View Full Version : People in Wisconsin are firing shots at BLM as they move into the suburbs

24th August 2020, 11:59 PM
It happened in two separate incidents tonight:




25th August 2020, 12:22 AM
No guns involved here, but damn it looks like Wisconsin is not the place to fuck around in:


25th August 2020, 04:09 AM
Do not try to talk to them. It is past talking. They are the Borg. The only thing that will sway them from their total destruction of society is the credible threat of their own physical destruction.

25th August 2020, 04:20 AM
I should add here for clarity what I am sure we all know. These creatures have been inculcated by the same political machine that will protect them from our just attempts at protecting our lives and property. The time is approaching when citizens who are fed up, will need fully take the law into their own hands. All of a sudden, the political machine will jerk into gear and and protect the very demons that we are trying to protect ourselves from. The game is rigged against us no matter what.

25th August 2020, 05:42 AM
The worse thing you can do in a zombie apocalypse is appear to be a non-zombie (unless you happen to be in an area uninfested by zombies).

What constitutes a zombie can be pretty subjective. You might find yourself the only masaginist at a women's rights rally or you might be trying to purchase a cuppa coffee at a convenience store with only a double eagle in your pocket.

25th August 2020, 06:47 AM
Should be a fun week leading into the weekend. Hot, dry weather for the midwest. They were already planning a protest in Shitcago this and next weekend. The looted stores must be restocked.

25th August 2020, 10:09 AM
Walk around Kenosha this morning documenting the destruction.


25th August 2020, 02:16 PM
Kenosha Police Shooting of Jacob Blake Has That Rancid Smell https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/kenosha-police-shooting-of-jacob-blake-has-that-rancid-smell/

midnight rambler
25th August 2020, 03:14 PM
Kenosha Police Shooting of Jacob Blake Has That Rancid Smell

Very nice bit of armchair quarterbacking.

Always comply with the po-po, you can work out the details later. Why are the po-po messin' with you in the first damn place?? Musta drawn attention to yourself*. Anyone thinking resisting/escaping/evading the po-po when they want to cuff you and stuff you (or at least detain you) will result in a positive outcome is seriously delusional. Granted these cops showed incompetence and lack of situational awareness that DOES NOT equate to some sort of planned/staged event. I'm sure the shootee would have preferred not getting shot several times and ending up a paraplegic but the stupid fkn nigger put himself in that position. IMO, this incident was a confluence of stupidity.

*I carry zero state issued ID with me and I generally cruise over the posted speed limit...however I don't present as an anomaly...don't be an anomaly to the po-po it gets their attention (having spent a lot of time around cops I know what gets their attention), and once you get their attention your problems begin

25th August 2020, 03:31 PM
Democrat party has been hijacked by overt Marxist communists. The leadership is freaking out because they have lost the mass of good law-biding folk and know that Trump is headed for a landslide election victory. They are a gang of criminal pedophile thieves and rapists and they are scared: the iron hand of justice is coming for them. Every charge they make against US, We the people. is pure projection [of their evil intents]: racism, fascism, stealing the election, usurping of due process and civil liberties. They are guilty of all of these charges. ANTIFA threatens peaceful citizens, demands compliance and burns and destroys whole neighborhoods. This is pure projection. They are the fascists. They are the racists. They will not stop until they are met with a greater force of righteous indignation. They intimidate, bait and threaten and then claim victim hood. This will end with bloodshed; because they will have it no other way!


25th August 2020, 04:28 PM
Democrat party has been hijacked by overt Marxist communists. The leadership is freaking out because they have lost the mass of good law-biding folk and know that Trump is headed for a landslide election victory. They are a gang of criminal pedophile thieves and rapists and they are scared: the iron hand of justice is coming for them. Every charge they make against US, We the people. is pure projection [of their evil intents]: racism, fascism, stealing the election, usurping of due process and civil liberties. They are guilty of all of these charges. ANTIFA threatens peaceful citizens, demands compliance and burns and destroys whole neighborhoods. This is pure projection. They are the fascists. They are the racists. They will not stop until they are met with a greater force of righteous indignation. They intimidate, bait and threaten and then claim victim hood. This will end with bloodshed; because they will have it no other way!


I urge all patriots not to do a damn thing until after the election. IMO, this is a trap, they are trying to lure out patriots into the streets to create a much bigger problem.
The Democrats would love nothing more then to see a civil war right before the election. If there is no declared winner for whatever reason by Jan. 20th, Nancy Pelosi becomes acting president.

25th August 2020, 05:23 PM
I urge all patriots not to do a damn thing until after the election.

I urge all principals to consider carefully who they claim as agents. Welfare artists disguising themselves as government agents have my blessing to fight their own battles.

25th August 2020, 10:54 PM
Looks like a looter may have been shot in the head.

Shots fired:


Dude that got shot:

25th August 2020, 11:32 PM
The worse thing you can do in a zombie apocalypse is appear to be a non-zombie (unless you happen to be in an area uninfested by zombies).

What constitutes a zombie can be pretty subjective. You might find yourself the only masaginist at a women's rights rally or you might be trying to purchase a cuppa coffee at a convenience store with only a double eagle in your pocket.

Try going out there with your blackface on, Ziero?

25th August 2020, 11:34 PM
Holy shit:


26th August 2020, 03:03 AM
Holy shit:


He was clearly in lethal danger so self defense...

26th August 2020, 04:19 AM
Try going out there with your blackface on, Ziero?
I once worked with an Army colonel of the dark persuasion. Very smart guy. He spoke like any intelligent guy until the black janitor came into the room and then his speech changed to match the janitors.

You see even he found it necessary to slip into zombie mode.

26th August 2020, 07:48 AM
Thug that got shot in the arm


26th August 2020, 08:25 AM

26th August 2020, 08:36 AM
Thug that got shot in the arm


Looks like it took a big chunk out of his arm. I wonder it the guy that shot him was using hollow points.

26th August 2020, 10:44 AM
Looks like it took a big chunk out of his arm. I wonder it the guy that shot him was using hollow points.



26th August 2020, 11:48 AM
17 year old kid arrested for murder.

Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Charged With 1st Degree Murder, Trump To Send In The Feds "To Restore Law & Order" (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/least-2-killed-during-3rd-night-violence-kenosha-grisly-shootings-captured-video)

26th August 2020, 11:49 AM
I once worked with an Army colonel of the dark persuasion. Very smart guy. He spoke like any intelligent guy until the black janitor came into the room and then his speech changed to match the janitors.

You see even he found it necessary to slip into zombie mode.

Are you sure you were not the zombie?


26th August 2020, 12:05 PM
Are you sure you were not the zombie?

I'm pretty sure neither of us were.

26th August 2020, 12:09 PM
Extended footage:


26th August 2020, 12:14 PM
>Charged with first degree murder

>They attacked him first
>First attacker threw objects, possibly molotov
>Second attacker used a skateboard as a weapon
>Third attacker was armed with a pistol

>Kyle is seen attempting to turn himself in to Police
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRa3h7RHHvg?t=63 [Embed]

>Extended clip of him fighting off mob and subsequently turning himself into the police:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRa3h7RHHvg [Embed]

>Video with multiple angles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_rmTN9s_CM [Embed]

>weaker angle:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sXrcqdRYqU [Embed]

>interview 1 with Kyle:

>interview 2 with Kyle:
https://youtu.be/eqDJqvdCOJc?t=217 [Embed]

>"Shoot Me" guy instigating:

>"Shoot Me" guy throwing object at Kyle while chasing him into a parking lot, gets shot:

>Another angle of the first shooting, object on the ground not sure what it is anymore, could be a homebrew molotov, could be his moms lunch:

midnight rambler
26th August 2020, 12:17 PM
Extended footage:


Varmint with the skateboard is the one who got shot in the chest.

midnight rambler
26th August 2020, 12:26 PM
Looks like it took a big chunk out of his arm. I wonder it the guy that shot him was using hollow points.

At point blank range no doubt standard M193 ball ammo would result in that sort of damage. Who knows what he was loaded up with, there are so many possibilities, however an arm doesn't present much thickness for a bullet to expand and M193 is zooming at ~3,200 fps mv. Moron with the skateboard shot in the chest went straight down for the count, he also got it at point blank range, as in what appears to be 3-4 ft. of the muzzle. Ouch. And the varmint that took the round dead center to the melon at close range was dead before he hit the ground (yet the other varmints were thinking they were going to save his life with appropriate care).

26th August 2020, 01:09 PM
At point blank range no doubt standard M193 ball ammo would result in that sort of damage. Who knows what he was loaded up with, there are so many possibilities, however an arm doesn't present much thickness for a bullet to expand and M193 is zooming at ~3,150 fps mv. Moron with the skateboard shot in the chest went straight down for the count, he also got it at point blank range, as in what appears to be 3-4 ft. of the muzzle. Ouch. And the varmint that took the round dead center to the melon at close range was dead before he hit the ground (yet the other varmints were thinking they were going to save his life with appropriate care).

I thought he did a damn good job defending himself from those SOB's.

midnight rambler
26th August 2020, 02:57 PM
I thought he did a damn good job defending himself from those SOB's.

17 y.o. was out looking to shoot someone, earlier video indicates that, one of his compatriots yanked him back in a confrontation at the gas station because of being overzealous toward the mob. Now he's fucked.

I agree that he did a good job defending himself, but good decent people have been hobbled in legitimately defending lives and property. And children should not be allowed out amongst the mob.

ETA: The mob is being encouraged to confront those well armed..."What are you gonna do?? Shoot me?? (I know you won't because YOU will face repercussions for your actions, but NOT ME!)"

26th August 2020, 03:53 PM
Why was a 17 y.o. kid from Illinois standing guard in Wisconsin?

midnight rambler
26th August 2020, 03:58 PM
Why was a 17 y.o. kid from Illinois standing guard in Wisconsin?

Because he was looking for trouble. He found it.

26th August 2020, 05:11 PM
Does anyone know for sure he shot the guy at the gas station in the head? The three guys that attacked him down the street got what they had coming and it doesn't matter to me if he is 17 and from across the border in a different state. He had every right to defend himself and he did a good job of it.

There is a good article and photos of what happened and also some food for thought on these situations and defending your life at the link below.


An excerpt from the article

What we can all learn from this

There are so many lessons to learn from this. Note carefully that the security man with the rifle wasn’t engaged in a “mass shooting” … he only shot specific attackers who were threatening his life. This important fact will, of course, be completely ignored by the fake news media.

Here are at least ten other lessons to take away from this:

#1) The police won’t protect you. You are on your own.

#2) Never stop fighting for your life. Shoot to kill your attackers or they will kill you.

#3) Black Lives Matter terrorists can only be communicated with by shooting them. They are immune to all other forms of logic, reason or civility. The only way to reach their brains is to cause them intense trauma or pain, interrupting their violent assaults and hate-filled rage.

#4) America’s streets are now a war zone where the rule of law doesn’t exist at all. No police were present in this scene until after the shootings took place.

#5) Even if you are thrown to the ground, you can still fire your rifle (or pistol) from the ground, and push attackers back with rifle fire so that you can regain your mobility and exit the kill zone.

#6) BLM terrorists will mob rush you in numbers, meaning you will need sufficient skills to shoot multiple attackers in rapid succession. As you can see from this video, had the security man with the rifle been just half a second slower, he would now be dead.

#7) If you don’t know how to clear a jam, reload your rifle or run an AR-15 without having to look at the controls, you’re screwed. Practice until it becomes second nature.

#8) Merely shooting at people, even if you don’t hit them, will cause other would-be attackers to reconsider their own attacks. In this case, had the security man with the rifle not begun shooting at his immediate attackers, he likely would have been mobbed with 5-6 other attackers and beaten to death.

#9) Don’t live in a Democrat-controlled city or a Democrat-controlled state. If you do, no one will come to help you, since Democrats are treasonous criminals who are abolishing police and refusing to deploy the National Guard to protect innocent citizens.

#10) Use ballistic ammo / hollow point ammo, because FMJ ammo doesn’t produce the trauma that’s necessary to cause attackers to rethink their attacks. Just punching small holes in people with 5.56 ball ammo doesn’t accomplish much. You need to achieve much more aggressive forms of tissue damage through the use of ballistic ammo / hollow point / hunting rounds.

#11) Around six seconds into the video, it also appears that the security man with the rifle is clearing a jam or a misfeed of some kind. He does this smoothly and just in time. This underscores the extreme importance of rifle drills, including changing magazines, clearing jams, carrying a secondary weapon and so on.

#12) Never try to chase down a guy with an AR-15. It’s stupid.

#13) Every American needs to own an AR-15 and know how to use it.

#14) Even when you are merely defending your life, you will probably be charged with murder.

26th August 2020, 05:33 PM
17 y.o. was out looking to shoot someone, earlier video indicates that, one of his compatriots yanked him back in a confrontation at the gas station because of being overzealous toward the mob. Now he's fucked.

I agree that he did a good job defending himself, but good decent people have been hobbled in legitimately defending lives and property. And children should not be allowed out amongst the mob.

ETA: The mob is being encouraged to confront those well armed..."What are you gonna do?? Shoot me?? (I know you won't because YOU will face repercussions for your actions, but NOT ME!)"

The militia guys were actually marching with BLM. This guy was a medic, and was providing medical support to some injured BLM people.

They only got into a confrontation after the crowd wanted to start burning stuff and the militia guys wouldn't let them.

I don't think they were looking for trouble.

midnight rambler
26th August 2020, 08:08 PM
If one does not have a business or property to protect, then one has no business being armed out amongst the mob, PERIOD (despite being told by the deputies in the Bearcat that the deputies appreciated them being there). That will only lead to personal (legal/criminal) problems with the state enforcing the law as the state actors see fit. You will NOT win or otherwise come out unscathed. The mob KNOWS that YOU will be held accountable for YOUR actions but they will never be held accountable for their actions. It's a win/win for the mob. So they lost a couple of foot soldiers and another got maimed, BFD, they've got replacements. That sort of thing amounts to an inexcusable failure to exercise intelligence or sound judgment.

A mob is no place for a CHILD to be.

A CHILD should not be allowed to handle a firearm without adult supervision. What kind of moron allows that?? ??? This kid's parent(s) is/are fully culpable for what happens to their kid. That child's life took a dramatic turn for the worse and he's essentially fucked for life, it's highly unlikely he will ever be able to own a gun again, and he certainly won't be able to fulfill his dream of becoming a cop.

ADDITIONALLY, one has absolutely NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to use deadly force to protect someone else's property UNLESS one is a state licensed/commissioned security guard or a moonlighting cop.

midnight rambler
26th August 2020, 08:22 PM
Oh yeah, if one feels compelled to go confront the mob then mix up a batch of DIY OC pepper spray* in a 275 gallon tote hooked up a pressure washer with a zero degree tip and go engage the mob with your pepper spray rig in the back of a pickup. Show us your balls of steel. If things go south one could always switch over to an oil with a low flash point with a little petrol mixed in and light 'em up.

"I'd rather go down the river with seven studs than one hundred shitheads." --Col. Charlie Beckwith

*Use vinegar not water, vinegar opens the pores

26th August 2020, 09:25 PM
Does anyone know for sure he shot the guy at the gas station in the head? The three guys that attacked him down the street got what they had coming and it doesn't matter to me if he is 17 and from across the border in a different state. He had every right to defend himself and he did a good job of it.

There is a good article and photos of what happened and also some food for thought on these situations and defending your life at the link below.


An excerpt from the article

What we can all learn from this

There are so many lessons to learn from this. Note carefully that the security man with the rifle wasn’t engaged in a “mass shooting” … he only shot specific attackers who were threatening his life. This important fact will, of course, be completely ignored by the fake news media.

Here are at least ten other lessons to take away from this:

#1) The police won’t protect you. You are on your own.

#2) Never stop fighting for your life. Shoot to kill your attackers or they will kill you.

#3) Black Lives Matter terrorists can only be communicated with by shooting them. They are immune to all other forms of logic, reason or civility. The only way to reach their brains is to cause them intense trauma or pain, interrupting their violent assaults and hate-filled rage.

#4) America’s streets are now a war zone where the rule of law doesn’t exist at all. No police were present in this scene until after the shootings took place.

#5) Even if you are thrown to the ground, you can still fire your rifle (or pistol) from the ground, and push attackers back with rifle fire so that you can regain your mobility and exit the kill zone.

#6) BLM terrorists will mob rush you in numbers, meaning you will need sufficient skills to shoot multiple attackers in rapid succession. As you can see from this video, had the security man with the rifle been just half a second slower, he would now be dead.

#7) If you don’t know how to clear a jam, reload your rifle or run an AR-15 without having to look at the controls, you’re screwed. Practice until it becomes second nature.

#8) Merely shooting at people, even if you don’t hit them, will cause other would-be attackers to reconsider their own attacks. In this case, had the security man with the rifle not begun shooting at his immediate attackers, he likely would have been mobbed with 5-6 other attackers and beaten to death.

#9) Don’t live in a Democrat-controlled city or a Democrat-controlled state. If you do, no one will come to help you, since Democrats are treasonous criminals who are abolishing police and refusing to deploy the National Guard to protect innocent citizens.

#10) Use ballistic ammo / hollow point ammo, because FMJ ammo doesn’t produce the trauma that’s necessary to cause attackers to rethink their attacks. Just punching small holes in people with 5.56 ball ammo doesn’t accomplish much. You need to achieve much more aggressive forms of tissue damage through the use of ballistic ammo / hollow point / hunting rounds.

#11) Around six seconds into the video, it also appears that the security man with the rifle is clearing a jam or a misfeed of some kind. He does this smoothly and just in time. This underscores the extreme importance of rifle drills, including changing magazines, clearing jams, carrying a secondary weapon and so on.

#12) Never try to chase down a guy with an AR-15. It’s stupid.

#13) Every American needs to own an AR-15 and know how to use it.

#14) Even when you are merely defending your life, you will probably be charged with murder.

Police have no responsibility to protect individuals (reference)
Public Rights ^ | 2005 | compiled by Neal Seaman
Posted on 2/26/2008, 6:14:25 AM by NewJerseyJoe

Police have no legal duty to respond and prevent crime or protect the victim. There have BEEN OVER 10 various supreme and state court cases the individual has never won. Notably, the Supreme Court STATED about the responsibility of police for the security of your family and loved ones is "You, and only you, are responsible for your security and the security of your family and loved ones. That was the essence of a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the early 1980's when they ruled that the police do not have a duty to protect you as an individual, but to protect society as a whole."

"It is well-settled fact of American law that the police have no legal duty to protect any individual citizen from crime, even if the citizen has received death threats and the police have negligently failed to provide protection."


On June 27, in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to individual police protection even in the presence of a restraining order. Mrs. Gonzales' husband with a track record of violence, stabbing Mrs. Gonzales to death, Mrs. Gonzales' family could not get the Supreme Court to change their unanimous decision for one's individual protection. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN FOLKS AND GOVERNMENT BODIES ARE REFUSING TO PASS THE Safety Ordinance.

(1) Richard W. Stevens. 1999. Dial 911 and Die. Hartford, Wisconsin: Mazel Freedom Press.
(2) Barillari v. City of Milwaukee, 533 N.W.2d 759 (Wis. 1995).
(3) Bowers v. DeVito, 686 F.2d 616 (7th Cir. 1982).
(4) DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, 489 U.S. 189 (1989).
(5) Ford v. Town of Grafton, 693 N.E.2d 1047 (Mass. App. 1998).
(6) Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. 1981).
"...a government and its agencies are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen..." -Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App. 1981)

(7) "What makes the City's position particularly difficult to understand is that, in conformity to the dictates of the law, Linda did not carry any weapon for self-defense. Thus by a rather bitter irony she was required to rely for protection on the City of NY which now denies all responsibility to her."
Riss v. New York, 22 N.Y.2d 579,293 N.Y.S.2d 897, 240 N.E.2d 806 (1958).

(8) "Law enforcement agencies and personnel have no duty to protect individuals from the criminal acts of others; instead their duty is to preserve the peace and arrest law breakers for the protection of the general public."
Lynch v. N.C. Dept. of Justice, 376 S.E. 2nd 247 (N.C. App. 1989)

New York Times, Washington DC
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: June 28, 2005
The ruling applies even for a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.


26th August 2020, 10:41 PM
new/different video of the guy who got shot in the head,


guy who got shot in the head was chasing the kid and threw something at him (bag on fire?) and kept chasing him



Also from Mark Dice twitter, apparently, there are new protests in Minneapolis b/c blacks thought the cops shot another black guy, so Minneapolis police released video showing that the murder suspect shot himself before the cops even got to him:


27th August 2020, 03:57 AM
I'm shocked no one here has mentioned that the incident was either fake (staged) or MK-Ultra induced.

I hope you're all doing well and continuing to stockpile food........

27th August 2020, 04:59 AM
new/different video of the guy who got shot in the head,


guy who got shot in the head was chasing the kid and threw something at him (bag on fire?) and kept chasing him



Also from Mark Dice twitter, apparently, there are new protests in Minneapolis b/c blacks thought the cops shot another black guy, so Minneapolis police released video showing that the murder suspect shot himself before the cops even got to him:


Thanks for those links Amanda. They are both good ones and I think he was justified in shooting all of those SOB's.

27th August 2020, 05:25 AM
What occurs to me is that the police will not defend our rights and property from this protected class of looter/rioters. They will order us to stand down when protecting our businesses and property but when we step in and take needed action, we will be hounded and prosecuted in the manner that the rioters/looters should be. In my opinion the rioters and police are on the same team and we, on the other. It is all about taking our shit, weapons included.

Again, We are Being Played.

As RH indicated above, there may be more to this event than we are seeing. What kind of idiots chase down and attack a guy with a deadly weapon? The 'kid' did amazingly well under duress. The guy with his arm blown to hell was holding a pistol in the same hand; why didn't he fire it before being fucked up? A lot of weird stuff here.

27th August 2020, 05:36 AM
Time to give away more cheese in Wisconsin.

27th August 2020, 06:09 AM
The liberal MSM is trying to tie this kid to Trump, because he was in the front row of a Trump rally. This kid went to Kanosha to help protect the city, he was on video cleaning graffiti off buildings. It's still not known if he shot the first guy in the head, but he did go to try to help the man. The Liberal media is making a case that blacks are treated aggressively by police, where whites are not, leaving out blacks brawling with police and resisting arrest and the white kid with his hands up trying to turn himself in. I hope when the facts come out a good lawyer will represent him and beat this case for being self defense.

27th August 2020, 06:25 AM
I don’t have a TV so I’m not sure how this entire incident is being portrayed or the background of everyone involved. Obviously, I’m not surprised by your report from the Commie media.

Trump (if re-elected) should pardon the kid. Otherwise, he’ll have to hire a Jew lawyer.

Does this incident have a short shelf life because all 3 of the “victims” were white?

We still have over 2 months of surprises left before the election…..

27th August 2020, 06:29 AM
I don’t have a TV so I’m not sure how this entire incident is being portrayed or the background of everyone involved. Obviously, I’m not surprised by your report from the Commie media.

Trump (if re-elected) should pardon the kid. Otherwise, he’ll have to hire a Jew lawyer.

Does this incident have a short shelf life because all 3 of the “victims” were white?

We still have over 2 months of surprises left before the election…..

Read it here:


midnight rambler
27th August 2020, 07:52 AM
All three Bolsheviks shot have criminal histories, shocking!


27th August 2020, 08:04 AM
Roy Potters commentary on what happened in Wisconsin.


midnight rambler
27th August 2020, 08:35 AM
Rittenhouse was being chased and shot at apparently before killing the sex offender who spent 12.5 years in prison -


27th August 2020, 08:45 AM
‘Video Clearly Shows Justified Acts of Self Defense” – BIG UPDATE – Noted Covington Attorney Lin Wood Announces Intent to Defend Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

27th August 2020, 09:08 AM
Roy Potters commentary on what happened in Wisconsin.


Every time I watch this guy my fraud alert goes off. A little bit of truth with a lot of anti-American bullshit.
He never considers the massive corrupting and forces working against Trump, or the game Trump has to play to get reelected. If Trump did the things Potter thinks he should do, Trump would be quickly destroyed. What actions (not words) has Trump taken he disputes?

midnight rambler
27th August 2020, 01:06 PM

midnight rambler
27th August 2020, 01:38 PM
Kenosha nigger shootee definitely had a knife -


27th August 2020, 04:36 PM
One attacker has a gun standing over the 17 yr old kid, clear pictures.
TGP has timely updates, highly sourced, they are monitoring twitter feeds.
And the MSM is telling everyone he is the "bad guy" and "Trump did it."
They will burn you out of your house and tell everyone you deserved it.
Not far from that point. This is what the NeoCons did with all the wars overseas. Same type of propaganda domestically with Lies of Omission. Target Whitey.

Kyle Rittenhouse 17 years old Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon TGP (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/pictures-show-young-rittenhouse-shot-least-two-blm-rioters-self-defense-one-rioter-carrying-gun-convicted-felon/)


You can't make this shit up, it is for their audience, fellow Jews


Trump's attacks on Antifa are attacks on Jews Haaretz.com June 7 2020 Jews cannot support Trump's 'war' on anti-fascism and his camp's conspiracy theories about the 'hidden hand' behind legitimate protest and dissent (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-attacks-on-antifa-are-attacks-on-jews-1.8902330)

Top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist The Forward June 5 2020 The Yiddish roots of antifa opposition to the Russian czar well documented (https://forward.com/culture/448163/your-top-9-yiddish-antifa-anthems-a-revolutionary-playlist/)

JOSEPH ROSENBAUM ? Jewish Antifa ?
"Shoot Me, N**ga!" - Kenosha Man [ WITH BLM Joseph Rosenbaum 36 ] Shot in the Head Seen on Video Confronting Armed Men - Was Also a Registered Sex Offender For Crime Involving a Minor (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/shoot-nga-kenosha-man-shot-head-seen-video-confronting-armed-men-also-registered-sex-offender-crime-involving-minor/)

27th August 2020, 04:53 PM
Doctors have saved the thugs arm, he didn't deserve it!


27th August 2020, 04:58 PM
One attacker has a gun standing over the 17 yr old kid, clear pictures.
TGP has timely updates, highly sourced, they are monitoring twitter feeds.
And the MSM is telling everyone he is the "bad guy" and "Trump did it."
They will burn you out of your house and tell everyone you deserved it.
Not far from that point. This is what the NeoCons did with all the wars overseas. Same type of propaganda domestically with Lies of Omission. Target Whitey.

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

27th August 2020, 05:28 PM
A New York Times reporter put a good twitter thread defending the shooter’s actions. Maybe Nick Sandman's lawsuit made them think twice before condemning the boy. The thread has several video clips including one that indicates someone else shot first

https://twitter.com/trbrtc/status/1298839097923063809?s=2 (https://twitter.com/trbrtc/status/1298839097923063809?s=21)


27th August 2020, 08:28 PM
All three Bolsheviks shot have criminal histories, shocking!


Yet, the young man defending himself from these turds is thrown under the bus by the media.

He acted in self defense. The three bad guys...excuse me "victims" were no heros, in fact this young man actually did the world a favor by getting rid of these guys before they preyed upon anyone else.

Give him a medal. He'd be welcome in my home anytime.

27th August 2020, 09:32 PM
Yet, the young man defending himself from these turds is thrown under the bus by the media.

He acted in self defense. The three bad guys...excuse me "victims" were no heros, in fact this young man actually did the world a favor by getting rid of these guys before they preyed upon anyone else.

Give him a medal. He'd be welcome in my home anytime.

Check out this clip on James Woods twitter post. It looks like Kyle was about to get shot.

28th August 2020, 06:09 AM
Heads on swivels folks.

From Shitcago PD


midnight rambler
28th August 2020, 03:19 PM
Black self-proclaimed insurgent/revolutionary says to rabble: "Did you see the white militia guy shoot three kids?"* (emphasis mine) He goes on to call for "burn this shit down" and physically removing Trump from the WH.

*aka adults with felony records, like all fkn Bolsheviks he's very confused to say the least


29th August 2020, 08:51 AM
We are being pushed closer and closer to civil war. I hope when it really gets going, patriots are smart about it. Don't try to fight the mob. Organize small groups, use stealth and ambush the commie bastards before and after their gatherings, when they are separated from the mobs. Strike hard, strike quick and get the fuck out of there.
Add input here if you like.

29th August 2020, 10:43 AM
Here's some interesting info from Jim Stone

Kyle's charging documents have been released. (https://www.mystateline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2020/08/Rittenhouse.pdf)
Here's something interesting:
Dr. Kelley of the Milwaukee Medical Examiner's Office conducted an autopsy on Joseph Rosenbaum. Dr. Kelley indicated that Rosenbaum had a
1) gunshot wound to the right groin which fractured his pelvis, a
2) gunshot wound to the back which perforated his right lung and liver, a
3) gunshot wound to the left hand, a 4) superficial gunshot wound to his lateral left thigh, and a

5)graze gunshot wound to the right side of his forehead.
My comment: That's interesting, because Kyle was in front. How'd Rosenbaum get shot in the back? Let alone the rest of it looks dubious, I doubt a .223 would merely graze and there's no such thing as "superficial" with that round, the "superficial" hit to the thigh was likely from a hand gun.

An important read: The Daily caller (https://dailycaller.com/2020/08/27/we-witnessed-the-kenosha-shootings-heres-what-really-happened/) gives an extremely long and deceptive account of the shooting in Kenosha They claim to have been there and give a "first hand testimony" of what happened, and it is bullshit, there are too many videos showing what actually happened for them to get away with it. Across a large number of pages of text, they failed to point out: 1. Antifa shot Rosenbaum in the head by accident. Instead, they say that shot was pointed up into the sky

2. They fail to even mention the moltov cocktail, which, if they did not witness, means they were not even where the first shooting happened and are going on hearsay. They don't even mention it from the angle the liars took, that it was a brightly colored bag that looked like fire.
3. They claim Kyle killed everyone but can't explain why the first man shot had a hole in his head, when if Kyle had done that, there would have been no head. His rifle would have blown Rosenbaum's head to pieces. Additionally, Rosenbaum's head had a hole in the side, and when shot, he was facing Kyle. That alone proves Antifa shot Rosenbaum.

And then, the Daily Caller did not allow comments. Instead, they posted childish smileys and asked you to click one. That's because they did not want to pay a staff to censor a landslide of comments calling BULLSHIT. I only posted this because The Daily Caller has influence, and they are clearly trying to land Kyle in prison when in fact he deserves a medal of honor. He got out and actually tried to help society, and even when he saw Rosenbaum get hit by a bullet that was supposed to have his name on it, he kept his cool and did not shoot until it was absolutely necessary.

29th August 2020, 01:11 PM
Kyle Rittenhouse Was Working as a Lifeguard in Kenosha the Day of the Shooting, Went to Clean Vandalism at School After Work
By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published August 28, 2020 at 6:46pm

Kyle Rittenhouse is a community lifeguard who was working in Kenosha the day of the shooting.
This simple fact destroys the narrative being peddled by the mainstream media that he had “crossed state lines” to harm the rioters.

In a statement by Rittenhouse’s legal team at Pierce Bainbridge, provided to the Gateway Pundit, they explained that “after Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters.”

Additionally, the weapon Rittenhouse was using to protect himself and others never crossed state lines.

“Later in the day, they received information about a call for help from a local business owner, whose downtown Kenosha auto dealership was largely destroyed by mob violence,” the statement continues. “Business owner needed help to protect what he had left of his life’s work, including two nearby mechanic’s shops. Kyle and a friend armed themselves with rifles due to the deadly violence gripping Kenosha and many other American cities, and headed to the business premises. The weapons were in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines.”

When Rittenhouse arrived at the mechanics shop, he and others stood guard to prevent further destruction. Later that night, long after the 8 p.m. curfew had passed, the police began to disperse a group of rioters. His lawyer, John M. Pierce, explains that while dispersing the mob, they maneuvered a mass of individuals down the street towards the auto shops. Rittenhouse and the others were threatened and taunted, but he did not react. “His intent was not to incite violence, but simply to deter property damage and use his training to provide first aid to injured community members,” Pierce says.

After the situation seemed to be diffused, Rittenhouse became increasingly concerned about people who were injured at the gas station, so he went in that direction with his first aid kit. He helped those he could find who were injured, either by administering aid or directing them which way to go for help beyond what he could offer.

The statement says that by the final time that Rittenhouse returned to the gas station and “confirmed there were no more injured individuals who needed assistance, police had advanced their formation and blocked what would have been his path back to the mechanic’s shop. Kyle then complied with the police instructions not to go back there. Kyle returned to the gas station until he learned of a need to help protect the second mechanic’s shop further down the street where property destruction was imminent with no police were nearby.”

“As Kyle proceeded towards the second mechanic’s shop, he was accosted by multiple rioters who recognized that he had been attempting to protect a business the mob wanted to destroy. This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker,” Pierce explains.

Additionally, Rittenhouse stopped to ensure care for his attacker, hardly sounds like someone who had went to the riot with intent to kill.

“Kyle stopped to ensure care for the wounded attacker but faced a growing mob gesturing towards him. He realized he needed to flee for his safety and his survival. Another attacker struck Kyle from behind as he fled down the street. Kyle turned as the mob pressed in on him and he fell to the ground,” his legal team says. “One attacker kicked Kyle on the ground while he was on the ground. Yet another bashed him over the head with a skateboard. Several rioters tried to disarm Kyle. In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker. The rest of the mob began to disperse upon hearing the additional gunshots.”

Rittenhouse then attempted to turn himself in, but was told to keep moving. He went and turned himself in to his local police that evening.

“Kyle got up and continued down the street in the direction of police with his hands in the air. He attempted to contact multiple police officers, but they were more concerned with the wounded attackers. The police did not take Kyle into custody at that time, but instead they indicated he should keep moving,” the statement says. “He fully cooperated, both then and later that night when he turned himself in to the police in his hometown, Antioch, Illinois.”

The legal team says that “in a reactionary rush to appease the divisive, destructive forces currently roiling this country, prosecutors in Kenosha did not engage in any meaningful analysis of the facts, or any in-depth review of available video footage (some of which shows that a critical state’s witness was not even at the area where the shots were fired); this was not a serious investigation. Rather, after learning Kyle may have had conservative political viewpoints, they immediately saw him as a convenient target who they could use as a scapegoat to distract from the Jacob Blake shooting and the government’s abject failure to ensure basic law and order to citizens. Within 24-36 hours, he was charged with multiple homicide counts.”

Rittenhouse is now being represented by some of the best legal minds in the country at Pierce Bainbridge, with help from Nicholas Sandmann’s lawyer Lin Wood.

On Friday, his legal team obtained a several-week continuance of his extradition hearing to September 25th. The lawyers say that this is an attempt to slow the rush to assassinate his character and destroy his life.

“Kyle, his family, the team at Pierce Bainbridge and his other lawyers intend to fight these charges every step of the way, take the case to trial and win an acquittal on the grounds of self-defense before a jury of his peers,” the statement reads.

The legal fees and other costs of Kyle’s defense will be provided through donations to #FightBack Foundation Inc., a Texas 501(c)(4) foundation created by John Pierce and Lin Wood to protect law- abiding American citizens whose rights are being trampled on by state and local governments that are more concerned with appeasing mobs than protecting those rights.

“A 17-year old child should not have to take up arms in America to protect life and property. That is the job of state and local governments. However, those governments have failed, and law-abiding citizens have no choice but to protect their own communities as their forefathers did at Lexington and Concord in 1775,” Pierce said. “Kyle is not a racist or a white supremacist. He is a brave, patriotic, compassionate law-abiding American who loves his country and his community. He did nothing wrong. He defended himself, which is a fundamental right of all Americans given by God and protected by law. He is now in the crosshairs of institutional forces that are much more powerful than him. But he will stand up to them and fight not only for himself, but for all Americans and their beloved Constitution. We will never leave his side until he is victorious in that fight.”


29th August 2020, 01:30 PM
The Kyle Rittenhouse Show Down in Kenosha with the Crazieshttps://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/the-show-down-for-kenosha-rioters/


Okay, more from Jim Stone that I missed earlier---This seems to get at what why Rosenbaum was chasing after Kyle in the first place:
REAL REASON ANTIFA ATTACKED KYLE REVEALED Rosenbaum lit a dumpster on fire, and they were going to roll it down the street. Kyle then put the dumpster out with a fire extinguisher. This pissed off Rosenbaum, who then pursued Kyle, while Kyle was being shot at by other Antifa for putting out the dumpster fire and being identified as a Trump supporter. Rosenbaum then got shot by Antifa at least twice, he had 5 rounds in him and Kyle only shot 3, and if I got the story right, all 3 shots from Kyle came later, when they were trying to get his gun away from him. Even if he did shoot at Rosenbaum, he did not kill Rosenbaum. The fatal shot to Rosenbaum came from behind. MORAL OF THE STORY: IF YOU ARE A SNOWFLAKE ANTIFA TYPE, YOU SHOULD NOT BE SHOOTING ANYTHING. IF YOU HIT YOUR OWN PEOPLE AND NOT KYLE, YOU ARE TO BLAME BECAUSE IF YOU KNEW HOW TO HANDLE A GUN, KYLE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO SHOOT ANYONE. - AND - IF YOUR LIFE GETS ENDED IN A DISPUTE ABOUT A DUMPSTER FIRE YOU LIT, YOUR LIFE WAS ONE TO BEGIN WITH. ROSENBAUM WILL NOT BE RETURNING TO HIS MOM'S BASEMENT.

29th August 2020, 03:37 PM
We are being pushed closer and closer to civil war. I hope when it really gets going, patriots are smart about it. Don't try to fight the mob. Organize small groups, use stealth and ambush the commie bastards before and after their gatherings, when they are separated from the mobs. Strike hard, strike quick and get the fuck out of there.
Add input here if you like.
My advice if things truly get bad in your neck of the woods is to stay home and lay in wait. If someone enters your property and/or home, then blast away on the SOB's. Who knows what ROL will be in effect.

If you live in a Democrat strong hold (like I do), you're fucked if you're white and don't suck dick. Fill in your own joke about ex girlfriends..........

Most of us on this POS forum have enough ammo, but the newly awaken are struggling to find any ammo especially at a reasonable price. Ammo made a 180 and went from a buyers market to a sellers market in mid March and hasn't looked back and probably never will.

29th August 2020, 06:03 PM
My advice if things truly get bad in your neck of the woods is to stay home and lay in wait. If someone enters your property and/or home, then blast away on the SOB's. Who knows what ROL will be in effect.

If you live in a Democrat strong hold (like I do), you're fucked if you're white and don't suck dick. Fill in your own joke about ex girlfriends..........

Most of us on this POS forum have enough ammo, but the newly awaken are struggling to find any ammo especially at a reasonable price. Ammo made a 180 and went from a buyers market to a sellers market in mid March and hasn't looked back and probably never will.

I'm basing my opinion on the mobs we are seeing in cities now and they are bringing guns. If this trend continues and the mobs grow and real killing begins, you may have to face some dangerous situations, because sooner, or later you will have to go out for supplies. Nothing will be safe.

29th August 2020, 06:13 PM

29th August 2020, 11:31 PM
twitter of Lin Wood, the lawyer defending Kyle




New Video Shows Kyle Rittenhouse Running to Put Out a Literal Dumpster Fire Before He Was Attackedhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/new-video-shows-kyle-rittenhouse-running-put-literal-dumpster-fire-attacked/

30th August 2020, 01:39 AM
Looks like Antifa may have assassinated a Trump supporter in Portland tonight as retribution.


30th August 2020, 10:11 AM
The left are now trying to push the idea that looting is okay (!?!?!?!?!?!?)--NPR even promoted a book "In Defense of Looting"

These People Want To Convince Everyone That Looting Is A-Okayhttps://www.zerohedge.com/political/these-people-want-convince-everyone-looting-okay

30th August 2020, 12:07 PM
Another video in Kenosha that might vindicate Kyle Rittenhouse

Embedded video at link

https://www.westernjournal.com/new-video-kenosha-shooting-reveals-1-detail-save-teen-shooter (https://www.westernjournal.com/new-video-kenosha-shooting-reveals-1-detail-save-teen-shooter/amp/?__twitter_impression=true)/


@RichieMcGinniss (https://mobile.twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss)
Aug 26 (https://mobile.twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss/status/1298657958205820928)


(https://twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etwe etembed%7Ctwterm%5E1298657958205820928%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-22890929053823780687.ampproject.net%2F200815000900 1%2Fframe.html)

(https://twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etwe etembed%7Ctwterm%5E1298657958205820928%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-22890929053823780687.ampproject.net%2F200815000900 1%2Fframe.html)
(https://twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss/status/1298657958205820928?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1298657958205820928%7Ctwgr% 5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-22890929053823780687.ampproject.net%2F200815000900 1%2Fframe.html)
I interviewed the alleged shooter before the violence started. Full video coming soon:


0:05 / 0:19

New Video From Before Kenosha Shooting Reveals One Detail That Could Save Teen Shooter

Christine Favocci (https://www.westernjournal.com/author/cfavocci/)
Kyle Rittenhouse is facing first-degree intentional homicide charges after he allegedly shot and killed two people and wounded a third on Tuesday, but new footage may shed light on his motive and possibly save him from the most severe charge.

Rittenhouse brought his AR-15-style rifle to the scene of riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after police there shot a black man named Jacob Blake (https://www.westernjournal.com/jacob-blake-wanted-connection-3-crimes-time-police-shooting/) during an arrest Sunday, according to USA Today (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/08/28/kenosha-kyle-rittenhouse-jacob-blake-protest-shooting/5653931002/).

Earlier Tuesday evening, the baby-faced 17-year-old from Antioch, Illinois, told Daily Caller journalist Richie McGinniss why he was standing in front of a burned-out auto dealership with a gun.

“People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business, and part of my job is to also help people,” Rittenhouse said.

“If there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle because I have to protect myself, obviously.”

TRENDING: Skateboarder in Biden's Backyard Hits Nominee's 'You Ain't Black' Comment, Explains Why He's on the Trump Train (https://www.westernjournal.com/skateboarder-bidens-backyard-hits-nominees-aint-black-comment-explains-trump-train/)

But the teen would later get into a scuffle with other rioters, and despite video evidence from several sources, the circumstances surrounding the shootings (https://www.westernjournal.com/big-name-legal-team-steps-help-kyle-rittenhouse-fight-kenosha-murder-charges/) remained unclear.

Do you think Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense?

Still, Rittenhouse was slapped with the first-degree intentional homicide charge that could put him in prison for life under Wisconsin law, according to the Chicago Tribune (https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-kyle-rittenhouse-court-20200828-amhv5inz3vgktnxlrpnwrbcw5e-story.html), but one particular angle showed it could actually be a case of self-defense.

Christiaan Triebert from The New York Times tweeted a thread of clips that captured the events that evening, but the first shooting looked like Rittenhouse may have reacted to gunshots.

WARNING: The following video contains graphic language that some viewers will find offensive.

“At 23:19, Rittenhouse is seen in this YouTube livestream,” Triebert captioned the video showing a gunman behind Rittenhouse, who is running. “He’s being chased into a parking lot. While he is being pursued, an unknown gunman fires the first shot into the air.”

“Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of the gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him,” Triebert continued. “He then fires four times with his assault rifle, and appears to shoot the man in the head.”

RELATED: Alice Johnson Fires Back at Politico for Calling Her a Trump Prop: ‘I’m Not a Puppet’ (https://www.westernjournal.com/alice-johnson-fires-back-politico-calling-trump-prop-not-puppet/)

If Rittenhouse fired in self-defense, it could nullify the intentional part of the homicide charge, meaning he committed a lesser crime, if any at all.

Of course, it is difficult to determine what actually was going through his mind and ascertain exactly what his motives might have been, but he was quickly demonized by some (https://www.bet.com/news/national/2020/08/27/-kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-white-supremacist-shooter-shooting.html) as a white supremacist.

Rittenhouse was a fan of President Donald Trump (https://www.westernjournal.com/aoc-whines-complains-president-trump-gets-historic-endorsement/) and supported police, according to the Daily Beast (https://www.thedailybeast.com/kenosha-protest-shooting-suspect-kyle-rittenhouse-stood-front-row-at-iowa-trump-rally-in-january), which to sane people indicate that he probably idolized and tried to emulate officers, but of course, will be construed as evidence of his bigotry.

He lived only 30 minutes from the scene of the riots (https://www.westernjournal.com/71-year-old-kenosha-man-brutally-beaten-trying-defend-business/) that nobody at that time seemed interested in stopping and involved himself in the situation instead.

He was foolish to walk into riots holding a conspicuous weapon and in some ways was asking for trouble.

However, with rioters allowed to prowl the streets for unabashed looting, vandalism and arson (https://www.westernjournal.com/sickening-arsonist-torches-jewish-center-college-campus/), it’s possible that Rittenhouse also felt emboldened to ignore good sense and flout the law as well.

Maybe he was trying to help, or maybe he was out looking for trouble, unafraid that he would face any serious consequences — just like the rioters.

These government officials who allow this anarchy to reign should take this as their wake-up call to stop the madness.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards (https://www.westernjournal.com/about/ethics-editorial-standards/).

30th August 2020, 01:00 PM

Ryan McMahon@EstaVivo (https://twitter.com/EstaVivo)
·2h (https://twitter.com/EstaVivo/status/1300131054313967617)
why are we not hearing more about that other Militia guy seen with Kyle recanting what the cops told them. He says: “You know what the cops told us today? They were like we’re gonna push em down by you cause you can deal with them and then we’re gonna leave.” ?

30th August 2020, 03:27 PM

I followed that twitter page and found this posted in line of his tweets further down the page.

The writer and or the people interviewed sure want portray the guy Rittenhouse shot in the arm as a wonderful man. There is not one word mentioning his criminal past


midnight rambler
30th August 2020, 05:09 PM

I followed that twitter page and found this posted in line of his tweets further down the page.

The writer and or the people interviewed sure want portray the guy Rittenhouse shot in the arm as a wonderful man. There is not one word mentioning his criminal past


I love the way that article paints the *peaceful protesters* as saints doing the Lawd's Work and anyone who is white and in opposition is obviously a crazed, violent, hate-filled mighty-whitey raycist who only want to hurt the *peaceful protesters*. I also love the omission of the *peaceful protesters* destroying (more) automobiles on a used car dealer's lot (caught on video just prior to JoJo getting his shit blown away).

30th August 2020, 09:53 PM
I love the way that article paints the *peaceful protesters* as saints doing the Lawd's Work and anyone who is white and in opposition is obviously a crazed, violent, hate-filled mighty-whitey raycist who only want to hurt the *peaceful protesters*. I also love the omission of the *peaceful protesters* destroying (more) automobiles on a used car dealer's lot (caught on video just prior to JoJo getting his shit blown away).
A completely honest and unbiased article /sarc/

midnight rambler
30th August 2020, 09:58 PM
A completely honest and unbiased article /sarc/

What I want to know is WHY destroy used cars on a used car lot?? What does that accomplish, how are their goals furthered*??

*maybe Trumpstein hired them, because the net result is more votes for Trumpstein lol

31st August 2020, 01:37 AM
read @ link for images, vid

Did Kenosha Usher in Zombie Apocalypse Mind Control
August 31, 2020 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/) Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/russ-winter/) Articles by Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/articlesbyrusswinter/), Crime (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/crime/), Culture (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/culture/), Winter Watch Articles (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/winterwatcharticles/) 1 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/did-kenosha-usher-in-zombie-apocalypse-mind-control/#mh-comments)

What prompted four different individuals in Kenosha to attempt, against overwhelming odds, to charge and take the AR-15 of Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man who obviously knew how to use weapons. As we covered in Saturday’s post, “The Kyle Rittenhouse Show Down in Kenosha with the Crazies,” (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/the-show-down-for-kenosha-rioters/) two of those attackers are now dead, one seriously wounded and another lucky to be alive. Several others can be observed in the videos putting themselves in harms way and approaching Rittenhouse before backing away at the last second.

Guns represent a nearly insurmountable tactical advantage over the unarmed. Any person over 5 years old with even the scantest understanding of tactical awareness knows this.


More and more, however, we are seeing signs of a psyop that I will call “the zombie apocalypse” narrative. This one has the potential of elevating a lot of fear among the plebs. There has been a slew of zombie-apocalypse conditioning in “entertainment” over the last few decades. This has been imbued into the culture. Zombies attack mindlessly without fear of bullets or anything else.

Is it possible to induce someone to throw their lives away in a high risk assault as in Kenosha? It seems very unlikely that multiple individuals would do so organically and under their own free will. Although the four Antifa attackers at Kenosha may have been high on crystal meth, thinking people should also consider that advanced MK Ultra or Mind Kontrol is being employed here. Will we see repeats of this in the near future? I suspect so. Look for it in a Civil War environment.

The casualties at Kenosha had spent time in the prison and jail system. That is fertile ground for identifying and then working over highly impressionable zombie candidates. How many people like this are out there to be triggered? We suspect a shocking number of them.

It is also possible to influence people into stupid, less-risky, but potentially fatal behaviors, such as throwing themselves in front of vehicles, being subjected to pepper spray and standing on busy highways.

Driving through crowds and macing out of vehicles at SW 4th and Washington. pic.twitter.com/dCNJxYlkYn (https://t.co/dCNJxYlkYn)
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/TheRealCoryElia/status/1299908378810957825?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

It was when I spent several hours listening to the psychiatric interview (https://www.winterwatch.net/2018/09/the-aurora-shooting-part-ii-james-holmes-strange-psychiatric-interview/) of Aurora Batman Shooter (James Holmes)that it dawned on me that various methods of mind control or influence were in play. Holmes sounds a lot like Sirhan Sirhan reflecting on the shooting of Bobby Kennedy. They’re confused, think they’re under surveillance and have a sketchy memory of what happened. They describe a dark place. Holmes ended up in an empty theater, and then was later found drooling out in his car.
Related posts:

Louis Jolyon West: Johnny on the Spot Mind Controller (https://www.winterwatch.net/2018/12/louis-jolyon-west-johnny-on-the-spot-mind-controller/)
William Joseph Bryan: Sirhan’s Handler and Set-Up Maestro Extraordinaire (https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/09/william-joseph-bryan-crime-syndicate-patsy-set-up-miastro-extraordinaire/)

This was apparently the case in the story (http://www.bostonglobe.com/Page/Boston/2011-2020/WebGraphics/Metro/BostonGlobe.com/2013/12/15tsarnaev/tsarnaev.html) of the Boston Marathon’s Tsarnaev brothers patsies. The older dead brother, Tamerlan, had heard voices. In fact, he used the term “majestic mind control” to describe it.

In the world wars, various drugs were used on soldiers to affect suicidal charges and feats of combat. In the Great War (WWI), use of cocaine was rampant. In World War II, as scholar Lukasz Kamienski has documented, Japanese carried out large-scale preparations of methamphetamine Philopon, and allied forces from Britain and the U.S. both issued Benzedrine to ward off fatigue. In Germany’s quest for “super soldiers,” things got out of hand when Pervatin, or methamphetamine, was used.

A highly suggestible person could be medicated with a drug cocktail to facilitate a “psychotic break.” A drug like scopolamine can induce surrendering of willpower. Remote signalling can even make someone believe they’re hearing the voice of God (VoG, aka voice to skull (https://www.wired.com/2008/07/the-microwave-s/)).

Read “Is Scopolamine (Devil’s Breath) a Widespread, Undetected Threat?” (https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/02/is-scopolamine-devils-breath-the-real-unspoken-threat/)

The nothing-to-see-here crowd may need to explain why the U.S. Defense Department has patents on the technology. And, if A&E can use whisper-in-ear technology to promote a television series (see “Hear Voices, It May be an Ad” (http://adage.com/article/news/hear-voices-ad/122491/)), isn’t it fair to assume that Crime Syndicate’s system has much more advanced, state-of-the-art V2k technology?
We covered VoG in an earlier article.

Read “Voice of God’ Mind Control” (https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/01/voice-of-god-mind-control/)

Beside voices, the method of attack is electromagnetic-directed energy weapons (EMF DEW). Older generation weapons are masers. These are continuous waves directed at large regions of the body, thermal heating, pins and needles. After arising out of bed, the stomach, bladder, colon, legs and feet are continuous-wave mastered. While sleeping, the brain, entire head and neck are pulsed (electric shock). The power of the attacks are escalated while targeted individuals are trying to go to sleep.

Since 2016, optical radar (laser) has been deployed in addition to maser. Insomnia from being molested, sodomized, nipples titillated, lasered in the right hip or right knee, etc. is a relentless torture tactic. Hearing noise can be all the time and is a commonly reported torture tactic, as is humming and/or buzzing via ultrasound. CNN reported on such technology back in 1985. In 2020, these methods are quite advanced.


31st August 2020, 05:53 AM
read @ link for images, vid

Did Kenosha Usher in Zombie Apocalypse Mind Control
August 31, 2020 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/) Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/russ-winter/) Articles by Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/articlesbyrusswinter/), Crime (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/crime/), Culture (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/culture/), Winter Watch Articles (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/winterwatcharticles/) 1 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/did-kenosha-usher-in-zombie-apocalypse-mind-control/#mh-comments)

What prompted four different individuals in Kenosha to attempt, against overwhelming odds, to charge and take the AR-15 of Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man who obviously knew how to use weapons. As we covered in Saturday’s post, “The Kyle Rittenhouse Show Down in Kenosha with the Crazies,” (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/the-show-down-for-kenosha-rioters/) two of those attackers are now dead, one seriously wounded and another lucky to be alive. Several others can be observed in the videos putting themselves in harms way and approaching Rittenhouse before backing away at the last second.

Guns represent a nearly insurmountable tactical advantage over the unarmed. Any person over 5 years old with even the scantest understanding of tactical awareness knows this.


More and more, however, we are seeing signs of a psyop that I will call “the zombie apocalypse” narrative. This one has the potential of elevating a lot of fear among the plebs. There has been a slew of zombie-apocalypse conditioning in “entertainment” over the last few decades. This has been imbued into the culture. Zombies attack mindlessly without fear of bullets or anything else.

Is it possible to induce someone to throw their lives away in a high risk assault as in Kenosha? It seems very unlikely that multiple individuals would do so organically and under their own free will. Although the four Antifa attackers at Kenosha may have been high on crystal meth, thinking people should also consider that advanced MK Ultra or Mind Kontrol is being employed here. Will we see repeats of this in the near future? I suspect so. Look for it in a Civil War environment.

The casualties at Kenosha had spent time in the prison and jail system. That is fertile ground for identifying and then working over highly impressionable zombie candidates. How many people like this are out there to be triggered? We suspect a shocking number of them.

It is also possible to influence people into stupid, less-risky, but potentially fatal behaviors, such as throwing themselves in front of vehicles, being subjected to pepper spray and standing on busy highways.

Driving through crowds and macing out of vehicles at SW 4th and Washington. pic.twitter.com/dCNJxYlkYn (https://t.co/dCNJxYlkYn)
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/TheRealCoryElia/status/1299908378810957825?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

It was when I spent several hours listening to the psychiatric interview (https://www.winterwatch.net/2018/09/the-aurora-shooting-part-ii-james-holmes-strange-psychiatric-interview/) of Aurora Batman Shooter (James Holmes)that it dawned on me that various methods of mind control or influence were in play. Holmes sounds a lot like Sirhan Sirhan reflecting on the shooting of Bobby Kennedy. They’re confused, think they’re under surveillance and have a sketchy memory of what happened. They describe a dark place. Holmes ended up in an empty theater, and then was later found drooling out in his car.
Related posts:

Louis Jolyon West: Johnny on the Spot Mind Controller (https://www.winterwatch.net/2018/12/louis-jolyon-west-johnny-on-the-spot-mind-controller/)
William Joseph Bryan: Sirhan’s Handler and Set-Up Maestro Extraordinaire (https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/09/william-joseph-bryan-crime-syndicate-patsy-set-up-miastro-extraordinaire/)

This was apparently the case in the story (http://www.bostonglobe.com/Page/Boston/2011-2020/WebGraphics/Metro/BostonGlobe.com/2013/12/15tsarnaev/tsarnaev.html) of the Boston Marathon’s Tsarnaev brothers patsies. The older dead brother, Tamerlan, had heard voices. In fact, he used the term “majestic mind control” to describe it.

In the world wars, various drugs were used on soldiers to affect suicidal charges and feats of combat. In the Great War (WWI), use of cocaine was rampant. In World War II, as scholar Lukasz Kamienski has documented, Japanese carried out large-scale preparations of methamphetamine Philopon, and allied forces from Britain and the U.S. both issued Benzedrine to ward off fatigue. In Germany’s quest for “super soldiers,” things got out of hand when Pervatin, or methamphetamine, was used.

A highly suggestible person could be medicated with a drug cocktail to facilitate a “psychotic break.” A drug like scopolamine can induce surrendering of willpower. Remote signalling can even make someone believe they’re hearing the voice of God (VoG, aka voice to skull (https://www.wired.com/2008/07/the-microwave-s/)).

Read “Is Scopolamine (Devil’s Breath) a Widespread, Undetected Threat?” (https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/02/is-scopolamine-devils-breath-the-real-unspoken-threat/)

The nothing-to-see-here crowd may need to explain why the U.S. Defense Department has patents on the technology. And, if A&E can use whisper-in-ear technology to promote a television series (see “Hear Voices, It May be an Ad” (http://adage.com/article/news/hear-voices-ad/122491/)), isn’t it fair to assume that Crime Syndicate’s system has much more advanced, state-of-the-art V2k technology?
We covered VoG in an earlier article.

Read “Voice of God’ Mind Control” (https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/01/voice-of-god-mind-control/)

Beside voices, the method of attack is electromagnetic-directed energy weapons (EMF DEW). Older generation weapons are masers. These are continuous waves directed at large regions of the body, thermal heating, pins and needles. After arising out of bed, the stomach, bladder, colon, legs and feet are continuous-wave mastered. While sleeping, the brain, entire head and neck are pulsed (electric shock). The power of the attacks are escalated while targeted individuals are trying to go to sleep.

Since 2016, optical radar (laser) has been deployed in addition to maser. Insomnia from being molested, sodomized, nipples titillated, lasered in the right hip or right knee, etc. is a relentless torture tactic. Hearing noise can be all the time and is a commonly reported torture tactic, as is humming and/or buzzing via ultrasound. CNN reported on such technology back in 1985. In 2020, these methods are quite advanced.


There was something completely 'off' about the whole attack. What kind of idiots chase a guy with an assault rifle? From what I read, one of them was screaming at the gun-toters "Shoot me Nigga!", so he was obviously mentally unhinged; perhaps all these SJW's are. I have no doubt that these people are mind controlled. Of course I look around at my neighbors, some friends and citizens in general and I have to conclude that most people out there are mind controlled slaves. They truly are zombies. We are living amongst the zombified hordes and they will take us down with them. I knew these days were coming and now that they are here, it still seems surreal. I guess I thought maybe it wouldn't happen in my lifetime.

31st August 2020, 07:06 AM
"What kind of idiots chase a guy with an assault rifle?"
The manifestation of idiots results from the Law of Attraction. Putting out honey attracts flies. Putting out Japanese beetle traps attracts Japanese beetles.

Perhaps the next question should be

"Why do idiots attract .223?"

31st August 2020, 08:24 AM
"What kind of idiots chase a guy with an assault rifle?"
The manifestation of idiots results from the Law of Attraction. Putting out honey attracts flies. Putting out Japanese beetle traps attracts Japanese beetles.

Perhaps the next question should be

"Why do idiots attract .223?"
Steel to a magnet= lead to idiots= kryptonite to superman

31st August 2020, 09:52 AM
There was something completely 'off' about the whole attack. What kind of idiots chase a guy with an assault rifle? From what I read, one of them was screaming at the gun-toters "Shoot me Nigga!", so he was obviously mentally unhinged; perhaps all these SJW's are. I have no doubt that these people are mind controlled. Of course I look around at my neighbors, some friends and citizens in general and I have to conclude that most people out there are mind controlled slaves. They truly are zombies. We are living amongst the zombified hordes and they will take us down with them. I knew these days were coming and now that they are here, it still seems surreal. I guess I thought maybe it wouldn't happen in my lifetime.

Here is a fairly balanced look a the Rittenhouse case from a legal perspective. I like learning legal terms and listening to this Robert Barnes guy. He defended Sandy Hook related defamation case for Alex Jones and lost in blue Austin courts, but he takes cases of all kinds and defends basic Consitutional civil rights cases.



57:46 video runtime

Viva Frei
281K subscribers
The Kyle Rittenhouse has gripped everyone, and it raises multiple questions of fact and law. Here is the highlight from our most recent stream, where Robert Barnes and I discuss those legal issues, and issues that have created the current social and political climate.

#KyleRittenhouse #Kenosha #Rittenhouse

31st August 2020, 01:12 PM
There was something completely 'off' about the whole attack. What kind of idiots chase a guy with an assault rifle? From what I read, one of them was screaming at the gun-toters "Shoot me Nigga!", so he was obviously mentally unhinged; perhaps all these SJW's are. I have no doubt that these people are mind controlled. Of course I look around at my neighbors, some friends and citizens in general and I have to conclude that most people out there are mind controlled slaves. They truly are zombies. We are living amongst the zombified hordes and they will take us down with them. I knew these days were coming and now that they are here, it still seems surreal. I guess I thought maybe it wouldn't happen in my lifetime.

In Sat's Tim Kelly / Joe Atwill show, they went into a discussion of that joo pedo & his "shoot me nigga!" shtick, speculating he'd basically 'become', transferred his whole personality, into the 'oppressed dindu' he idolizes & shit. His dozen/whatever years in the clink with its ~50% dindu population was surely helpful in getting the act down right! :rolleyes:

Sorry forgot whereabouts in the 90m show it was but the whole thing was great as usual:

EDIT: giving the show ^ a 2nd listen as I usu do; jump to 16:30 for Rosenbaum-dindu-wannabe discussion

31st August 2020, 01:51 PM
@ unz

Tipping Point? Man Shot-Dead in Portland for Backing Trump (https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/tipping-point-man-shot-dead-in-portland-for-backing-trump/)

MIKE WHITNEY (https://www.unz.com/author/mike-whitney/) • 176 COMMENTS (https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/tipping-point-man-shot-dead-in-portland-for-backing-trump/#comments) • 182 COMMENTS (https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/tipping-point-man-shot-dead-in-portland-for-backing-trump/#comments) • 6 NEW (https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/tipping-point-man-shot-dead-in-portland-for-backing-trump/#new_comments)• REPLY (https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/tipping-point-man-shot-dead-in-portland-for-backing-trump/#respond)

After 4 years of the most vicious, hyperbolic and incendiary character assassination campaign in the nation’s history, the media finally claimed its first fatality in a shootout in Portland on Saturday night. The victim–whose name has not yet been disclosed– was shot by an (allegedly) Antifa member who saw the man’s hat as sufficient provocation to gun him down in cold blood. This is the first incident in which the hysteria generated by the media and its accomplices in Democrat party can be directly linked to a political assassination justified on the basis that the victim espoused political beliefs different than those of the perpetrator. Simply put, he was killed because he was identified as a Trump supporter and, thus, “fair game”.

The media has fanned the flames of political hatred and retribution from the very beginning; from advising the public to reject the results of the 2016 elections to openly challenging Trump’s legitimate right to govern the country. They have fueled the animosity towards Trump by denouncing him as a fascist, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist and a Russian agent. The media has employed all of its prodigious powers of persuasion to relentlessly demonize Trump, and they are responsible for the highly-charged and toxic atmosphere in which a tragedy– like Saturday’s shooting– became unavoidable. They cleared the path for a confrontation in which a self-righteous perpetrator felt entirely-justified in killing an unarmed man whose only crime was that he openly supported the president of the United States. There is no way to overstate the media’s culpability in this shocking incident.

This was not a robbery, a mugging or a clash between gang members. It was a political “hit” executed by a remorseless assassin who believed he was fulfilling his moral obligation by exterminating someone he considered an enemy of humanity. The media is as guilty of this crime as if they had pulled the trigger themselves. The blood is on their hands.

Unsurprisingly, the killer’s colleagues — gathered in downtown Portland for their nightly rioting session– were thrilled to hear the news that a Trump supporter had been shot-dead by one of their own.

“I am not sad that a f—ing fascist died tonight,” a woman barked into a bullhorn at the downtown riot. Her statement was greeted with cheers of enthusiasm from the bloodthirsty crowd.

Earlier in the evening, the group had laid siege to a gas station protected by a frightened owner who was verbally abused and physically threatened for having the audacity to protect his own property. For this, he was spat upon and denounced as a “Nazi”, which is the moniker attached to anyone who doesn’t ascribe to the prevailing anarchist doctrine that all property is a crime and that anyone who defends himself or his belongings is an enemy of the people. Thankfully, the owner was not beaten or killed like the unlucky victim just blocks away who was fatally wounded by a man (allegedly) connected to this same group of cutthroats.

It’s worth noting, that there is evidence that the killing was both intentional and premeditated. Just seconds before the gun was fired, an accomplice, who accompanied the killer said:

“Hey! Hey, we got one right here! We got a Trumper right here!”

(The accomplice’s comment was recorded on Twitter.) His pronouncement was followed immediately by two gunshots which slayed the victim and sent the killer fleeing into the night. As of this writing, the killer is still “at large.” (NOTE– There are many photos of the alleged killer on Twitter who has been identified by his unusual clothes and tattoos. We will not share those photos here since we do not have any corroborating evidence.)

The shooting took place following a long day of counter-protests in which a 600-car pro-Trump caravan drove through downtown Portland touching-off a violent reaction from BLM and Antifa activists. Bags of feces and other projectiles were hurled at the flag-strewn trucks as they slowly wound through the downtown corridor. There were a number of verbal altercations and some physical dust-ups that were not reported in the media but which popped up later on Twitter. These videos provide an instructive seminar on the rapid devolution of a major American city into a dystopian Marxist free-fire zone.

Portland –much like its neighbor, Seattle, to the North– has essentially detached from mainland America and become an independent Republic governed by violent extremists, radical ideologues and moonstruck anti-Trump sociopaths all of who are determined to defund the police, eliminate all institutional means for providing security to the public, and establish their own malignant mini-state based on their own skewed version of history. Regrettably, Portland’s liberal mayor and governor have been supportive of this farce from the get-go and continue to reject federal assistance from Trump. They seem to enjoy their role as stewards of thriving American city that is presently descending into anarchy and ruin.

The Democrats continue to believe that they can control these elemental forces of violence and mayhem and use them for their own political advantage in November when (supposedly) these hooligans will put down their Molotov cocktails long enough to vote for Joe Biden, thus, eliminating the threat of a crackdown from Donald Trump.

It could happen, but it seems increasingly unlikely. Saturday’s murder crosses a number of red lines that demand an immediate and heavy-handed response. Something must be done. Without order, there can be no commerce, no security and no civilization. Our streets belong to the American people, not a raucous mob that rules through violence and intimidation. Saturday’s murder underscores the importance of straightening this situation out fast. If the Governor is incapable of preserving the peace, then Trump should.


31st August 2020, 02:03 PM
In Sat's Tim Kelly / Joe Atwill show, they went into a discussion of that joo pedo & his "shoot me nigga!" shtick, speculating he'd basically 'become', transferred his whole personality, into the 'oppressed dindu' he idolizes & shit. His dozen/whatever years in the clink with its ~50% dindu population was surely helpful in getting the act down right! :rolleyes:

Sorry forgot whereabouts in the 90m show it was but the whole thing was great as usual:

EDIT: giving the show ^ a 2nd listen as I usu do; jump to 16:30 for Rosenbaum-dindu-wannabe discussion

Thanks for the link--I don't know how I missed that one. I always try to catch Tim and Joe-they are always worth the time.

31st August 2020, 03:37 PM
In Sat's Tim Kelly / Joe Atwill show, they went into a discussion of that joo pedo & his "shoot me nigga!" shtick, speculating he'd basically 'become', transferred his whole personality, into the 'oppressed dindu' he idolizes & shit. His dozen/whatever years in the clink with its ~50% dindu population was surely helpful in getting the act down right! :rolleyes:

Sorry forgot whereabouts in the 90m show it was but the whole thing was great as usual:

EDIT: giving the show ^ a 2nd listen as I usu do; jump to 16:30 for Rosenbaum-dindu-wannabe discussion
I did listen to that episode. It was quite good. I've noticed a change in attitude from both Tim and Joe. I think they are feeling less and less positive about the outcome of this debacle and they realize that violence is ramping up. I think we all feel this way. It doesn't look good but we always knew we would be going through some hellish times. Interesting Times.

My Sis is trying to get me to move up to Montana where she is, near the Bob Marshall Wilderness. I will be going soon to get a lay-of-the-land. I've been through Montana before but it was long ago and I didn't tarry much. Things seem to be moving really fast right now.

31st August 2020, 04:26 PM
^ seems to me, twas 4-5 shows ago now, Tim/Joe seemed to be bottoming in their usual good cheer; anger was seeping thru. But the past 2-3 shows they showed at least rays of hopefulness in this weekend's rallies in Berlin/London

my 1st cuz, early 70s now, 'nam vet (army officer) & active ever since in VFW++, has a 100 acre off grid spread in AZ; nice house, solar, well water, chickens'/coup, greenhouse complete with talapia fish pond where their fertilizer-rich water circulates around & feeds the plants.

Visited him 2x there but last time was '09 -- I'm always welcome; he designed it as a bugout home, long expecting our present joo-orchestrated sitch, esp the race war aspect. IIRC he broke ground on that spread around Y2K,, & like all of us, constantly expected our current sitch much sooner; remember: "Doom is always 6-8 month away" ?? :D On my visits, we'd step a few feet outside his door & target practice with our various guns... music to the ears of his few/far-between neighbors, all of whom are friendly.

So esp with my rig now (Chad:cool:) where I wouldn't even (have to) be under his roof in guest room & using their kitchen/bath/etc full time; it's prolly a matter of time b4 I do bugout to his spread, exactly as he imagined, & invites fam to do. The RV park i'm in near Sac presently is quite remote & safe so I don't feel great urgency atm, & Sac's been relatively peaceful thru this storm so far anyway... but when I DO feel said urgency, could be "too late" :'(

31st August 2020, 05:42 PM
^ seems to me, twas 4-5 shows ago now, Tim/Joe seemed to be bottoming in their usual good cheer; anger was seeping thru. But the past 2-3 shows they showed at least rays of hopefulness in this weekend's rallies in Berlin/London

my 1st cuz, early 70s now, 'nam vet (army officer) & active ever since in VFW++, has a 100 acre off grid spread in AZ; nice house, solar, well water, chickens'/coup, greenhouse complete with talapia fish pond where their fertilizer-rich water circulates around & feeds the plants.

Visited him 2x there but last time was '09 -- I'm always welcome; he designed it as a bugout home, long expecting our present joo-orchestrated sitch, esp the race war aspect. IIRC he broke ground on that spread around Y2K,, & like all of us, constantly expected our current sitch much sooner; remember: "Doom is always 6-8 month away" ?? :D On my visits, we'd step a few feet outside his door & target practice with our various guns... music to the ears of his few/far-between neighbors, all of whom are friendly.

So esp with my rig now (Chad:cool:) where I wouldn't even (have to) be under his roof in guest room & using their kitchen/bath/etc full time; it's prolly a matter of time b4 I do bugout to his spread, exactly as he imagined, & invites fam to do. The RV park i'm in near Sac presently is quite remote & safe so I don't feel great urgency atm, & Sac's been relatively peaceful thru this storm so far anyway... but when I DO feel said urgency, could be "too late" :'(
Yes, I they did mention a huge demonstration in Berlin. I wonder how that went. It must be happening now? This would be a positive. So many negatives, we need some positive. It is easy to get low spirited at this time and I must remind myself that there are many kindred souls out there.

I have family here and they are pretty much on board with how I feel. They think this insanity is,.....well, insanity. I am rural and that is positive, but I am totally creeped out by the sheeple in the towns and cities, wearing the face diapers. I think to myself, "What happened to our courage? What happened to our virility? Our ancestors would shake their heads in disgust at what we are exhibiting now. Complete cowardice and lack of manhood. A nation of pussified sheeple."

I have an old 'Bigfoot' travel trailer and I need to get it in shape for the road. I feel so lazy lately, I think I must have a bit of depression and I need to shake it off.

31st August 2020, 06:43 PM
So many negatives, we need some positive.

The positive is you are here with us posting on the forum. PatColo's positive is he's got a good bug out spot with friends, a well set-up RV, and a plan.

What the heck are you guys complaining about? Now, is the time to be thankful and grateful for what we DO have. In a time of insanity, to remain sane...is to step back from it, analyze. Then adjust, with the mindset of future goals.

2nd September 2020, 11:50 PM
In a time of insanity, to remain sane...is to step back from it, analyze. Then adjust, with the mindset of future goals.

I really only watch T.V. for the que buena tarde anymore.


3rd September 2020, 08:27 AM
Apparently, the father of Jacob Blake, the guy who was violating a restraining order for sexual assault, is jew wise and has made some interesting social media posts.

Scroll down: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-meets-antisemitic-farrakhan-loving-father-jacob-blake

midnight rambler
3rd September 2020, 08:51 AM
Apparently, the father of Jacob Blake, the guy who was violating a restraining order for sexual assault, is jew wise and has made some interesting social media posts.

Scroll down: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-meets-antisemitic-farrakhan-loving-father-jacob-blake

He apparently hates Christians to the same extent and loves the calypso singer turned religious huckster.

3rd September 2020, 10:41 AM
Brother Nathanael has a good video and commentary on the shooting in Wisconsin. It's one of the best I've seen so far. He's got the dumpster fire Rosenbaum set that Kyle put out with a fire extinguisher and pretty much everything else that followed.


30th October 2020, 04:00 PM
I feel so bad for this kid and his mom! This is so WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!


(https://twitter.com/4Kenosha/status/1322261879000092674)Michelle Malkin has the latest on her twitter.

20th November 2020, 03:21 PM
Kyle Rittenhouse FINALLY Released on $2 Million Cash Bond

5th January 2021, 02:15 PM
No criminal charges to be filed in Kenosha police shooting of Jacob Blake

8th November 2021, 04:43 PM

https://www.chicagotribune.com/resizer/QuWLdHIGBAJhrarImA2vrT55mDE=/1200x900/top/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/tronc/TJ6NDQXQW5DU5C533ZYJ2WWZ64.jpg (https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-kyle-rittenhouse-trial-shooting-survivor-20211108-wh3owxxotbfgjhlofdmyoneak4-story.html)

Lone survivor in Kyle Rittenhouse shooting acknowledges unholstering his own gun, worrying about teen’s safety (https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-kyle-rittenhouse-trial-shooting-survivor-20211108-wh3owxxotbfgjhlofdmyoneak4-story.html)

Rittenhouse Witness Blows Case For Prosecution, Admits He Pointed Gun, Advanced First (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/rittenhouse-witness-blows-case-prosecution-admits-he-pointed-gun-advanced-first)

8th November 2021, 07:30 PM
Notice how these tensions went away since the elections. Both parties using this to pick a side. That is the divide and conquer. If you reject that and use the opportunity for education about what we learn on gim1 then Oligarchs lose.