly led to a much longer period of potential exposure of the virus to the unhealthy and aged, its prime victims.

Young people, despite the media pile-on, are as Trump said nearly immune to this virus. According to CDC data (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=3b23685018&e=49e8bdd2a7), less than 300 Americans under the age of 24 have died from Covid-19. There is literally a better chance of being struck by lightening than dying of Covid if you are under 24. In fact by far the majority of deaths have occurred in those over 80 with other serious existing health problems. Yet these young people are being tortured by stay-at-home orders and masks and cancellation of school and destruction of their economic futures and cancellation of their very lives. No wonder three in four young persons (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=3100a5cccf&e=49e8bdd2a7) has reported anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts over the coronavirus lockdowns.

The "experts" are literally destroying the next generation, and because of fear Americans are going along. The young son of a friend has recently taken his own life, incapable of managing the despair of the hell created for him by the monsters who have grabbed power in a manner that would even make Hitler blush.

And they aren't even making the older people safer with these asinine policies! In fact, thugs like Andrew Cuomo in New York purposely pursued a policy guaranteed to kill a maximum of older Americans - putting very sick people into nursing homes! Even the policies of lockdown and house arrest of the healthy have put the old and vulnerable at risk: the "second wave" is just a delayed first wave and the longer the virus hangs around without hitting the wall of herd immunity the more time the susceptible people can catch it and die.

Fear is the tool used throughout history to manipulate populations and to introduce totalitarian rule. A terrified population cannot make rational decisions, instead they desperately rush to hand their decisions off to a willing dictator to make for them. We know this movie and it does not end well.

Yesterday the unelected state health commissioner of Virginia, Norman Oliver, announced that residents of the state would have no choice in the matter: the coronavirus vaccine would be mandatory. No exceptions. Your body, the state's choice.

From Germany to Ireland (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=86b78ba5a8&e=49e8bdd2a7) to beyond, citizens are rising up to protest the authoritarianism imposed by their governments in the name of a virus. Thus far in the US we have seen little of that. Unless Americans are willing to fight for their freedom there will soon be no freedom to fight for...

Sincerely yours,

Daniel McAdams
Executive Director
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

Recent Ron Paul Institute Publications
Iran 'snapback' sanctions is a pantomime. Spectacle to watch is Trump-Putin summit. (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=0dfd3220b2&e=49e8bdd2a7)
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Should Snowden and Assange Pardon the US Government? (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=17778b3cd4&e=49e8bdd2a7)
by Jacob Hornberger

Good for the Syracuse University Student Rebels (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=ad55e9e584&e=49e8bdd2a7)
by Adam Dick

The Case For Lockdowns, Masks, School Closures, 'Distancing' Has Just Collapsed (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=1fa11edccf&e=49e8bdd2a7)
by Daniel McAdams

Americans are free to vote Trump out of office, but they may be stuck with Soros forever – whether or not they like him (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=434d64c986&e=49e8bdd2a7)
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Belarus: Where a 'Dictator' is Condemned by Those Who Supported Lockdowns in Their Own Country (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=90e63cc7ef&e=49e8bdd2a7)
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As Covid Hospitalizations Disappear, Authoritarians Refuse To Give Up (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=3bd90b235c&e=49e8bdd2a7)
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How the US helped push Lebanon to the brink of collapse, and now threatens more sanctions (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=11f4d3bd08&e=49e8bdd2a7)
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The CIA Versus the Kennedys (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=e33389c33d&e=49e8bdd2a7)
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Big Pharma, Government, and The Media Are Blocking Coronavirus Treatments. Why? (https://ronpaulinstitute.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a6b3044a9fe8889c822d11c16&id=058881b14c&e=49e8bdd2a7)
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by Adam Dick

23rd August 2020, 09:33 PM
Dr. Ron Paul says that BOTH PARTIES support TRACKING, TRACING AND FORCE VACCINATING the American people!!!!!! They are just haggling over the details!!! American people sold out AGAIN!!!

Also, apparently back in the day, Dr. Paul passed some legislation that banned them from using some kind of unique identifier and they just repealed it, which he says is going to make it easier for them to track all of this BS and make sure we are complying with whatever these psychopaths want.


I wanted to make sure you saw my recent column, “Coronavirus is the New Terrorism.”

The column details how coronavirus has joined the “war on terror” as a ready-made justification for massive expansion of government power.

Like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s scheme to implement a “nationwide system” of tracking, tracing, isolation, treatment, and mask policies.

My column explains how this “national strategic plan” threatens constitutional government and individual liberty.

While Speaker Pelosi has been the most vocal proponent of this plan, the sad truth is both parties support a national strategic plan to trace, track, and forcibly vaccinate the American people. . .

They are simply haggling over the details.

Campaign for Liberty will be working to mobilize pro-liberty Americans like you to stop these schemes, so keep an eye on your inbox for updates on how you can help.

The first step is to get the message out to as many people as possible, so please share this column as widely as you can.

For liberty,
Ron Paul
http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/cimages/9712f553eeb54df4c700abc96d8f0cb4/donate-now-button.png (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56079408:shiCDq-vN:m:1:2258731511:C714199717C185BFFFA5D7F17CF14856 :r)
Coronavirus Is the New ‘Terrorism’
by Ron Paul

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed the next multi-trillion dollar "coronavirus relief” spending bill that will support testing, tracing, treatment, isolation, and mask policies that have been part of a “national strategic plan” she has been advocating. The Trump administration is not opposing Pelosi’s plan on principle. Instead, it is haggling over the price.

But, even if the strategic plan could be implemented at little or no monetary cost, it would still impose an unacceptable cost in lost liberty.

Pelosi’s plan will lead to either a federal mask mandate or federal funding of state and local mask mandate enforcement. Those who resist wearing masks could likely be reported to the authorities by government-funded mask monitors. We can label this the “Stasi” approach to health policy, after the infamous East German secret police force.

Contact tracing could lead to forcing individuals to download a tracing app. The app would record where an individual goes and alert authorities that an individual has been near someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.

The strategic plan could eventually include Bill Gates' and Anthony Fauci’s suggestion that individuals receive “digital certificates” indicating they are vaccinated for or immune to coronavirus. A certificate would be required before an individual can go to work, to school, or even to the grocery store. The need to demonstrate vaccination for or immunity to coronavirus in order to resume normal life would cause many people to “voluntarily” receive a potentially dangerous coronavirus vaccine.

The Trump administration has already spent billions of dollars to support efforts of companies to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Policymakers have stated that once a vaccine is developed it will be rushed into production and onto the market. Supporters of expediting production and use of a vaccine should remember the 1976 swine flu vaccine debacle. The swine flu vaccine was rushed into production in response to political pressure to “do something.” The result was a vaccine that was more of a danger than the flu.

Unfortunately, those who raise legitimate concerns regarding the safety of vaccines are smeared as “conspiracy theorists.” This is the equivalent of stating that anyone who dares criticize our interventionist foreign policy “hates freedom” and is probably a “terrorist sympathizer.”

The coronavirus panic has given new life to the push for a unique patient identifier. The unique patient identifier was authorized in 1996, but appropriations bills since 1998 have contained a provision forbidding the federal government from developing and implementing the identifier.

Unfortunately, two weeks ago, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the ban. The unique patient identifier would aid government efforts to track and vaccinate every American, as well as to infringe in other ways on liberty in the name of “health.”

Politicians and bureaucrats cannot eliminate a virus any more than they can eliminate terrorism. What they can do is use terrorism, a virus, and other real, exaggerated, or manufactured crises to expand their power at the expense of our liberty.

Politicians will never resist the temptation to use crises as excuses to gain more power.

Therefore, it is up to those of us who know the truth to spread the message of liberty and grow the liberty movement, A strong liberty movement is the only thing that can force the politicians to stop stealing our liberty while promising phantom security from terrorists and viruses.

Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a constitutional foreign policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for Liberty.

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8th October 2020, 04:09 PM
So, I guess that horrible HR 6666 has not officially been passed yet, but it's still on the agenda. Here's the latest from Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty:

“Gov’t (DARPA) funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021”

Implanting microchips in people to track them used to be something that only appeared in futuristic movies.

Unfortunately, the future is now.

These are the kinds of ideas that big government and their so-called “public-private partnership” satellite organizations come up with when they think they’ve scared the public enough to coerce them into paying for such technology with their tax dollars.

Of course, it will only be used to deprive us of our rights.

The technology they’re promoting has such limited appeal, it has to be mandatory to ensure the D.C. lobbyists can even have a slim chance at someone adopting their products.

A watchdog group called MintPress News discovered DARPA’s move to institutionalize these implantable biochips by 2021.

"Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy of any mRNA program delivered via this substrate, unleashing a nightmare of possibilities. It is, perhaps, the first true step towards full-on transhumanism; a “philosophy” that is in vogue with many powerful and influential people, such as Google’s Ray Kurzweil and Eric Schmidt and whose proponents see the fusion of technology and biology as an inevitable consequence of human progress.”

People like Kurzweil, Schmidt, and their cronies are no doubt behind the scenes pushing for H.R. 6666 -- the so-called Testing, Reaching & Contacting Everyone Act, or TRACE Act, to pay for these insidious “biochips.”

Can I count on your donation of $50, $25, or even $10 right now so we can fight back against these Orwellian technologies? (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56522181:sjorkuKON:m:1:2258731511:A03C9AA4FF64DFC2 04EEF2C3BCAE3D3A:r)

If you just read a little bit of their own writing about it, it sounds like they’re intentionally trying to change our biology and rob us of our humanity.

Certainly, they’d be robbing us of our medical freedom.

Then it’s only a matter of time before they take it another step further and come into our homes, just like they have with all their surveillance technology.

H.R. 6666 creates a Stasi-style police force with power to enter your home to “conduct testing,” “contact tracing” and “related activities,” and for “other purposes” to separate those who test positive (or refuse to comply) from loved ones!

That’s why I’m asking all Campaign for Liberty supporters to sign the petition to STOP H.R. 6666 (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56522182:sjorkuKON:m:1:2258731511:A03C9AA4FF64DFC2 04EEF2C3BCAE3D3A:r) before it gains any more steam!

The fact is, Nancy Pelosi is hard at work trying to get $Trillions more in “bailouts” which will be used to support these types of tracking technologies like biochips.

Nancy was in Congress when they passed the Patriot Act in 2001, which nearly destroyed the 4th Amendment, and I have no doubt she’ll do the same thing to medical freedom with H.R. 6666 -- if she thinks she has an opening.

Unfortunately, because of the fear mongering by the media and the government, that opening does exist.

Nearly 20 years later, we’re still fighting to get rid of the unwarranted spying on American citizens, which was even used in 2016 on candidate Donald Trump when he was running for president.

Let’s stop the next round of this creeping surveillance before it can get started.

Congress needs to hear from the public that we don’t support the loss of our humanity and our medical freedom over an overblown virus.

Sandra, please make sure you’ve signed the petition to STOP H.R. 6666 (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56522182:sjorkuKON:m:1:2258731511:A03C9AA4FF64DFC2 04EEF2C3BCAE3D3A:r)!

The last time we alerted you on this issue, the response was overwhelming to say the least, so this message is very popular!

For that reason I’m urging you to please share with everyone you think will help. . .

. . . Ask them to sign the STOP H.R. 6666 petition (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56522182:sjorkuKON:m:1:2258731511:A03C9AA4FF64DFC2 04EEF2C3BCAE3D3A:r) immediately.

Then, if you can, dig deep and chip in (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/56522181:sjorkuKON:m:1:2258731511:A03C9AA4FF64DFC2 04EEF2C3BCAE3D3A:r) to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more patriots to defend our freedoms and stop this insane assault on our liberties!

We’ve got to make it 100% clear -- coronavirus DOES NOT give government license to trample our liberties.

Please act at once.

For Liberty,
Ron Paul, M.D.

9th October 2020, 08:33 AM
The front door to America is still open.
When this country was founded it was a federation of republics.
That is what it is supposed to be. Except the Jews created a distraction called the civil war and put in a CORPORATION.

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDOyWZ6tzRy_p_mxlbsXe2h4j2qSOuTGo0u4eywHXWZnd vJGVU3W1DbVFixnQtlOWacEf-vgYHQaDJ9&hc_ref=ARTcCSeZtazHBWUD300IZHK9n4z2E2GoPn2y28gqjod gBxDtf0VsX3EOrI1M_BrX6ug&fref=nf)

19h (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/3348651401850583) ·

Dear Folks -- A Vital Update
Some people don't like the analogy of our actual government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" being an extended family. They don't want to be related to the poor, the sick, the old, the unfashionable, unknown, unwashed masses.
I don't have a problem with taking a stand with all the Walmart Shoppers, despite the unfounded accusation that I am a "royal" and an "elitist".

If I were a royal or an elitist, I would sit back in a nice comfy chair and let the world go to Hell like the rest of the "royals" did. I certainly would not dare to beard the Pope in his lair and sue him for Breach of Trust, because my world and my "monarchy" would depend on the Pope's good graces.

I would not thereafter spend seven years of my life giving Due Process to the Pope's employees and nearly thirty years exposing fraud, unlawful conversion, and personation crimes being practiced against Americans.

I would not bother to learn law and history and spend untold thousands of hours tracking down rare books and going cross-eyed reading documents hand-written in French two centuries ago.

Come to think about it, this is not what an "average" Mother with a family to support would do, so maybe I am a bit different, afterall.

Still, there is absolutely no doubt that I am an American and my parents were Americans before me, and on both sides of my family, I have ancestors who were here before the Revolution.

I care about this country and its government and its people precisely because we aren't homogeneous. We aren't a monarchy. We aren't tied to the filthy cesspool of European politics and "law".

Yet, upon making certain observations, it became undeniable that those same European practices and forms of foreign law have usurped upon us and have entrenched themselves in our country with the same terrible impacts here as in Europe and other places around the world. The same endless wars. The same abuse of average people. The same wasteful spending.
Finding out --- precisely --- how this came to be, and how we can get out of the spider's web, has been my life's work.
What I and those working with me discovered is nothing less than astonishing.

In general terms, we and many other peoples around the world have been entrapped in a system of legalized enslavement, promoted by a practice of corporate enfranchisement and a phony monetary system.

I call this system of government "Corporate Feudalism" -- a feudal system of government that replaces living monarchs with corporations that are even worse, because they are not alive and are not individually accountable.

This system took root during the reign of Queen Victoria in England and was birthed and championed by her Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli.

Here in America, much the same blueprint was followed. People signed up to vote, thinking that they were being given a greater voice in their government, and instead, they were being "seized upon" as chattel backing the debts of commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services.

Along with this secretive -- because it was already illegal back then -- press-ganging and unlawful conversion of private assets, came a system of proxy government and fiat money based on commercial credit. This was basically a systematic abuse of Promissory Notes and Usury in gross violation of public law and public trust.

Our own lawful and peaceful government of the people, for the people, and by the people was shoved aside, "held in abeyance", "presumed to be in interregnum" and left to gather dust on a shelf for a century and a half, while two foreign governmental services Subcontractors, one British and Territorial, the other Papist and Municipal, have carried on a series of illegal and unlawful mercenary "wars" on our shores--- all without our knowledge or permission as their employers.
This was made possible by taking out a substantial portion of the government that we are supposed to have operating this country. Both our Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation, and the American Subcontractor that is supposed to be operating the Federal Republic portion of the Federal Government, were rendered inoperable by The American Civil War and never Reconstructed.

We, as school children, were fed lies by omission and led to believe that the Reconstruction happened a long time ago--- so of course, we never realized that this was crucial work that we needed to do as adults.

The European Federal Subcontractors, both British and Papist, brought their foreign laws and forms of government ashore using the excuse of this "continuing emergency" and insinuated themselves as an "emergency substitute government" which has openly colluded against the American States and People and our best interests since 1937 when they quietly published "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States".

Thanks to the work of thousands of Americans over the course of sixteen decades all this rot has finally come to the surface and been exposed.

Mr. Trump wants to re-establish the American Federal Subcontractor, known as the Federal Republic and also known as the States of America, operating under the 1787 constitution known as The Constitution for the united States of America.
This is a worthy and necessary goal if we are to function as an independent nation again, but neither Mr. Trump nor his constitutional advisors have known how to accomplish this feat and have up until now assumed that they could just put together an American-owned corporation, and go to town.

If it were that simple, it would have been done long, long ago.

To have a true American corporation to act in this capacity, it has to be chartered under the American Government of the American States and People. It has to stand under our Public Law, not the law of any foreign nation.

Failing this, we have only a repeat of the same old scenario of foreign law and foreign influence commandeering our assets and substituting "for" our actual government, even if Americans are in charge of that corporation.

The Reconstruction necessary is a Six Step Process and it can only be accomplished by me and you, regular old Americans, who declare and reclaim our stolen and misrepresented political birthright as American State Nationals and American State Citizens.

Having declared our political status as individuals, we are then ready to "assemble" our properly populated State Assemblies and exercise our constitutionally protected right to do so.

This has already been accomplished.

Go to www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (http://www.theamericanstatesassembly.net/?fbclid=IwAR1IySogbKXb5ATIUlwpjgtpNtql1v2dpKsuX1nQ daQjHixJewyPpqV5qLM) to see how you can help.

As a second housekeeping step to bring forward all our States and People, those States that were enrolled as members of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America prior to the Civil War, have been polled by Roll Call Vote and have acknowledged and accepted and enrolled the States formed during and after the Civil War as full States and Members of the Union and the Federation.

This ends a century and a half of "custodial interest" by the British Territorial Government and their "State of State" organizations.

The next step is the collapse of the State Land Trusts that these interlopers established as a means to control our property interests and convey "titles" and "land descriptions" upon our assets. As the purported Donors of these assets into these Trusts, the States have the unabridged right to end this arrangement and receive back their own assets, and The United States of America has the unabridged right to claim all United States Patents, which it has done.

The fourth step is to reconstruct the American States of States which were the lawful members of the Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation. The State Assembly of New York organizes The State of New York, for example, as an instrumentality to conduct routine business functions for it and to manage public property interests belonging to New York. This business organization then participates in the reconstructed Confederation.

The fifth step is for the Confederation to reconstruct the States of America, also known as the Federal Republic, which the Confederation oversees and operates on behalf of the States and The United States of America. This is the "missing" American Subcontractor and our portion of the Federal Government which Mr. Trump wishes to restore.

The sixth step is for the States of America to resume operations under The Constitution for the united States of America (1787).

All of this can take place in a rapid and orderly and peaceful fashion with your assistance and financial support, and it is the only way that we can restore our actual intended government without (1) recreating the same old problems of foreign law and foreign custodial interests for ourselves, or (2) losing chain of custody and "continuity of government" of the actual government, treaties, and contracts -- including the constitutions --- that we are owed.

It is therefore necessary to do it this way, to do it with alacrity and determination, and to restore our lawful government in all its respects as quickly and peacefully as possible.

There are a lot of "just awakened" people running around like chickens with their heads off, alarmed and confused, and not knowing what to do or how to do it. This is not in fact an emergency. It is a process. We need to engage it intelligently and knowledgeably, and without fear.

Each State Assembly is fully empowered to control the operations of the foreign State of State organizations and maintain the peace, with their cooperation. Each State Assembly has the right and power to enforce the Constitutions, via their lawfully elected County Sheriffs, and their State Assembly Militias.

Via their membership organizations, The United States, known as "the Union" which controls the mutual soil jurisdiction, and our unincorporated Federation, The United States of America, which controls the mutually-held international and global powers, the State Assemblies are more than competent to speak to all questions related to trade, monetary policy, and service delivery, including the settlement of government pensions and debts.

This is actually and factually the way our American Government is set up and the way it is supposed to work. The fact that it has been functioning on four-cylinders for 160 years in no way changes or obliterates its sovereignty, it's power or its State Immunity.

The only element(s) necessary to succeed in this peaceful and lawful conversion of our government back to its full operation and glory are: (1) public awareness, and (2) your participation.

We have no true enemies but ourselves and our own ignorance.

Please stay completely clear of all "patriot organizations" that are not firmly grounded and aware of these facts and processes.

It is completely safe to join your own actual State Assembly (not a District-based Assembly which is for our Territorial Employees, and not a Municipal Assembly which is for our Municipal Employees) and to "bear arms" as a member of your State Assembly Militia.

It is NOT safe to join any organization aiming at the overthrow of the General Government that is currently in place by any means of violent insurrection or actions taken against officers of the Territorial and Municipal Corporations.

Remember -- these people, both Territorial and Municipal workers, are your Employees.

It is your place to properly direct and organize your Employees and the means to do this is already provided to you, simply by joining your State Assembly and doing your own homework.

Also, It is NOT safe to claim that you have "constitutional rights" or guarantees until you properly declare and record your political status as an American State National or American State Citizen.

Many Americans assume that they have constitutional guarantees intact, but their political status has been obscured and brought into question by the birth certification process, and until they declare and record their birthright political status as Americans, it is not assumed that they are Americans.

Think about that. The Constitutions are well and fine, but your individual access to their precious guarantees has been undermined and papered-over by foreign registrations entered in your name when you were just a baby.

This is because your own government was not fully functional, and that opened up the opportunity for foreign governments to claim that you were "abandoned" and "one of theirs" --- a supposition which must be firmly rebutted on the public record.
Lucky for you, some of us were awake and on the move thirty years ago, so that now as you awaken to this situation, the processes you need to declare your political status and your State Assemblies are already present and hard at work.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.TheAmericanStatesAssembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2lxKSiGwjUpPUY7DP2Ww9oXZbzn jq2whfjTImhmFRAI9lWI3RxW274mJA&h=AT19OeioDr7Llpt5zFyBwneqGYeZOMD7XZ1lFD0bHKJ_rbs0 PEjTDne4tYktEZEGcDrHLr6SbNe3BHHYLPHkIsqVXFt6AUU6nb PZ1EzBxALflHrqK_U_YQeQYbNB4-GM22UFHFJb_Fo2duIbXYM8hR4LQg) to connect to the peaceful, lawful, and correct solution. Weigh in and help finish the long-delayed Reconstruction of your government.

I am up to my neck in responsibilities and educational efforts related to all the above, as well as suffering numerous "personal" adversities, including medical emergencies among our staff members. This means that I don't have even the small amount of time I normally have to write thank you notes, give advice to individuals, answer phone calls, and do interviews. I am sorry.

I shall be harder pressed than ever for some time to come, yet I will be in close contact with the State Coordinators, and through them and through your State Assemblies you will be kept posted and up to date. I will make every effort to keep up with our Monday evening conferences.

God bless our country and everyone in it.

Your participation in your State Assemblies is needed and requested, as is your support via volunteering of skills, materials, and funds.

Donations are gratefully received via PayPal at: avannavon@gmail.com and via postal service addressed to: Anna Maria Riezinger, In care of Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

I want you all to know what is going on, what needs to be done, and to be assured that despite the substantial challenges, we are continuing to gain ground.

Modern State Credentials are now being produced and mailed out to help State Assembly Members properly identify themselves as Americans. And our own block-chained Land Recording System (LRS) is up and functioning. Numerous publications and instructional materials are being made available.

You can access these important materials and services through your own State Assembly.

In my belief, we are a family of vast potential, a family formed of many races, religions, and cultures, a family called "Americans". It is that which has made our country strong and resilient in the face of many terrible challenges, and it is our willingness to join together as Americans that keeps it safe for everyone.

Patriot, America, veteran, people, Anna Von Reitz, lawful government, political status, reconstruction, Continental Congress, DeJure Government, land and soil, Jural Assembly, State Assembly, Assembly, American State National

10th December 2020, 03:06 PM
Pharma-controlled FDA just approved Pfizer's bioweapon

The latest email from Dr. Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty:

Did you see my message from Tuesday?

Your governor needs to hear from you immediately!

Major corporations and overreaching health bureaucrats are poised to start requiring vaccines in order to access services like air travel, in-store shopping, attending school, and maybe even entering a big city!

Sign the postcard to tell your governor to demand a bill to protect your health freedom and vaccine exemptions in your state (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/57034692:WmjCAXKNq:m:1:2258731511:DB48727278F26287 5AFD95149161153F:r).

This is urgent!

We cannot win this fight to preserve health freedom without your help.


With the COVID vaccines brought to us at “warp speed” about to become available for certain members of the public, anxiety is rising over whether it will be made mandatory by governments or corporations.

The first to float this idea very publicly have been two international airlines . . . which seems like a great way to discourage people from flying.

Americans love to travel and are just itching to get out after almost 10 months of fear and hysteria that has put our lives on hold.

Airlines have given us just the first example of this mandatory vaccination policy, causing people to fear that medical tyranny is going to run wild, even if it causes serious damage to our health.

Governors are also being asked if they will allow their health bureaucracies to mandate the vaccine or create “vaccine passports” within their states.

That answer should be an easy “No!”

Sign the postcard to demand that your governor prioritize and sign a law to protect health freedom and vaccine exemptions in your state (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/57034692:WmjCAXKNq:m:1:2258731511:DB48727278F26287 5AFD95149161153F:r)!

Once you have, signed the postcard, please consider a rush donation of $35, $50, or more while we still have time to stop these mandates before they are handed down (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/57034693:WmjCAXKNq:m:1:2258731511:DB48727278F26287 5AFD95149161153F:r).

The problem is some governors who’ve been asked if they plan to mandate COVID vaccines are not exactly giving the public confidence that their health freedom and health privacy will be protected.

There are many who will want to take the vaccine, and they have the right to choose to do so.

But let’s not forget that those who do not want the vaccine also have rights.

After all, this is a rushed vaccine -- the first of its kind -- and there is a history of horrible reactions for this kind of thing.

In the 1970’s, more people died or suffered severe side effects from the rushed swine flu vaccine than did from the disease itself, which is proof that vaccines can be dangerous.

After that fiasco and all the people who were hurt or killed by taking that vaccine, our government reacted by removing liability from vaccine makers, which is still in effect today!

Sign your postcard to demand that your governor asks the state legislature to get involved and put a bill on his desk to protect people from mandatory vaccinations (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/57034692:WmjCAXKNq:m:1:2258731511:DB48727278F26287 5AFD95149161153F:r)!

If you and I don’t stop this tyranny now, the rushed vaccine may not only be required to travel by air, but maybe even to enter a store or a big city. “Show us your papers” (or your phone app) or stay home!!