View Full Version : They hunted down a Trump supporter tonight

30th August 2020, 01:51 AM
They hunted down and killed a Trump supporter in Portland tonight as retribution for making them look pathetic in Kenosha.


30th August 2020, 10:40 AM
when I start new threads I'm gonna put them in a subforum OTHER THAN General Discussion, where I'd blindly put new threads in the past. Reason - correct me if I'm wrong; GD is the ONLY subforum where IMAGES can't be posted? Shame, & I'm not aware that JQP has ever addressed this 'problem'.

So open this @ link for the images which aren't appearing here:

Torchy’s Idiocracy: Oregon Rednecks Rally in Portland and Taunt Antifa Bunboys, Black Looter Marxists (BLM)
August 30, 2020 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/08/) Torchy Blane (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/torchy-blane/) Articles by Torchy Blane (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/articlesbytorchyblane/), Crime (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/crime/), Culture (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/culture/), Politics (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/politics/), US News (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/usnews/), Winter Watch Articles (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/winterwatcharticles/)
https://www.winterwatch.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Trump-rally-pdx-2020.jpgSupporters of President Donald Trump take part in the rally and car parade from Clackamas to Portland that ended in clashes with Black Lives Matter activists. PHOTO: The Sydney Morning Herald/AP

What a lot of folks don’t seem to understand or appreciate about the Left Coast is that the majority of the land across the three coastal states of Washington, Oregon and California is undeveloped, rural or semi-rural, and conservative. If you look at a political heat map of California, for example, it’s almost entirely red (Republican). But it’s the highly populated, highly liberal urban centers and the grotesquely wealthy coastal communities that dominate politics and influence media.

There are a few regional exceptions but, for the most part, people who live West of the continent’s westernmost valley are viewed as urban hipster snowflakes, bunboys and queers; and people who live to East are viewed as toothless, backward, cousin-kissin’ rednecks and militia. Most of the time, they avoid crossing each other’s path. Of course, once in awhile, rednecks like go to the beach or to a downtown event, and snowflakes seasonally journey into rural areas for camping, hiking, skiing and to commune with nature through gentle yoga. But I digress.

On Saturday evening, Oregon’s rednecks rallied in downtown Portland. They formed a caravan of flag-flying pickup trucks to display support for the United States, Trump, police and libertarianism. But they weren’t there just to show support. They’re also taunted the nihilists that have been terrorizing and destroying the city of Portland not just for months but for years (https://www.winterwatch.net/page/1/?s=antifa).

From what I’m seeing Saturday night on Twitter, it’s priceless “Idiocracy (https://www.winterwatch.net/?s=idiocracy)” street theater. Good ol’ boys are giving self-aggrandizing Antifa bunboys and self-centered Black Looter Marxists (BLM) a mild taste of a redneck rodeo. The push back is well deserved, I think. No doubt, it will be billed as a white supremacist protest by the media.

The Trump Cruise Rally met at 4 p.m. at the Clackamas Town Center parking lot. Event organizers encouraged attendees to bring firearms with them, as long as they followed concealed carry laws, Portland Mercury News reports.

Six hundred vehicles then drove to downtown Portland, according to the Associated Press, where they were met by BLM protesters.

I’m out in the Portland suburbs, where hundreds of Trump supporters are gathering for an event. They say they will be driving into Portland later tonight. pic.twitter.com/NUHy5e4TnP (https://t.co/NUHy5e4TnP)
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 29, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299841292466176000?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

With the usual caveat that I’m terrible at crowd estimates, I’d say about 1,000 people are here throughout the parking lot right now and maybe like 1 million flags.

The current plan is to drive into Portland as a huge caravan at 6 p.m. pic.twitter.com/gJdiuDAKjk (https://t.co/gJdiuDAKjk)
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 29, 2020j (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299853880310689792?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Of course, this totally trigger Antifa and BLM activists. There were confrontations before they even got out of the parking lot.

Someone used pepper spray pic.twitter.com/xEhCSagIfk (https://t.co/xEhCSagIfk)
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 29, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299845102815248384?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Portland police dressed in riot gear “stood by as caravan members drove through groups of people in the street,” according to the Mercury. “Other drivers jumped out of their cars to confront counter-protesters on the street, some getting into fistfights.”

Snipers were spotted on a rooftop.

It appears there are some people spotting on the rooftop across the street pic.twitter.com/gHJMBJ5bcV (https://t.co/gHJMBJ5bcV)
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299871594970451968?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Ahem, Cory: No, they were not “counter-protesters” in the street blocking the caravan, because the caravan was not a protest. It was a rally. A rally is when you show support for something. The people attempting to block the rally caravan by standing in the street were the protesters, not “counter-protesters.” And, yes, a redneck will run over you if you stand in the road. Ask any bunny, deer or squirrel. For them, roadkill is a sport. That’s why the police yelled at the row of bunboys and Black Looter moms to get out of the street.

One rally member turns to avoid counter-protesters but another drives right through them hitting several people. pic.twitter.com/i3aLRQg9tJ (https://t.co/i3aLRQg9tJ)
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/TheRealCoryElia/status/1299899574228856834?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Here they come through downtown, as well as protesters. The party has begun.

Conversations in downtown Portland pic.twitter.com/mYwkESbFoE (https://t.co/mYwkESbFoE)
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299895089771102210?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

This isn’t the official route of the Trump rally, but there is still an endless stream of Trump vehicles coming in to downtown Portland. pic.twitter.com/h0zg8WMVtg (https://t.co/h0zg8WMVtg)
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299896006377496577?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Many of these good ol’ boys were smart enough to tape over their license plate so data-mining Antifa couldn’t look up their name, where they work and home address in order to cancel them. Appearance of the Boomer technicals.

Driving through crowds and macing out of vehicles at SW 4th and Washington. pic.twitter.com/dCNJxYlkYn (https://t.co/dCNJxYlkYn)
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/TheRealCoryElia/status/1299908378810957825?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

In the second video below — “More paintballs” — note that there’s a guy in the back of the red pickup truck who, like a hidden sniper, opens fire with a paintball gun on the mob of Antifa/BLM. But my favorite part of this scene is the man at the end with the yellow vest, holding up a sign that reads “LET’S ALL GO TO BILL GATES HOUSE INSTEAD.” Brilliant.

More paintballs pic.twitter.com/CPv09uC58y (https://t.co/CPv09uC58y)

— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299909726231171072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Second video below reminds me of the U.K. outside London after the bars close.

These two people started fighting and then decided they were friends or something pic.twitter.com/TvFaTKNbMv (https://t.co/TvFaTKNbMv)
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/status/1299920972552658945?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Unfortunately, it appears that someone associated with Patriot Prayer was shot and killed in the street around 8:45 p.m. Some guy who just happened to be walking by caught the shooting on video, which you can see here on Facebook (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221132149871196&id=1167905585), at minute 00:17:45.

Associated Press (https://apnews.com/9193c733a02ab33304b32e1c27ce7d55): … An Associated Press freelance photographer heard three gunshots and then observed police medics working on the body of the victim, who appeared to be a white man. The freelancer said the man was wearing a hat bearing the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group whose members have frequently clashed with protesters in Portland in the past. …

Patriot Prayer is a local, Christian, pro-Constitution, free speech, limited-government, conservative group, many of whom are veterans of all ages. They meet periodically for breakfast downtown. They’ve been labeled by the local left-wing media as a “far right group,” and they’re often confronted with violence by Portland Antifa.

Note Blue Lives Matter patch of saddle pack. PHOTO: AP/Paula BronsteinAndy Ngo wrote on Twitter: “After the man’s death was known, antifa celebrated & danced.”

“I am not sad that a f—ing fascist died tonight,” says a woman at the antifa gathering in downtown Portland. The crowd laughs and cheers. The ID of the deceased is not confirmed but he is believed to be a Trump & blue lives supporter. #PortlandRiots (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PortlandRiots?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) pic.twitter.com/XV6471FSuF (https://t.co/XV6471FSuF)

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 30, 2020 (https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1299956667287703553?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Here’s the next big Marxist/socialist/Democrat event scheduled for downtown Portland: #ComradesAssemble, #ComradeCollar, Trump Resign, BLM, Universal Basic Income, Wealth Tax, Save Social Security, Green New Deal, Universal Health Care, Defund Police/ICE, Save USPS (Postal Service), Stop Evictions, Stop Fascism.



midnight rambler
30th August 2020, 12:32 PM

midnight rambler
30th August 2020, 04:45 PM
Murderer ID'ed?


1st September 2020, 12:56 AM

This was a coordinated hit with more than half a dozen people involved.

Watch this video and read the discussion. Here are some key points:


No doubt in my mind about it. In order:

0:40 Car drives by and yells black lives matter, cameraman says "Yeah!"
0:48 Only time in 3 minute 29 second video the phone is pointed to the ground is when shooter crossing toward him
0:56 Shooter on phone "There's no money to be made if there are no licks going on."
1:13 Cameraman follows shooter, keeping distance
1:36 "That's colorful" is a 16 second pause to allow shooter to get ahead of him
2:01 "All right, we're cruising down 3rd, the streets (are rolled?) in front of the Justice Center and the Federal Building. Cameraman is marking location.
2:13 "I love the new art forms..." Another 16 second delay to keep distance from shooter.
2:30 "Oh good" as red car and black SUV cross intersection.
2:34 Red car and black SUV stop next to each other a third of the way down the block.
2:35 "I love it when I hear revving engines. Not really it kinda scares me" as black charger comes to stop at light.
2:39 Shooter crosses street a third of the way down the block behind stopped car and SUV.
2:49 Two shots fired
2:53 Black charger rolls through red light.
2:54 "Go! Go! Go!" Skateboarder gives instructions? Also his reaction is not typical as he calmly retrieves his longboard.

The red car and the black SUV stopping in the middle of the block almost right next to the victim, the only look down in the full 3 minute 29 second clip is when shooter crosses street towards our cameraman and the lack of any reaction of the cameraman to just witnessing and recording a murder.

1st September 2020, 08:56 AM
Torchy’s Idiocracy: Oregon Rednecks Rally in Portland and Taunt Antifa Bunboys, Black Looter Marxists (BLM)

Davey Crocko (2&3) does a great job (as he generally does!) as well giving a truer take on the event rather than reporting at the left-right grifter or CIA-FBI-homeland security psy-op level

Topic starts at 5:30

Davey Crocko 2: TEST TEST


1st September 2020, 11:10 AM
Based Boomer Rick Wiles (https://twitter.com/T_uckerHawG27_/status/1300803219723964421) (1 min vid, click player to activate sound)

1st September 2020, 12:51 PM
Based Boomer Rick Wiles (https://twitter.com/T_uckerHawG27_/status/1300803219723964421) (1 min vid, click player to activate sound)
Informative 1 minute! I did not know that Antifa was founded by the Jews in the 30's. It was a Jewish organization then and used terrorism and the same is true of it today. It is the Jews who are the Founding Fathers of modern terrorism. He says "Follow the money and you have a bunch of rich Jews supporting Antifa and that is why they are not prosecuted."

If we truly want to wage a war against terrorism we must remember the truth that they always blame others for what they are in fact doing.

1st September 2020, 01:59 PM
yeppers - see the same twatter's next twatt (U need to click the images to see full versions):

2nd September 2020, 03:17 AM
yeppers - see the same twatter's next twatt (U need to click the images to see full versions):
Found this there:https://twitter.com/Tuc_ker_HawG27/status/1300830550077440005/photo/3

"Outraged", yeah, right. Let no crisis go to waste and if needed, provide the crisis in the first place in order to achieve your goals.

2nd September 2020, 03:47 AM
Based Boomer Rick Wiles (https://twitter.com/T_uckerHawG27_/status/1300803219723964421) (1 min vid, click player to activate sound)

In Benton L. Braddberrys book "The Myth of German Villainy" in chapters 5 and 6 he covers what the Communist International did in Europe. He does a good job of explaining in those chapters what Rick Wiles is talking about. There is an excerpt from the end of chapter six at the two links below the link to the whole book.

Link to the whole book


Links to the pages where he sums up how we've gotten to where we are today with the jewish communists taking over.
Short and to the point.


2nd September 2020, 07:31 AM
In Benton L. Braddberrys book "The Myth of German Villainy" in chapters 5 and 6 he covers what the Communist International did in Europe. He does a good job of explaining in those chapters what Rick Wiles is talking about. There is an excerpt from the end of chapter six at the two links below the link to the whole book.

Link to the whole book


Links to the pages where he sums up how we've gotten to where we are today with the jewish communists taking over.
Short and to the point.


Adolf was a Communist.
The Fascist govt he created was indistinguishable from a Communist govt.
He hired Jews to run his concentration camps where he put good Germans who were for the German Republic he displaced.

midnight rambler
2nd September 2020, 08:06 AM
Some folks have been so thoroughly sucked into the International Communist narrative to the degree that they think that anyone who opposes/fights Communism is actually a Communist. lol

2nd September 2020, 10:46 AM
Some folks have been so thoroughly sucked into the International Communist narrative to the degree that they think that anyone who opposes/fights Communism is actually a Communist. lol

If the system you use is the same as communism how can you call it fighting communism?
Logic 101. Fascism equals communism.

You guys are jewing yourselves. The Jews are great at changing the name of something and then claiming it is something different.

Like in WWII when the German's surrendered the Jewish lieyers just changed the name of the category "Prisoners of War" to "Disarmed enemy Combatants" and all of a sudden we did not have to give them shelter under the terms of the Geneva conventions.

2nd September 2020, 10:54 AM

2nd September 2020, 12:58 PM

Chap 42:

The Western masses knew nothing of these happenings in British-American-occupied Germany at the time, and might not have objected violently if they had known, for at that period they were still under the influence of wartime propaganda, particularly in the matter of the Nazi concentration camps. They seemed to me completely to have forgotten that the concentration camp was originally a Communist idea, copied by Hitler, and that the further the Red armies were allowed into Europe the more certain its perpetuation became. Their feelings were inflamed by the horrifying news-reel pictures, shown to them on a million screens as the Allied armies entered Germany, of piles of emaciated corpses stacked like firewood in these camps.

I was a member of those audiences and heard the comments around me with misgiving. Wartime propaganda is the most insidious poison known to man, and I believe these picture-goers of 1945, deprived of truthful information for years, had lost all ability, perhaps all desire to judge what they saw. I think most of them thought the human remains they saw were those of Jews, for this was the suggestion hammered into their minds by the press day by day. They constantly read of “Nazi gas chambers for Jews … Nazi crematoria for Jews,” and few of them in later years troubled to read the stories of inmates and find out who these victims truly were. One instance: a German woman who spent five years in Ravensbruck camp (Frau Margaret Bubers Newmann) says the first victims were the sick or afflicted, or those incapable of work, and the next ones were “the inferior races,” among whom the Poles were placed first, and the Czechs, Balts, Hungarians and others next.

You thought Hitler killed Jews... Not so red rider.

midnight rambler
2nd September 2020, 01:57 PM
Morons/the easily fooled believe "the good guys" won WW2. lol Patton knew better.

2nd September 2020, 07:01 PM
Morons/the easily fooled believe "the good guys" won WW2. lol Patton knew better.

Very true, only the Jews won.
Hitler made it all possible for them to be in the catbird seat.
He made it sure by starting the war through invading his neighbors. The German people had no choice either go alone or be put in one of Hitler's Concentration Camps.
Hitler made sure the German's lost that war be stopping its army whenever is was in a winning position.

2nd September 2020, 07:51 PM
first bit of this article; open @ link for images, vid, etc

Trojan Horse Barr and Homeland Security Pull an Eddie Haskall About Who’s Backing Riots
September 2, 2020 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/09/) Thomas Müller (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/thomas-muller/) Articles by Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/articlesbyrusswinter/), Crime (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/crime/), Politics (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/politics/), US News (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/usnews/), Winter Watch Articles (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/winterwatcharticles/) 1 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/09/trojan-horse-barr-and-homeland-security-pull-an-eddie-haskall-about-whos-backing-riots/#mh-comments)

One would think that after four months of wanton destruction, real domestic intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the cointelpro and draconian surveillance methods of the United States would have long possessed considerable and deep dossiers on all the major players of the discordian domestic riots and looting. I will henceforth refer to cities burning as The Uprising.

Instead, these agencies, such as the FBI, and DOJ are flaccid and impotent when asked to perform. It is so disjointed that now some GOP senators have resorted to supposedly asking Trojan Horse William Barr to “conduct a probe” into the backers of The Uprising.

Sen. Rand Paul observed, after being chased by a mob on the streets, “There’s something going on here.” He later added, “This is like the FBI needs to be involved.”

When asked what he meant, Paul responded, “My feeling is that there is interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines, but you won’t know it unless you arrest them.”

Trojan Horse Trumpenstein himself stated that “we are looking very closely” at the at charges against Kyle Rittenhouse, who is still jailed and awaiting transfer to a Star Chamber in Kenosha for prosecution.

Sadly, the Trumptard partisan false Hegalian dialectic fails to see the glaring evidence that Trump officials are also in on it.
DHS Secretary Chad Wolfe said he has “talked” with Attorney Gen. Bill Barr about a probe, adding some individuals who have played a part in Portland’s four months of rioting have moved on to other parts of the country to export their violence.

“We have seen them in D.C., in Sacramento, and elsewhere,” he said. “They are organized. We have seen similar tactics being used from Portland and other cities across the country as well.”
No shit, Sherlock.

Wolf said his department is assisting the FBI and DOJ in the probe. While they are at it, where are the probes and arrests of treasonous Fifth Columnists infesting large sectors of government and law enforcement at every level?

Back on June 4, Barr stated, “We have directed our 200 Joint Terrorism Task Forces across the country to assist local law enforcement with apprehending and charging violent agitators who are hijacking peaceful protests.”

moar: https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/09/trojan-horse-barr-and-homeland-security-pull-an-eddie-haskall-about-whos-backing-riots/

16th May 2023, 07:31 AM
Davey Crocko (2&3) does a great job (as he generally does!) as well giving a truer take on the event rather than reporting at the left-right grifter or CIA-FBI-homeland security psy-op level

Topic starts at 5:30

Davey Crocko 2: TEST TEST

Davey Crocko apparently has passed away. According to the comments after his last video from April 22.


RIP Davey

Youtube: Davey Crocko Clips (https://www.youtube.com/@Crockoclips/videos)

An short clip of the Doctor in action:

Apr 20, 2023
